Translated by
Complete list of Loeb titles can be
found at the end of each volume
(Historia Augusta) A collection of bio-
graphies (most of them in chronological
order) of Roman emperors and claimants
and heirs presumptive and colleagues
from Hadrian to Numerianus (A.D. 117-
284) compiled by six writers (learned
men, possibly secretaries or librarians
with much knowledge of law) apparently
of the period A.D. 285-335. Their names
may be fictitious, and their work seems to
have been added to by later interpolations.
Their model is Suetonius, their style plain,
their attitude uncritical and courtly but
honest, their method the anecdote without
care for arrangement or much regard
for the importance or the background
of general events. Their considerable
historical value depends on their sources.
The earlier lives rely on two undis-
tinguished authors and possibly a third
much better historian ; the later are based
more on public records, a fact which
enhances their value, in spite of strong
evidence of forgery. The object of the
whole strange collection has been much
discussed in recent times.
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EDITORIAL NOTE (1991) xxxviii
IN the preparation of this book others have laboured
and I have entered into the fruits of their labours.
Their co-operation has been of inestimable service.
The translation of the biographies from Antoninus
Pius to Pescennius Niger and from the Maximini to
Maximus and Balbinus inclusive has been furnished
by my friend Mr. Ainsworth O'Brien- Moore. In the
translation of the other lives also his fine taste and
literary discrimination have been responsible for many
a happy phrase. But for the promise of his collabora-
tion the task of preparing this edition had not been
The Latin text of the first six biographies has been
supplied by Miss Susan H. Ballou of Bryn Mawr
College, who had in mind the preparation of a new
text of these biographies, based on her study of the
manuscripts. Unfortunately, however, other interests
have claimed her time and her efforts and she has
been unable to complete the work for this edition.
It is to be earnestly hoped that she will yet publish
a critical text of the entire series.
In the lack of Miss Ballou's text I nave been
forced to base this edition, from the Commodus
onward, on the text of Hermann Peter, for the long-
promised edition by Dr. Ernst Hohl has not yet
appeared. Its aid would have been invaluable.
While only too well aware of the inadequacies of
Peter's text, I have not felt able to introduce many
changes. The suggestions offered bv various scholars
O - v *
since the appearance of Peter's second edition have
been carefully considered, and a few have been
adopted. The text, therefore, is that of the Codex
Palatinus (P), with the introduction of a few emen-
dations and whatever changes in punctuation and
spelling might seem in accordance with modern
usage. All the more important variations from P,
as well as the most significant of the variant readings
™ O
afforded by the later correctors of the manuscript,
and, in ad'ditiou, the divergencies from the text of
Peter have been entered in the critical notes.
In the Introduction I have sought to give a brief
account of the Historia Augusta, the authors, their
method and style, and a summary of the study ex-
pended on it from the close of the classical period to
the present and its use by later historians. A dis-
cussion of its authorship an.l sources and of the
theories which have found in it a work of the late
fourth or early fifth century has, for reasons of space,
been reserved for the second volume.
The somewhat voluminous commentary has seemed
necessary on account of the obscurity of the narrative
and the abundance of technical terms. In the pre-
paration of it I have tried to keep in mind not only
the needs of the general reader but also those of the
student of Roman History, and it is for the benefit
of the latter that some of the more technical material
has been included.
A list of the books and articles to which I am in-
debted would fill many pages. The greatest amount
of aid has been furnished by Lessing's Lexicon,
Mommsen's Romisches Staatsrecht, the Prosopographia
Imperil Romani, and the admirable articles on the
various Emperors that have appeared in the Real-
Encyclopadie of Pauly-Wissowa-Kroll. In the com-
mentary to the biography of Hadrian valuable
assistance has been rendered by Wilhelm Weber's
Untersuchwigen zur Geschickte des Kaisers Hadrian.
A complete bibliography will be included in the
second volume.
Of the work as a whole, perhaps it can be said :
"Sunt bona, sunt quaedam mediocria, sunt mala plura,
quae legis hie ".
15th June, 1921.
AMONG the remnants of Roman literature preserved
by the whims of fortune is a collection of biographies
of the emperors from Hadrian to Carinus — the Vitae
Diversorum Principum et Tyrannorum a Divo Hadriano
usque ad Numerianum Diversis compositae, as it is en-
titled in the principal manuscript, the Codex Palatinus
of the Vatican Library. It is popularly known, ap-
parently for convenience' sake, as the Hutoria Augusta,
a name applied to it by Casaubon, whereas the original
title was probably de Vita Caesarum or Vitae Caesarum.1
The collection, as extant, comprises thirty biographies,
most of which contain the life of a single emperor,
while some include a group of two or more, classed
together merely because these emperors were either
akin or contemporary. Not only the emperors who
actually reigned, the " Augusti," but also the heirs
Mommsen, Hermes, ziii. (1878), p. 301 = Gesammelte
Schriften, vii. p. 301.
presumptive, the " Caesares/' and the various claim-
ants to the empire, the <x Tyranni," are included in the
According to the tradition of the manuscripts the
biographies are the work of six different authors ;
some of them are addressed to the Emperor
Diocletian, others to Constantine, and others to im-
portant personages in Rome. The biographies of
the emperors from Hadrian to Gordian are attributed
to four various authors, apparently on no principle
whatsoever, for not only are the lives of successive,
or even contemporary, princes ascribed to different
authors and those of emperors widely separated in
time to the same writer, but in the case of two of
the authors some lives are dedicated to Diocletian
and some to Constantine.
In the traditional arrangement the biographies are
assigned to the various authors as follows :
I. Aelius Spartianus : the vitae of Hadrian, Aelius,
Didius Julianus, Severus, Pescennius Niger, Caracalla,
and Geta. Of these, the Aelius, Julianus, Severus,
and Niger are addressed to Diocletian, the Geta to
Constantine. The preface of the Aelius1 contains
mention of the Caesars Galerius Maximianus and
Constantius Chlorus, and from this it may be inferred
that the vitae of the Diocletian group were written
between 293, the year of the nomination of these
Caesars, and 305, the year of Diocletian's retirement.
In the same preface2 Spartianus announces that it is
his purpose to write the biographies, not only of the
emperors who preceded Hadrian, but also of all the
princes who followed, including the Caesars and the
lAel.,u. 2.
II. Julius Capitolinus : the mlae of Pius, Marcus
Aurelius, Verus, Pertinax, Clodius Albinus, Macrinus,
the Maximini, the Gordiani, and Maximus and
Balbinus. Of these, the Marcus, Verus, and Macrinus
are addressed to Diocletian, while the Albinus, the
Maximiui, and the Gordiani are addressed to
Constantine, evidently after the fall of Licinius in
324.1 Like Spartianus, Capitolinus announces his
purpose of composing an extended series of imperial
III. Vulcacius Gallicanus : the vita of Avidius
Cassius, addressed to Diocletian. He too announces
an ambitious programme 3 — the composition of bio-
graphies of all who have worn the imperial purple,
both regnant emperors and pretenders to the throne.
IV. Aelius Lampridius : the vilae of Commodus,
Diadumenianus, Elagabalus, and Severus Alexander.
Of these, the last two are addressed to Constantine ;
according to the author, they were composed at the
Emperor's own request,4 and they were written after
the defeat of Licinius at Adrianople in 323. 5 Lam-
pridius claims to have written the biographies of at
least some of the predecessors of Elagabalus and to
cherish the plan of composing biographies of the
emperors who reigned subsequently, beginning with
Alexander and including in his work not only Dio-
cletian but Licinius and Maxentius, the rivals of
1 Gord., xxxiv. 5 ; see H. Peter, Die Scriptores Historiae
Augustae (Leipzig, 1892), p. 35.
2 Max., i. 1-3 ; Gord., i. 1-5.
3 Av. Cass., iii. 3.
*Heliog., xxxv. 1.
6Heliog., vii. 7 ; see Peter, Scri2)tores, p. 32.
., xxxv. ; Alex., Ixiv. 1.
• • •
V. Trebellius Pollio : the vitae from Philip to
Claudius ; of his work, however, the earlier part,
containing the biographies from Philip to Valerian,
has been lost from the collection/ and we have only
the vitae of the Valerian! (in part), the Gallieni. the
Tyranni Triginta, and Claudius. Pollio's biographies
were dedicated, not to the emperor, but to a friend,
apparently an official of high degree. His name has
been lost, together with the preface which must have
preceded the vita of Philip. The only clue to his
id-entity is a passage in which he is addressed as a
kinsman of an Herennius Celsus, a candidate for the
consulship.2 The extant biographies were written
after Constantius' nomination as Caesar in 293, 3 and,
in the case of the Tyranni Triginta, after the com-
mencement of the Baths of Diocletian in 298. 4 The
collection was finished, according to his successor and
continuer Vopiscus, in 303. 5
VI. Flavius Vopiscus : the vitae of Aurelian, Tacitus,
Probus, Firmus and his three fellow-tyrants, and
Carus and his sons. These biographies, like those of
Pollio, are not dedicated to any emperor, but to
various friends of the author. Vopiscus wrote, he
declares in his elaborate preface,6 at the express
request of his friend Junius Tiberianus, the city-
prefect. Tiberianus was city-prefect for the second
time in 303-4, 7 and, even granting that his con-
versation with the author as well as his promise of
1 These biographies were included in the collection by Pollio ;
see Aur., ii. 1.
*Tyr. Trig., xxii. 12.
3 Gall., vii. 1 and elsewhere.
4 Tyr. Trig., xxi. 7 ; see Peter, ticriptores, p. 36 f.
6 Aur., ii. 1. *Aur., i.-ii.
7 B. Borghesi, Oeuvres Comytttex (Paris, 1862-97), ix. p. 392.
the documents from Trajan's library are merely
rhetorical ornaments/ this date is usually regarded
as marking the beginning of Vopiscus' work. It is
confirmed by an allusion to Constantius as imperator2
(305-306) and to Diocletian as iam privatus (after
305). 3 This collection was completed, according to
internal evidence, before the death of Diocletian in
316, 4 perhaps even before that of Galerius in 31 1.5
The series written by Vopiscus has been preserved in
its entirety, for it was his intention to conclude his
work with the lives of Carus and his sons, leaving to
others the task of writing the biographies of Dio-
cletian and his associates.6
The plan to include in the collection not only
"August!," but also "Caesares" and " Tyranni," has
resulted in a double series of biographies in that
section of the Historia Augusta which includes the
emperors between Hadrian and Alexander. To the
life of a regnant emperor is attached that of an heir-
presumptive, a colleague, or a rival. In each case
the minor vita stands in a close relationship to the
major, and, in many instances, passages seem to have
been transcribed bodily from the biography of the
" Augustus " to that of the " Caesar " or " Tyrannus ".
In the composition of these biographies the model
used by the authors, -according to the testimony of
two of them,7 was Suetonius. The Lives of Suetonius
are not biographies in the modern sense of the word,
but merely collections of material arranged according
1 Peter, Scnptores, p. 39.
*Aur., xliv. 5. 3Aui., xliii. 2.
4 Car., xviii. 5; see Peter, Scriptores, p. 45 f.
5 Car., ix. 3.
6Prob., i. 5; Bonos., xv. 10.
1 Max. — Balb., iv. 5; Prob., ii. 7; Firm., i. 2.
to certain definite categories,1 and this method of
composition is, in fact, employed also by the authors
of the Historia Augusta. An analysis of the Pius, the
most simply constructed of the series, shows the
general sciieme most clearly.2 This vita falls natur-
ally into the following divisions: ancestry (i. 1-7);
life previous to his accession to the throne (i. 8 — v. 2) ;
policy and events of his reign (v. 3 — vii. 4) ; personal
traits (vii. 5 — xii. 3) ; death (xii. 4-9) ; personal
appearance (xiii. 1-2); honours after death (xiii.
A fundamental scheme similar to this, in which
the several sections are more or less clearly marked,
serves as the basis for all the biographies. The series
of categories is compressed or extended according
to the importance of the events to be narrated or the
material that was available, and at times the prin-
ciple of composition is obscured by the elaboration of
a particular topic to an altogether disproportionate
length. Thus the mention of the peculiar cults to
which Commodus was addicted (the category religioner)
leads to a long and detailed list of acts of cruelty,3
while nearly one half of the life of Elagabalus is de-
voted to an enumeration of instances of his luxury
and extravagance,4 and in the biography of Severus
Alexander the fundamental scheme is almost unre-
cognizable as a result of the confused combination
of various narratives.6
1 Proposita vitae eius velut summa paries singillatim neque
per tempora sed per species exsequar ; Suetonius, Aug., ix.
- Peter, Scriptores, p. 106 f. ; F. Leo, Die Griechisch-
Romische Biographie (Leipzig, 1901), p. 273 f.
3 Com., ix. 6 — xi. 7.
*Heliog., xviii. 4 — xxxiii. 1.
5 Leo, p. 280 f .
It was also characteristic of Suetonius that he
amplified his biographies by means of gossip, anec-
dotes, and documents, but nowhere in his Lives are
these used as freely as in certain of the vitae of the
Hisloria Augusta. The authors take a peculiar de-
light in the introduction of material dealing with the
personality of their subjects. Not content with
including special divisions on personal characteristics,
in which are enumerated the individual qualities of
an emperor,1 they devote long sections to elaborate
details of their private lives, particularly before their
elevation to the throne. For this more intimate
detail there was much less material available than
for the narration of public events. The careers of
short-lived emperors and pretenders afforded little
of public interest, and consequently their biographies
were padded with trivial anecdotes. In fact, a com-
parison between a major vita and its corresponding
minor biography shows that the latter contains
little historical material that is not in the former.
The rest is made up of amplifications, anecdotes,
speeches, letters and verses, and at best these minor
vitae represent little more than a working over of the
material contained in the major biographies with the
aid of rhetorical expedients and literary embellish-
The model for the emphasizing of the private life
of an emperor seems to have been not so much
Suetonius as Marius Maximus, the author of a series
of imperial biographies from Nerva to Elagabalus or
Severus Alexander. Not content with the narration
1 e.g. in the Pius, liberalitas et dementia (viii. 5 — ix. 5) ;
auctoritas (ix. 6-10) ; pietas (x. 1-5) ; liberalitas (x. 6-9) ;
civilitas (xi.) ; see Peter, Scriptores, p. 157.
of facts in the manner of Suetonius, Maximus sought
to add interest to his biographies by the introduction
of persona] material. His lives are cited by the
authors of the earlier vitae of the Historia Augusta
as their sources for gossip, scandal, and personal
minutiae,1 and he is probably justly referred to as
homo omnium verbosissimus qui et myihistoricis se vol-
uminibus implicavit.2 In gossip and search after
detail, however, Maximus seems to have been out-
done by Aelius Junius Cord us, cited in the vitae of
Albinus, Maximinus, the Gordiani, and Maximus and
Balbinus. He made it a principle to describe the
emperor's appearances in public, and his food and
clothing,3 and the citations from him include the
enumeration of the amounts of fruit, birds and oysters
consumed by Albinus.4 Readers who desire further
information 011 trivial or indecent details are scorn-
fully referred to his biographies.5
The manner of Marius Maximus and Cordus is
most clearly reproduced in the lives attributed to
Vopiscus. The more pretentious biographies of
Aurelian and Probus especially6 contain a wealth of
personal detail which quite obscures the scant his-
torical material. After an elaborate preface of a
highly rhetorical nature, there follows a description
of the character of the emperor in which the
emphasis is laid on his noble deeds and his virtues.
These are illustrated by anecdotes and attested by
"documents," much to the detriment of the narration
1 Hadr., ii. 10; xxv. 3; AeL, v. 4; Avid. Cass., ix. 9;
Heliog., xi. 6.
2 Firm., i. 2. 3 Macr., i. 4.
4 Cl. Alb., xi. 2-3.
5 Cl. Alb., v. 10 ; Max., xxix. 10 ; Gord., xxi. 3.
R Leo, p. 291 f.
of facts. No rhetorical device is neglected and the
whole gives the impression of an eulogy rather than a
The method employed by Marius Maximus and
Cordus was, however, productive of a still more
detrimental element in the Historia Angus! a — the
alleged documents which are inserted in many of
the vitae. Suetonius, as secretary to Hadrian, had
had access to the imperial archives and thus obtained
various letters and other documents which he inserted
in his biographies for the illustration or confirmation
of some statement. His practice was continued by
his successors in the field of biographical literature.
Thus Marius Maximus inserted documents, both
speeches and letters, in the body of his text and even
added them in appendices.1 Some of these may
have been authentic ; but since the references to
them in the Historia Augusta indicate that they were
very numerous, and since there is no reason to sup-
pose that Maximus had access to the official archives,
considerable doubt must arise as to their genuineness.
Cordus, too, inserted in his biographies letters alleged
to have been written by emperors 2 and speeches and
acclamations uttered in the senate-house,* but, to
judge from the specimens preserved in the Historia
Augusta, these "documents" deserve even less cred-
ence than those of Maximus.
The precedent thus established was followed by
some of the authors of the Historia Augusta. The
collection contains in all about 150 alleged docu-
ments, including 68 letters, 60 speeches and proposals
1 Marc., xxv. 8 ; Com., xviii. 1 ; Pert., ii. t> ; xv. 8 ; see Peter,
Scriptores, p. 108 f.
» Cl. Alb., vii. 2-6; Max., xii. 5. 3 Gord., xi.
to the people or the senate, and 20 senatorial decrees
and acclamations.1 The distribution of these, how-
ever, is by no means uniform. Of the major vitae
from Hadrian to Elagabalus inclusive, only the Corn-
modus and the Macrinus are provided with "docu-
ments," and these have but two apiece.2 On the
other hand, the group of vitae of the Maximini, the
Gordiani, and Maximus and Balbinus contains in all
26 such pieces, and Pollio's Valeriam, Tyranni Triginta
and Claudius3 have together 27. It is, however,
Vopiscus who heads the list, for his five biographies
contain no less than 59 so-called documents of various
In a discussion of the genuineness of these docu-
ments a distinction must be drawn between the
speeches, on the one hand, and the letters and sena-
torial decrees and acclamations on the other. Since
the time of Thucydides it had been customary for an
historian to insert speeches in his history, and it was
an established convention that they might be more
or less fictitious. Accordingly, none would question
the right of the biographer to attribute to the subject
of his biography any speech that he might wish to
insert in his narrative. With the letters and decrees,
however, the case is different. Like those cited by
Suetonius, these claim to be actual documents and it
is from this claim that the question of their authen-
ticity must proceed. In spite of occasional expressions
of scepticism, the genuineness of these documents was
not seriously questioned until 1870, when C. Czwalina
published an examination of the letters contained in
1 C. L6crivain, Etudes sur VHistoire Auguste (Paris, 1904),
p. 45 f.
2 Com., xviii.-xix. ; xx. ; Macr., ii. 4-5; vi. 2-9,
8 There are none in the Oallienus.
the vita of Avidius Cassius.1 He showed that various
letters, professedly written by different persons, show
the same style and tricks of expression, that they
were all written with the purpose of praising the
clemency and generosity of Marcus, and that they
contain several historical errors. He thus reached
the conclusion that they were forgeries, but not com-
posed by the author of the vita since his comments
on them are inconsistent with their content.2
A similar examination of the letters and documents
in the other biographies, particularly in those at-
tributed to Pollio and Vopiscus, reveals the hand of
the forger even more plainly.3 They abound not
only in errors of fact that would be impossible in
genuine documents, but also in the rhetorical bombast
and the stylistic pecularities that are characteristic of
the authors of these series. The documents cited by
Pollio, moreover, show the same aim and purpose as
his text — the glorification of Claudius Gothicus as
the reputed ancestor of Constantius Chlorus and the
vilification of his predecessor Gallienus, — while the
documents of Vopiscus show the same tendency to
sentimentalize over the past glories of Rome and
over the greatness of the senate that is characteristic
of his own work, and, like those cited by Pollio, they
too have a purpose — the praise of Vopiscus' hero
An entirely different type of spurious material is
represented by the frequent interpolations in the
text. These consist of later additions, of passages
1 De Epistolarum Actor unique quae a Scriptoribus H.A.pro-
feruntur Fide atque Auctoritate. Pars I. (Bonn, 1870) ; see
also E. Klebs, Rhein. Mus., xliii. (1888), p. 328 f.
2 e.g. ix. 10 and xiv. 8 ; see Peter, Scriptores, p. 197 f.
:f Peter, Scriptores, p. 156 f.
introduced by editors of the whole series, and of
notes added by commentators, presumably on the
margins, and subsequently incorporated in the body
of the work.1 Frequently they are inserted with
utter disregard to the context, so that the continuity
of a passage is completely interrupted. They vary-
in size from passages of several pages to brief notes
of a few lines. The most extensive is a long passage
in the vita of Marcus, which is inserted between the
two main portions of the biography.2 It consists of
an epitome of the events of the latter part of his
reign, enumerated again and at greater length in the
second main portion of the vita. That this epitome
is an interpolation is evident not only from the
double narrative of certain events, but also from the
fact that it agrees closely with the narrative of
Marcus' reign which is found in Eutropius.3
An extensive interpolation has been made also in
the Vita Severi. Here, however, the problem is less
simple. The detailed narrative of the earlier part of
Severus' reign4 is followed by a brief summary of
the events of the whole period of his rule,5 closing
with a long address to Diocletian.6 This summary is
little more than a duplicate of the account of Severus'
reign as given by Aurelius Victor in his Caemres,1
1 Peter has attempted in his second edition of the text to
distinguish the various types by different kinds of parentheses ;
see his Praefatio, p. xxxiv.
2c. xv. 3.— xix. 12.
3Breviarium, viii. 11-14. Eutropius' material is generally
supposed to have been taken from an extensive history of the
empire, now lost, which is usually termed the "Imperial
Chronicle" (Kaiserchronik) ; see A. Eumaun, Eine Verlorcne
Geschichte der Romischen Kaiser, Philologus, Suppl. Band iv.
(1884), pp. 337-501.
4c. i. — xvii. 4. 8c. xvii. 5 — xix.
8 c. xx.-xxi. 7 Gaes., xx. 1-3.
and either it has been taken directly from Victor
or it is a parallel excerpt from his source, the
" Imperial Chronicle ". It, in turn, is followed by a
section containing the narration of single incidents,
frequently repetitions of what has preceded, forming
a loosely composed and ill connected appendix to the
Similar additions are to be found in the vita of
Caracalla ; 2 they contain repetitions and elaborations
of previously narrated incidents and are evidently
not the work of the writer of the bulk of the life.
Besides these longer and more obvious interpolations
there are countless others of varying extent, consisting
of entries of new material and corrections and
comments of later writers. Many of these have been
inserted in the most inappropriate places, to the great
detriment of the narrative, and the excision of these
passages would contribute greatly to the intelligibility
of many a vita.
The literary, as well as the historical, value of the
Historia Augusta has suffered greatly as a result of
the method of its composition. In the arrangement
in categories of the historical material, the authors did
but follow the accepted principles of the art of bio-
graphy as practised in antiquity, but their narratives,
consisting often of mere excerpts arranged .without
regard to connexion or transition, lack grace and
even cohesion. The over-emphasis of personal
details and the introduction of anecdotal material
destroy the proportion of many sections, and the
insertion of forged documents interrupts the course
of the narrative, without adding anything of historical
value or even of general interest. Finally, the
1 c, xxii,-xxiv. 2c. vii.-viii. ; x. 1 — xi. 4.
later addition of lengthy passages and brief notes,
frequently in paragraphs with the general content of
which they have no connexion, has put the crowning
touch to the awkwardness and incoherence of the
whole, with the result that the oft-repeated charge
seems almost justified, that these biographies are
little more than literary monstrosities.
IN spite of its defects in style, its deliberate falsifica-
tions, and the trivial character of much of its con-
tent, the Historia Augusta has always been a subject
for scholarly research and an important source for the
history of the second and third centuries. At the
beginning of the sixth century it was used by Aurelius
Memmius Symmachus,1 the last member of a famous
family, in his Historia Romana, the sole extant frag-
ment of which 2 cites at considerable length the vita
of the Maximini. Later, several selections from it
were included in the elaborate Collectaneum* or col-
1 Consul in 485.
2 Preserved in Jordanes, de Rebus Geticis, xv. 83.
3 Preserved in a manuscript of the twelfth century in the
library of the Hospital of S'. Nicholas at Cues, near Trier, to
which it was bequeathed by the famous collector of manu-
scripts, Nicholas of Cues (Nicolaus Cusanus), on his death in
1464; see L. Traube, Abh. d. Bayer. Akad., xix. 2 (1891), p.
364 f., and S. Hellman, Sedulius Scottus, in L. Traube,
Quellen u. Unters. z. lot. Philol. d. Mittelalters, i. (1906).
lection of excerpts, made at Liege about 850 by the
Irish scholar Sedulius Scottus, and citations from the
Marcus, the Maximini, and the Aurelian are contained
in Sedulius' Liber de Rectoribus Chrislianis, written
about 855.
During the period in which Sedulius was compiling
his Collectaneum there was copied at the monastery at
Fulda our chief manuscript, the Codex Palatinus, now
in the Vatican Library (No. 899). This manuscript,
written in the ninth century in the Carolingian min-
uscule of that period,1 represents a recension of the
text which is somewhat different from that of the
excerpts preserved in the Colleclaneum* As early,
then, as the ninth century there were two editions of
the Historia Augusta, depending, of course, on a com-
mon original, but exhibiting minor differences in the
Such was the interest in Germany in the Historia
Augusta that not long after this Fulda manuscript was
finished a copy of it was made, now preserved in the
library at Bamberg, written in Anglo-Saxon characters
and dating from the ninth or tenth century. About
the same period, also, another manuscript was" made
either from the original of the Fulda manuscript or
from this codex itself. This was contained in the
library of the Abbey at Murbach in the eleventh
century, in the catalogue of which it is listed as Codex
Spartiani. It was the fate of this manuscript to be
sent to Erasmus to be used in the preparation of the
Froben edition of the Hisloria Augusta, published at
1 H. Dessau, Hermes, xxix. (1894), p. 397 f.
2Th. Mommsen, Hermes, xiii. (1878), p. 298 f. But for a
modification of this view see S. H. Ballou, Tlie Manuscript
Tradition of the Hist. Aug. (Leipzig, 1914), p, 77 f.
Basel in 151 8.1 The first half of the biographies,
however, had been printed before its arrival, and
accordingly it could be used for this portion only as
a source for variant readings, while for the later vitae,
from the Diadumenus onward, it served as the basis
of the text. Unfortunately, however, it then dis-
appeared, and as early as 1738 no trace of it could
be found.
At some time between the latter half of the tenth
and the beginning of the fourteenth century the
Fulda Codex was taken to Italy and was placed in
the library of the Cathedral of Verona.'2 Here it
was used by Giovanni de Matociis in the preparation
of his Historia Imperialis, written at Verona at the
beginning of the fourteenth century, and in the de
Originibus Re rum of Guglielmo da Pastrengo of
Verona.3 Moreover, excerpts from it were included
in the so-called Flores Mora Hum Auctoritatum, tran-
scribed in 1329, and still preserved in the Cathedral
While in Verona the codex containing the Historia
Augusta came to the notice of Petrarch, presumably
through Pastrengo, his friend and correspondent.
That it came into the actual possession of the great
humanist and formed part of his library has been
asserted4 and denied5 with equal vehemence. It is
conceded by all, however, that he inscribed on its
1 H. Dessau, Hermes, xxix. (1894), p. 415.
2 See R. Sabbadini, Le Scoperte del Codici Latini e Greci
ne1 Secoli xiv. e xv. (Florence, 1905), p. 2 f. ; S. H. Ballou,
p. 38 f.
; Sabbadini, p. 15 f.
4 See P. de Nolhac, Petrarque et I'Humanisme, Nouv. Se*r.
(Paris, 1907), ii. p. 47 f. ; S. H. Ballou, p. 13 f.
6E. Hohl, Hermes, li. (1916), p. 154 f.
margins many notes and comments, and that he had
a copy of it made at Verona in 1356,1 to which he
later added many a comment and correction. The
results of his study of the biographies, furthermore,
appear in his works. Thus in his letter de Militia
Veterum^ he cites the Hadrian, the Pescennius, the
Avidius Cassius, the Maximini, and the Probus ; and
in the de Re Publica bene admiiustranda3 he quotes
from the Hadrian, the Avidius Cassius, the Elagaba/us,
the Alexander, and the Aure/ian.
After the death of Petrarch, the Fulda Codex, it
has been maintained, came into the possession of
Coluccio Salutati,4 and many of the marginal correc-
tions which it bears are said to be his. On the
other hand, it has been asserted with equal vigour
that Coluccio did not even see this manuscript.5
However this may be, the Historia Augusta was well
known to Coluccio, and his letters written in the
years 1381-93 cite the vitae of Hadrian, Pius,
Marcus, and Alexander6; moreover, the fact that in
one letter he names the six authors of the Historia
Augusta in the order in which they are contained in
the manuscript7 seems to indicate that he had a
first-hand acquaintance with the text.
1 Codex Parisinus 5816.
zEpist. de Rebus Familiaribus, xxii. 14 (written in 1360) ;
see also de Reb. Fam., xx. 4.
sEpist. Seniles, xiv. 1 (1373) ; see also Ep. Sen., ii. 1 ; xv. 3.
4H. Dessau, Hertnes, xxix. (1894), p. 410, n. 2; S. H.
Ballon, p. 30 f.
5Coluccio's use of this codex is denied by Hohl, I.e., p. 158,
and Klio, xv. (1918), p. 87 f.
sEpistolario di Coluccio Salutati, ed. by F. Novati (Home,
1891-6), vol. ii., pp. 40 f., 55, 415.
7 Epistolario di Coluccio Salutati, ed. by F. Novati (Rome,
1891-6), vol. ii., p. 299.
In the fifteenth century the famous codex passed
into the hands of the merchant and theologian
Giannozzo Manetti (1396-1459). His possession is
attested by the presence of his name on the first
page,1 and he too is supposed to have shown his
interest in the Historia Augusta by inscribing many
a note on the margins. Later, probably in 1587,2
with other of Manetti's books, the codex contain-
ing the Historia Augusta passed to the Palatine
Library at Heidelberg, there to be known as the
Codex Palatinus and there to remain until, with the
rest of that famous collection, it was sent to Rome
in 1623 by Maximilian of Bavaria, and placed in the
library of the Vatican.
The general interest in the Historia Augusta in the
fifteenth century is well attested by the number of
manuscripts that were made in that period.3 Among
them was the copy of the Codex Palatinus which was
made by the famous Poggio Bracciolini with his own
hand and is still preserved in Florence. 4
The same interest in the Historia Augusta that led
to the multiplication of the manuscripts was respons-
ible for its early appearance in printed form. One
of the recent copies of the Codex Palatinus5 came
into the hands of Bonus Accursius and from this was
made the Editio Princeps, published in Milan in 1475.
This was soon followed by an Aldine edition published
1 H. Dessau, I.e., p. 409.
2 S. H. Ballou, p. 40.
3 See Peter's text, 2nd Ed. Praefatio, p. xxiii. f.
4 The Codex Riccardianus 551 ; see S. H. Ballou, p. 29.
5 Usually supposed to have been the Codex Vaticanus 5301 ;
see Dessau, I.e., p. 400 f. It has been maintained by Miss
S. H. Ballou (p. 82 f.), however, that Accursius used Petrarch's
manuscript, the Parisinus 5816.
at Venice in 1516, and by the more famous text
edited by Erasmus, and published by Froben in Basel
in 1518.
In these early editions the emphasis had been laid
on the Latin text, but in the seventeenth century the
work of the editors included not only textual emen-
dation, but comment and illustration. Of these
editions the first was that of Casaubon, published in
1 603. It was not unnatural that these biographies
should have attracted the editor of Suetonius and
Polybius and the scholar who wrote in the preface to
his edition of the Historia Augusta that "political
philosophy may be learned from history, and ethical
from biography".1
Casaubon 's edition was soon followed by that of
Gruter, published at Hanover in l6l I. As professor
in Heidelberg, Gruter had access to the Codex
Palatinm and based his text on this manuscript. It is
therefore not unnatural that he should have con-
cerned himself most of all with the text. Yet his
notes are by no means confined to a discussion of the
readings of his manuscript, but include comment on
the narrative and the citation of parallels from other
classical authors. Yet his commentary lacks the
scope of Casaubon's, and in many a note he refers
the reader to the work of his great predecessor,
arnicissimus noster, as he calls him.2
The work of Casaubon and Gruter was carried on
by the great Salmasius (Claude de Saumaise) in his
edition published in 1620. His contribution con-
sisted, not in the text, which was merely a re-publi-
aM. Pattison, Isaac Casaubon, 2nd Ed. (London, 1892),
p. 440.
2 e.g. note to Hadr., ii. 5.
cation of Casaubon 's, but in his commentary. As
might be expected from one of his great learning, he
included in his edition notes of wide scope and vast
erudition, and little was left unnoticed that the
knowledge of the age afforded.1
So far, the Historia Augusta had been a subject for
textual criticism and comment rather than a source
for Roman history. The historical researches of the
humanistic period dealt almost exclusively with the
Roman Republic, or, at the latest, with Augustus,2
and left these imperial biographies untouched. Be-
sides Giovanni de Matociis and Guglielmo da
Pastrengo, only Benvenuto Rambaldi da Imola3 in
his Romuleon, a compendium of Roman history from
the founding of Rome to the period of Constantine,
written soon after 1360, seems to have been largely
dependent on the Historia Augusta for the history of
the second and third centuries. In the later Renais-
sance, when the interest of scholars concerned itself
with antiquarian,4 rather than strictly historical,
research, the biographies would be valuable only for
incidental information 5 rather than for historical
material. In the seventeenth century, on the other
hand, they received serious attention. The de
1 The notes of Casaubon, Gruter, and Salmasius are all
incorporated in the variorum edition, published at Leyden in
2.G. Voigt, Wiederbelebung d. Class. Alt. (Berlin, 1893),
ii. p. 490 f.
3 Used by Casaubon and erroneously cited by him as
Robertus a Porta Bononiensis, e.g., note to Hadr., i. 1; see
E. Hohl, Berl. Philol. Woch., xxxv. (1915), 221 f.
4 See C. Wachsmuth, Einleitung i. d. Stud. d. Alt. Gesch.
(Leipzig, 1895), p. 7 f.
5 e.g., the Antiquitates Romanae of J. Rosinus (Basel,
1585 f.), where the vitae are frequently cited.
Historicis Romanis of G. J. Vossius, published in 1627,
devoted considerable space not only to the six bio-
graphers themselves, their respective dates, and the
problem of the distribution of the various vitae among
them, but also to the authors cited by them, especially
Marius Maximus and Junius Cordus.1 Of much more
importance, however, was their use by Lenain de
Tillemont in his Histoire des Empereurs et des autres
Princes qui ont reg/ie durant ies six premiers Siecles de
I'Eglise.* In spite of his general denunciation of the
biographers as unworthy of the name of historian,3
and his occasional strictures on their self-contra-
dictions,4 the chronological inexactness of Spartiaiius,5
and the crime -inspiring character of Lampridius'
work,6 the Historia Augusta was a main source,
together with Cassius Dio, for that part of his work
which dealt with the second and third centuries.
Similarly important was the place that the Historia
Augusta occupied among the sources used by Gibbon.
Although his critical acumen detected many an in-
stance of historical inaccuracy, and although he did
not hesitate to score single instances with character-
istic vigour,7 he accepted in general the information
that it offered and even the point of view of the
1 See Lib. ii., cap. 2 f . 2In five volumes. Paris, 1690 f.
3 16., vol. iii. p. 217.
4 e.g., ib., iii. p. 447 (Spartiaiius) ; iii. p. 489 f. (Gapitoli-
nus) ; iii. p. 526 (Follio.)
5 Ib., ii. p. 518 ; iii. pp. 448 f., 459. 6Ib., ii. p. 281.
1e.g., his contrast between Cassius Dio who spoke "as a
senator who had supped with the emperor " and Capitolinus
who spoke " like a slave who had received his intelligence
from one of the scullions " ; Gibbon-Bury, vol. i. p. 99.
se.g., his erroneous judgment on Gallienus, due to the vita;
see Gibbon-Bury, vol. i. p. 446.
xx xi
In the nineteenth century the work of the bio-
graphers was still accorded respectful, though not
uncritical, consideration. Thus Merivale held that
"we may perhaps rely upon them generally for the
account of the salient events of history and their
views of character ; but we must guard against the
trifling and incredible anecdotes with which they
abound/'1 and, true to his principle, he constantly
cites them as sources. Schiller, too, while observing
that the later biographies are inferior to the earlier
ones and that the value of their information varied
with the source employed, regarded the material that
they afford as useful for the political history of the
empire,2 and used them as sources, considering them,
apparently, as important as Dio and Herodian. Even
Mommsen in his Romisches Staalsrecht does not dis-
dain these biographies, but cites them among his
authorities in his reconstruction of the public law and
administration of imperial Rome. It was left for the
last decade of the nineteenth century and the first
two decades of the twentieth to bring the charge of
utter spuriousness against the Historia Augusta and to
assort that it is the work of a forger 3 — a charge which,
in return, has led to a somewhat fanciful attempt to
trace through many of the biographies the purple
thread of an otherwise unknown historian of prime
importance. 4
1 Hist, of the Romans under the Empire, 4th Ed. (American
reprint, New York 1863-65), vii. p. 321, n. 1.
2Gesch. d. Rom. Kaiserzeit (Gotha, 1883), pp. 595 f. and
"H.Dessau, Hermes, xxiv. (1889), pp. 337-392; xxvii. (1892),
pp. 561-605.
4 O. Th. Schulz, Beitrdge z. Kritik uns. litt. Ueberlieferung
f. d. Zeit von Commodus' Sturze bis auf d. Tod d. M. Aurelius
Antoninus (Caracalld), Leipzig, 1903.
THE manuscripts of the Historia Augusta are divided
into two main classes, each of which has such definite
characteristics that the distinction between them is
sharp and clear. Both classes are, indeed, derived
from a common original, made after the loss of the
vitae of the emperors from Philip to Valerian l and
of considerable portions of the vitae of the Valeriani
and the Gallieni. On the other hand, there is a con-
spicuous difference between the two classes in the
manner in which the text has been treated. In one
class, usually designated as Class IT, the treatment
has been most conservative. The text has been pre-
served free from all interpolations or additions, and
especially the lacunae in the biographies of the Vale-
riani and the Gallieni have been carefully indicated
by dots marking the missing letters. This class is
also characterised by a confusion in the order of the
biographies between Verus and Alexander and by
the misplacement of two long passages from the
Alexander and the Ma.rimini (Alex., xliii. 7 — Iviii. 1,
and Max., v. 3 — xviii. 2), each of which corresponds
to a quire of the original which became loose and
and was then inserted in a wrong place. A similar
Intro., p. xiv.
transposition occurs in the Cants, where c. xiii. 1 —
xv. 5 has been inserted in c. ii.
The manuscripts of the other class, designated as
Class X differ from those of Class IT in that the text
has been treated with the utmost freedom. In many
places, where the original was corrupt, drastic emen-
dations have been made, and where none seemed
possible, the corrupt parts have been omitted alto-
gether. This is especially conspicuous in the lacunae
in the vitae of the Valeriani and the Gallieni, where
all trace of the loss has been covered up by the in-
sertion of words and the formation of a continuous
text. In all this the aim has been to construct a
smooth and easily readable narrative. In other places,
such as the end of the CaracaVa and of the Ma.vimus-
Balbimis and the beginning of the Valeriani, additions
have been made to the text ; and in the case of the
Marcus considerable sections have been shifted about
and then connected in their new places bv arbitrary
changes in the context. It is also characteristic of
this class that the vitae. (with the single exception of
the Avidius Caxsiifs) are arranged in chronological
order and that the sections transposed in Class II are
in their rightful places.
The manuscripts of Class IT were supposed by
Peter to consist of three main groups, all derived
from the same archetype, and represented respec-
tively by the Codex Palatinus 899 (P) ; the Codex
Bambergensis (B) ; and the Codex Vaticanus 5301
with others. Peter accordingly regarded the Pala-
tinus and the Bambergensis as equally authoritative.
More recent investigation, however, as carried on by
Mommsen1 and Dessau,2 has shown that the Codex
*Hfrm., xxv. (1890), pp. 281-292 = Qes. Schr., vii., pp.
*Herm.t xxix. (1894), pp. 893-416.
Palatinits is the parent manuscript, and that all the
others of Class II are only direct or indirect copies
of it. All contain errors and omissions which can
be due only to a transcription of the Palatinus, over
faithful or unskilful, as the case may be. Accord-
ingly,, only the Palatinus can be regarded as authori-
tative in this class, and the others may be used only
for the purpose of confirmation or supplement.
The tradition contained in the manuscripts of
Class 2, though regarded as untrustworthy by Peter,
was admitted by him to be possibly independent of
that of Class II. This independence is more strongly
maintained by Dr. Ernst Hohl.1 He points to the
chronological order of the vitae and to the correct
arrangement of the quires transposed in the manu-
scripts of Class II as evidence for his conviction that
the manuscripts of this class represent a tradition
different from that of Class II, although, as the
various omissions show, derived from a common
original. He has, furthermore, cited in proof of his
theory various passages in the biographies of Alex-
ander and Aurelian contained in the manuscripts of
Class S but not in the Codex Palatinus, and argues that
these were excised from the original of the latter be-
cause of allusions to pagan deities. These considera-
tions, together with a number of readings which are
better than those of the Palatinus, have convinced
him that the 2 manuscripts are derived ultimately
from an original at least as old as the Palatinus
and retaining more correctly many of the readings
of their common archetype. On the other hand,
io., xiii. (1913), pp. 258-288, 387-423; xv. (1918),
pp. 78-98.
Miss Susan H. Ballou,1 following the opinion ex-
pressed by Dessau, argues that these divergencies
from the tradition of Class IT are of such a character
that they can be merely the work of a clever, though
unscrupulous, redactor. She holds that this man
made his transcription from the Codex Palatinus,
having before him all the corrections and additions
that had been introduced by all thQ later correctors,
and taking from all of them as many as suited his
purpose. This transcription, she believes, was the
original of the extant 2 manuscripts, which, accord-
ingly, represent, not an independent tradition, but
merely the work of an editor, who by means of
intelligent and original treatment of the material
contained in the Palatinns and by the unscrupulous
use of interpolation and re-arrangement, created a
readable but unsound version of the text.
With only the present evidence available the
problem of the value of the manuscripts of Class 2
must be regarded as still unsolved. The arguments
advanced by Dr. Hohl are not altogether convincing,
and it has not yet been fully demonstrated that the
tradition of the 2 manuscripts is independent of
those of Class II. For the present, therefore, any
constitution of the text must be based on the
readings of the Codex Palatinus.
1 The Manuscript Tradition of the Historia Augusta,
Leipzig, 1914.
Editio Princeps : edited by Bonus Accursius, Milan, 1475.
Venice Editions : printed by Bernadinus Ricius (Rizus),
1489, and J. Rubens de Vercellis, 1490.
Aldine Edition: edited by J. 13. Egnatius, Venice, 1516;
Florence, 1519.
Desiderius Erasmus : published by Froben, Basel, 1518.
Isaac Gasaubon : Paris, 1603.
Janus Gruter : Hanover, 1611.
Claudius Salmasius; containing also Casaubou's notes:
Paris, 1620; London, 1652.
C. Schrevel: Leyden, 1661.
Variorum Edition ; containing the commentaries of
Casaubon, Gruter, and Salmasius : published by Hack,
Leydeu, 1671.
Ulrich Obreclit : Strassburg, 1677.
J. P. Schmidt, with preface by J. L. E. Piittmann : Leipzig,
Bipontine Edition, 2 vols. : Zweibriicken and Strassburg,
1787 and 1789.
Panckouke, 3 vols. : Paris, 1844-1847.
Thomas Vallaurius : Turin, 1853.
H. Jordan and F. Eyssenhardt, 2 vols. : Berlin, 1864.
Hermann Peter, 2 vols. (Teubner Text) : Leipzig, 1st
Edition, 1865 ; 2nd Edition, Ib84.
J. P. Ostertag, 2 vols.: Frankfurt a. Main, 1790,
L. Storch; Hadrian, Aelius, and Antoninus Pius:
Prenzlau, 1829.
C. A. Gloss, 6 vols. : Stuttgart, 1856-1857.
G. de Moulines, 3 vols.: Berlin, 1783; 2nd Edition,
Paris, 1806.
Th. Baudement (collection Nisard) : Paris, 1845,.
F. Navarro y Galvo, 2 vols. : Madrid, 1889-1890.
SCHOLARLY research pursued since the first publication of
this work in 1922 now requires modification of some of the
editor's views. Most authorities today are persuaded that
the ostensible multiple authorship of these lives is a wilful
deception, that one person is responsible for the collection
and the insertion into it of documents which are sheer
fabrications, and that the date of this activity is about
A.D. 395.
Volume III of this edition contains on pages vii-x a
bibliographical appendix (1919-1967), to which the follow-
ing important works (the first two with extensive biblio-
graphies) must now be added:
SYME, SIR RONALD: Ammianus and the Historia Augusta,
Oxford 1968.
SYME, SIR RONALD: Emperors and Biography: Studies in
the Historia Augusta, Oxford 1971.
BARNES, T. D.: Sources of the Historia Augusta, Bruxelles
SYME, SIR RONALD: Historia Augusta Papers, Oxford 1983.
G. P. G.
I. Origo imperatoris Hadrian! vetustiora Picentibus,
posterior ab Hispaniensibus manat ; si quidem Hadria
ortos maiores suos apud Italicam Scipionum tempori-
bus resedisse in libris vitae suae Hadrianus ipse
2 commemorat.1 Hadriano pater Aelius Hadrianus
cognomen to Afer fuit, consobrinus Traiani impera-
toris ; mater Domitia Paulina Gadibus orta, soror
Paulina nupta Serviano, uxor Sabina, atavus Marul-
linus, qui primus in sua familia senator populi
Roman i fuit.
3 Natus est Romae VIII1 kal. Feb. Vespasiano septies
1 commemarat P corr. ; commemoret P1, Petsehenig.
1 For the Autobiography of Hadrian, now lost, cf. c. xvi. It
seems to have been written toward the close of his life, and,
to judge from scanty citations from it, its purpose was to con-
tradict current statements about himself which he considered
derogatory to his reputation and to present him in a favour-
able light to posterity.
2 An ancient town of Picenum, which became a Roman
colony, probably about the time of Sulla.
3 In Hispania Baetica, on the Baetis (Guadalquiver),
I. The original home of the family of the Emperor
Hadrian was Picenum, the later, Spain ; for Hadrian
himself relates in his autobiography l that his fore-
fathers came from Hadria,2 but settled at Italica3 in
the time of the Scipios. The father of Hadrian was
Aelius Hadrianus, surnamed Afer, a cousin of the
Emperor Trajan ; his mother was Domitia Paulina, a
native of Cadiz ; his sister was Paulina, the wife of
Servianus,4 his wife was Sabina,5 and his great-grand-
father's grandfather was Marullinus, the first of his
family to be a Roman senator.
Hadrian was born in Rome 6 on the ninth day be- 24 Jan. ,76
fore the Kalends of February in the seventh consul-
founded by Scipio Africanus about 205 B.C., received the
rights of a municipality under Julius or Augustus, and was
made a colony by Hadrian.
4L. Julius Ursus Servianus frequently mentioned in this
biography. He governed several provinces under Trajan, and
was made consul for a third time by Hadrian in 134. On his
death in 136, see c. xxiii. 2, 8 ; xxv. 8 ; Dio, Ixix. 17.
5 See c. ii. 10 and note.
"This is, of course, a fiction, and the biography contradicts
itself, for Italica is clearly the patria referred to in c. ii. 1
and 2, and c. xix. 1.
4 et Tito quinquies consulibus. ac decimo aetatis anno
patre orbatus Ulpium Traianum praetorium tune,1
consobrinum suum, qui postea imperium tenuit, et
Caelium Attianum equitem Romanum tutores habuit.
5imbutusque impensius Graecis studiis, ingenio eius
sic ad ea declinante ut a nonnullis Graeculus
II. diceretur. quintodecimo anno ad patriam rediit ac
statim militiam iniit, venandi 2 usque ad reprehen-
2 sionem studiosus. quare a Traiano abductus a patria
et pro filio habitus nee multo post decemvir litibus
iudicandis datus atque inde tribunus secundae
3 Adiutricis legionis creatus. post hoc in inferiorem
Moesiamtranslatus extremis iam Domitiani 3 tempori-
4 bus. ibi a mathematico quodam de future imperio
id dicitur comperisse quod a patruo magno Aelio
Hadriano peritia caelestium callente praedictum esse
5compererat. Traiano a Nerva adoptato ad gratula-
tionem exercitus missus in 4 Germaniam superiorem
1 tune P1 ; uirum P corr. 2 uenandi Novak ; uenando
P, Peter. sdomitianis P1, Petschenig. *in omitted
by P1, added by P corr.
1 Trajan was praetor about 85, and so, until he became
consul, in 91, was a vir praetorius.
2 The name Caelius is an error. His name was Acilius
Attianus, as it appears on an inscription from Elba ; see Rom.
Mitt., xviii. 63-67. He became prefect of the guard under
Trajan and seems to have been instrumental in securing the
throne for Hadrian. On his retirement from the prefecture,
see c. viii. 7 ; ix. 3-5.
3 The decemviri stlitibus iudicandis had originally, in the
republican period, the duty of determining disputed claims
to freedom. Augustus removed suits for freedom from their
jurisdiction, and gave them the conduct of the court of the
Centumviri, which dealt with suits for inheritances. Ap-
pointment to this, or to one of five other minor magisterial
ship of Vespasian and the fifth of Titus. Bereft of
his father at the age of ten, he became the ward of
Ulpius Trajanus, his cousin, then of praetorian rank,1
but afterwards emperor, and of Caelius Attianus,2 a
knight. He then grew rather deeply devoted to
Greek studies, to which his natural tastes inclined so
much that some called him " Greekling." II. He
returned to his native city in his fifteenth year and
at once entered military service, but was so fond of
hunting that he incurred criticism for it, and for this
reason Trajan recalled him from Italica. Thence-
forth he was treated by Trajan as his own son, and not
long afterwards he was made one of the ten judges
of the inheritance-court,3 and, later, tribune of the
Second Legion, the Adjutrix.4 After this, when
Domitian's principate was drawing to a close, he was
transferred to the province of Lower Moesia.5
There, it is said, he heard from an astrologer the
same prediction of his future power which had been
made, as he already knew, by his great-uncle, Aelius
Hadrianus, a master of astrology. When Trajan was
adopted 6 by Nerva, Hadrian was sent to convey to
him the army's congratulations and was at once
boards constituting the vigintiviri, was the first step in a
career of public office.
4 So called because it had been recruited (by Vespasian)
from an auxiliary force of marines. At this time it was serv-
ing probably in the province of Pannonia Inferior.
5 As tribune of the Fifth Legion, the Macedonica. This
command is listed among his other offices in an inscription
set up in his honour at Athens in 112 (C.I.L., iii. 550 = Dessau,
Inscr. Sel., 308), and it is known that this legion was quartered
in Moesia Inferior at this time.
6 Trajan was governor of the province of Germania
Superior ; he seems to have been appointed by Nerva in 96.
6translatus est. ex qua festinans ad Traianum, ut
primus nuntiaret excessum Nervae, a Serviano, sororis
viro, (qui et sumptibus et aere alieno eius prodito
Traiani odium in eura movit) diu detentus fracto-
que consulte vehiculo tardatus, pedibus iter faciens
7 eiusdem Serviani beneficiarium antevenit. fuitque
in amore Traiani, nee tamen ei per paedagogos
puerorum quos Traianus impensius diligebat, . . .
8 Gallo favente : defuit. quo quidem tempore cum
sollicitus de imperatoris erga se iudicio, Vergilianas
sortes consuleret,
Quis procul ille autem ramis insignis olivae
sacra ferens ? nosco crines incanaque menta
regis Romani, primam qui legibus urbem
fundabit, Curibus parvis et paupere terra
missus in imperium magnum, cui deinde subibit . . .
sors excidit, quam alii ex Sibyllinis versibus ei prove-
9nisse dixerunt. habuit autem praesumptionem im-
perii mox futuri ex fano quoque Nicephorii lovis
manante response, quod Apollonius Syrus Platonicus
lOlibris suis indidit. denique statim suffragante Sura
ad amicitiam Traiani pleniorem rediit, nepte per
1 Lacuna suggested by Gemoll ; diligebat Gallo fauente de-
fuit P.
1 As tribune of the Twenty-second Legion, the Primigenia
Pia Fidelis, according to the Athenian inscription (see p. 5,
n. 5).
2 A beneficiarius was a soldier who had been relieved of
active service by some commandant and was attached to the
suite of this official.
3For similar consultations, cf. Cl. Alb., v. 4 ; Alex., iv. 6 ;
xiv. 5 ; Claud., x. 4f.
4 Aen., vi 808-812. The passage refers to Numa Pompilius.
5 Perhaps the place of this name near Pergamon,
6 Unknown.
transferred to Upper Germany.1 When Nerva died, Oct., 97.
he wished to be the first to bring the news to Trajan,
but as he was hastening to meet him he was detained
by his brother-in-law, Servianus, the same man who
had revealed Hadrian's extravagance and indebted-
ness and thus stirred Trajan's anger against him. He
was further delayed by the fact that his travelling-
carriage had been designedly broken, but he never-
theless proceeded on foot and anticipitated Servianus'
personal messenger.2 And now he became a
favourite of Trajan's, and yet, owing to the activity of
the guardians of certain boys whom Trajan loved
ardently, he was not free from . . . which Gallus
fostered. Indeed, at this time he was even anxious
about the Emperor's attitude towards him, and con-
sulted the Vergilian oracle.3 This was the lot given
out :4
But who is yonder man, by olive wreath
Distinguished, who the sacred vessel bears ?
I see a hoary head and beard. Behold
The Roman King whose laws shall stablish Rome
Anew, from tiny Cures' humble land
Called to a mighty realm. Then shall arise . . .
Others, however, declare that this prophecy came to
him from the Sibylline Verses. Moreover, he re-
ceived a further intimation of his subsequent power,
in a response which issued from the temple of Jupiter
at Nicephorium 5 and has been quoted by Apol-
lonius of Syria,6 the Platonist. Finally, through the
good offices of Sura,7 he was instantly restored to a
friendship with Trajan that was closer than ever, and
7 L. Licinius Sura was consul for the third time in 107.
He commanded the army in the wars in Dacia and received
the triumphal insignia and other high honours.
sororem Traiani uxore accepta favente Plotina, Traiano
leviter, ut Marius Maximus dicit, volente.
III. Quaesturam gessit Traiano quater et Articuleio
consul ibus, in qua cum orationem imperatoris in
senatu agrestius pronuntians risus esset, usque ad
summam peritiam et facundiam Latinis operam dedit.
2 post quaesturam acta senatus curavit atque ad bellum
3 Dacicum Traianum familiarius prosecutus est ; quando
quidem et indulsisse vino se dicit Traiani moribus
obsequentem atque ob hoc se a Traiano locupletissime
4muneratum. tribunus plebis factus est Candido et
5 Quadrato iterum consulibus, in quo magistratu ad
perpetuam tribuniciam potestatem omen sibi factum
adserit, quod paenulas amiserit, quibus uti tribuni
plebis pluviae tempore solebant, imperatores autem
numquam. unde hodieque imperatores sine paenulis
6 a togatis videntur. secunda expeditione Dacica
Traianus eum primae legioni Minerviae praeposuit
secumque duxit ; quando quidem multa egregia eius
7 facta claruerunt. quare adamante gemma quam Tra-
1 Vibia Sabina, the daughter of L. Vibius and Matidia, who
was the daughter of Marciana, Trajan's sister. Plotina was
Trajan's wife.
2 L. Marius Maximus was the author of biographies of the
emperors from Nerva to Elagabalus, frequently cited in these
Vitae ; see Intro., p. xvii f. He is probably the senator of
the same name who held many important administrative
posts under Septimius Severus and his successors.
3 He is called in the Athenian inscription quaestor impera-
toris Traiani, i.e. he was one of the quaestors detailed to
transact business for the emperor, and particularly to con-
vey his messages to the senate and read them before the
4 The official known as curator actorum senatus or ab actis
senatus drafted the record of the senate's transactions,
he took to wife the daughter of the Emperor's sister l
— a marriage advocated by Plotina, but, according to
Marius Maximus,2 little desired by Trajan himself.
He held the quaestorship 3 in the fourth con-
sulship of Trajan and the first of Articuleius, and 101.
while holding this office he read a speech of the Em-
peror's to the senate and provoked a laugh by his
somewhat provincial accent. He thereupon gave
attention to the study of Latin until he attained
the utmost proficiency and fluency. After his
quaestorship he served as curator of the acts of the
senate,4 and later accompanied Trajan in the Dacian
war 5 on terms of considerable intimacy, seeing, in-
deed, that falling in with Trajan's habits, as he says
himself, he partook freely of wine, and for this was
very richly rewarded by the Emperor. He was made
tribune of the plebs in the second consulship of 105.
Candidas and Quadratus, and he claimed that he re-
ceived an omen of continuous tribunician 6 power
during this magistracy, because he lost the heavy
cloak which is worn by the tribunes of the plebs in
rainy weather, but never by the emperors. And
down to this day the emperors do not wear cloaks
when they appear in public before civilians. In the 105-106.
second Dacian war, Trajan appointed him to the
command of the First Legion, the Minervia, and took
him with him to the war ; and in this campaign his
many remarkable deeds won great renown. Because
of this he was presented with a diamond which
5 The first Dacian war (101-102). The inscription cited
above reads : Comes expeditionis Dacicae, donis militaribus
db eo (Traiano) donatus bis.
6 An allusion to the tribunician power held by the emperors,
which was regarded as the basis of their civil powers ; see
note to Marc., vi. 6,
ianus a Nerva acceperat donatus ad spem successionis
8 erectus est. praetor factus est Suburano 1 bis et Ser-
viano iterum consulibus, cum sestertium iterum2 vicies
9 ad ludos edendos a Traiano accepit. legatus postea
praetorius in Pannoniam inferiorem missus Sarmatas
compressit, disciplinam militarem tenuit, procuratores
lOlatius evagantes coercuit. ob hoc consul est factus.
in quo magistratu ut 3 a Sura comperit adoptandum
se a Traiano esse, ab amicis Traiani contemni desiit
11 ac neglegi. et defuncto4 quidem Sura Traiani ei
familiaritas crevit,5 causa praecipue orationum quas
IV. pro imperatore dictaverat. usus Plotinae quoque
favore, cuius studio etiam legatus expeditionis
2 Parthicae tempore destinatus est. qua quidem
tempestate utebatur Hadrianus amicitia Sosii Papi et
Platorii 6 Nepotis ex senatorio ordine, ex equestri
1 Suburano Mommsen ; sub surano P, Peter. 2 iterum
deleted by Mommsen. 3 ut P corr. ; et P1. 4 defuncto
P corr. ; deftnito P1. 5 creuit P corr. ; areauit P1 ; crebuit
Peter. 6 Platori Borghesi ; pletori P.
1 Due to a precedent established by Augustus, who, when
ill in 23 B.C., gave his ring to Agrippa, apparently intending
him to be his successor ; see Dio, liii, 30.
2 The reading of P is impossible, for no such person as
Suranus is known, but it is difficult to emend the text
satisfactorily, since Suburanus was consul for the second time
in 104, and Servianus was consul for the second time in 102.
The consuls of 107, in which year Hadrian was probably
praetor, were Sura, for the third time, and Senecio, for the
second time.
3 This province was one of the " imperial provinces," which
were governed in theory by the emperor but in practice by a
deputy appointed by him with the title legatus Augusti pro
praetore. The governor of the province under the control of
the senate, on the other hand, had the title of proconsul.
Trajan himself had received from Nerva, and by this
gift he was encouraged in his hopes of succeeding
to the throne.1 He held the praetorship in the
second consulship of Suburanus and Servianus,2
and again received from Trajan two million ses-
terces with which to give games. Next he was
sent as praetorian legate to Lower Pannonia,3 where
he held the Sarmatians in check, maintained
discipline among the soldiers, and restrained the
procurators/ who were overstepping too freely the
bounds of their power. In return for these services
he was made consul. While he was holding this 108.
office he learned from Sura that he was to be adopted
by Trajan, and thereupon he ceased to be an object
of contempt and neglect to Trajan's friends. Indeed,
after Sura's death Trajan's friendship for him in-
creased, principally on account of the speeches which
he composed for the Emperor. IV. He enjoyed, too,
the favour of Plotina,5 and it was due to her interest
in him that later, at the time of the campaign against 114.
Parthia, he was appointed the legate of the Emperor.6
At this same time he enjoyed, besides, the friendship
of Sosius Papus and Platorius Nepos,7 both of the
Hadrian is called here legatus praetoriusbec&use he held this
position as &t4r praetorius, i.e. one who had been praetor but
not yet consul.
4 The procurator was charged with the collection of taxes
and other sources of revenue in an imperial province and their
transmission to the fiscus, or privy purse.
5 Of. c. ii. 10.
6 The appointment as legate refers to his governorship of
Syria ; see § 6.
7 A. Platorius Nepos was prominent under Trajan as a
magistrate at Rome and the governor of several important
provinces and was consul with Hadrian in 119. He after-
ward incurred Hadrian's enmity ; see c. xv. 2 ; xxiii. 4.
autem Attiani, tutoris quondam sui, et Liviani et l
3Turbonis. in adoptionis sponsionem venit Palma
et Celso, inimicis semper suis et quos postea ipse
insecutus est, in suspicionem adfectatae 2 tyrannidis
4 lapsis. secundo consul favore Plotinae factus totam
5 praesumptionem adoptionis emeruit. corrupisse eum
Traiani libertos, curasse delicatos eosdemque saepe
inisse 3 per ea tempora quibus in aula familiarior 4 fuit,
opinio multa firmavit.
6 Quintum iduum Augustarum diem legatus Syriae
litteras adoptionis accepit ; quando et natalem adop-
7 tionis celebrari iussit. tertium iduum earundem,
quando et natalem imperii statuit celebrandum, ex-
cessus ei Traiani nuntiatus est.
8 Frequens sane opinio fuit Traiano id animi fuisse
ut Neratium Priscum, non Hadrianum, successorem
relinqueret, multis amicis in hoc consentientibus,
usque eo ut Priscp aliquando dixerit : " commendo
9 tibi provincias, si quid mihi fatale contigerit". et
multi quidem dicunt Traianum in animo id habuisse,
ut exemplo Alexandri Macedonis sine certo succes-
1 et omitted by P, added by Hirschfeld. 2 adfectatae
Petschenig; adiectaeP; adiectae Peter with Salm. 3 saepe
inisse Ellis, von Winterfeld ; sepelisse P ; ad se pellexisse Peter2.
4 familiarior P; familiariorum B, Peter.
XT. Claudius Livianus was prefect of the guard under
Trajan and held a command in the first Dacian war; see
Dio, Ixix. 9.
aFor the career of Q Marcius Turbo under Trajan and
Hadrian see c. v-vii. He was finally appointed prefect of the
guard ; see c. ix. 4.
3 A. Cornelius Palma and L. Publilius Celsus held impor-
tant offices under Trajan and statues were erected in their
senatorial order, and also of Attianus, his former
guardian, of Livianus,1 and of Turbo,2 all of eques-
trian rank. And when Palma and Celsus,3 always
his enemies, on whom he later took vengeance, fell
under suspicion of aspiring to the throne, his adoption
seemed assured ; and it was taken wholly for granted
when, through Plotina's favour, he was appointed
consul for the second time. That he was bribing
Trajan's freedmen and courting and corrupting his
favourites all the while that he was in close attend-
ance at court, was told and generally believed.
On the fifth day before the Ides of August, while 9 Aug. ,117.
he was governor of Syria, he learned of his adoption
by Trajan, and he later gave orders to celebrate this
day as the anniversary of his adoption. On the third
day before the Ides of August he received the news 11 Aug.,
of Trajan's death, and this day he appointed as the
anniversary of his accession.
There was, to be sure, a widely prevailing belief
that Trajan, with the approval of many of his friends,
had planned to appoint as his successor not Hadrian
but Neratius Priscus,4 even to the extent of once
saying to Priscus : " I entrust the provinces to your
care in case anything happens to me ". And, indeed,
many aver that Trajan had purposed to follow the
example of Alexander of Macedonia and die without
naming a successor. Again, many others declare that
honour. Nothing is known of the suspicion alluded to here,
but the two men, together with Nigrinus and Lusius Quietus,
were later accused of a conspiracy against Hadrian and put
to death ; see c. vii. 1-3.
4 L. Neratius Priscus was a famous jurist and his works
were used in the compilation of Justinian's Digest. He was
a member of Trajan's imperial council, and later was one of
Hadrian's advisers in legal questions ; see c. xviii. 1.
sore moreretur, multi ad senatum eum orationem
voluisse mittere petiturum, ut, si quid ei evenisset,
principem Romanae rei publicae senatus daret, ad-
ditis dum taxat nominibus ex quibus optimum idem
10 senatus eligeret nee desunt qui factione Plotinae
mortuo iam Traiano Hadrianum in adoptionem ad-
scitum esse prodiderint, supposito qui pro Traiano
fessa voce loquebatur.1
V. Adeptus imperium ad priscum se statim morem
instituit et tenendae per orbem terrarum paci operam
2impendit.2 nam deficientibus iis nationibus quas
Traianus subegerat, Mauri lacessebant, Sarmatae
bellum inferebant, Britanni teneri sub Romana
dicione non poterant, Aegyptus seditionibus urge-
batur, Libya 3 denique ac Palaestina rebelles animos
3 efferebant. quare omnia trans Euphraten ac Tigrim
reliquit exemplo, ut dicebat, Catonis, qui Macedones
liberos pronuntiavit, quia tueri non poterant.
4 Parthamasirin,4 quern Traianus Parthis regem fecerat,
1 loqueretur P corr. 2 impendit P corr.. Petschenig, No-
vak, and Lessing ; intendit P1, Peter. * Libya Gas. ; licia
P. * Parthamasirin, see Prosop. Ill, p. 13; sarmatosirin
P ; Partomasirin Peter2.
1 Augustus had bequeathed as a policy the concilium coer-
cendi intra terminos imi-erii (Tacitus, Annals, i. 11), these
natural boundaries bein? the Koine, Danube, and Euphrates.
This policy had been abandoned by Trajan in his conquests
of Dacia, Armenia, Mesopotamia, and Assyria. Hadrian's
new policy is proclaimed in the legends on his coins, luttdia
(Cohen, ii2, p. 179 No. 874 f.) and Pax (Cohen, ii8, p. 190, No.
1011 f.).
2 Ci. § 8 and c. vi. 7. : Cf. c. vi. 6.
4 i.e. Alexandria, where the Jews were rioting, incited per-
haps by the example of their fellow-countrymen in Palestine.
he had meant to send an address to the senate, request-
ing this body, in case aught befell him, to appoint a
ruler for the Roman empire, and merely appending
the names of some from among whom the senate
might choose the best. And the statement has even
been made that it was not until after Trajan's death
that Hadrian was declared adopted, and then only
by means of a trick of Plotina's ; for she smuggled in
someone who impersonated the Emperor and spo^e
in a feeble voice.
V. On taking possession of the imperial power
Hadrian at once resumed the policy of the early
emperors.1 and devoted his attention to maintaining
peace throughout the world. For the nations which
Trajan had conquered began to revolt ; the Moor 5
moreover, be -ran to make attacks,- and the Sarmatians
to wage mi the Britons could not be kept under
Roman sway, Egypt * was thrown into disorder by
riots, and finally Libya * and Palestine 6 showed the
spirit of rebellion. Whereupon he relinquished all
the conquests east of the Euphrates and the Tigr.?
following, as he used tc :~e example of Cato.
who urcred that the Macedonians, because they could
not be held as subjects, should be declared free and
independent." And ParthamasiriSj* appointed king
5i.e. the Cyrenaica, where at she end of T~i ; -^ ? :riga
the Je~ ? had risen 5.-ii massacred many Greek ? md Roman-
see P: : .
-.f measure was apparently .;. :. : : :.:ri ba L sp
:; :- v :~ 3.J. stf:er :he Ie:ea.j of
las: king of M •! Pj&a* see Livy, d« IT-lfi
Ha ws& led _:: ::..- indqpeadea't districts, an
: ~. - :. ~- er.i-
- .._ on r for F^mmaspates. This prince had deser:
i; :; ^f.n, the Parthian k-'-i; ^-i sided :/. flnjaa u
quod eum non magni ponderis apud Parthos videret,
proxirnis gentibus dedit regem.
Tanturn autem statim clementiae studium habuit
ut, cum sub primis imperil diebus ab Attiano per
epistolas esset admonitus, ut et Baebius Macer prae-
fectus urbis, si reniteretur eius imperio. necaretur et
Laberius Maximus, qui suspectus imperio in insula
exsulabat, et Frugi Crassus, neminem laederet ;
6 quamvis Crassum postea procurator egressum insula,
quasi res novas moliretur, iniusso l eius occiderit.
7 militibus ob auspicia imperii duplicem largitionem
8 dedit. Lusium Quietum sublatis gentibus Mauris,
quos regebat, quia suspectus imperio fuerat, exarmavit,
Marcio Turbone ludaeis compressis ad deprimendum
tumultum Mauretaniae destinato.
;- Post haec Antiochia digressus est ad inspiciendas
1 iniuxso P, accepted by Petschenig ; iniussu Peter1.
Parthian war ; he was rewarded by being made king after
Trajan's victory in 116-117. The Parthians deposed him,
and Hadrian accordingly assigned to him, at least for a time,
the district of C '.e in north-westrrn Mesopotamia. Cf.
c. xxi. 10, and Dio, Ixriii. 30 and 33.
1The biog'-aphj lipating here. This letter was
doubtless written after Attianns had returned to Rome with
Trajan's I 10.
2 Baebius Ma: er was one of the friends and correspondents
of :unger Pliny; see Pliny, Epist-., iii. 5. The prefect
of the city was in command of the three cohorts which were
responsible for the maintenance of order in Rome.
. Laberius Maximus seems to have held a command
in the first Da ^r, and was consul for the second time
in 103. Nothing further is known of these " designs".
4 C. Calpurnius Crassus Frugi conspired against Nerva and
was banished to Tarentum. He was later brought to trial on
the charge of conspiring against Trajan and was condemned
(Die, Lrriii. 3 and 16).
8 Lusius Quietus, a Moor by birth and a captain of a squad-
of the Parthians by Trajan, he assigned as ruler to the
neighbouring tribes, because he saw that the man was
held in little esteem by the Parthians.
Moreover, he showed at the outset such a wish to
be lenient, that although Attianus advised him by
letter in the first few days of his rule l to put to death
Baebius Macer,- the prefect of the city, in case he op-
posed his elevation to power, also Laberius Maxim -
then in exile on an island under suspicion of designs
on the throne, and like ^.-r [ nssns Frusi.- he never-
theless refused to harm them. Later on. however,
his procurator, though without an order from Hadrian,
had Crassus killed when he tried to leave the island,
on the ground that he was planning a revolt. He
gave a double donative to the soldiers in order to ensure
a favourable beginning to his principate. He deprived
Lusius Quietus of the command of the M: s
tribesmen, who were serving under him, and then tfo-
missed him from the army, because he had fallen
under the suspicion of having desijy.s ?n the throne :
and he appointed Marcius TurV ifta his reduction
of Judaea, to quell the insuiTr.: ;LL in Mauretania.
After taking these measures he set out from
Antioch to view the remains of Trajan/ which were
ron,of Moorish hotse, had . :. :mman:;: :~ Trajan ?
Parthian ~.vr. He had ? .: bsecuf Een =,r y : . ; : -. :. : .
of Judaea by Erajan DM - sad :-.:-. Hoorh troops
was a r:;^ Binary :c :h; read retireinenc :: J _ i:e:us.
; - ce he was ^ : • on .-. : to fee : ~ er any resiauan DC bo H .; \
He "^> . :Afi;._-;:. : : _- . :;^5..H5: i£..A..:_. ^:I
was y .: : : . :. . .:. : 9BO f
s Proc :•.:•••-.: ? . . : sr Trajan's body was btc _ :
from Selinu^ aa ; y MM nl - aal B ! ':.'•
WAS c-ir^rvi and she adhaa ami bo Rome; of. V..:.: :- .
reliquias Traiani, quas Attianus, Plotina et Matidia
10 deferebant. quibus exceptis et navi Romam dimissis
ipse Antiochiam regressus praepositoque Syriae Catilio
Severe per Illyricum Romam venit.
VI. Traiano di vinos honores datis ad senatum et qui-
dem accuratissimis litteris postulavit et cunctis volenti-
bus meruit, ita ut senatus multa, quae Hadrianus non
postulaverat, iu honorem Traiani sponte decerneret.
2 cum ad senatum scriberet, veniam petiit, quod de
imperio suo iudicium senatui non dedisset, salutatus
scilicet praepropere a militibus imperator, quod esse
3 res publica sine imperatore non posset, cum tri-
umphum ei senatus, qui Traiano debitus erat, detulis-
set, recusavit ipse atque imaginem Traiani curru
triumphali vexit, ut optimus imperator ne post mortem
4 quidem triumphi amitteret dignitatem, patris patriae
nomen delatum sibi statim et iterum postea distulit,
5 quod hoc nomen Augustus sero meruisset. aurum
1 See note to c. ii. 10.
2L. Catilius Severus was a friend and correspondent of
Pliny; see Pliny, Epist.,i. 22 ; iii. 12. He became consul for
the second time in 120, was proconsul of Asia, and in 138 pre-
fect of the city ; see c. xxiv. 6-8. He was the great-grand-
father of Marcus Aurelius ; see Marc., i. 4.
3 Used here to denote the provinces along the southern
bank of the Danube. His route lay across Asia Minor, and it
was probably in this region that he received the news of the
war threatened by the tribes north of the river ; cf. c. vi. 6.
He arrived in Moesia in the spring of 118, and finally reached
Eome in July, 118 ; cf. c. vii. 3.
4 Acclamation by the army constituted a strong de facto
claim to the imperial power, but it is now generally recognized
(in spite of Mommsen's theory to the contrary) that only the
senate could legally confer the imperium.
5 This triumph was commemorated by coins bearing on the
obverse the head of Trajan with the legend Divo Traiatw Parth
HADRIAN V. 10— VI. 5
being escorted by Attianus, Plotina, and Matidia.1
He received them formally and sent them on to Rome
by ship, and at once returned to Antioch ; he then
appointed Catilius Severus 2 governor of Syria, and
proceeded to Rome by way of Illyricum.3
VI. Despatching to the senate a carefully worded
letter, he asked for divine honours for Trajan. This
request he obtained by a unanimous vote ; indeed, the
senate voluntarily voted Trajan many more honours
than Hadrian had requested, i n this letter to the sen-
ate he apologized because he had not left it the right
to decide regarding his accession/ explaining that the
unseemly haste of the troops in acclaiming him em-
peror was due to the belief that the state could not be
without an emperor. Later, when the senate offered
him the triumph which was to have been Trajan's, he
refused it for himself, and caused the effigy of the dead
Emperor to be carried in a triumphal chariot, in order
that the best of emperors might not lose even after
death the honour of a triumph.5 Also he refused for
the present the title of Father of his Country, offered
to him at the time of his accession and again later
on, giving as his reason the fact that Augustus
had not won it until late in life.6 Of the crown-
(ico) Aug(usto) Patri and on the reverse a four-horse chariot
driven by the Emperor who holds a laurel-branch and a
sceptre, with the legend triumphus Parthicus ; see Cohen, ii2,
p. 78, No. 585.
. 6This title was conferred on Augustus in 2 B.C., twenty-five
years after he received the imperium and the name of
Augustus. In the case of the Julio-Claudian emperors after
Tiberius (who never held this title) about a year was allowed
to elapse before the honour was conferred. Hadrian finally
accepted it in 128 ; see note to c. xiii. 4. The precedent of
a postponement was also followed by Pius (Pius, vi. 6), and
Marcus (Marc., ix. 3).
coronarium Italiae remisit, in provinciis minuit, et
quidem difficultat bus aerarii ambitiose ac diligenter
6 Audito dein tumultu Sarraatarum et Roxolanorum
7praemissis exercitibus Moesiam petiit. Marcium
Turbonem post Mauretaniam l praefecturae infulis
ornatum Pannoniae Daciaeque ad tempus praefecit.
8 cum rege Roxolanorum, qui de inminutis stipendiis
querebatur, cogiiito negotio pacem composuit.
VII. Nigrini insidias, quas ille sacrificanti Hadriano
conscio sibi Lusio et multis aliis paraverat, cum etiam
successorem Hadrianus sibimet destinasset, evasit.
2 quare Palma Tarracinis, Celsus Bails, Nigrinus
Faventiae, Lusius in itinere senatu iubente, invito
3 Hadriano, ut ipse in vita sua dicit, occisi sunt. unde
statim Hadrianus ad refellendam tristissimam de se
1 Mauretaniam Peter ; maurataneae P1 ; mauritaniae
P corr.
1 A contribution for the purpose of providing gold wreaths
(in imitation of laurel) which were held over the head of the
genera] in his triumph. Such contributions were originally
voluntary, but soon became obligatory. Augustus had re-
mitted them (Mon. Anc., c. 21), but his example does not seem
to have been followed by his immediate successors. Partial
remission is recorded in the cases of Pius (Pius, iv. 10) and
Alexander (Alex., xxxii. 5), and proclamations of remission
by Trajan and Marcus are preserved in a papyrus (Fayoum
Towns and their Papyri, No. 116).
2 The compressed style of the narrative combines those two
tribes here, but they must be carefully distinguished. The
Roxolani lived at the mouth of the Danube ; they had been
constituted a vassal-state by Trajan. On the other hand, the
term Sarmatae is used to denote the independent lazyges
money l for his triumph he remitted Italy's contribu-
tion, and lessened that of the provinces, all the while
setting forth grandiloquently and in great detail the
straits of the public treasury.
Then, on hearing of the incursions of the Sarma-
tians and Roxolani,2 he sent the troops ahead and
set out for Moesia. He conferred the insignia of a
prefect on Marcius Turbo after his Mauretanian cam-
paign and appointed him to the temporary command
of Pannonia and Dacia.3 When the king of the
Roxolani complained of the diminution of his subsidy,
he investigated his case and made peace with him.
VII. A plot to murder him while sacrificing was
made by Nigrinus, with Lusius and a number of
others as accomplices, even though Hadrian had
destined 'Nigrinus 4 for the succession ; but Hadrian
successfully evaded this plot. Because of this con-
spiracy Pal ma was put to death at Tarracina, Celsus
at Baiae, Nigrinus at Faventia,5 and Lusius on his
journey homeward, all by order of the senate, but
contrary to the wish of Hadrian, as he says himself
in his autobiography. Whereupon Hadrian entrusted
who lived in the great plain between the Theiss and the
3 This was an extraordinary command, for Pannonia and
Dacia, like other imperial provinces, were always assigned to
senatorial legates, and Turbo was a knight. The only instance
of an equestrian governor was the prefect of Egypt, the viceroy
of the emperor (who in theory was king of Egypt), and
this appointment of a knight to govern the provinces on the
Danube seemed to have a precedent in the prefecture of
Egypt (cf. c. vii. 3).
4 Probably C. Avidius Nigrinus, mentioned by Pliny in
Epist. ad Traian., Ixv. and Ixvi. On the other conspir-
ators see notes to c. iv. 3, and v. 8.
5 Now Faenza ; in the Po valley, about thirty miles S.E.
of Bologna.
opinionem, quod occidi passus esset uno tempore
quattuor consulares, Romam venit, Dacia Turboni
credita, titulo Aegyptiacae praefecturae, quo plus
auctoritatis haberet, ornato, et ad comprimendam de
se famam congiarium duplex praesens populo dedit,
4 ternis iam per singulos aureis se absente divisis. in
senatu quoque excusatis quae facta erant iuravit se
numquam senatorem nisi ex senatus sententia pu-
5niturum. statum l cursum fiscalem instituit, ne
6 magistratus hoc onere gravareiitur. ad colligendam
autera gratiam nihil praetermittens, infinitani pe-
cuniam, quae fisco debebatur, privatis debitoribus in
urbe atque Italia, in provinciis vero etiam ex reliquiis
ingentes summas remisit, syngraphis in foro divi
Traiani,2 quo magis securitas omnibus roboraretur,
7incensis. damnatorum bona in fiscum "privatum
J statum Peter ; statim P (defended by Herzog R. Stvf. II,
359, 1). 2 hadriani P1 ; al' traiani P corr.
1 As he had already done for the soldiers ; see c. v. 7.
2 A gold coin of the value of 100 sesterces or 25 denarii, or
(very approximately) five dollars.
3 It had long been a moot question whether the emperor
had the right to put senators to death without formal trial and
condemnation by the senate. Neither the later Julio-
Claudian nor the Flavian emperors had recognized the right
of a senator to trial by his fellow-senators only. Nerva, on
the other hand, took an oath that he would not put a senator
to death (Dio, Ixviii. 2), and Trajan seems to have followed
his example (Dio, Ixviii. 5). For the practice of later em-
perors see Marc., x. 6; xxv. 6; xxvi. 13; xxix. 4.
4 Also called cursus vehiculariut (Pius, xii. 3), and munus
vehicularium (Sev. xiv. 2). Previous to Hadrian's reform the
cost of the maintenance of the post had fallen on the provin-
cial towns, but henceforth it was borne bythe_/zscws. The
department was under the direction of an official of equestrian
rank, known as the praefectus vehicular urn.
6 The sum remitted was 900,000,000 sesterces; see coins
the command in Dacia to Turbo, whom he dignified,
in order to increase his authority, with a rank analogous
to that of the prefect of Egypt. He then hastened
to Rome in order to win over public opinion, which
was hostile to him because of the belief that on one
single occasion he had suffered four men of consular
rank to be put to death. In order to check the
rumours about himself, he gave in person a double
largess to the people,1 although in his absence three
aurei '2 had already been given to each of the citizens.
In the senate, too, he cleared himself of blame for
what had happened, and pledged himself never to in-
flict punishment on a senator until after a vote of the
senate.3 He established a regular imperial post,4 in
order to relieve the local officials of such a burden.
Moreover, he used every means of gaining popularity.
He remitted to private debtors in Rome and in Italy
immense sums of money owed to the privy-purse,5
and in the provinces he remitted large amounts of
arrears ; and he ordered the promissory notes to be
burned in the Forum of the Deified Trajan,6 in order
that the general sense of security might thereby be
increased. He gave orders that the property of
condemned persons should not accrue to the privy-
of 118, Cohen, ii2, p. 208 f., Nos. 1210-1213, and an inscription
found at Rome, C.I.L., vi. 96?r He also issued an order pro-
viding for a similar cancelling every fifteen years ; see Dio,
Ixix. 8, 1 ; cf. also Marc., xxiii. 3, and note.
6 Situated at the south-western corner of the Esquiline Hill,
a part of which was cut away in order to provide sufficient
space. It was surrounded by colonnades, portions of which
are extant, and on its north-western side was the Basilica
Ulpia ; north-west of this was the column of Trajan, flanked
by two buildings containing the Bibliotheca Ulpia. Just be-
yond was the Templum Divi Traiani et Plotinae, erected by
Hadrian (c. xix. 9).
redigi vetuit, omni summa in aerario publico recepta.
8 pueris ac puellis, quibus etiam Traianus alimenta
gdetulerat, incrementum liberalitatis adiecit. sena-
toribus, qui non vitio suo decoxerant, patrimonium
pro liberorum modo senatoriae professionis explevit,
ita ut plerisque in diem vitae suae dimensum sine
lodilatione praestiterit.1 ad honores explendos non
solum amicis, sed etiam passim aliquantis multa
11 largitus est. feminas nonnullas ad sustentandam
12 vitam sumptibus iuvit. gladiatorium munus per sex
dies continues exhibuit et mille feras natali suo
VIII. Optimos quosque de senatu in contubernium
2 imperatoriae maiestatis adscivit. ludos circenses prae-
3 ter natalicios decretos sibi sprevit. et in contione et
in senatu saepe dixit ita se rem publicam gesturum ut
4 scirent 2 populi rem esse, non propriam. tertio con-
sules, cum ipse ter fuisset, plurimos fecit, infinites
5 autem secundi consulatus honore cumulavit. ipsum
autem tertium consulatum et quattuor mensibus
1 praestiterit Cas. ; restiterit P1 ; restituerit P corr. 2 sci-
rent Ellis ; sciret P, Peter.
1 The alimenta were grants of money paid by the imperial
government to the children of the poor of Italy. The plan
was made by Nerva but actually carried out by Trajan. For
the purpose of the distribution of these grants Italy was
divided into districts, often known by the name of the great
roads which traversed them (see Pert., ii. 2).
2 The sum necessary for the position of senator was 1,000,000
3 The custom had arisen that on important occasions in
purse, and in each case deposited the whole amount
in the public treasury. He made additional appro-
priations for the children to whom Trajan had allotted
grants of money.1 He supplemented the property of
senators impoverished through no fault of their own,
making the allowance in each case proportionate to
the number of children, so that it might be enough
for a senatorial career 2 ; to many, indeed, he paid
punctually on the date the amount allotted for their
living. Sums of money sufficient to enable men to
hold office he bestowed, not on his friends alone, but
also on many far and wide, and by his donations he
helped a number of women to sustain life. He gave
gladiatorial combats for six days in succession, and
on his birthday he put into the arena a thousand
wild beasts.
VIII. The foremost members of the senate he ad-
mitted to close intimacy with the emperor's majesty.
All circus-games decreed in his honour he refused,
except those held to celebrate his birthday.3 Both
in meetings of the people and in the senate he used
to say that he would so administer the commonwealth
that men would know that it was not his own but the
people's. Having himself been consul three times,
he reappointed many to the consulship for the third
time and men without number to a second term ;
his own third consulship he held for only four months,
and during his term he often administered justice.
the reign of an emperor races in the Circus should be voted
by the senate as a mark of honour. From the time of Augus-
tus the birthday of the emperor was similarly celebrated, and
in the case of some emperors, e.g. Pertinax and Severus, also
the natalis imperil or day of the accession to the throne ; see
Pert., xv. 5, and Dio, Ixxviii. 8. Pius followed Hadrian's
example in accepting birthday-games only ; see Pius, v. 2.
6 tantum egit et in eo saepe ius dixit. senatui legitimo,
cum in urbe vel iuxta urbem esset, semper interfuit.
7 senatus fastigium in tantum extulit, difficile faciens
senatores ut, cum Attianum ex praefecto praetorii
ornamentis consularibus praeditum faceret senatorem,
nihil se amplius habere quod in eum conferri posset
8 ostenderit. equites Romanes nee sine se de sena-
9 toribus nee secum iudicare permisit. erat enim tune
mos ut, cum princeps causas agnosceret, et senatores
et equites Romanes in consilium vocaret et sententiam
10 ex omnium deliberatione proferret. exsecratus est
denique principes qui minus senatoribus detulissent.
11 Serviano sororis viro, cui tantum detulit ut ei venienti
de cubiculo semper occurrerit, tertium consulatum,
nee secum tamen, cum ille bis ante Hadrianum fuis-
set, ne esset secundae sententiae, non petenti ac sine
precatione concessit.
IX. Inter haec tamen et multas provincias a Traiano
adquisitas reliquit et theatrum, quod ille in Campo
J This did not include a seat in the senate, but consisted
of the privilege of sitting with the senators of consular rank
at the public festivals and at sacred banquets and of wearing
the toga praetexta on such occasions. Since the time of Nero
this honorary rank had often been bestowed on prefects of the
guard on their retirement from office ; see also Pius, x. 6.
2 See note to c. vii. 4.
3 The consilium of the emperor was a development from the
old principle that a magistrate, before rendering an important
decision, should ask advice from trusted friends. So Augustus
He always attended regular meetings of the senate if
he was present in Rome or even in the neighbourhood.
In the appointment of senators he showed the utmost
caution and thereby greatly increased the dignity of
the senate, and when he removed Attianus from the
post of prefect of the guard and created him a senator
with consular honours/ he made it clear that he had
no greater honour which he could bestow upon him.
Nor did he allow knights to try cases involving
senators 2 whether he was present at the trial or not.
For at that time it was customary for the emperor,
when he tried cases, to call to his council 3 both
senators and knights and give a verdict based on
their joint decision. Finally, he denounced those
emperors who had not shown this deference to the
senators. On his brother-in-law Servianus, to whom
he showed such respect that he would advance to
meet him as he came from his chamber, he bestowed
a third consulship, and that without any request or
entreaty on Servianus' part ; but nevertheless he did
not appoint him as his own colleague, since Servianus
had been consul twice before Hadrian, and the
Emperor did not wish to have second place.4
IX. And yet, at the same time, Hadrian abandoned
many provinces won by Trajan,5 and also destroyed,
and his successors had their boards of advisers. Until the time
of Hadrian this board was not official or permanent, but from,
his reign on its members, the consiliarii Augusti, had a
definite position and received a salary. Jurists of distinction
were included in it ; see c. xviii. 1.
4 If Servianus, who was consul for the second time in 102,
were associated with Hadrian in the Emperor's second consul-
ship in 118 or third in 119, he would by reason of his seniority
outrank his imperial colleague ; see Mommsen, Rom. Staats-
recht, hi. p. 976, n. 4.
5 Of. c. v, 3.
2Martio posuerat. contra omnium vota destruxit. et
haec quidem eo tristiora videbantur, quod omnia.
quae displicere vidisset l Hadrianus. mandata sibi ut
3faceret secreto- a Traiano esse simulabat. cum At-
tiani. praefecti sui et quondam tutoris, potentiam
ferre non posset, nisus est eum obtruncare, sed revo-
catus est. quia iam quattuor consularium occisorum,
quorum quidem necem in Attiani consilia refundebat,
4 premebatur invidia. cui cum successorem dare non
posset, quia non petebat. id egit ut peteret. atque
ubi primum petiit, in Turbonem transtulit potesta-
tem ; cum quidem etiam Simili alteri praefecto
S pticium Clarum successorem dedit,
6 Summotis his a praefectura. quibus debebat im-
perium. Campaniam petiit eiusque omnia oppida
beneficiis et largitionibus sublevavit, optimum quem-
7 que amicitiis suis iungens. Romae vero praetorum
et consulum officia frequentavit. conviviis amicorum
intermit. aegros bis ac ter die et nonnullos equites
Romanes ac libertinos visitavit, solaciis refovit. con-
1 displicere uidisse: P corr. ; displi&re-niur uidisse P1.
*secre:: M:n~;e^ ; decreto P1 ; decreta P corr.
: --:. 2-3.
8 Tlie term of office of the prefect of the guard was un-
lin -:: ~ Eten — 1= for life. Th -age seems to show
that at least a form of voluntary resignation from the office
was cu? ternary . A::iirus, according to precedent, was ad-
vanced tc £•:::-•; rial rank with the ornamenta consularia;
see c. viii. 7.
3 C. Sulpicius Similis was prefect of the grain-supply, of
Egypt, ijid, finally, of :he praetorian guard. According to
Dio (Ixix. 20), it was only difficulty :ha: he secured
Hadrian's permission to retire.
4 Frc: "ime of Augustus the old republican principle
.of colleagueship had been applied to the command of the
praetorian guard and there • riinarilr two prefects with
contrary to the entreaties of all, the theatre which
Trajan had built in the Campus Martius. These
measures, unpopular enough in themselves, were still
more displeasing to the public because of his pre-
tence that all acts which he thought would be offen-
sive had been secretly enjoined upon him by Trajan.
Unable to endure the power of Attianus, his prefect
and formerly his guardian, he was eager to murder
him. He was restrained, however, by the knowledge
that he already laboured under the odium of murder-
ing four men of consular rank,1 although, as a matter
of fact, he always attributed their execution to the
designs of Attianus. And as he could not appoint a
successor for Attianus except at the latter's request,
he contrived to make him request it,2 and at once
transferred the power to Turbo ; at the same time
Similis 3 also, the other prefect,4 received a successor,
namely Septicius Claras.5
After Hadrian had removed from the prefecture
the very men to whom he owed the imperial power, 119.
he departed for Campania, where he aided all the
towns of the region by gifts and benefactions 6 and
attached all the foremost men to his train of friends.
But when at Rome, he frequently attended the official
functions of the praetors and consuls, appeared at the
equal powers. The principle, however, had been disregarded
at times, e.g. in the case of Sejanus under Tiberius (Dio, Ivii.
19). Under the later emperors there were sometimes three
prefects ; cf. Coin., vi. 12 ; Did. JuL, vii. 5 ; Zosimus, i. 11.
6C. Septicius Clarus was the friend of Suetonius, who
dedicated to him his Lives of the Caesars. He also en-
couraged Pliny to publish his letters; see Plin., Epist., i. 1.
On his retirement from the prefecture see c. xi. 3.
6 The following are attested by inscriptions of the years
121-122: Antium, Caiatia, Surrentum, and the road from
Naples to Nuceria ; see C.I.L., x. 6652, 4574, 676, 6939, 6940.
8 siliis sublevavit, conviviis suis semper adhibuit. omnia
9 denique ad privati hominis niodum fecit, socrui suae
honores praecipuos impendit ludis gladiatoriis ceteris-
que officiis.
X. Post haec profectus in Gallias omnes civitates
2 variis l liberalitatibus sublevavit. inde in Germaniam
transiit. pacisque magis quam belli cupidus railitem,
quasi bellum immmeret, exercuit tolerantiae docu-
mentis eum imbuens, ipse quoque inter manipula
vitam militarem magistrans, cibis etiam castrensibus
in propatulo libenter utens, hoc est larido caseo et
posca, exemplo Scipionis Aemiliani et Metelli et
auctoris sui Traiani, multos praemiis nonnullos honori-
bus donans, ut ferre possent ea quae asperius iube-
lciuitates uariis (libertatibus) Bob. Bonon., supported by
Rosinger and Damste ; casuariis P ; causarios Peter.
1 By a largess of spices (see c. xix. 5), and by issuing coins
bearing the legend Divae Matidiae Socrui with a representa-
tion of a temple-like building in which Matidia is seated be-
tween niches holding statuettes of Victory ; see Cohen, ii2,
p. 152, No. 550.
2 His first journey is described in c. x. 1 — xi. 2 and xii. 1 —
xiii. 3. It covered the years 121-125. Then followed a journey
to Africa and back in 128. This was followed by his second
journey, which included the eastern part of the empire only,
in JL28-134: ; see c. xiii. 6 — xiv. 6 (the portion of the journey
which fell after 130 is not included).
3 His visit was commemorated by coins with the legends
Adventui Galliae (Cohen, ii2, p. 109 f., Nos. 31-35) and Re-
stitutor Galliae (Cohen, ii2, p. 211, Nos. 1247-1257).
4 His journey probably lay along the road from Lugdunum
banquets of his friends, visited them twice or thrice
a day when they were sick, even those who were
merely knights and freedmen, cheered them by words
of comfort, encouraged them by words of advice, and
very often invited them to his own banquets. In
short, everything that he did was in the manner of a
private citizen. On his mother-in-law he bestowed Dec., 11
especial honour by means of gladiatorial games and
other ceremonies.1
X. After this he travelled2 to the provinces of 121.
Gaul,3 and came to the relief of all the communities
with various acts of generosity ; and from there he
went over into Germany.4 Though more desirous
of peace than of war, he kept the soldiers in training
just as if war were imminent, inspired them by
proofs of his own powers of endurance, actually led a
soldier's life among the maniples,5 and, after the
example of Scipio Aemilianus,6 Metellus, and his
own adoptive father Trajan, cheerfully ate out of
doors such camp-fare as bacon, cheese and vinegar.
And that the troops might submit more willingly to
the increased harshness of his orders, he bestowed
gifts on many and honours on a few. For he re-
established the discipline of the camp,7 which since
(Lyon) to Augusta Treverorum (Trier), which was repaired in
121; see Brambach, Corp. Inscr. Rhen., 1936. His visit to the
German armies was commemorated on coins with the legend
Exercitus Germanicus ; see Cohen, ii'2, p. 156, Nos. 573 and 574.
5 Used here merely to denote the common soldiers ; the
" maniple " consisted of two centuriae.
6 i.e. Scipio Africanus the younger, conqueror of Carthage.
Q. Caecilius Metellus Numidicus commanded in the war
against Jugurtha in 109-107 B.C. (cf. Sail. Jug., 43-80).
"' Hadrian's reforms are also described in Dio, Ixix. 9. They
are commemorated by coins with the legend Disciplina
Aug(usti) ; see Cohen, ii2, p. 151 f., Nos. 540-549.
3 bat ; si quidem ipse post Caesarem Octavianum
labantem disciplinam incuria superiorum principum
retinuit. ordinatis et officiis et impendiis, numquam
passus aliquem a castris iniuste abesse, cum tribunes
4 non favor militum sed iustitia commendaret. exemplo
etiam virtutis suae ceteros adhortatus, cum etiam
vicena milia pedibus armatus ambularet, triclinia de
5 castris et porticus et cryptas et topia dirueret, vestem
humillimam frequenter acciperet, sine auro balteum
sumeret, sine gemmis fibula stringeret, capulo vix
6 eburneo spatham clauderet, aegros milites in hospitiis
suis videret, locum castris caperet, nulli vitem nisi
robusto et bonae famae daret, nee tribunum nisi plena
barba faceret aut eius aetatis quae prudentia et annis
7 tribunatus robor impleret, nee pateretur quicquam tri-
bunum a milite accipere, delicata omnia undique
summoveret, arma postremo eorum supellectilemque
8 corrigeret. de militum etiam aetatibus iudicabat, ne
quis aut minor quam virtus posceret, aut maior quam
pateretur humanitas,, in castris contra morem veterem
versaretur, agebatque, ut sibi semper noti essent, et
XI. eorum numerus sciretur. laborabat praeterea, ut
condita militaria diligenter agnosceret, reditus quoque
provinciales sollerter explorans, ut, si1 alicubi quip-
piam deesset, expleret. ante omnes tamen enite-
batur, ne quid otiosum vel emeret aliquando vel
1 si omitted by P1, added by P corr.
the time of Octavian had been growing slack through
the laxity of his predecessors. He regulated, too,
both the duties and the expenses of the soldiers, and
now no one could get a leave of absence from camp
by unfair means, for it was not popularity with the
troops but just deserts that recommended a man for
appointment as tribune. He incited others by the
example of his own soldiery spirit ; he would walk as
much as twenty miles fully armed ; he cleared the
camp of banqueting-rooms, porticoes, grottos, and
bowers, generally wore the commonest clothing,
would have no sold ornaments on his sword-belt or
jewels on the clasp, would scarcely consent to have
his sword furnished with an ivorv hilt, visited the
sick soldiers in their quarters, selected the sites for
camps, conferred the centurion's wand on those only
who were hardy and of good repute, appointed as
tribunes only men with full beards or ot an age to
give to the authority of the tribuneship the full mea-
sure of prudence and maturity, permitted no tribune
to accept a present from a soldier, banished luxuries
on every hand, and, lastly, improved the soldiers'
arms and equipment. Furthermore, with regard to
length of militarv service he issued an order that no one
should violate ancient usage by being in the service at
an earlier age than his strength warranted, or at a
more advanced one than common humanity permitted.
He made it a point to be acquainted with the soldiers
and to know their numbers. XI. Besides this, he
strove to have an accurate knowledge of the military
stores, and the receipts from the provinces he examined
with care in order to make good any deficit that might
occur in any particular instance. But more than any
other emperor he made it a point not to purchase or
maintain anything that was not serviceable.
2 Ergo conversis regio1 more militibus Britanniam
petiit, in qua multa correxit murimique per octoginta
milia passuilm primus duxit, qui barbaros Romanesque
3 Septicio Claro praefecto praetorii et Suetonio
Tranquillo epistularum magistro multisque aliis, quod
apud Sabinam uxorem iniussu eius 2 familiarius se
tune egerant quam reverentia domus aulicae postula-
bat, successores dedit, uxorem etiam ut morosam et
asperam dimissurus, ut ipse dicebat, si privatus fuisset.
4et erat curiosus non solum domus suae sed etiam
amicorum, ita ut per frumentarios occulta orrmia
exploraret, nee adverterent amici sciri ab imperatore
suam vitam, priusquarn ipse hoc imperator ostenderet.
5 unde non iniucundum est rem inserere, ex qua con-
Gstet eum de amicis multa didicisse. nam cum ad
quendam scripsisset uxor sua, quod voluptatibus
1 egregio Novak ; rigido Frankfurter ; recto Baehrens.
2 iniussu eius P corr. (uniussu P1), defended by Bitschofsky
(meaning " without his consent") ; in usu eius Peter2, fol-
lowing Petschenig.
1 From Germany he visited the provinces of Raetia and
Noricum, and then returned to the lower Rhine, where his
presence is commemorated in the name Forum Hadriani
(near Leyden). From Holland he crossed to Britain. The
legend Adventui Aug. Britanniae appears on coins ; see
Cohen, ii'-', p. 109, No. 28.
2 This fortification extended from Wallsend at the mouth
of the Tyne to Bowness on the Firth of Solway, a distance
of 73£ English miles. Its remains show that it consisted of
two lines of embankment with a moat between them, and a
stone wall running parallel on the north. In the space be-
tween the embankment and the wall were small strongholds
about a mile apart with an occasional larger stronghold, all
And so, having reformed the army quite in the
manner of a monarch, he set out for Britain,1 and 122.
there he corrected many abuses and was the first to
construct a wall,2 eighty miles in length, which was
to separate the barbarians from the Romans.
He removed from office Septicius Clarus,3 the pre-
fect of the guard, and Suetonius Tranquillus,4 the
imperial secretary, and many others besides, because
without his consent they had been conducting them-
selves toward his wife, Sabina, in a more informal
fashion than the etiquette of the court demanded.
And, as he was himself wont to say, he would have
sent away his wife too, on the ground of ill- temper
and irritability, had he been merely a private citizen.
Moreover, his vigilance was not confined to his own
household but extended to those of his friends, and
by means of his private agents 5 he even pried into
all their secrets, and so skilfully that they were
never aware that the Emperor was acquainted with
their private lives until he revealed it himself. In
this connection, the insertion of an incident will not
be unwelcome, showing that he found out much about
his friends. The wife of a certain man wrote to her
husband, complaining that he was so preoccupied by
connected by a military road ; see inscriptions dating from
Hadrian's time, C.I.I/., vii. 660 f., 835.
3 See c. ix. 5.
4 The author of the de Vita Caesarum and the de Viris
6 The frumentarii, at first petty-officers connected with the
commissary of the army, became, probably under Trajan,
couriers charged with the conveyance of military dispatches ;
see Max.-Balb., x. 3 ; Victor, Goes., xiii. 5, 6. Many of them
were then attached to the imperial service as a sort of secret
police; see also Macr., xii. 4 and Claud., xvii. 1.
detentus et lavacris ad se redire nollet, atque hoc
Hadrianus per frumentarios cognovisset, petente illo
commeatum Hadrianus ei lavacra et voluptates ex-
probravit. cui ille : " num et tibi uxor mea, quod et
7mihi, scripsit ? " et hoc quidem vitiosissimum putant
atque huic adiungunt quae de adultorum amore ac
nuptarum adulteriis, quibus Hadrianus laborasse
dicitur, adserunt, iungentes quod ne amicis quidem
servaverit fidem.
XII. Compositis in Britannia rebus transgressus in
Galliam Alexandrina seditione turbatus, quae nata
est ob Apidem, qui, cum repertus esset post multos
annos, turbas inter populos creavit, apud quern
2 deberet locari, omnibus studiose certantibus. per
idem tempus in honorem Plotinae basilicam apud
3 Nemausum opere mirabili exstruxit. post haec
Hispanias petiit et Tarracone hiemavit, ubi sumptu
4suo aedem Augusti restituit. omnibus Hispams
Tarraconem in conventum vocatis dilectumque
1 The sacred bullock of the Egyptians, begotten, according
to their belief, by a ray of light from heaven (Herodotus, iii.
28). He was recognized by certain markings, including repre-
sentations of the sun and the moon, and his appearance was
the occasion of great rejoicing. It was apparently customary
at this period to keep the young Apis, for a time at least, in the
locality in which he appeared (Aelian, Nat. An., xi. 10). The
riot was checked by a severe letter from Hadrian (Dio, Ixix.
8, 1, frag, from Petr. Patr. exc. Vat. 108).
2 According to Dio, Ixix. 10, 3, the building was erected in
pleasures and baths that he would not return home
to her, and Hadrian found this out through his
private agents. And so, when the husband asked for
a furlough, Hadrian reproached him with his fondness
for his baths and his pleasures. Whereupon the
man exclaimed : "What, did my wife write you just
what she wrote to me ? " And, indeed, as for this
habit of Hadrian's, men regard it as a most grievous
fault, and add to their criticism the statements which
are current regarding the passion for males and the
adulteries with married women to which he is said
to have been addicted, adding also the charge that
he did not even keep faith with his friends.
XII. After arranging matters in Britain he crossed
over to Gaul, for he was rendered anxious by the
news of a riot in Alexandria, which arose on account
of Apis ; l for Apis had been discovered again after
an interval of many years, and was causing great dis-
sension among the communities, each one earnestly
asserting its claim as the place best fitted to be the
seat of his worship. During this same time he
reared a basilica of marvellous workmanship at
Nimes in honour of Plotina.2 After this he travelled 122-123.
to Spain 3 and spent the winter at Tarragona,4 and
here he restored at his own expense the temple of
Augustus. To this place, too, he called all the
inhabitants of Spain for a general meeting, and when
honour of Plotina after her death, which occurred about this
3 See the coins with the legend Adventui Aug(ust^) His-
paniae, Cohen, ii2, p. 110. Nos. 36-41. His benefactions and
public works were commemorated by coins inscribed Resti-
tutor Hispaniae, Cohen, ii2, p. 211 f., Nos. 1258-1272.
4 Made a Roman colony in 45 B.C. and the chief city of
Hispania Tarraconensis.
ioculariter, ut verba ipsa ponit Marius Maximus,
retractantibus Italicis, vehementissime ceteris pru-
5denter et1 caute consuluit. quo quidem tempore
non sine gloria gravissimum periculum adiit apud
Tarraconern spatians per viridiaria servo in se hospitis
cum gladio furiosius inruente. quein retentum ille
ministris adcurrentibus tradidit et, ubi furiosum esse
constitit, medicis curaiidum dedit in nullo omnino
6 Per ea tempora et alias frequenter in plurimis
locis, in quibus barbari non fluminibus sed limitibus
dividuntur, stipitibus magnis in modum mural is
saepis funditus iactis atque conexis barbaros separavit.
7 Germanis regem constituit, motus Maurorum com-
8pressit et a senatu supplicationes emeruit. bellum
Parthorum per idem tempus in motu tantum fuit,
idque Hadriani conloquio repressum est.
XIII. Post haec per Asiam et insulas ad Achaiam
1 et omitted by P, added by B3.
1 Levies from these Italian settlers seem to have been for-
bidden by Trajan ; see Marc., xi. 7.
2 Just such a palisade has been found on the German
frontier where the rivers Main and Neckar do not constitute
a natural boundary ; see the Limesblatt of the Imperial Ger-
man Limeskommission for 1894, pp. 302, 483 f., and Pelham,
Essai/s on Roman History, p. 200 f.
2 Although not necessarily in person ; see C./.L., viii. praef.
p. xxi.
they refused to submit to a levy, the Italian settlers1
jestingly, to use the very words of Marius Maximus,
and the others very vigorously, he took measures
characterized by skill and discretion. At this same
time he incurred grave danger and won great glory ;
for while he was walking about in a garden at Tarra-
gona one of the slaves of the household rushed at him
madly with a sword. But he merely laid hold on
the man, and when the servants ran to the rescue
handed him over to them. Afterwards, when it was
found that the man was mad, he turned him over to
the physicians for treatment, and all this time showed
not the slightest sign of alarm.
During this period and on many other occasions
also, in many regions where the barbarians are held
back not by rivers but by artificial barriers, Hadrian
shut them off by means of high stakes planted deep
in the ground and fastened together in the manner
of a palisade.2 He appointed a king for the Germans,
suppressed revolts among the Moors,3 and won from
the senate the usual ceremonies of thanksgiving.
The war with the Parthians had not at that time ad-
vanced beyond the preparatory stage, and Hadrian
checked it by a personal conference.4
XIII. After this Hadrian travelled by way of Asia
and the islands to Greece,5 and, following the 123-125.
4 The process of abbreviation has obscured the narrative
by omitting the description of Hadrian's journey from Spain
to Syria in the spring of 123. This journey was almost cer-
tainly made by sea from Spain to Antioch. The danger of
the Parthian war seems to have been connected with the
overthrow of the Romanized pretender, Parthamaspates (see
note to c. v. 4), and the restoration of the legitimate dynasty
in the person of Osrhoes (cf. c. xiii. 8).
5 His route lay from the Euphrates across Asia Minor to
Ancyra in Galatia (cf. I.G.R., iii. 209) and thence to Bithynia,
navigavit et Eleusinia sacra exemplo Herculis Philip-
pique suscepit, multa in Athenienses contulit et pro
2agonotheta resedit. et in Achaia quidem etiam illud
observatum ferunt quod, cum in sacris multi cultros
haberent, cum Hadriano nullus armatus ingressus
3 est. post in Siciliam navigavit, in qua Aetnam
montem conscendit, ut solis ortum videret arcus
4 specie, ut dicitur, varium. inde Romam venit atque
ex ea in Africam transiit ac multum beneficiorum
5 provinciis Africanis adtribuit. nee quisquam fere
principum tantum terrarum tarn l celeriter peragravit.
Denique cum post Africam Romam redisset, statim
1 tarn Peter ; tantum P, Petschenig.
where his arrival is commemorated on coins inscribed Ad-
ventui Aug(usti) Bithyniae (Cohen, ii2, p. 109, Nos. 26 and 27)
and Restitutori Bithyniae (id., p. 210 f., Nos. 1238-1246). He
then travelled through Mysia, founding the town of Hadriano-
therae (see c. xx. 13), to Ilion and thence southward to
Ephesus. From here he sailed to Rhodes (see an inscription
from Ephesus, Dittenberger, Sylloge2, No. 388), northwest
through the Aegean to Samothrace and Thrace (see an
inscription from Callipolis of 123-124, C.I.G., 2013). Thence he
visited the provinces of Moesia and Dacia (see Weber, p. 150 f .),
and travelled southward through Macedonia and Thessaly
to Athens, where he arrived probably in September, 124.
1 Father of Alexander the Great.
2 Admitted to the lower grade of ^.{xn-ris. On his second visit
to Athens in 128-129 he was initiated into the higher grade,
of <?7n$7mjs ; see Dio, Ixix. 11. An epigram inscribed on the
base of a statue erected in honour of the priestess who initi-
ated him is extant (I.G., iii. 900 = Kaibel, Epigr. Gr., 864).
3 The Dionysia, in March, 125. Previous to this he had
made a journey through the Peloponnesus, visiting the prin-
cipal cities ; dedications to him are recorded in extant in-
scriptions, and various benefactions of his are mentioned by
example of Hercules and Philip,1 had himself initi-
ated into the Eleusinian mysteries.2 He bestowed
many favours on the Athenians and sat as president
of the public games.3 And during this stay in
Greece care was taken, they say, that when Hadrian
was present, none should come to a sacrifice armed,
whereas, as a rule, many carried knives. Afterwards
he sailed to Sicily,4 and there he climbed Mount
Aetna to see the sunrise, which is many-hued, they
say, like the rainbow. Thence he returned to Rome,5
and 6 from there he crossed over to Africa/ where he 128.
showed many acts of kindness to the provinces.
Hardly any emperor ever travelled with such speed
over so much territory.
Finally, after his return to Rome from Africa,
he immediately set out for the East, journeying by
4 Travelling by way of the Corinthian Gulf, he visited
Delphi (cf. C.I.G., 1713), Actium, and Dyrrhachium, and
sailed thence to Sicily. His arrival \vas commemorated by
coins inscribed Adventui Aug(usti) Siciliae (Cohen, ii2, p. 112,
No. 75), and Eestitutori Siciliae (id., ii2,p. 214, Nos. 1292-
5 In the summer of 125. Coins commemorating his return
bear the legend Adventui Aug(usti) Italiae (Cohen, ii2, p. 110,
Nos. 42-50).
6 Here a period of over three years is omitted, in which
Hadrian built many public buildings in the towns of Italy.
Early in 128 he finally accepted the title of Pater Patriae
(cf. note to c. vi. 4) ; see Eckhel, D. N., vi. 515 f.
7 See the coins inscribed Adventui Aug(usti) Africae and
Restitutori Africae (Cohen, ii2, p. 107 f . , Nos. 8-15, and p. 209 f.,
Nos. 1221-1232), and Adventui Aug(usti) Mauretaniae (Cohen,
ii2, p. Ill, Nos. 63-71). His stay in Africa lasted about four
months in the spring and early summer of 128. On the
Kalends of July was delivered his famous allocutio or address
to the troops at Lambaesis, fragments of which are now in
the Louvre.
ad orientem profectus per Athenas iter fecit atque
opera, quae apud Athenienses coeperat, dedicavit, lit
lovis Olympii aedem et aram sibi, eodemque modo
per Asiam iter faciens templa sui nominis consecravit.
7deinde a Cappadocibus servitia castris profutura sus-
Scepit. toparchas et reges ad amicitiam invitavit,
invitato etiam Osdroe rege Parthorum remissaque illi
filia, quam Traianus ceperat, ac promissa sella, quae
9 itidem capta fuerat. cumque ad eum quidam reges
venissent, ita cum his egit ut eos paeniteret, qui
venire noluerunt, causa speciatim Pharasmanis qui
lOeius invitationem superbe neglexerit. et circumiens
quidem provincias procuratores et praeskles pro factis
supplicio adfecit, ita severe ut accusatores per se
XIV. crederetur immittere. Antiochenses inter haec ita
odio habuit ut Syriam a Phoenice separare voluerit,
ne tot civitatum metropolis Antiochia diceretur.
1 His stay in Athens was from September 128 to March 129.
2 The Olympieion, on the southern edge of the city near
the Ilissos. After the dedication of this building in 131-132,
Hadrian accepted the title 'O\v/j.-mos and received divine
honours in the temple (Dio, Ixix. 16, 1) ; hence the ara men-
tioned here.
3 They were later called simply " Hadrian's temples," and
it was asserted that he had intended to consecrate them to
Christ; see Alex., xliii. 6. They were, in fact, temples dedi-
cated to the cult of the emperors, including Hadrian himself,
who was worshipped in the cities of Asia Minor as well as in
the Olympieion at Athens. In inscriptions he has the cult-
name Olympics or Zeus Olympics.
4 The camp of a Cappadocian legion (12th., Fulminata)
was at Melitene, near the upper Euphrates. Hadrian probably
travelled thither from Antioch. His visit to the camp was
commemorated by coins inscribed Exercitus Cappadocicus
(Cohen, ii*f p. 153, No. 553).
6 More correctly Osrhoes ; see also note to c. xii. 8.
6 Antoninus Pius refused to keep this promise; see Pius, ix. 7,
way of Athens.1 Here he dedicated the public
works which he had begun in the city of the
Athenians, such as the temple to Olympian Jupiter2
and an altar to himself; and in the same way, while
travelling through Asia, he consecrated the temples
called by his name.3 Next, he received slaves from
the Cappadocians for service in the camps.4 To
petty rulers and kings he made offers of friendship,
and even to Osdroes,5 king of the Parthians. To
him he also restored his daughter, who had been
captured by Trajan, and promised to return the
throne captured at the same time.6 And when
some of the kings came to him, he treated them in
such a way that those who had refused to come re-
gretted it. He took this course especially on account
of Pharasmanes,7 who had haughtily scorned his
invitation. Furthermore, as he went about the pro-
vinces he punished procurators and governors as their
actions demanded, and indeed with such severity
that it was believed that he incited those who brought
the accusations. XIV. In the course of these travels
he conceived such a hatred for the people of Antioch
that he wished to separate Syria from Phoenicia, in
order that Antioch might not be called the chief
city of so many communities.8 At this time also the
7 King of the Hiberi, who inhabited part of the district
which is now Trans-Caucasia. On the gifts exchanged by
him and Hadrian see c. xvii. 11-12 and xxi. 13.
8 The statement that Hadrian hated Antioch seems to be con-
tradicted by the fact that he built many public buildings there ;
see Malalas, p. 278 B. It may be a deduction from the fact
that he did raise three other cities of Syria, Tyre, Damascus
and Samosata, to the rank of /j.i)Tp6iro\is. The actual division
of Syria into two provinces, Syria Coele and Syria Phoenice,
took place under Severus in 194. The obj ect of the division was
to lessen the power of the governor of so important a province.
2moverunt ea tempestate et ludaei bellum, quod
3 vetabantur mutilare genitalia. sed in monte Casio,
cum videndi solis ortus gratia iiocte ascendisset,
imbre orto fulmen decidens hostiam et victimarium
4 sacrificanti adflavit. peragrata Arabia Pelusium
venit et Pompeii tumulum magnificentius exstruxit.
5 Antinoum suum, dum per Nilum navigat, perdidit,
6 quern muliebriter flevit. de quo varia fama est, aliis
eum devotum pro Hadriano adserentibus, aliis quod
et forma eius ostentat et nimia voluptas Hadriani.
7et Graeci quidem volente Hadriano eum conse-
craverunt, oracula per eum dari adserentes, quae
Hadrianus ipse composuisse iactatur.
1 According to Dio, Ixix. 12-14, probably a more correct
account, the outbreak of the war was due to the anger of the
Jews at the dedication of a temple to Jupiter Capitolinus on
the site of the Temple of Jehovah. This was done in con-
nection with the "founding" of the new colony in 130; ac-
cordingly, this sentence is not in chronological order. The
war was actually begun after Hadrian's departure from
Egypt, and finally necessitated his return. The outbreak
was quelled, after much bloodshed, in 134.
a Probably the mountain of this name at the mouth of the
river Orontes. This incident is also narrated as having
happened to Hadrian at Antioch immediately after he be-
came emperor ; see Dio, Ixix. 2, 1.
3 See the coins inscribed Adventui Aug(usti) Arabiae
(Cohen, ii2, p. 108 f., Nos. 20-23). He seems to have travelled
thither by way of Palmyra and Damascus. His visit to
Gerasa (mod. Djerash), in the north-western part of the pro-
vince of Arabia, is attested by an inscription of 130 (I.G.R.,
Hi. 1347). From here he went probably by way of Phila-
delphia (mod., 'Amman) to Jerusalem, which he "founded "
as the Colonia Aelia Capitolina.
4 According to Dio, Ixix. 11, 1, Hadrian offered a sacrifice
to the manes of Pompey and in a line of poetry expressed his
sorrow at the meanness of the tomb.
5 He also visited Alexandria, and his arrival was com-
memorated by coins of the city struck in 130 ; see also the
Jews began war, because they were forbidden to
practise circumcision.1 As he was sacrificing on
Mount Casius,2 which he had ascended by night in
order to see the sunrise, a storm arose, and a flash of
lightning descended and struck both the victim and
the attendant. He then travelled through Arabia 3 130.
and finally came to Pelusium,4 where he rebuilt Pom-
pey's tomb on a more magnificent scale.5 During a
journey on the Nile he lost Antinous,6 his favourite,
and for this youth he wept like a woman. Concerning
this incident there are varying rumours 7 ; for some
claim that he had devoted himself to death for Hadrian,
and others — what both his beauty and Hadrian's sensu-
ality suggest. But however this may be, the Greeks dei-
fied him at Hadrian's request, and declared that oracles
were given through his agency, but these, it is com-
monly asserted, were composed by Hadrian himself.8
Roman coins with the legend Adventui Aug(usti) Alexandria^
(Cohen, ii2, p. 108, Nos. 15-18).
6 This beautiful youth was a native of Bithynium in Bithy-
nia ; see Dio, Ixix. 11. He died near Besa, near the southern
end of the Heptanomis. Here Hadrian founded a new city,
called Antinoe or Antinoopolis,and consecrateda shrine to him.
7 According to Dio, Ixix. 11, Hadrian claimed in his auto-
biography (see note to c. i. 1) that Antinous was drowned in
the Nile; he then adds th.at the true cause of his death was
his voluntary sacrifice of himself, apparently in consequence
of some prophecy, in order to save the Emperor's life.
8 Here the narrative of Hadrian's journey breaks off
abruptly. After a visit to Thebes, where he and Sabina heard
"the singing Memnon " (I.G.R., i. 1186 and 1187), he re-
turned to Alexandria, and thence travelled, apparently by
ship (Cat. of Coins in the Brit. Mus., Alex., p. 101, No. 871),
to Syria and Asia Minor. During a stay at Athens he dedi-
cated the Olympieion (cf. note to c. xiii. 6) in 131-132 ; see
Dio, Ixix. 16, 1. He was then called to Judaea on account of
the long duration of the Jewish revolt (see note to c. xiv. 2).
He finally returned to Rome early in 134.
8 Fuit enim poematum et litterarum nimium studio-
sissimus. arithmeticae geometriae picturae peritis-
9 simus. iam psallendi et cantandi scientiam prae se
ferebat. in voluptatibus nimius ; iiam et de suis
dilectis multa versibus composuit. amatoria carmina
10 scripsit.1 idem armorum peritissimus et rei militaris
11 scientissimus, gladiatoria quoque arma tractavit. idem
severus comis, gravis lascivus, cunctator festinans,2
tenax liberalis, simulator simplex,3 saevus clemens, et
semper in omnibus varius.
XV. Amicos ditavit et quidem non petentes, cum
2petentibus nihil negaret. idem tamen facile de
amicis, quidquid insusurrabatur, audivit atque ideo
prope cunctos vel amicissimos vel eos, quos summis
honoribus evexit, postea ut hostium loco habuit, ut
3 Attianum et Nepotem et Septicium Clarum. nam
Eudaemonem prius conscium imperii ad egestatem
4 perduxit, Polaenum et Marcellum ad mortem volun-
5 tariam coegit, Heliodorum famosissimis litteris laces-
6 sivit, Titianum ut conscium tyrannidis et argui passus
7 est et proscribi, Ummidium Quadratum et Catilium
1 Probably merely a gloss. 2 So Novak, deleting as a
gloss for comis laetus, which follows seuerus in P, and adding
festinans to offset cunctator ; Peter divides : seuerus laetus,
comis grauis, lasciuus cunctator. 3 simplex, omitted in P,
is supplied by Peter2, following Reimarus ad Dio LXIX, 5,
p. 652 ; uerus Peter1, Novak.
1 But see c. viii. 7, and ix. 4. 2See c. iv. 2, and xxiii. 4.
3 Probably C. Publicius Marcellus, governor of Syria about
4 Apparently the philosopher mentioned in c. xvi. 10, and
In poetry and in letters Hadrian was greatly
interested. In arithmetic, geometry, and painting
he was very expert. Of his knowledge of flute-play-
ing and singing he even boasted openly^ He ran to
excess in the gratification of his desires, and wrote
much verse about the subjects of his passion. He
composed love-poems too. He was also a connoisseur
of arms, had a thorough knowledge of warfare, and
knew how to use gladiatorial weapons. He was, in
the same person, austere and genial, dignified and
playful, dilatory and quick to act, niggardly and
generous, deceitful and straightforward, cruel and
merciful, and always in all things changeable.
XV. His friends he enriched greatly, even though
they did not ask it, while to those who did ask, he
refused nothing. And yet he was always ready to
listen to whispers about his friends, and in the end
he treated almost all of them as enemies, even the
closest and even those whom he had raised to the
highest of honours, such as Attianus l and Nepos2
and Septicius Clarus. Eudaemon, for example, who
had been his accomplice in obtaining the imperial
power, he reduced to poverty ; Polaenus and Mar-
cellus 3 he drove to suicide ; Heliodorus 4 he assailed
in a most slanderous pamphlet ; Titiaiius 5 he allowed
to be accused as an accomplice in an attempt to seize
the empire and even to be outlawed ; Ummidius Qua-
dratus,6 Catilius Severus, and Turbo he persecuted
probably to be identified with Avidiua Heliodorus, the father
of Avidius Cassius; see Av. Cass., i. 1.
5 Probably either T. Atilius Rufus Titianus, consul in 127,
or Atilius Titianus, who was accused affectati imperil under
Pius and condemned ; see Pius, vii. 3.
6 Mentioned as a iuvenis egregiae indolisby Pliny the younger
(Epist., vi. 11 ; vii. 24). He was consul with Hadrian in 118.
SSevemm et Turbonem graviter insecutus est. Ser-
vianum sororis virum nona£esimum iam annum
9agentem, ne sibi superviveret, mor coe^it : libertos
lOdenique et nonnullos milites insecutus est. et
quamvis esset oratione et versu promptissinius et in
omnibus artibus peritissimus, tamen professores
omnium artium semper ut doctior risit contempsit
llobtrivit. cum his ipsis professoribus et philosophis
libris vel carminibus in vicem editis saepe certavit.
12 et Favorinus quidem, cum verbum eius quondam ab
Hadriano reprehensum esset, atque ille cessisset.
arguentibus amicis, quod male cederet Hadriano de
verbo quod idonei auctores usurpassent. risum
ISiucundissimum movit. ait enim : "Non recte
suadetis, familiares, qui non patimini me ilium
doctiorem omnibus credere, qui habet triginta
legiones ".
XVI. Famne Celebris Hadrianus tam cupidus fuit
ut libros vitae suae scriptos a se libertis suis litteratis
dederit, iubens ut eos suis nominibus publicarent.
nam et Phlegontis libri Hadriani esse dicuntur.
2 Catachannas libros obscurissimos Antimachum imi-
Stando scripsit. Floro poetae scribenti ad se :
1 A well-known rhetorician, a native of Arelate (Aries) in
GauL He was a friend of Plu'.ir:^ and of Aulus Gellius,
whose . ; • Atticae are full of allusions to him.
S0n the autobiography see note to c. i. 1. The ruse de-
scribed in this passage was not successful, for the true auth : r-
ship of the autobiography was known to the wi . r of the
present biography (see c. i. 1 ; iii. 3 and 5 ; vii. 2), and also to
Cassias Dio (htix. 11, 2).
3Antimachu3 of Colophon about 400 B.C.; the author of
vigorously; and in order to prevent .S-rr. ianus, his
brother-in-law, from surviving him, he compelled
him to commit suicide, although the man was then in
his ninetieth year. And he even took vengeance on
treedmen and sometimes on soldiers. And although
he was very deft at prose and at verse and very ac-
complished in all the arts, yet he used to subject the
teachers of these arts, as though more learned than
they, to ridicule, scorn, and humiliation. With thie-
very professors and philosophers he often debated by
means of pamphlets or poems issued by both sides in
turn. And once Favorinus,1 when he had yielded to
Hadrian's criticism of a word which he had used, raised
a merrv laugh among his friends. For when thev re-
• •
preached him for having done wrong in yielding to
Hadrian in the matter of a word used by reputable
authors, he replied : • • You are urging a wrong cours e .
my friends, when you do not suffer me to regard as the
most learned of men the one who has thirtv legions '
XVI. So desirous of a wide-spread reputation was
Hadrian that he even wrote his own biography : this
he gave to his educated freedmen, with instructions
to publish it under their own name 5.- For indeed,
Phlegon's writings, it is s .:d. are Hadrian's in reality.
He wrote Catachannae. a verv obscure work in imita-
tion of Antimachus.3 And when the poet Fioms 4
wrote to him :
an epic, the Thecals, and of an elegiac poem, on the death of
his wife Lyde. In general, his 5:~le ~is : :_ = .iered obscure,
and his poems were full of learned allusions. According to
Dio, bcx. 4. Hadrian preferred him to Honer. Nothing is
knovrn rftitie .':.:ichannae.
' Fr::s.:> :"__e - s: inniu; r l:rus. s:~ f :: —':. :ir verse -
t.r served in the Codex SaJmasianus, & collection of miscellan-
eous poetical selections; see r.:e;r. Anihalogia Latin*-. . .
951 i-i -±---:..
Ego nolo Caesar esse,
ambulare per Britannos,
latitare per . . -1
Scythicas pati pruinas,
4 rescripsit :
Ego nolo Floras esse,
ambulare per tabernas,
latitare per popinas,
culices pati rotundos.
5 amavit praeterea genus vetustum dicendi. contro-
6 versias declamavit. Ciceroni Catonem, Vergilio
Ennium, Sallustio Caelium praetulit eademque iacta-
7 tione de Homero ac Platone iudicavit. mathesin sic
scire sibi visus est ut vero2 kalendis lanuariis scrip-
serit, quid ei toto anno posset evenire, ita ut eo anno
quo periit usque ad iilam horam qua est mortuus
scripserit quid acturus esset.
8 Sed quamvis esset in reprehendendis musicis
tragicis comicis grammaticis rhetoribus facilis, tamen
omnes professores et honoravit et divites fecit, licet
9eos quaestionibus semper agitaverit. et cum ipse
auctor esset, ut multi ab eo tristes recederent,
dicebat se graviter ferre, si quern tristem videret.
10 in summa familiaritate Epictetum et Heliodorum
philosophos et, ne nominatim de omnibus dicam,
grammaticos rhetores musicos geometras pictores
astrologos habuit, prae ceteris, ut multi adserunt,
1 Omitted in P, but to be supplied from § 4 (where Spengel
would delete latitare per popinas, Abh. d. bayer. Akad. hist,
phil. Kl. IX, p. 317). 2 uero Meursius ; sero P.
1L. Caelius Antipater, an historian living in the second
century B.C., who wrote a histoiy of the Second Punic War.
^According to AeL, iii. 9, this statement is made on the
authority of Marius Maximus.
" I don't want to be a Caesar,
Stroll about among the Britons,
Lurk about among the ....
And endure the Scythian winters/'
he wrote back
" I don't want to be a Florus,
Stroll about among the taverns,
Lurk about among the cook-shops,
And endure the round fat insects."
Furthermore, he loved the archaic style of writing,
and he used to take part in debates. He preferred
Cato to Cicero, Ennius to Vergil, Caelius l to Sal-
lust ; and with the same self-assurance he expressed
opinions about Homer and Plato. In astrology he
considered himself so proficient that on the Kalends
of January he would actually write down all that
might happen to him in the whole ensuing year, and
in the year in which he died, indeed, he wrote down
everything that he was going to do, down to the very
hour of his death.2
However ready Hadrian might have been to
criticize musicians, tragedians, comedians, gram-
marians, and rhetoricians, he nevertheless bestowed
both honours and riches upon all who professed these
arts, though he always tormented them with his
questions. And although he was himself responsible
for the fact that many of them left his presence with
their feelings hurt, to see anyone with hurt feelings,
he used to say, he could hardly endure. He treated
with the greatest friendship the philosophers Epic-
tetus 3 and Heliodorus, and various grammarians,
rhetoricians, musicians, geometricians — not to men-
tion all by name — painters and astrologers ; and among
3 The well-known Stoic philosopher.
lleminente Favorino. doctores, qui profession! suae
inhabiles videbantur, ditatos honoratosque a profes-
sion e dimisit.
XVII. Quos in privata vita inimicos habuit, imper-
ator tantum neglexit, ita ut uni, quern capitalem ha-
2 buerat, factus imperator diceret " Evasisti ". iis quos
ad militiam ipse per se vocavit equos mulos vestes
3 sumptus et omnem ornatum semper exhibuit. satur-
nalicia et sigillaricia frequenter amicis inopinantibus
misit et ipse ab his libenter accepit et alia invicem
4dedit. ad deprehendendas obsonatorum fraudes,
cum plurimis sigmatibus pasceret, fercula de aliis
5mensis etiam ultimis sibi iussit adponi.1 omnes
reges muneribus suis vicit. publice frequenter et
6 cum omnibus lavit. ex quo ille iocus balnearis in-
notuit : nam cum quodam tempore veteranum
quendam notum sibi in militia dorsum et ceteram
partem corporis vidisset adterere parieti,2 percontatus,
cur se marmoribus destringendum daret, ubi audivit
hoc idcirco fieri quod servum non haberet, et servis
7 eum donavit et sumptibus. verum alia die cum plures
senes ad provocandam liberalitatem principis parieti
se adtererent, evocari eos iussit et alium ab alio
8 invicem defricari. fuit et plebis iactantissimus
amator. peregrination is ita cupidus ut omnia quae
legerat de locis orbis terrarum praesens vellet addis-
1 sibi iussit adponi Mommsen ; quibusque (quiq P*) adponi
P1 ; quibusque iussit adponi P corr. ; quibusque adponit Peter.
2 parieti inserted here by Kellerbauer and accepted by Peter2 ;
omitted in P.
1The name Sigillaria was given to the last days of the
Saturnalia, in which it was customary to send as gifts little
figures (sigilla) of pottery or pastry.
them Favorinus, many claim, was conspicuous above
all the rest. Teachers who seemed unfit for their
profession he presented with riches and honours and
then dismissed from the practice of their profession.
XVII. Many whom he had regarded as enemies
when a private citizen, when emperor he merely ig-
nored ; for example, on becoming emperor, he said to
one man whom he had regarded as a mortal foe, " You
have escaped ". When he himself called any to mili-
tary service, he always supplied them with horses,
mules, clothing, cost of maintenance, and indeed
their whole equipment. At the Saturnalia and
Sigillaria l he often surprised his friends with presents,
and he gladly received gifts from them and again
gave others in return. In order to detect dishonesty
in his caterers, when he gave banquets with several
tables he gave orders that platters from the other
tables, even the lowest, should be set before himself.
He surpassed all monarchs in his gifts. He often
bathed in the public baths, even with the common
crowd. And a jest of his made in the bath became
famous. For on a certain occasion, seeing a veteran,
whom he had known in the service, rubbing his back
and the rest of his body against the wall, he asked
him why he had the marble rub him, and when the
man replied that it was because he did not own a
slave, he presented him with some slaves and the cost
of their maintenance. But another time, when he
saw a number of old men rubbing themselves against
the wall for the purpose of arousing the generosity
of the Emperor, he ordered them to be called out
and then to rub one another in turn. His love for
the common people he loudly expressed. So fond
was he of travel, that he wished to inform himself in
9 cere, frigora et tempestates ita patienter tulit ut
lOnumquam caput tegeret.1 regibus multis plurimum
detulit, a plerisque vero etiam pacem redemit, a
llnonnullis contemptus est ; multis ingentia dedit
munera, sed nulli maiora quam Hiberorum, cui et
elephantum et quinquagenariam cohortem post
12 magnifica dedit dona, cum a Pharasmane ipse quo-
que ingentia dona2 accepisset atque inter haec
auratas quoque chlamydes, trecentos noxios cum
auratis chlamydibus in arenam misit ad eius munera
XVIII. Cum iudicaret, in consilio habuit non arnicos
suos aut comites solum sed iuris consultos et prae-
cipue luventium3 Celsum, Salvium lulianum, Nera-
tium Priscum aliosque, quos tamen senatus omnis
2 probasset. constituit inter cetera, ut in nulla civitate
domus aliqua 4 transfereiidae ad aliam urbem ullius 5
Smateriae causa dirueretur. liberis proscriptorum
J tegeret Exc. Cus. and P corr. ; texeretP1 ; texerit Peter.
2 ingentia munia dona P; munia deleted by Petrarch;
munia dono Peter. 3 luuentium Gas;. ; iulium P. 4 ali-
qua . . . dirueretur Petschenig ; alique . . . dirueretur P: ;
diruerentur P corr. 5 ullius P corr. (so Peter, but conj.
illius) ; ullis P1 ; utilis Cornelissen ; uilis Mommsen.
1 Especially in connection with his conference with the
minor potentates of the Orient ; see c. xiii. 8.
2 Pharasmanes ; see also c. xiii. 9 and note.
3 See c. viii. 9 and note.
4 His Digesta in thirty-nine books were used in the com-
pilation of the Digest of Justinian.
6 Famous as the compiler of the Edictum Perpetuum, a
systematized collection of praetors' edicta, or statements of
person about all that he had read concerning all
parts of the world. Cold and bad weather he could
bear with such endurance that he never covered his
head. He showed a multitude of favours to many
kings,1 but from a number he even purchased peace,
and by some he was treated with scorn ; to many he
gave huge gifts, but none greater than to the king
of the Hiberi,2 for to him he gave an elephant and
a band of fifty men, in addition to magnificent presents.
And having himself received huge gifts from Pharas-
manes, including some cloaks embroidered with gold,
he sent into the arena three hundred condemned
criminals dressed in gold-embroidered cloaks for the
purpose of ridiculing the gifts of the king.
XVIII. When he tried cases, he had in his council 3
not only his friends and the members of his staff, but
also jurists, in particular Juventius Celsus,4 Salvius
Julianus,5 Neratius Priscus,6 and others, only those,
however, whom the senate had in every instance ap-
proved. Among other decisions he ruled that in no
community should any house be demolished for the
purpose of transporting any building-materials to
another city.7 To the child of an outlawed person he
the principles to be used in administering justice ; see Eutrop.,
viii. 17, and Codex lust., vi. 61, 5. His Digesta in ninety
books are cited in Justinian's Digest. See also Sev., xvii. 5.
fi See note to c. iv. 8.
7 This prohibition is an application of the general principle
laid down in a senatus consultum of 44 (Bruns6, No. 51),
that no building in Italy shall be demolished with a view to
making profit out of the demolition. The destruction of
buildings for any purpose except their immediate reconstruc-
tion, unless permission has been given by the curia, is pro-
hibited in the various laws of the coloniae and municipia;
see Lex Col. Genetivae, c. 75, Lex Mun. Malac., c. 62, and
Lex Mun. Tarent., c. 4.
4duodecimas bonorum concessit. maiestatis crimina
5 non admisit. ignotorum hereditates repudiavit nee
6notorum accepit, si filios haberent. de thesauris ita
cavit ut, si l quis in suo repperisset, ipse potiretur,
si quis in alieno, dimidium domino daret, si quis in
ypublico, cum fisco aequabiliter partiretur. servos a
dominis occidi vetuit eosque iussit damnari per
Siudices, si digni essent. lenoni et lanistae servum
9 vel ancillam vendi vetuit causa non praestita. de-
coctores bonorum suorum, si suae auctoritatis essent,
catomidiari in amphitheatre et dimitti iussit. ergastula
10 servorum et liberorum tulit. lavacra pro sexibus
11 separavit. si dominus in domo interemptus esset,
non de omnibus servis quaestioiiem haberi sed de iis
qui per vicinitatem poterant sentire praecepit.
XIX. In Etruria praeturam imperator egit. per
1 si lacking in P1, added by P corr.
JIt was a principle of Roman law that the property of those
executed or exiled should be confiscated ; see Digest., xlviii.
20, 1 pr. It had become customary, however, to allow to the
children a certain proportion. In the first century this often
amounted to a half (see Tac., Ann., iii. 17 ; xiii. 43) ; in the
time of Theodosius I, the law established this amount, except
only in cases of treason, in which the children were to receive
one sixth ; see Cod. Theod., ix. 42, 8 and 24 = Cod. lust., ix.
49, 8 and 10. The amount prescribed by Hadrian must be
regarded as a minimum.
2 Originally the principle seems to have been that the
finder of treasure became the owner; so Hor., Sat., ii. 6, 10 f.
granted a twelfth of the property.1 Accusations for
lese majesic he did not admit. Legacies from persons
unknown to him he refused, and even those left to
him by acquaintances he would not accept if they
had any children. In regard to treasure-trove, he
ruled that if anyone made a find on his own property
he might keep it, if on another's land, he should turn
over half to the proprietor thereof, if on the state's,
he should share the find equally with the privy-purse.2
He forbade masters to kill their slaves, and ordered
that any who deserved it should be sentenced by the
courts. He forbade anyone to sell a slave or a maid-
servant to a procurer or trainer of gladiators without
giving a reason therefor. He ordered that those who
had wasted their property, if legally responsible, should
be flogged in the amphitheatre and then let go. Houses
of hard labour for slaves and free he abolished. He
provided separate baths for the sexes. He issued an
order that, if a slave-owner were murdered in his house,
no slaves should be examined save those who were
near enough to have had knowledge of the murder.3
XIX. In Etruria he held a praetorship 4 while em-
Hadrian's modification was adopted by Marcus and Verus
(Just., Digest., xlix. 14, 3, 10), and by Severus Alexander
(Alex., xlvi. ^), and was finally incorporated in Justinian's
Institutes (ii. 1, 39).
3 A senatus consultant Silanianum of A.D. 10 had ordained
that on the murder of a slave-owner by a slave, all the slaves
present in the house should be examined by torture ; see
Just., Digest, xxix. 5. This was extended by a senatus con-
sultum of 57 to include all freedmen present in the house ;
see Tac., Ann., xiii. 32. For an instance of such a murder
see Tac., Ann., xiv. 42-45.
4 He held the honorary post of chief magistrate of various
towns. Praetor was the original title of this magistrate (the
Roman consuls also were originally called praetores), and
many towns retained the old name.
Latina oppida dictator et aedilis et duumvir fuit, apud
Neapolim demarchus, in patria sua quiiiquennalis et
item Hadriae quinquennalis, quasi in alia patria, et
Athenis archon fuit.
2 In omnibus paene urbibus et aliquid aedificavit et
Sludos edidit. Athenis rnille ferarurn venationem in
4stadio exhibuit. ab urbe Roma nurnquam ullum
5 venatorern aut scaenicum avocavit. Romae post
ceteras immensissimas voluptates in honorem socrus
suae arornatica populo donavit, in honorem Traiani
bulsarna et crocuin per gradus theatri fluere iussit.
6 fabulas omnis generis more aritiquo in theatre dedit,
7 hUtriones aulieos publicavit. in Circo multas feras
Setsaepe centum leones int.erfeoit. rnilitares pyrrichas
populo frequenter exhibuit. gladiatores frequenter
9speetavit. curn opera ubique infinita fecisset, nurn-
quarn ipse nisi in Traiani patris teniplo nornen suum
10 seripsit. Rornae instauravit Pantheum, Saepta, Basil-
1 The Duoviri inri dicundo were the chief magistrates of a
colony, arjalogouB to the consuls at Homo, and gradually
most of the municipalities adopted this form of government.
It wan CUB ornary for the emperors to hold thin ma^i itracy as
a compliment to the town.
a Naples, which was a Greek city, retained the original
title of its chief magistrate, S-fi^apxo^ ; see Straho, v. p. 51 fj
an'l njJirjy ins'ifij/ .ions extending down to the fourth century.
:: Jtalica in llispania liaetica; see c. i. 1.
4 In 112, before- he be'-amc emperor; see the inscription
from Athens, C'./.L., iii. .0-00 = Dessau, Ins. Sel., .'JOB.
•; c. ix. '.) and note.
'Originally a war-dance, hut sometimes used in panto-
rnimea (';f. Suet., Nero, xii. 2).
7 Se<- QOte to c. vii. fj.
'uirnnally f^uilt by Agrippa in 27 B.C. Tlie present build-
in;; bears the inscription of A^rippa, A/. Ayriyipa L. f. consul
tff Hium) fecit, but an examination of the bncks used in its
peror. In the Latin towns he ^ as dictator and aedile
and duumvir.1 in Naples demareh.- in h;s native city5
duumvir with the powers of censor. This office he
held at Hadria. too, his second native city, as it were.
and at Athens he \\as archon.4
In almost every city he built some building and
cave public games. At Athens he exhibited in the
stadium a hunt of a thousand wild beasts, but he
never called awav from Rome a single wild-beast-
» V-
hunter or actor. In Rome, in addition to popular
entertainments of unbounded extravagance, he ga\ e
sp-.ces to the people in honour of his mother-in-law.-"1
and in honour of Trajan he c.uised essences of balsam
and sartron to be poured over the seats of the theatre.
And in the theatre he presented plays of all kinds in
the ancient manner and had the court-players appear
before the public. In the Circus he had many wild
beasts killed and often a whole hundred of lions.
He often ca\ e the people exhibitions of military
Pyrrhic dances.5 and he frequently attended gladia-
torial shows. He built public buildings in a";l places
and without number, but he inscribed his own name
on none of them except the temple of his father
Trajan." At Rome he restored the Pantheon/ the
Voting-enclosure,11 the Rtsil.ca of Neptune/--' \ev\
construction has H :ie fact that U ifl . TN
of Hadrian.
9 In the Campu? Martins. tadfoi
voting. Thebuilc. • kS ,1 ulius Caosar V - ftdbj
Acr v.:. .v.\ .:- >.:;::. ^Pio, liii. 23). I:v..s<
under Titus (DiOtlxvi - rebuilt under Itomil
V-. :'.-. of .'.-.;• - . A.; r^ain'JoB.e h> , cm-
mer.. : :• viotonos ow Sextus - '• m]
Dio, liii. 21 ind bomad under Titus. The north wall ,'
Hadrian's buildiv.c .-. . columns A ro e\:.-.-. :. and farm
part of tho facade of the modern stock- exchange,
icam Neptuni, sacras aedies plurimas, Forum August!,
Lavacrum Agrippae ; eaque omnia propriis auctorum l
llnominibus consecravit. fecit et sui nominis pontem
et sepulchrum iuxta Tiberim et aedem Bonae Deae.
12transtulit et Colossum stantem atque suspensum per
Decrianum architectum de eo loco in quo nunc Tern-
plum Urbis est, ingenti molimine, ita ut operi etiam
13elephantos viginti quattuor exhiberet. et cum hoc
simulacrum post Neronis vultum deletum, cui antea
dicatum fuerat, Soli consecrasset, aliud tale Apolo-
doro architecto auctore facere Lunae molitus est.
XX. In conloquiis etiam humillimorum civilissimus
fuit, detestans eos qui sibi hanc voluptatem humani-
tatis quasi servantes 2 fastigium principis inviderent.
2apud Alexandriam in Museo multas quaestiones pro-
fessoribus proposuit et propositas ipse dissolvit.
sMarius Maximus dicit eum natura crudelem fuisse
1 auctorum Peter, from Suet. Dotnit. 5 ; ueterum P. 2 ser-
uantes Roos, Mn. 41, p. 144 ; seruantis P.
1 North-west of the Forum Romanum, and containing the
temple of Mars Ultor.
2 Immediately south of the Pantheon, built by Agrippa in
25 B.C. (Dio, liii. 27). These baths were burned under Titus
but rebuilt under Domitian (Martial, iii. 20 and 36).
3 The Mausoleum Hadriani, on the right bank of the Tiber,
now the Castel S. Angelo. The bridge named after him
Pons Aelius led to it. The Mausoleum was finally completed
by Antoninus Pius in 139 ; see Pius, viii. 2, and C.I.L., vi. 984
= Dessau, Ins. Sel, 322.
4 The Aedes Bonae Deae Subsaxanae was on the slope of
the eastern peak of the Aventine Hill (the Remuria or
Saxum) ; for its legend see Ovid, Fast., v. 155.
many temples, the Forum of Augustus,1 the Baths of
Agrippa,'2 and dedicated all of them in the names of
their original builders. Also he constructed the
bridge named after himself, a tomb on the bank of
the Tiber,3 and the temple of the Bona Dea.4 With
the aid of the architect Decrianus he raised the Co-
lossus 5 and, keeping it in an upright position, moved
it away from the place in which the Temple of Rome 6
is now, though its weight was so vast that he had to
furnish for the work as many as twenty-four elephants.
This statue he then .consecrated to the Sun, after
removing the features of Nero, to whom it had previ-
ously been dedicated, and he also planned, with the
assistance of the architect Apollodorus, to make a
similar one for the Moon.
XX. Most democratic in his conversations, even
with the very humble, he denounced all who, in the
belief that they were thereby maintaining the imperial
dignity, begrudged him the pleasure of such friendli-
ness. In the Museum at Alexandria7 he propounded
many questions to the teachers and answered himself
what he had propounded. Marius Maximus says that
6 A colossal statue of Nero which stood in the vestibule of
Nero's Golden House; see Suet., Nero, xxxi. 1. According
to Suetonius it was 120 feet high, according to Pliny (N.H.,
xxxiv. 45) 106J feet. The statue was moved by Hadrian to
a place immediately north-west of the Colosseum, where a
portion of its base is still preserved.
6 The Temple of Venus and Rome, built by Hadrian in 135
from a plan made by himself; see Dio, Ixix. 4. It stood on
the Velia at the highest point of the Sacra Via on a part of
the site of Nero's Golden House. The western portion is
built into the church of S. Francesca Romana, the eastern
portion is partly extant.
7 An academy founded by Ptolemy Philadelphus in imita-
tion of the schools of Plato and Aristotle at Athens.
et idcirco multa pie fecisse quod timeret, ne sibi
idem quod Domitiano accidit eveniret.
4 Et cum titulos in operibus non amaret, multas
civitates Hadrianopolis appellavit, ut ipsam Cartha-
5 ginem et Athenarum partem. aquarum ductus etiam
6 infinites hoc nomine nuncupavit. fisci advocatum
primus instituit.
7 Fuit memoriae ingentis, facultatis immensae ; nam
ipse et orationes dictavit et ad omnia respondit.
8 ioca eius plurima exstant ; nam fuit etiam dicaculus.
unde illud quoque innotuit quod, cum cuidam canes-
centi quiddam negasset, eidem iterum petenti sed
infecto capite respondit : " lam hoc patri tuo negavi ".
gnomina plurimis sine nomenclatore reddidit, quae
semel et congesta simul audiverat, ut nomenclatores
10 saepius errantes emendarit. dixit et veteranorum
nomina, quos aliquando dimiserat. libros statim l
lectos et ignotos quidem plurimis memoriter reddidit.
11 uno tempore scripsit dictavit audivit et cum amicis
fabulatus est, si potest credi.2 omnes publicas
rationes ita complexus est ut domum privatam quivis
12 paterfamilias diligens non satis iiovit.3 equos et canes
1 So P ; strictim Peter2 ; rairtim Novak. 2 si potest
(potes P1) credi removed by the edd., so Haupt, Opusc. III.
p. 421, but Vahlen (ind. lect. Ber. bib. 1880/1, p. 13) would
retain, joining to the following. 3non satis nouit P, which
Haupt would remove (loc. cit.) ; non setius norit Momrnsen,
1 Domitian was assassinated by some palace-attendants.
2 This portion of the city lay east of the Acropolis, between
the old wall of Themistocles and the Ilissus. A gate in the
old wall was replaced by a new one, bearing on its two sides
respectively the lines : —
At'S' eiV 'AOrivai 97j<rea>j rj irplv Tr6\is.
A'iS' eur' 'A.Spiavov Ka\ ou^l 0rjtreajy 7r6\is-
(I.G., iii. 401).
he was naturally cruel and performed so many kind-
nesses only because he feared that he might meet
the fate which had befallen Domitian.1
Though he cared nothing for inscriptions on his
public works, he gave the name of Hadrianopolis to
many cities, as, for example, even to Carthage and a
section of Athens ; 2 and he also gave his name to
aqueducts without number. He was the first to ap-
point a pleader for the privy-purse.3
Hadrian's memory was vast and his ability was un-
limited ; for instance, he personally dictated his
speeches and gave opinions on all questions. He
was also very witty, and of his jests many still sur-
vive. The following one has even become famous :
When he had refused a request to a certain gray-
haired man, and the man repeated the request but
this time with dyed hair, Hadrian replied : " I have
already refused this to your father". Even without
the aid of a nomenclator he could call by name a
great many people, whose names he had heard but
once and then all in a crowd ; indeed, he could
correct the nomenclators when they made mistakes,
as they not infrequently did, and he even knew the
names of the veterans whom he had discharged at
various times. He could repeat from memory, after
a rapid reading, books which to most men were not
known at all. He wrote, dictated, listened, and,
incredible as it seems, conversed with his friends, all
at one and the same time. He had as complete a
knowledge of the state-budget in all its details as
3 The advocatus fisci represented the interests of the privy-
purse in law-suits in which it became involved. The office
was held by knights and constituted the first step in the
equestrian cursus honor urn.
13 sic amavit ut iis sepulchra constitueret. oppidum
Hadrianotheras in quodam loco, quod illic et feliciter
esset venatus et ursam occidisset aliquando, constituit.
XXI. De iudicibus omnibus semper cuncta scru-
tando tamdiu requisivit quamdiu verum inveniret.
2 libertos suos nee sciri voluit in publico nee aliquid
apud se posse, dicto suo omnibus superioribus priii-
cipibus vitia imputans libertorum, damnatis omnibus
3 libertis suis, quicumque se de eo iactaverant. unde
exstat etiam illud severum l quidem sed prope ioculare
de servis. nam cum quodam tempore servum suum
inter duos senatores e conspectu ambulare vidisset,
misit qui ei colaphum daret diceretque2 : " Noli inter
4eos ambulare quorum esse adhuc potes servus ". in-
ter cibos unice amavit tetrapharmacum, quod erat de
phasiano sumine perna et crustulo.
5 Fuerunt eius temporibus fames pestilentia terrae
motus, quae omnia, quantum potuit, procuravit mul-
6 tisque civitatibus vastatis per ista subvenit. fuit etiam
7 Tiberis inundatio. Latium multis civitatibus dedit,
tributa multis remisit.
1 seuerum Petschenig ; seuero P ; seuere P corr. ; seue B2,
whence Peter saeue. 2so Mommsen ; colafum daret et
diceret P corr. (from P1 colla fundar et qui) ; qui et collafum
daret ; cui " Noli," etc. Bitschofsky.
1 Especially for his favourite huntiDg-horse Borysthenes,
•which died at Apte in Gallia Narbonensis ; in its honour he
erected a tomb with a stele and an inscription ; see Dio, Ixix.
10. The inscription is preserved, C.I.L., xii. 1122 = Biicheler,
Carm. Epigr., ii. 1522.
2 In Bithynia.
3 Also called pentapharmacum ; see AeL, v. 4 f. It was also
a favourite dish of Severus Alexander's; see Alex., xxx. 6.
any careful householder has of his own household.
His horses and dogs he loved so much that he pro-
vided burial-places for them/ and in one locality he
founded a town called Hadrianotherae,2 because once
he had hunted successfully there and killed a bear.
XXI. He always inquired into the actions of all his
judges, and persisted in his inquiries until he satisfied
himself of the truth about them. He would not allow
his freedmen to be prorninenc in public affairs or to
have any influence over himself, and he declared that
all his predecessors were to blame for the faults of
their freedrnen ; he also punished all his freedmen
who boasted of their influence over him. With regard
to his treatment of his slaves, the following incident,
stern but almost humorous, is still related. Once
when he saw one of his slaves walk away from his
presence between two senators, he sent someone to
give him a box on the ear and say to him : " Do not
walk between those whose slave you may some day
be". As an article of food he was singularly fond
of tetrapharmacum,3 which consisted of pheasant,
sow's udders, ham, and pastry.
During his reign there were famines, pestilence,
and earthquakes. The distress caused by all these
calamities he relieved to the best of his ability, and
also he aided many communities which had been
devastated by them. There was also an overflow
of the Tiber. To many communities he gave Latin
citizenship,4 and to many others he remitted their
4 The ius Lalii was a peculiar status, granted originally
to certain of the cities of Latium. It conferred on their
inhabitants certain private rights of a Eoman citizen, especi-
ally those of holding property and trading at Rome and of
intermarriage with Romans. In the time of the Empire the
8 Expeditiones sub eo graves nullae fuerunt ; bella
9 etiam silentio paene transacta. a railitibus propter
curam exercitus nimiam1 multum amatus est, simul
10 quod in eos liberalissimus fuit. Parthos in amicitia
semper habuit, quod inde regem retraxit, quern
11 Traianus imposuerat. Armeniis regem habere per-
12 misit, cum sub Traiano legatum habuissent. a Meso-
potamiis 2 non exegit tributum, quod Traianus im-
13 posuit. Albanos et Hiberos amicissimos habuit, quod
reges eorurn largitionibus prosecutus est, cum ad
14 ilium venire contempsissent. reges Bactrianorum
legates ad eum amicitiae petendae causa supplices
XXII. Tutores saepissime dedit. disciplinam civi-
2lem non aliter tenuit quam militarem. senatores et
equites Romanes semper in publico togatos esse iussit,
3 nisi si a cena reverterentur. ipse, cum in Italia esset,
4 semper togatus processit. ad convivium venientes
senatores stans excepit semperque aut pallio tectus
5 discubuit aut toga, summa diligentia in dies 3 sumptus
convivii constituit et ad antiquum modum redegit.
gvehicula cum ingentibus sarcinis urbem ingredi pro-
7 hibuit. sederi equos in civitatibus non sivit. ante
octavam horam in publico neminem nisi aegrum lavari
1 nimiam P corr., Novak ; nimiae P1 ; nimie Peter2. 2a
Mesopotamiis Novak after P corr. omitting a ; Mesopotamenos
P1, Peter. 3 toga, summa diligentia in dies Mommsen ;
toga summissa diligentia indices P ; iudicis Peter.
possession of this status meant chiefly local autonomy and
the bestowal of Roman citizenship on local magistrates.
1 Except the war in Judaea ; see c. xiv. 2 and note.
There were no campaigns of importance during his
reign,1 and the wars that lie did wage were brought
to a close almost without arousing comment. The
soldiers loved him much on account of his very great
interest in the army2 and for his great liberality to
them besides. The Parthians always regarded him
as a friend because he took away the king3 whom
Trajan had set over them. The Armenians were
permitted to have their own king,4 whereas under
Trajan they had had a governor, and the Mesopotam-
ians were relieved of the tribute which Trajan had
imposed. The Albanians 5 and Hiberians he made his
friends by lavishing gifts upon their kings, even
though they had scorned to come to him. The kings
of the Bactrians sent envoys to him to beg humbly
for his friendship.
XXII. He very often assigned guardians. Disci-
pline in civil life he maintained as rigorously as he did
in military. He ordered senators and knights to wear
the toga whenever they appeared in public except
when they were returning from a banquet, and he
himself, when in Italy, always appeared thus clad.
At banquets, when senators came, he received them
standing, and he always reclined at table dressed
either in a Greek cloak or in a toga. The cost of a
banquet he determined on each occasion, all with
the utmost care, and he reduced the sums that
might be expended to the amounts prescribed by
2 See c. x.
3 i.e. Parthamaspates ; see c. v. 4 and note.
4 i.e. he relinquished their country together with the other
conquests of Trajan east of the Euphrates; see c. v. 1 and 3
and notes.
6 The eastern part of Trans-Caucasia, east of the Hiberi
(for whom see c. xvii. 11).
8p.'issiis est. ab epistulis et a libellis primus equites
9 Romanos habuit. eos quos paupnvs et innocentes
vidit sponte ditavit, quos vero callidit.ate ditatos,
lOetiam odio habuit. sacra Romana diligentissime
curavit, pere^rina conternpsit. pontificis maximi
11 oflirium p.-.rc^it. causas Romae atque in provi'iciis
frequenter audivit, adliibitis in eonsilio suo consiilibus
l^atque practonbus et opt.iniis srnat.oribus. Fucinurn
].'{ laciun cinisit.. (juattuor COnsulares per omnem Italiani
lliudicj-s <-<)iisl,ituit. (juando in Africani venit, ad ad-
venliiin cius post, quinquennium pluit, atque ideo ab
African is dileet.us est.
XXIII. IVra^ratis sane omnibus orbis partibus
capil.e nudo et in sunuiiis plerumque imbrilnis atque
2 frifforibus in tnorbum ineidit. Lectualem. factusque de
succcssorc sollieit.us priinuin de Scrviano cogitavit,
1 I'. iMnnin;1; wit.li t,ln! //<•/• Orchid of 181 B.C. tin- Roman
rcpulilic. t,iird by a surer'; ion of sumptuary laws to rn.i.iirt
the conBtantly increasing cost of i';iin|iirt,s. Tbr Lei- i<\\nna
of Itil I-..C. fixed ii maximum of 100 a.s.sv;.s f^r tbe \\vi\\\\. b< Inlays,
of 10 a.s.sc.s for Ordinary day B ) l,be lii.l.lri- sum was laf.rr in-
cre!i.s('d l,o :i() f/.s.sf.s'. Tbe I ,<• i Conii'l'm of Sulla allowed tbree
i'd :;>• ,lnce ; fur bolida.ys and tbirt.y for ol.brr days ; Uns
was increased by a law of Au",u .t.us 1,0 IAVO hundred
SOSt ei-ee:; ; :;rr ( IcHlllS, 11. iM Illld Ma ToblUS, S<lt., I'll. 17. Wblch
Bum is Hi' anl, beer is unfortunately imt. elr«ar.
M)ii' of |,br. most important of Hadrian's reforms. The
great, OOUrt offices bad previously been held rbiellv by freod-
niou of l.lio eni|M'ior as pnval.e posta iu Ills household.
Hadrian, in providing that they ahould bo hold by
the ancient laws.1 He forbade the entry into Rome
of heavily laden wagons, and did not permit
riding on horseback in cities. None but invalids
were allowed to bathe in the public baths before
the eighth hour of the day. 1 L> was the first to
put knights in charge of the imperial correspond-
ence and of the petition^ addressed to the- emperor.-
Those men whom he saw to be poor and innocent he
enriched of his own accord, but those who had become
rich through sharp practice he actually regarded
with hatred. He despised foreign cults, but native
Roman ones he observed most scrupulously ; more-
over, he always performed the duties of pontifex
maximus. lie tried a great number of lawsuits him-
self both in Rome and in the provinces, ami to his
council ;? lie called consuls ami praetors and the fore-
most of the senators. He drained the Fueine Lake.4
He appointed four men of consular rank as judges
for all Italy. When he went to Africa •' it rained on
his arrival for the first time in the space of' five years,
ami for this he was beloved by the Africans.
\\lll. After traversing, as he did. all parts of the
world with bare head ami often in severe storms and
transformed them into official government positions. More-
over, tins opening to the equestrian order of a eareer of great
intlueiuv and distinction led to the resalt that by the end of
the third century most of the important administrative po^ts
were held by knights.
;: Set1 c. viii. i> and note.
4 Now Lugo di tYlano. It is in the centre of Italy, due
east of Home. An a', tempt to drain it by means of a tunnel
was made by Claudius ^see Tae.. A >;>;., \i. ;V> an 1 o7). but not
very sue •essfnlly. Another at.enr.t. made by Trajan, is re-
corded in an inscription (C.I.L., ix. 3015).
6 See c. xiii. 4.
3 quern postea, ut diximus, mori coegit, item1 Fuscum,
quod imperium praesagiis et ostentis agitatus speraret.
4 in sumtna detestatione habuit Platorium Nepotem,
quern tantopere ante dilexit ut veniens ad eum aegro-
tantem Hadrianus impune non admitteretur, suspic-
5 ioiiibus adductus, et eodem modo et Terentium
Gentianum, et hunc vehementius, quodasenatu diligi
6 tune videbat. omnes postremo, de quorum imperio
cogitavit, quasi futures imperatores detestatus est.
7et omnem quidem vim crudelitatis ingenitae usque eo
repressit donee in Villa Tiburtina profluvio sanguinis
8 paene ad exitum venit. tune libere Servianum quasi
adfectatorem imperil, quod servis regiis cenam misis-
set, quod in sedili regio iuxta lectum posito sedisset,
quod erectusad stationes militum senex nonagenarius
processisset, mori coegit, multis aliis interfectis vel
9aperte vel per insidias ; quando quidem etiam Sabina
uxor non sine fabula veneni dati ab Hadriano de-
functa est.
10 Tune Ceionium Commodum, Nigrini generum
insidiatoris quondam, sibi forma commendatum adop-
11 tare constituit. adoptavit ergo Ceionium Commodum
1 item om. in P, inserted by Peter.
1 See c. xv. 8.
2 Pedanius Fuscus, the grandson of Servianus, was killed
at the age of eighteen ; see Dio, Ixix. 17.
3 See c. iv. 2 and note.
4 D. Terentius Gentianus held an important command in
Trajan's wars in Dacia and became a patron of the colony of
Sarmizegetusa, the capital of the province ; see C.I.L., iii. 1463.
6 See c. xxvi. 5.
Ri.e. the guard that was regularly on duty at the Palace;
see Suetonius, Tib., xxiv. 1 ; Nero, xxi. 1.
frosts, he contracted an illness which confined him to
his bed. And becoming anxious about a successor
he thought first of Servianus. Afterwards, however,
as I have said,1 he forced him to commit suicide ;
and Fuscus,2 too, he put to death on the ground that,
being spurred 011 by prophecies and omens, he was
hoping for the imperial power. Carried away by
suspicion, he held in the greatest abhorrence Platorius
Nepos,3 whom he had formerly so loved that, once,
when he went to see him while ill and was refused ad-
mission, he nevertheless let him go unpunished. Also
he hated Terentius Gentianus,4 but even more vehe-
mently, because he saw that he was then beloved by
the senate. At last, he came to hate all those of
whom he had thought in connection with the imperial
power, as though they were really about to be em-
perors. However, he controlled all the force of his
innate cruelty down to the time when in his Tiburtine
Villa 5 he almost met his> death through a hemorrhage.
Then he threw aside all restraint and compelled
Servianus to kill himself, on the ground that he aspired
to the empire, merely because he gave a feast to the
royal slaves, sat in a royal chair placed close to his
bed, and, though an old man of ninety, used to arise
and go forward to meet the guard of soldiers.6 He
put many others to death, either openly or by
treachery, and indeed, when his wife Sabina died,
the rumour arose that the Emperor had given her
Hadrian then determined to adopt Ceionius Com- 136.
modus, son-in-law of Nigrinus, the former conspirator,
and this in spite of the fact that his sole recommen-
dation was his beauty. Accordingly, despite the
opposition of all, he adopted Ceionius Comrnodus
Verum invitis omnibus eumque Helium Verum Cae-
12 sarem appellavit. ob cuius adoptationem l ludos
circenses dedit et donativum populo ac militibus
13 expendit. quern praetura honoravit ac statim Pan-
noniis imposuit decreto consulatu cum sumptibus.2
eundem Commodum secundo consulem designavit.
14 quern cum minus sanum videret, saepissime dictitavit :
" In caducum parietem nos inclinavimus et perdidi-
mus quater milies sestertium, quod populo et militi-
15 bus pro adoptione Commodi dedimus ". Commodus
autem prae valetudine nee gratias quidem in senatu
16agere potuit Hadriano de adoptione. denique ac-
cepto largius antidote ingravescente valetudine per
somnum periit ipsis kalendis lanuariis. quare ab
Hadriano votorum causa lugeri est vetitus.
XXIV. Et 3 mortuo Helio Vero Caesare Hadrianus
ingruente tristissima valetudine adoptavit Arrium
Antoninum, qui postea Pius dictus est, et ea quidem 4
1 adoptationem P, Petschenig ; adoi tionem Peter. 2 con-
sulatus consumptibus P set. P; sed Gas., Peter. 4 et
ea quidem Jordan ; et eadem P.
1 More correctly, L. Ceionius Commodus; he was adopted
under the name L. Aelius Caesar. The cognomen Verus,
given to him here and in his biography (Ael., ii. 1 and 6), is
not attested by inscriptions or coins, and seems to have arisen
through a confusion with his son, adopted by Antoninus Pius,
and, after his accession to the throne, called L. Auielius
Verus. The form Helius which is used throughout the Historic,
Verus a and called him Ae.ius Verus Caesar. On the
occasion of the adopt on he gave games in the Circus
and bestowed largess upon the populace and the
soldiers.'2 He dignified Commodus with the office of
praetor 3 and immediately placed him in command of
the Pannonian provinces, and also conferred on him
the consulship together with money enough to meet
the expenses of the office. He also appointed Com-
modus to a second consulship. And when he saw
that the man was diseased, he used often to say :
" We have leaned against a tottering wall and have
wasted the four hundred million sesterces which we
gave to the populace and the soldiers on the adoption
of Commodus 4 ". Moreover, because of his ill-health,
Commodus could not even make a speech in the senate
thanking Hadrian for his adoption. Finally, too large
a quantity of medicine was administered to him, and
thereupon his illness increased, and he died in his sleep
on the very Kalends of January.5 Because of the date 1 Jan., 1!
Hadrian forbade public mourning for him, in order
that the vows tor the state might be assumed as usual.
XXIV. After the death of Aelius Verus Caesar,
Hadrian was attacked by a very severe illness, and 25 Feb.,
thereupon he adopted Arrius Antoninus6 (who was
Augusta has no warrant whatsoever ; its substitution for
Aeaus is probably due to some editor.
2 Of. Ael., iii. 3; vi. 1.
3 This statement, as found here and in Ael., iii. 2, is incorrect,
for he was praetor in 130 and consul in 136, the year in which
he was adopted. He was consul for the second time in 137
and was then placed in command of the two provinces of
4 Of. Ael., vi. 3. 5Cf. Ael,i\. 7.
6 More correctly, T. Aurelius Fulvus Boionius Arrius
Antoninus ; see Pius, i. 1. After his adoption his name was
T. Aelius Caesar Antoninus.
lege ut ille sibi duos adoptaret, Annium Verum et Mar-
2 cum Antoninum. hi suntqui postea duo pariter August!
Sprimi rem publicam gubernaverunt. et Antoninus
quidera Pius idcirco appellatus dicitur quod socerum
4 fessum aetate manu sublevaret, quamvis alii cogno-
mentum hoc ei dicant inditum, quod multos senatores
5 Hadriano iam saevienti abripuisset, alii, quod ipsi
Hadriano magnos honores post mortem detulisset.
6 Antonini adoptionem plurimi tune factam esse dolue-
runt, speciatim Catilius Severus, praefectus urbi, qui
7 sibi praeparabat imperium. qua re prodita successore
accepto dignitate privatus est.
8 Hadrianus autem ultimo vitae taedio iam adfectus
9 gladio se transfigi a servo iussit. quod cum esset
proditum et in Antonini usque notitiam venisset,
ingressis ad se praefectis et filio rogantibusque ut
aequo animo necessitatem morbi ferret, dicente Anto-
nino parricidam se futurum si Hadrianum adoptatus
10 ipse pateretur occidi,1 iratus illis auctorem proditionis
iussit occidi, qui tamen ab Antonino servatus est.
11 statimque testamentum scripsit nee tamen actus rei
1 dicente . . . occidi follows in P statimque . . . pra^ter-
misit; transposed to follow ut . . . ferretby Gemoll, so Peter2.
1 The names of the two adopted sons of Antoninus Pius are
entirely conlused. The biographer is referring here to L.
Ceionius Commodus, the son of L. Aelius Caesar, called, after
his adoption by Antoninus, L. Aelius Aurelius Commodus.
On his succession to the throne, he took the cognomen of his
adoptive brother Annius Verus (M. Aurelius Antoninus) and
reigned as L. Aurelius Verua.
2 His name before adoption was M. Annius Verus ; after
adoption he seems to have been called M. Aelius Aurelius
Verus. On the death of Antoninus Pius he called himself
M. Aurelius Antoninus.
3 So also Pius, ii. 3. 4 See c. xxv. 8 and Pius, ii. 4.
afterwards called Pius), imposing on him the condition
that he adopt two sons, Annius Verus l and Marcus
Antoninus.2 These were the two who afterwards
ruled the empire together, the first joint Augusti.
And as for Antoninus, he was called Pius, it is said,
because he used to give his arm to his father-in-law
when weakened by old age.3 However, others assert
that this surname was given to him because, as
Hadr:an grew more cruel, he rescued many senators
from the Emperor 4 ; others, again, that it was because
he bestowed great honours upon Hadrian after his
death.5 The adoption of Antoninus was lamented by
many at that time, particularly by Catilius Severus,6
the prefect of the city, who was making plans to secure
the throne for himself. When this fact became known,
a successor was appointed for him and he was deprived
of his office.
But Hadrian was now seized with the utmost dis-
gust of life and ordered a servant to stab him with a
sword. When this was disclosed and reached the
ears of Antoninus, he came to the Emperor, together
with the prefects, and begged him to endure with
fortitude the hard necessity of illness, declaring
furthermore that he himself would be no better than
a parricide, were he, an adopted son, to permit
Hadrian to be killed. The Emperor then became
angry and ordered the betrayer of the secret to be
put to death ; however, the man was saved by
Antoninus. Then Hadrian immediately drew up his
will, though he did not lay aside the administration
of the empire. Once more, however, after making
5 See c. xxvii. 4 and Pius, ii. 5.
6 He had been the colleague of Antoninus in the consulship
in 120 ; see Pius, ii. 9.
12 publicae praetermisit. et post testameiitum quidem
iterum se conatus x occidere subtraeto pu^ione saevior
13 factus est. petiit et venenum a medico, qui se ipse,
ne daret, occidit.
XXV. Ea tempestate supervenit quaedam mulier,
quae diceret somnio se monitam ut insinuaret Hadri-
an o, ne se occideret. quod esset bene valiturus ; quod
cum non fecisset, esse caecatam. iussam tamen iterum
Hadriano eadem dicere atque genua eius osculare,
2 oculos- recepturam si id feoisset. quod cum insom-
iiium 3 implesset, oculos recepit, cum aqua, quae in
3 fano erat, ex quo venerat, oculos abluisset. venit et
de Pan noil ia quidam vetus caecus ad febrientem
4 Hadrianum eumque contigit. quo facto et ipse
oculos recepit et Hadrianum febris reliquit, quam-
vis Marius Maximus haec per simulationem facta
5 Post haec Hadrianus Baias petiit Antonino Romae
6 ad imperandum relicto. ubi cum iiihil proficeret,
arcessito Antonino in conspectu eius apud ipsas Baias
7periit die VI id mini luliarum. invisusque omnibus
sepultus est in villa Ciceroniana Puteolis.
8 Sub ipso mortis tempore et Servianum nonaginta
annos agentem, ut4 supra dictum est, ne sibi super-
viveret 5 atque, ut putabat, imperaret, mori coegit et
ob leves offensas plurimos iussit occidi, quos Anton-
lcst con. P. 2oc«/osom. in P, supplied by Gleye; uisum
(added after recept-ura)).), P corr., so Peter, 'but see Novak
I, p. 3. sinso)nnij(m Cas. ; in sownio P; somnium^ovuk.
B corr., oru. in P ; supra iLctum est deleted by Peter.
*superviverei Petrarch; suprauiueret P, Peter.
1 See c. xv. 8 and xxiii. 2 and 8.
his will, he attempted to kill himself, but the dagger
was taken from him. He then became more violent,
and he even demanded poison from his physician,
who thereupon killed himself in order that he might
not have to administer it.
XXV. About this time there came a certain woman,
who said that she had been warned in a dream to
coax Hadrian to refrain from killing himself, for he
was destined to recover entirely, but that she had
failed to do this and had become blind ; she had never-
theless been ordered a second time to give the same
message to Hadrian and to kiss his knees, and was
assured of the recovery of her sight if she did so.
The woman then carried out the command of the
dream, and received her sight after she had bathed
her eyes with the water in the temple from which
she had come. Also a blind old man from Pannonia
came to Hadrian when he was ill with fever, and
touched him ; whereupon the man received his sight,
and the fever left Hadrian. All these things, how-
ever, Marius Maximus declares were done as a hoax.
After this Hadrian departed for Baiae, leaving
Antoninus at Rome to carry on the government.
But he received no benefit there, and he thereupon
sent for Antoninus, and in his presence he died there
at Baiae on the sixth day before the Ides of July. 10 July,
Hated by all, he was buried at Puteoli on an estate
that had belonged to Cicero.
Just before his death, he compelled Servianus, then
ninety years old, to kill himself, as has been said
before,1 in order that Servianus might not outlive
him, and, as he thought, become emperor. He like-
wise gave orders that very many others who were
guilty of slight offences should be put to death ; these,
Qinus reservavit. et moriens quidem hos versus
fecisse dicitur :
Animula vagula blandula
hospes comesque corporis,
quae nunc abibis in loca
pallidula rigida nudula ?
nee ut soles dabis iocos !
10 tales autem nee multos l meliores fecit et Graecos.
11 Vixit annis LXII,2 mensibus V, diebus XVII. im-
peravit annis XX/ raensibus XI.
XXVI. Statura fuit procerus, forma comptus, flexo
ad pectinem capillo, promissa barba, ut vulnera, quae
in facie naturalia erant, tegeret, habitudine robusta.
2equitavit ambulavitque plurimum armisque et pilo se
3 semper exercuit. venatus frequentissime leonem
manu sua occidit. venando autem iugulum et costam
fregit. venationem semper cum amicis participavit.
4 in convivio tragoedias comoedias Atellanas sambucas
5 lectores poetas pro re semper exbibuit. Tiburtinam
Villam mire exaedificavit, ita ut in ea et provinciarum
et locorurn celeberrima nomina inscriberet, velut
Lyceum, Academian, Prytaneum, Canopum, Poicilen,
Tempe vocaret. et, ut nihil praetermitteret, etiam
inferos finxit.
6 Signa mortis haec habuit : natali suo ultimo, cum
1 multos P ; multo Peter. - LXII Salm. ; LXXII P.
3 XX Cas. ; XXI P.
translated by A. O'Brien-Moore.
2 The name was derived from Atella, a Campanian town,
where, it was supposed, farces of this type originated.
3 This palace was built by Hadrian during the last years of
his reign ; it was a characteristic expression of both his
however, were spared by Antoninus. And he is said,
as he lay dying, to have composed the following lines :
" O blithe little soul, thou, flitting away,
Guest and comrade of this my clay,
Whither now goest thou, to what place
Bare and ghastly and without grace ?
Nor, as thy wont was, joke and play." l
Such verses as these did he compose, and not many
that were better, and also some in Greek.
He lived 62 years, 5 months, 17 days. He ruled
20 years, 1 1 months.
XXVI. He was tall of stature and elegant in ap-
pearance ; his hair was curled on a comb, and he wore
a full beard to cover up the natural blemishes on
his face ; and he was very strongly built. He rode
and walked a great deal and always kept himself ill
training by the use of arms and the javelin. He also
hunted, and he used often to kill a lion with his own
hand, but once in a hunt he broke his collar-bone and
a rib ; these hunts of his he always shared with his
friends. At his banquets he always furnished, ac-
cording to the occasion, tragedies, comedies, Atellan
farces,2 players on the sambuca, readers, or poets.
His villa at Tibur 3 was marvellously constructed, and
he actually gave to parts of it the names of provinces
and places of the greatest renown, calling them, for
instance, Lyceum, Academia, Prytaiieum, Canopus,
Poecile and Tempe. And in order not to omit any-
thing, he even made a Hades.
The premonitions of his death were as follows : On
eccentricity and his magnificence. Its extensive remains,
covering, together with its gardens, about 160 acres, are still
to be seen on the edge of the plain about three miles south-
east of Tibur (Tivoli).
Antoninum commendaret, praetexta sprnte delapsa
7 caput ei aperuit. anulus. in quo imago ips us scuipta
8 erat, sponte de digito delapsus est. ante diem naialis
eius iiescio qui ad senatum ululans venit, contra
quern Hadrianus ita motus est quasi de sua morte
9 loqueretur, cum eius verba nullus agnosceret. idem
cum vellet in senatu dicere " post filii mei mortem,"
10" post meam " dixit. somiiiavit praeterea se a patre
potionem soporiferam impetrasse. item somniavit a
leone se oppressum esse.
XXVII. In mortuum eum a multis multa suiit
2 dicta, acta eius inrita fieri senatus volebat. nee
appellatus esset1 divus, nisi Antoninus rogasset.
3 templum denique ei pro sepulchro apud Puteolos
constituit et quinquennale certamen et flamines et
sodales et multa alia, quae ad honorem quasi numinis
4 pertinerent. qua re, ut supra dictum est, multi
putant Antoninum Pium dictum.
1 est P.
1 He was praying, according to the regular Roman custom,
with a part of his toga drawn over his head.
?For the significance of this omen see note to c. iii. 7.
3 The Sodales were a board of priests to whom was com-
mitted the cult of a deified emperor. Under the empire there
were, in all, four such boards : the Sodales Angus tales, created
for the cult of Augustus, and alter the deification of Claudius
his last birthday, when he was commending Antoninus
to the gods, his bordered toga fell down without
apparent cause and bared his head.1 His ring, on
which his portrait was carved, slipped of its own
accord from his finger.2 On the day before his
birthday some one came into the senate wailing ; by
his presence Hadrian was as disturbed as it he were
speaking about his own death, for no one could under-
stand what he was saying. Again, in the senate,
when he meant to say, "after my son's death," he
said, "after mine". Besides, he dreamed that he
had asked his father for a soporific ; he also dreamed
that he had been overcome by a lion.
XXVII. Much was said against him after his death,
and by many persons. The senate wished to annul
his acts, and would have refrained from naming him
"the Deified' had not Antoninus requested it.
Antoninus, moreover, finally built a temple tor him
at Puteoli to take the place ot a tomb, and he also
established a qu.nquennial contest and flamens and
sudales3 and many other institutions which appertain
to the honour ot one regarded as a god. It is tor this
reason, as has been said before, that many think that
Antoninus received the surname Pius.4
extended to Sodales Augusiales C laud i ales ; the Sodales
Flaviales for Vespasian, after the deification of Titus extended
to Sodales Flaviales Titiales ; the Sodales Had* tanales ; and
the Sodales Antomniani created in 161. The theory was that
one sodalitas should care for the cults of the emperors of the
same house.
4 See c. xxiv, 5 and note.
Diocletiano Augusto Aelius Spartianus
s u u s sal.
I. In animo mihi est, Diocletiane Auguste, tot prin-
cipum maxim e, non solum eos qui principum locum
in hac statione quam temperas retentarunt, ut usque
ad divum Hadrianum feci, sed illos etiam qui vel
Caesarum nomine appellati sunt nee principes aut
Augusti fuerunt vel quolibet alio genere aut in famam
aut in spem principatus venerunt, cognitioni numinis
2tui sternere. quorum praecipue de Helio Vero
dicendum est, qui primus tantum Caesaris nomen
accepit, adoptione Hadriani familiae principum ad-
Sscitus. et quoniam nimis pauca dicenda sunt, nee
debet prologus inormior 1 esse quam fabula, de ipso
iam loquar.
II. Ceionius Commodus, qui et Helius Verus appel-
1 enormior P3 ; aV morosior P4.
1 On his adoption by Hadrian he took the cognomen Caesar,
To Diocletian Augustus, his devoted servant,
A elius Spartianus, greeting :
I. It is my purpose, Diocletian Augustus, greatest
of a long line of rulers, to present to the knowledge
of your Divine Majesty, not only those who have held
as ruling emperors the high post which you maintain
— I have done this as far as the Deified Hadrian—
but also those who either have borne the name of
Caesar, though never hailed emperors or Augusti, or
have attained in some other fashion to the fame of the
imperial power or the hope of gaining it. Among
these I must tell first and foremost ot Aelius Verus,
who through his adoption by Hadrian became a mem-
ber of the imperial family, and was the first to receive
only the name ot Caesar.1 Since 1 can tell but little
of him, and the prologue should not be more extensive
than the play, I shall now proceed to tell of the man
II. The life of Ceionius Commodus, also called Aelius
but, as he did not become emperor, he never assumed any of
the imperial titles. From this time on, it was customary for
the son of the reigning emperor to bear the name Caesar.
latus est, quern sibi Hadrianus aevo ingravescente
morbis tristioribus pressus peragrato iam orbe terrarum
adoptavit, nihil habet in sua vita memorabile, nisi quod
2 primus tantum Caesar est appellatus, non testamento,
ut antea solebat, neque eo modo quo Traianus est
adoptatus, sed eo prope genere quo nostris temporibus
a vestra dementia Maximianus atque Constantius
Caesares dicti sunt quasi quidam priiicipuni filii veri
et l designati augustae maiestatis heredes.
3 Et quoniam de Caesarum nomine in huius praecipue
vita est .\liquid disputandum, qui hoc solum nomen
indeptus 2 est, Caesarem vel ab elephanto, qui lingua
Maurorum caesai dicitur, in proelio caeso, eum qui
primus sic appellatus est doctissimi viri et eruditis-
4 simi putant dictum, vel quia mortua matre et ventre
caeso sit natus, vel quod cum magnis crinibus sit
utero parentis effusus, vel quod oculis caesiis et ultra
humanum morem viguerit. certe quaecumque ilia,
5 felix necessitas fuit, unde tarn clarum et duraturum
cum aeternitate mundi nomen effloruit.
6 Hie ergo, de quo sermo est, primum Lucius Au-
relius Verus est dictus, sed ab Hadriano adscitus in
Heliorum familiam, hoc est in Hadriani, transcriptus
lueri et Obrecbt and others; uiri et P; uirtute Peter, fol-
lowing Bernhardy. * aV adeptus P corr.
1 On the correct form of his name see note to Hadr., xxiii. 11.
2 In 136 ; see Hadr., xxiii. 10.
3 The biographer seems to be thinking of the testamentary
adoption of Octavian by Julius Caesar.
4 Trajan, on his adoption, did not assume the name Caesar ;
this seems to be the only difference.
5 The elephant appears as an emblem on a coin of Julius
Caesar ; see Cohen, i2, p. 17, No. 49.
6 A caeso matris utero dictus, Plin., Nat. Hist., vii. 47.
7 i.e., caesaries. This etymology is given by Festus, p. 57,
Verus,1 adopted by Hadrian 2 after his journey through
the world, when he was burdened by old age and
weakened by cruel disease, contains nothing worthy
of note except that he was the first to receive only
the name of Caesar. This was conferred, not by last
will and testament, as was previously the custom,3 nor
yet in the fashion in which Trajan was adopted,4 but
well nigh in the same manner as in our own time your
Clemency conferred the name of Caesar on Maxim-
ianus and on Constantius, as on true sons of the imperial
house and heirs apparent of your August Majesty.
Now whereas I must needs tell something of the
name of the Caesars, particularly in a life of the man
who received this name alone of the imperial titles,
men of the greatest learning and scholarship aver
that he who first received the name of Caesar was
called by this name, either because he slew in battle
an elephant,5 which in the Moorish tongue is called
caesai, or because he was brought into the world after
his mother's death and by an incision in her abdomen/
or because he had a thick head of hair 7 when he came
forth from his mother's womb, or, finally, because he
had bright grey eyes 8 and was vigorous beyond the
wont of human beings. At any rate, whatever be the
truth, it was a happy fate which ordained the growth
of a name so illustrious, destined to last as long as the
universe endures.
This man, then, of whom I shall write, was at first
called Lucius Aurelius Verus,9 but on his adoption by
Hadrian he passed into the family of the Aelii, that
and both this and the preceding derivation are listed by
Isidorus (Orig.y ix. 3, 12).
8 i.e., oculis caesiis.
9 An error; see note to Hadr., xxiii. 11.
7 et appellatus est Caesar, huic pater Ceionius Corn-
modus fuit, quern alii Verum, alii Lucium Aurelium,
g multi Annium prodiderunt. maiores omnes nobilis-
simi, quorum origo pleraque ex Etruria fuit vel ex
9 Faventia. et de huius quidem familia plenius in
vita Lucii Aurelii Ceionii Commodi Veri Antonini,
filii huiusce, quern sibi adoptare Antoninus iussus
10 est, disseremus. is enim liber debet omnia quae ad
stemma generis pertinent continere, qui habet prin-
cipem de quo plura dicenda sunt.
III. Adoptatus autem Helius Verus ab Hadriano eo
tempore quo iam, ut superius diximus, parum vigebat
2et de successore necessario cogitabat. statimque
praetor factus et Pannoniis dux ac rector impositus,
mox consul creatus et, quia erat deputatus 1 imperio,
siterum consul designatus est. datum etiam populo
congiarium causa eius adoptionis conlatumque militi-
bus sestertium termilies, circenses editi, neque quic-
quam praetermissum quod posset laetitiam publicam
4 frequentare. tantumque apud Hadrianum principem
valuit ut praeter adoptionis adfectum, quo ei vide-
batur adiunctus, solus omnia, quae cuperet, etiam per
5litteras impetraret. nee provinciae quidem, cui
6 praepositus erat, defuit ; nam bene gestis rebus vel
1 deputans P1 ; al* iam deputatus P corr.
1 L. Ceionius Commodus, consul in 106. None of the vari-
ous names given in the following clauses was ever borne by
2 For the correct form of his name and for his adoption by
Antoninus Pius see Hadr., xxiv. 1 and note.
3 See Hadr., xxiii. 10 f.
4 On this error see note to Hadr., xxiii. 13.
is, into Hadrian's, and received the name of Caesar.
His father was Ceionius Commodus,1 whom some have
called Verus, others, Lucius Aurelius, and many,
Annius. His ancestors, all men of the highest rank,
had their origin for the most part in Etruria or
Faventia. Of his family, however, we will speak at
greater length in the life of his son, Lucius Aurelius
Ceionius Commodus Verus Antoninus,2 whom An-
toninus was ordered to adopt. For all that pertains
to the family-tree should be included in the work
which deals with a prince of whom there is more to
be told.
III. Aelius Verus was adopted by Hadrian at the
time when, as we have previously said,3 the Emperor's
health was beginning to fail and he was forced to take
thought for the succession. He was at once made
praetor 4 and appointed military and civil governor of
the provinces of Pannonia ; afterwards he was created 136.
consul, and then, because he had been chosen to
succeed to the imperial power, he was named for a 137.
second consulship. On the occasion of his adoption
largess was given to the populace,5 three hundred
million sesterces were distributed among the soldiers,
and races were held in the Circus ; in short, nothing
was omitted which could signalize the public rejoicing.
He had, moreover, such influence with Hadrian, even
apart from the affection resulting from his adoption,
which seemed a firm enough tie between them, that
he was the only one who obtained his every desire,
even when expressed in a letter. Besides, in the
province to which he had been appointed he was by
no means a failure ; for he carried on a campaign with
success, or rather, with good fortune, and achieved
5 Cf. c. vi. 1 and Hadr.} xxiii. 12.
potius feliciter etiams' non summi, medii tamen ob-
tinuit ducis tamam.
7 Hie tamen vaietudinis adeo miserae fuit ut Hadria-
num statim adoptionis paenituerit potueritque l eum
amovere a tarn ilia imperatoria, cum saepe de aliis
S cogitaret, si forte vixisset.- fertur denique ab Us
qui Hadriani vitam diligentius in litteras rettulerunt
Hadrianum Veri scisse genituram et eum, quern lion
multum ad rem publicam regendam probarat, ob hoc
tantum adoptasse ut suae satisfaceret voluptati et,
ut quidam dicunt, iuri iurando, quod intercessisse
inter ipsum ac Verum secretis condicionibus fere-
9 batur. fuisse eiiim Hadrianum peritum matheseos
Marius Maximus usque adeo demonstrat ut eum dicat
cuncta de se scisse, sic ut omnium dierum usque ad
. horam mortis futures actus ante perscripserit. satis
praeterea constat eum de 3 Vero saepe dixisse :
" Ostendent terris hunc tantum fata neque ultra
esse sinent."
2quos vrersus cum aliquando in hortulo spatians canti-
taret atque adesset unus ex litteratis, quorum Hadria-
nus sp^ciosa societate guudebat, velletque addere
" nimium vobis Roman a propago
visa potens, superi, propria haec si dona fuissent,"
3 Hadrianus dixisse fertur " hos versus vita non capit
Veri," illud addens :
1So P1 ; aV pet iu frit P corr. ; uolueritque Oberdick and
others. 2 uohuritqiie eum amoncr? . . . et amouisaet si
forte vixisset Novak. 3 So P ; eundem de Peter, following
B, eiidem.
lCi. Hadr., xvi. 7.
2 This and the two following quotations from the Am fid
are taken from the famous passage, vi. b69-SS6, commemorat-
the reputation, if not of a pre-eminent, at least of an
average, commander.
Verus had, however, such wretched health that
Hadrian immediately regretted the adoption, and
since he often considered others as possible successors,
he might have removed him altogether from the im-
perial family had Verus chanced to live longer. In
fact, it is reported by those who have set down in
writing all the details of Hadrian's life, that the Em-
peror was acquainted with Verus' horoscope, and that
he adopted a man whom he did not really deem suit-
able to govern the empire merely for the purpose of
gratifying his own desires, and, some even say, of
complying with a sworn agreement said to have been
contracted on secret terms between himself and
Verus. For Marius Maximus represents Hadrian as so
expert in astrology, as even to assert that he knew all
about his own future, and that he actually wrote down
beforehand what he was destined to do on every day
down to the hour of his death.1 IV. Furthermore,
it is generally known that he often said about Verus :
" This hero Fate will but display to earth
Nor suffer him to stay." 2
And once when Hadrian was reciting these verses
while strolling about in his garden, one of the literary
men, in whose brilliant company he delighted,3 hap-
pened to be present and proceeded to add,
" The race of Rome,
Would seem to You, O Gods, to be too great,
Were such gifts to endure."
Thereupon the Emperor remarked, it is said, " The
life of Verus will not admit of these lines," and added,
ing Marcellus, the nephew and heir presumptive of Augustus,
who died in 23 B.C. at the age of twenty years.
3Cf. Hadr.,x\i. St.
Manibus date lilia plenis ;
purpureos spargam flores animamque nepotis
his saltern accumulem donis et fungar inani
4 cum quidem etiam illud dicitur cum l risione dixisse :
5 " Ego mihi divum adoptavi non filium ". hunc 2
tamen cum consolaretur unus de litteratis qui aderat
ac diceret: " Quid 3 ? si non recte constellatio eius col-
lecta est quern credimus esse victurum ? ' Hadrianus
dixisse fertur : " Facile ista dicis tu, qui patrimonii
6 tui non rei publicae quaeris heredem ". unde apparet
eum habuisse in animo alium deligere atque hunc
ultimo vitae suae tempore a re publica summovere.
7 sed eius consiliis iuvit eventus. nam cum de pro-
vincia Helius redisset atque orationem pulcherrimam,
quae hodieque legitur, sive per se seu per scriniorum
aut dicendi magistros parasset, qua kalendis lanuariis
Hadriano patri gratias ageret, accepta potione, qua
se aestimaret iuvari, kalendis ipsis lanuariis periit.
Siussusque ab Hadriano, quia vota interveniebant, non
V. Fuit hie vitae laetissimae, eruditus in litteris,
Hadriano, ut malevoli loquuntur, acceptior forma
2quam moribus. in aula diu non fuit, in vita privata
etsi minus probabilis, minus tamen reprehendendus
1 aV eum P corr. 2 nunc tamen cum eum P and Peter ;
tune Petschenig. 3 So P ; quod Peter1 with B.
1 An allusion to the practice of deifying deceased members
of the imperial family. As a matter of fact, however, Aeliua
was not deified.
AEL1US IV. 4— V. 2
" Bring lilies with a bounteous hand ;
And I the while will scatter rosy blooms,
Thus doing honour to our kinsman's soul
With these poor gifts — though useless be the task."
At the same time, too, Hadrian, it is reported, re-
marked with a laugh : "I seem to have adopted, not a
son, but a god "-1 Yet when one of these same literary
men who was present tried to console him, saying :
"What if a mistake has been made in casting the
horoscope of this man who, as we believe, is destined
to live " ? Hadrian is said to have answered : " It is
easy for you to say that, when you are looking for an
heir to your property, not to the Empire ". This
makes it clear that he intended to choose another
heir, and at the end of his life to remove Verus from
the government of the state. However, fortune aided
his purpose. For after Verus had returned from his
province, and had finished composing, either by his
own efforts or with the help of imperial secretaries
or the rhetoricians, a very pretty speech, still read
nowadays, wherein he intended to convey his thanks
to his father Hadrian on the Kalends of January, he Uan., 138.
swallowed a potion which he believed would benefit
him and died on that very day of January.2 All public
lamentation for him was forbidden by Hadrian because
it was the time for assuming the vows for the state.
V. Verus was a man of joyous life and well versed
in letters, and he was endeared to Hadrian, as the
malicious say, rather by his beauty3 than by his
character. In the palace his stay was but a short
one ; in his private life, though there was little to be
commended, yet there was little to be blamed.
3 Of. Hadr.t xxiii. 16 f. a Ci Hadr., xxiii. 10.
ac memor familiae suae, comptus, decorus, pulchritu-
dinis regiae, oris venerandi, eloquentiae celsioris,
3versu facilis, in re publica etiam non inutilis. huius
voluptates ab iis qui vitam eius scripseruiit multae
feruntur, et quidem ] non infames sed aliquatenus
4diffluentes. nam tetrapharmacum, seu potius penta-
pharmacum, quo postea semper Hadrianus est usus,
ipse dicitur repperisse, hoc est sumeii phasianum
5 pavonem pernam crustulatam et aprunam. de quo
genere cibi aliter retert Marius Maximus, non penta-
pharmacum sed teirapharmacum appellans, ut et nos
6 ipsi in eius vita persecuti sumus. fertur etiam aliud
7geiius voluptatis, quod Verus invenerat. nam lectum
eminentibus quattuor anacliteriis fecerat minuto re-
ticulo undique inclusum eumque foliis rosae, quibus
demptum esset album,2 replebat iacensque cum con-
cubinis velamine de liliis facto se tegebat unctus
Sodoribus Persicis. iam ilia frequentantur a nonnullis
quod et accubitationes ac mensas de rosis ac liliis
fecerit et quidem purgatis, quae etsi non decora, non
9 tamen ad perniciem publicam prompta sunt. atque
idem Apicii Caelii relata, idem Ovidii libros Amorum3
in lecto semper habuisse, idem Martialem, epigram-
lOmaticum poetam, Vergilium suum dixisse. iam ilia
1 et quidem Lessing ; eqic.dem P, Peter. 2 udum Ober-
dick ; tabum Novak. s So Peter ; atque idem ouidii ab
aliis relata idem apicii libros amorum P, which Salm. ar-
ranged : idem Apicii relata idem Ouidii libros am.
1 Hadr., xxi. 4.
2 Apparently the extant Apicii Caelii de re coquinaria
libri X, a collection of culinary recipes, which, however, in
its present form is to be dated in the third century. The
name of the compiler was probably taken from that of M.
Gavius Apicius, a noted gourmet of the time of Tiberius.
AELIUS V. s-io
Furthermore, he was considerate of his family, well-
dressed, elegant in appearance, a man of regal beauty,
with a countenance that commanded respect, a
speaker of unusual eloquence, deft at writing verse,
and, moreover, not altogether a failure in public life.
His pleasures, many of which are recorded by his
biographers, were not indeed discreditable but some-
what luxurious. For it is Verus who is said to have
been the inventor of the tetrapharmacum, or rather
pentapharmacum, of which Hadrian was thereafter
always fond, namely, a mixture of sows' udders,
pheasant, peacock, ham in pastry and wild boar. Of
this article of food Marius Maximus gives a different
account, for he calls it, not pentapharmacum, but
tetrapharmacum, as we have ourselves described it in
our biography of Hadrian.1 There was also another
kind of pleasure, it is said, of which Verus was the
inventor. He constructed, namely, a bed provided
with four high cushions and all inclosed with a fine
net ; this he filled with rose-leaves, from which the
white parts had been removed, and then reclined on
it with his mistresses, burying himself under a coverlet
made of lilies, himself anointed with perfumes from
Persia. Some even relate that he made couches and
tables of roses and lilies, these flowers all carefully
cleansed, a practice, which, if not creditable, at least
did not make for the destruction of the state.
Furthermore, he always kept the Recipes of Caelius
Apicius 2 and also Ovid's Amores at his bedside, and
declared that Martial,3 the writer of Epigrams, was
his Vergil. Still more trivial was his custom of
fastening wings on many of his messengers after the
3 M. Valerius Martialis, born about 40, died about 102.
leviora quod cursoribus suis exemplo Cupidinum alas
frequenter adposuit eosque ventoruvn nominibus saepe
vocitavit, Boream alium, alium Notum et item Aqui-
11 lonem aut Circium ceterisque nominibus appellans et
indefesse atque inhumaniter faciens cursitare. idem
uxori conquerenti de extraneis voluptatibus dixisse
fertur : " Patere me per alias exercere cupiditates
meas ; uxor enim dignitatis nomen est, non volup-
i • >'
12 tatis .
Eius est films Antoninus Verus, qui adoptatus est
13 a Marco, vel certe cum Marco, et cum eodem aequale
gessit imperium. nam ipsi suiit qui primi duo Augusti
appellati sunt, et quorum fastis consularibus sic nomina
14 praescribuntur ut dicantur non l duo Antonini sed 2
duo Augusti. tantumque huius rei et novitas et
dignitas valuit ut fasti consulares nonnulli ab his
sumerent ordinem consulum.
2 VI. Pro eius adoptione infinitam pecuniam populo
et militibus Hadrianus dedit. sed cum eum videret
homo paulo argutior miserrimae valetudinis, ita ut
3 scutum solidius iactare non posset, dixisse fertur:
" Ter milies perdidimus, quod exercitui populoque
dependimus ; si quidem satis in caducum parietem
4 incubuiinus 3 et qui non ipsam rem publicam, sed nos
^ ipsos sustentare vix possit ". et haec quidem Hadria-
nus cum praefecto suo locutus est. quae cum pro-
didisset praefectus, ac per hoc Helius Caesar in dies
magis magisque sollicitudine, utpote desperati hominis,
1 non tantum P corr. " set P corr. ; et P1. 3 So P corr.
and Peter2 ; incuibimus P1.
1 On this error see Marc., v. 1 and note.
2 i.e. by Antoninus Pius ; see c. ii. 9 and note.
AELIUS V. 11— VI. 5
fashion of Cupids, and often giving them the names
of the winds, calling one Boreas, another Notus, others
Aquilo, or Circius, or some other like name, and forc-
ing them to bear messages without respite or mercy.
And when his wife complained about his amours with
others, he said to her, it is reported : " Let me in-
dulge my desires with others ; for wife is a term of
honour, not of pleasure".
His son was Antoninus Verus, who was adopted
by Marcus,1 or rather, with Marcus,2 and received an
equal share with him in the imperial power. For
these are the men who first received the name of
Augustus conjointly, and whose names are inscribed
in the lists of the consuls, not as two Antonini but
as two Augusti. And such was the impression
created by the novelty and the dignity of this fact
that in some of the lists the order of the consuls
begins with the names of these emperors.
VI. On the occasion of the adoption of Verus,
Hadrian bestowed a vast sum of money on the popu-
lace and the soldiery.3 But, being a rather sagacious
man, when he saw that Verus was in such utterly
wretched health that he could not brandish a shield
of any considerable weight, he remarked, it is
said : 4 " We have lost the three hundred million
sesterces which we paid out to the army and to
the people, for we have indeed leaned against a
tottering wall, and one which can hardly bear even
our weight, much less that of the Empire". This
remark, indeed, Hadrian made to his prefect, but the
man repeated it, and as a result Aelius Caesar grew
worse every day from anxiety, as a man does who has
3 Cf. c. iii. 3 and Hadr., xxiii. 12.
4 Cf. Hadr., xxiii. 14.
adgravaretur, praefecto suo Hadrianus, qui rem pro-
diderat, successorein dedit, volens videri quod verba
6 tristia temperasset. sed nihil profuit ; nam, ut
diximus, Lucius Ceionius Commodus Verus Helius
Caesar (nam his omnibus nominibus appellatus est)
periit sepultusque est imperatorio funere, neque quic-
7quam de regia ni mortis habuit dignitatem, doluit
ergo illius mortem ut bonus pater, non ut bonus
princeps. nam cum amici solliciti quaererent, qui
adoptari posset, Hadrianus dixisse fertur iis : " Etiam
Svivente adhuc Vero decreveram ". ex quo ostendit
9aut iudicium suum aut scientiam futurorum. post
hunc denique Hadrianus diu anceps quid faceret,
Antoninum adoptavit Pium cognomine appellatum.
cui condicionem addidit, ut ipse sibi Marcum et Verum
Antoninus adoptaret filiamque suam Vero, non Marco
10 daret. nee diutius vixit gravatus languore ac diverse
genere morborum, saepe dicens sanum principem mori
debere noil debilem.
VII. Statuas sane Helio Vero per totum orbem
colossas poni iussit, templa etiam in nonnullis urbibus
2 fieri, denique illius merito filium eius Verum, nepotem
utpote suum, qui pereunte Helio in familia ipsius
Hadriani remanserat, adoptandum Anton ino Pio cum
Marco, ut iam diximus, dedit, saepe dicens : " Habeat
1 On the resignation of the prefect, see note to Hadr., ix. 4.
2 See note to c. ii. 1.
3 Annia Galeria Faustina the younger ; see Pius, x. 2.
lost hope. Thereupon Hadrian appointed a successor l
for the prefect who had divulged the remark, wishing
to give the impression that he had qualified his harsh
words. But it profited him nothing, for Lucius
Ceionius Commodus Verus Aelius Caesar (for he was
called by all these names 2) died and was accorded an
emperor's funeral, nor did he derive any benefit from
his imperial position save honour at his death.
Hadrian, then, mourned his death as might a good
father, not a good emperor. For when his friends
anxiously asked who couid now be adopted, Hadrian
is said to have replied to them : " I decided that even
when Verus was still alive," thereby showing either
his good judgment or his knowledge of the future.
After Verus' death Hadrian was in doubt for a time
as to what he should do, but finally he adopted
Antoninus, who had received the surname Pius. And
he imposed on Antoninus the condition that he in
turn should adopt Marcus and Verus, and should give
his daughter3 in marriage to Verus, rather than to
Marcus. Nor did Hadrian live long thereafter, but
succumbed to weakness and illnesses of various kinds,
all the while declaring that a prince ought to die,
not in an enfeebled condition, but in full vigour.
VII. Hadrian gave orders that colossal statues of
Verus should be set up all over the world, and in some
cities he even had temples built. Finally, out of re-
gard for him, Hadrian gave his son Verus (who had
remained in the imperial household after his father's
death) to Antoninus Pius, as I have already said,4 to
be adopted as his son along with Marcus, treating the
boy as if he were his own grandson ; and he often
remarked : " Let the Empire retain something of
: ' Let the Empire retain som
4 o. ii. 9 ; v. 12 ; vi. 9 ; Hadr., xxiv. 1.
3 res publica quodcumque de Vero ". quod quidera
contrarium iis quae de adoptionis paenitentia per
auctores plurimos intimata sunt, cum Verus posterior
nihil dignurn praeter clementiam in moribus habuerit,
quod imperatoriae farailiae lumen adterret.
4 Haec stint quae de Vero Caesare mandanda litteris
5 fiierunt. de quo idcirco non tacui, quia mihi propositum
fuit omnes,, qui post Caesarem dictatorem, hoc est
divum lulium. vel Caesares vel August! vel principes
appellati sunt. quique in adoptationem venerunt, vel
imperatorum filii aut parentes Caesarum nomine con-
secrati sunt, singulis libris exponere, meae satisfaciens
conscientiae, etiamsi multis nulla sit necessitas talia
Verus". This indeed contradicts all that very many
authors have written with regard to Hadrian's regret
for his adoption of Verus, since, save for a kindly
character, there was nothing in the character of the
younger Verus capable of shedding lustre on the im-
perial family.
These are the facts about Verus Caesar which have
seemed worthy of being consigned to letters. I was
unwilling to leave him unmentioned for the reason
that it is my purpose to set forth in single books the
lives of all the successors of Caesar the Dictator, that
is, the Deified Julius, whether they were called
Caesars or Augusti or princes, and of all those who
came into the family by adoption, whether it was as
sons or as relatives of emperors that they were im-
mortalized by the name of Csesar, and thereby to
satisfy my own sense of justice, even if there be many
who will feel no compelling need of seeking such
I. Tito Aurelio Fulvo Boionio Antonino Pio pater-
num genus e Gallia Transalpina, Nemausense scilicet,
2 avus Titus Aurelius Fulvus, qui per honores diversos
ad secundum consulatum et praefecturam urbis
3 pervenit, pater Aurelius Fulvus, qui et ipse fuit con-
4 sul, homo tristis et integer, avia materna Boionia
Procilla, mater Arria Fadilla, avus maternus Arrius
Antoninus, bis consul, homo sanctus et qui Nervam
5 miseratus esset, quod imperare coepisset, soror
6 uterina lulia Fadilla, vitricus lulius Lupus consularis,
7 socer Aiinius Verus, uxor Annia Faustina, filii mares
duo, duae feminae, gener per maiorem filiam Lamia
Silanus, per minorem Marcus Antoninus fuere.
lrThe correct form of his name prior to his adoption was
T. Aurelius Fulvus Boionius Arrius Antoninus ; see C.I.L.,
viii. 8239.
2 The year is unknown; his first consulship was in 85.
He had previously commanded the Third Legion, the Oallica,
and had been honoured by Otho for successes against the
3 His first consulship was in 69 ; the year of the second is
not known. He was one of the correspondents of the
younger Pliny.
4 See Marc., i. 2.
5 Her full name was Annia Galeria Faustina.
6 Their names are given in their sepulchral inscriptions
from the Mausoleum of Hadrian as M. Aurelius Fulvus
I. Titus Aurelius Fulvus Boionius Antoninus Pius l
was descended, on his father's side, from a family which
came from the country of Transalpine Gaul, more
specifically, from the town of Nimes. His grandfather
was Titus Aurelius Fulvus, who after various offices
of honour attained to a second consulship2 and the
prefecture of the city ; his father was Aurelius Fulvus,
also consul, and a stern and upright man. His
mother was Arria Fadilla ; her mother was Boionia
Procilla and her father Arrius Antoninus, twice con-
sul 3 and a righteous man, who pitied Nerva that he
assumed the imperial power. Julia Fadilla was his
mother's daughter, his stepfather being Julius Lupus,
a man of consular rank. His father-in-law was
Annius Verus 4 and his wife Annia Faustina,5 who
bore him two sons 6 and two daughters, of whom the
elder 7 was married to Lamia Silanus and the younger 8
to Marcus Antoninus.
Antoninus and M. Galerius Aurelius Antoninus ; see C.I.L.,
vi. 988 and 989. Both died before their father was adopted
by Hadrian.
7 Aurelia Fadilla. She died before her father's adoption
(cf. c. iii. 6). Her sepulchral inscription is preserved (C.I.L.,
vi. 990).
8 Annia Galeria Faustina the younger. On her marriage
to Marcus see c. x. 2 and note.
8 Ipse Antoninus Pius natus est XIII. kal. Oct.
Flavio Domitiano XII. et Cornelio Dolabella con-
sulibus in villa Laiiuvina. educatus Lorii in Aurelia,
ubi postea palatium exstruxit, cuius hodieque re-
9 liquiae manent. pueritiam egit cum avo paterno, mox
cum materno, omnes suos religiose colens, atque adeo
et consobrinorum et vitrici et multorum adfmium
hereditate ditatus est.
II. Fuit vir forma conspicuus, ingenio l clarus, mori-
bus clemens, nobilis vultu, placidus ingenio, singu-
laris2 eloquentiae, nitidae litteraturae, praecipue
sobrius, diligens agri cultor, mitis, largus, alieni ab-
stinens, et omnia haec cum mensura et sine iactantia,
2 in cunctis postremo laudabilis et qui merito Numae
3 Pompilio ex bonorum sententia comparatur.3 Pius
cognominatus est a senatu, v°l quod soceri fessi iam
aetatem manu praesente senatu levaret (quod quidem
non satis magnae pietatis est argumeiitum, cum impius
sit magis qui ista non faciat, quam pius qui debitum
4reddat4), vel quod eos quos Hadrianus per malam
5 valetudinem occidi iusserat, reservavit, vel quod
Hadriano contra omnium studia post mortem infinites
6 atque immensos honores decrevit, vel quod, cum se
1 ingenio deleted by Peter, following Salm., who divides:
forma conspicuus, clarus monbus, clemens, nobilis, uultu
placidus, ingenio singulari, eloquentiae nitidae, lithraturae
praecipuae, sobrius, diligens agri cut tor, etc. ; P punctuates :
forma conspicuus ingenio clarus . moribus clemens . nobilis
uultu placidus ingenio . singulari eloquentiae . nitidae lit-
teraturae . praecipue sobrius . diligens . agri cultor., etc.
*singularis P corr. 3conparatus P; conparetur Keller-
bauer. 4quod quidem . . . reddat suspected as a marginal
comment by Kellerbauer, probably rightly.
aln southern Etruria, about ten miles W. of Rome. The
Via Aurelia ran N.W. from Borne along the coast of Etruria.
Antoninus himself was born at an estate at Lanu- 19 Sept.
vium on the thirteenth day before the Kalends of8b'
October in the twelfth consulship of Domitiaiiand first
of Cornelius Dolabella. He was reared at Lorium1 on
the Aurelian Way, where he afterwards built the
palace whose ruins stand there to-day. He passed
his childhood first with his paternal grandfather, then
later with his maternal ; and he showed such a duti-
ful affection toward all his family, that he was en-
riched by legacies from even his cousins, his
stepfather, and many still more distant kin.
II. In personal appearance he was strikingly hand-
some, in natural talent brilliant, in temperament
kindly ; he was aristocratic in countenance and calm
in nature, a singularly gifted speaker and an elegant
scholar, conspicuously thrifty, a conscientious land-
holder, gentle, generous, and mindful of others' rights.
He possessed all these qualities, moreover, in the
proper mean and without ostentation, and, in fine,
was praiseworthy in every way and, in the minds of
all good men, well deserving of comparison with
Numa Pompilius. He was given the name of Pius
by the senate,2 either because, when his father-in-law
was old and weak, he lent him a supporting hand in
his attendance at the senate (which act, indeed, is
not sufficient as a token of great dutifulness, since a
man were rather undutiful who did not perform this
service than dutiful if -he did), or because he spared
those men whom Hadrian in his ill-health had con-
2 The first three of the following reasons for the bestowal
of the surname Pius on Antoninus are also given in Hadr.,
xxiv. 3-5. 'Jhe third is also given in Dio, Jxx. 2, 1, and
the last in Eutrop., viii. 8; Suidas, s. v. Antonimts ; and
Orosius, vii. 14, 1.
Hadrianus interimere vellet, ingenti custodia et
7diligentia fecit, ne id posset admittere, vel quod
vere natura clementissimus et nihil temporibus suis
Sasperum fecit. idem faenus trientarium, hoc est
minimis usuris, exercuit, ut patrimonio suo plurimos
9 Fuit quaestor liberalis, praetor splendidus, con-
10 sul cum Catilio Severe, hie in omni privata vita 1 in
agris frequentissime vixit, sed clarus in locis omnibus
11 fuit. ab Hadriano inter quattuor consulares, quibus
Italia committebatur, electus est ad earn partem Italiae
regendam in qua plurimum possidebat, ut Hadrianus
viri talis et honori consuleret et quieti.
III. Huic, cum Italiam regeret, imperii omen est
factum. nam cum tribunal ascendisset, inter alias
adclamationes dictum est 'Auguste, dii te servent'.
2 proconsulatum Asiae sic egit ut solus avum vinceret.
3 in proconsulatu etiam sic imperii omen accepit : nam
cum sacerdos femina Trallibus 2 ex more proconsules
luita om. in P, supplied (before priuata) by P corr.
2 trallis P.
1 Of. Hadr., xxiv. 9.
2 The early rate of interest, said to have been fixed by the
Twelve Tables, seems to have been 10 per cent. In the later
republican period 12 per cent, was frequently exacted, but in
54 B.C. money could be had for 4 per cent, and the rise of the
demned to death, or because after Hadrian's death he
had unbounded and extraordinary honours decreed
for him in spite of opposition from all, or because,
when Hadrian wished to make away with himself,
by great care and watchfulness he prevented him
from so doing,1 or because he was in fact very kindly
by nature and did 110 harsh deed in his own time.
He also loaned money at four per cent, the lowest
rate ever exacted,2 in order that he might use his
fortune to aid many.
As quaestor a he was generous, as praetor illustrious,
and in the consulship he had as colleague Catiliusl20.
Severus. His life as a private citizen he passed
mostly on his estates but he was well-known every-
where. He was chosen by Hadrian from among the
four men of consular rank under whose jurisdiction
Italy was placed,4 to administer that particular part
of Italy in which the greater part of his own holdings
lay ; from this it was evident that Hadrian had regard
for both the fame and the tranquillity of such a man.
III. An omen of his future rule occurred while he
was administering Italy ; for when he mounted the
tribunal, among other greetings some one cried,
" God save thee, Augustus ". His proconsulship in
Asia5 he conducted in such a fashion that he alone
excelled his grandfather ; and in this proconsulship,
too, he received another omen foretelling his rule ;
for at Tralles a priestess, being about to greet him
after the custom of the place (for it was their custom
rate to 8 per cent, was a matter for comment ; see Cicero,
ad Att., iv. 15, 7 ; ad Quint. Fr., ii. 14, 4.
3 About 111.
4 See Hadr., xxii. 13.
8 About 135. An inscription set up at Ephesus during his
proconsulship is extant; see C.I.L., iii. 2965.
semper hoc nomine salutaret, non dixit 'Ave pro
4 consule/ seel ' Ave imperator*. Cyzici l etiam de
simulacro del ad statuam eius corona translata est.
5 et post consulatum in viridiario taurus marmoreus
cornibus ramis arboris adcrescentibus adpensus est,
et fulgur caelo sereno sine noxa in eius domum venit,
et in Etruria dolia, quae defossa fuerant, supra terram
reperta sunt, et statuas eius in omni Etruria examen
apium replevit, et somnio saepe monitus est dis
penatibus eius 2 Hadriani simulacrum inserere.
6 Proficiscens ad proconsulatum filiam maiorem
7 amisit. de huius uxore multa dicta sunt ob nimiam
libertatem et vivendi facilitatem, quae iste cum
Sanimi dolore compressit. post proconsulatum in
consiliis Hadriani Romae frequens vixit, de omnibus,
de3 quibus Hadrianus consulebat, mitiorem sententiam
semper cstendens.
IV. Genus sane adoptionis tale fertur : mortuo Helio
Vero, quern sibi Hadrianus adoptaverat et Caesarem
2 nuncupaverat, dies senatus habebatur ; eo Arrius
Antoninus soceri vestigia levans 4 venit atque idcirco
Sab Hadriano dicitur adoptatus. quae causa sola esse
adoptionis nee potuit omnino nee debuit, maxime
cum et semper rem publicam bene egisset Antoninus
1 cilici P1 (for cidici; Salm.) ; cilicie (i.e. ae) P corr. 2 So
Peter ; monitus sed penitus eius P ; monitus est penatibus eius
Gas. ; monitus se dis penatibus eius Salm. s de om. in P,
supplied by Jordan. 4 uel lauans P corr.
1 Aurelia Fadilla ; see note to c. i. 7.
to greet the proconsuls by their title), instead of
saying "Hail, proconsul," said "Hail, imperator " ;
at Cyzicus, moreover, a crown was transferred from an
image of a god to a statue of him. After his consul-
ship, again, a marble bull was found hanging in his
garden with its horns attached to the boughs of
a tree, and lightning irom a clear sky struck his
home without inflicting damage, and in Etruria
certain large jars that had been buried were found
above the ground again, and swarms of bees settled
on his statues throughout all Etruria, and frequently
he was warned in dreams to include an image of
Hadrian among his household gods.
While setting out to assume his proconsular office
he lost his elder daughter.1 About the licence and
loose living of his wife a number of things were said,
which he heard with great sorrow and suppressed.
On returning from his proconsulship he lived for
the most part at Rome, being a member of the coun-
cils of Hadrian,2 and in all matters concerning which
Hadrian sought his advice, ever urging the more
merciful course.
IV. The manner of his adoption, they say, was some-
what thus : After the death of Aelius Verus, whom
Hadrian had adopted and named Caesar, a day
was set for the meeting of the senate, and to this
Arrius Antoninus came, supporting the steps of his
father-in-law. For this act, it is said, Hadrian
adopted him.3 But this could not have been the
only reason for the adoption, nor ought it to have
been, especially since Antoninus had always done well
in his administration of public office, and in his pro-
2 See note to Hadr., viii. 9.
3 But see c. ii. 3 ; Hadr., xxiv. 3.
et in proconsulatu se sanctum gravemque praebuisset.
4 ergo cum eum Hadriaiius adoptare se velle publicasset,
acceptum est spatium deliberandi, utrum adrogari ab
5 Hadriano vellet. adoptionis lex huiusmodi data est,
ut quemadmodum Antoninus ab Hadriano adopta-
batur ita sibi ille adoptaret M. Antoninum, fratris
uxoris suae filium, et L. Verum, Helii Veri, qui ab
Hadriano adoptatus fuerat, filium, qui postea Verus
6 Antoninus est dictus. adoptatus est V. kal. Mart,
die, in senatu gratias agens quod de se ita sensisset
7 Hadrianus, factusque est patri et in imperio pro-
8 consular! et in tribunicia potestate collega. huius
primum hoc fertur quod, cum ab uxore l argueretur
quasi parum nescio quid suis largiens, dixerit :
" Stulta, posteaquam ad imperium transivimus, et
9illud quod habuimus ante perdidimus ". congiarium
lOpopulo2 de proprio dedit et ea quae pater pro-
miserat. et ad opera Hadrian! plurimum contulit et
aurum coronarium, quod adoptionis suae causa
oblatum fuerat, Italicis totum, medium provinciali-
bus reddidit.
1 ab uxore P corr. (P1 omits ab) ; uxor Mommsen ; cum ab
uxore argueretur quasi carum (or rarum) nescio quid suis
largiens Salm. 2 militibus, before populo in P, deleted by
Jordan ; militibus ac populo vulg.
!Cf. Hadr., xxiv. 1 ; Ael, vi. 9 ; Dio, Ixix. 21, 1. On the
names of his two adopted sons see notes to Hadr., xxiv. 1.
2 According to the Calendar of Philocalus of 351 the date
was afterwards commemorated by races in the circus at
Lorium ; see C.I.L., i2, pp. 258 and 310.
3 By the bestowal of these two powers, the basis of the
civil and of the military power of the emperor respectively,
he became consors imperil, or partner in the imperial power.
Such a position had often been besiowed on the heir apparent
of the emperor. With regard to the proconsular power,
consulship had shown himself a man of worth and
dignity. At any rate, when Hadrian announced a
desire to adopt him, he was given time for deciding
whether he wished to be adopted. This condition
was attached to his adoption,1 that as Hadrian took
Antoninus as his son, so he in turn should take Mar-
cus Antoninus, his wife's nephew, and Lucius Verus,
thenceforth called Verus Antoninus, the son of that
Aelius Verus whom Hadrian had previously adopted.
He was adopted on the fifth day before the Kalends 25 Feb.,
of March,2 while returning thanks in the senate for
Hadrian's opinion concerning him, and he was made
colleague to his father in both the proconsular and
the tribunician power.3 It is related as his first
remark, that when he was reproved by his wife
because he was not sufficiently generous to his house-
hold in some trifling matter, he said : " Foolish
woman, now that we have gained an empire, we have
lost even what we had before ". To the people he
gave largess on his own account4 and also paid the
moneys that his father had promised. He contributed
a large amount of money, too, to Hadrian's public
works,5 and of the crown-gold 6 which had been
presented to him on the occasion of his adoption, he
returned all of Italy's share, and half of their share
to the provinces.
the convention was always observed that it was valid only in
the provinces, and the title of proconsul was not borne by the
emperor within the confines of Italy.
4 Commemorated by coins of 139 with the legend Libera-
litas; see Cohen, ii2, p. 3L6 f., Nos. 480-482.
5 Attested by inscriptions from various towns of Italy; see
E. E. Bryant, Reign uf Ant. Pius (Cambridge, 1896), p. 38.
6 See Hadr., vi. 5 and note.
V. Et patri, cum advixit,1 religiosissime paruit. sed
Hadriano apud Baias mortuo reliquias eius Romam
pervexit sancte ac reverenter atque in hortis Domitiae
conlocavit, etiam repugnaiitibus cunctis inter divos
2 eum rettulit. uxorem Faustinam Augustam appellari
a senatu permisit. Pii appellationem recepit. patri et
matri atque avis et fratribus iam mortuis statuas decre-
tas libenter accepit. circenses natali suo dicatos non
respuit aliis honoribus refutatis. clipeum Hadriano
magnificentissimum posuit et sacerdotes instituit.
3 Factus imperator nulli eorum quos Hadrianus
provexerat successorem dedit fuitque ea constantia
ut septenis et novenis annis in provinciis bonos
4 praesides detineret. per legates suos plurima bella
gessit. nam et Britannos per Lollium Urbicum vicit
legatum alio muro caespiticio summotis barbaris
ducto, et Mauros ad pacem postulandam coegit, et
lcum aduixit P] ; quoad uixit P corr. ; dum aduixit Salm;
cum aduixerit Peter.
1 See Hadr., xxv. 6. 2 See Hadr., xxvii. 2.
8 On the coins issued in her honour during her life-time she
is regularly called Faustina Aug. Antonini Aug. P. P. ; see
Cohen, ii2. p. 424 f.
4 The name appears on coins of the latter part of 138 ; see
Cohen, ii2. p. 277, No. 66 f.
6 On such games see Hadr., viii. 2 and note. Races in
honour of Antoninus are listed for the 19 September (his birth-
day) in the Calendar of Philocalus.
6 The clipeus was a shield-shaped plate of metal, in this
case doubtless of gold. It contained, sometimes an honor-
ary inscription, sometimes a bust in high relief.
7 See Hadr., xxvii. 3 and note.
8Q. Lollius Urbicus had held a command in the war in
Judaea under Hadrian, and later had been governor of
Germania Inferior.
9 Probably in 142, for in an inscription of this year he is
designated as Imp. II. ; see C.I.L., x. 515 = Dessau, Ins. Sel.t
V. His father, as long as he lived, he obeyed most
scrupulously, and when Hadrian passed away at
Baiae l he bore his remains to Rome with all piety
and reverence, and buried him in the gardens of
Domitia ; moreover, though all opposed the measure,
he had him placed among the deified.2 On his wife
Faustina he permitted the senate to bestow the name
of Augusta,3 and for himself accepted the surname
Pius.4 The statues decreed for his father, mother,
grandparents and brothers, then dead, he accepted
readily ; nor did he refuse the circus-games ordered
for his birthday,5 though he did refuse other honours.
In honour of Hadrian he set up a superb shield 6 and
established a college of priests.7
After his accession to the throne he removed none
of the men whom Hadrian had appointed to office,
and, indeed, was so steadfast and loyal that he re-
tained good men in the government of provinces for
terms of seven and even nine years. He waged a
number of wars, but all of them through his legates.
For Lollius Urbicus,8 his legate, overcame the
Britons 9 and built a second wall, one of turf,10 after
driving back the barbarians. Through other legates or
governors, he forced the Moors to sue for peace,11 and
340. The victory is commemorated on coins with the legend
Britannia and designs signifying a victory ; see Cohen, ii-. p.
281 f., Nos. 113-116, 119. The revolt was begun by the
Brigantes, who lived just south of Hadrian's wall ; see Paus.,
viii. 43, 4.
10 It ran from the Firth of Forth, to the Firth of Clyde, a
distance of 40 mile?;. It was constructed by the soldiers of
three legions, the II. Augusta, the VI. Victrix, and the XX.
Valeria Victrix ; see C. J.L., vii. p. 191-194.
11 The rebellion seems to have been in western Mauretania,
the province of Mauretania Tingitana; see Paus., viii. 43,
Germanos et Dacos et multas gentes atque ludaeos
5rebellantes contudit per praesides ac legates, in
Achaia etiam atque Aegypto rebelliones repressit.
VI. Alanos molientis saepe refrenavit. procuratores suos
et modeste suscipere tributa iussit et excedentes1
modum rationem factorum suorum reddere praecepit,
nee umquam ullo laetatus est lucre, quo provincialis
2 oppressus est. contra procuratores suos conquerentes
libenter audivit.
3 lis quos Hadrianus damnaverat in seiiatu indul-
gentias petiit, dicens etiam ipsum Hadrianum hoc
4 fuisse facturum. imperatorium fastigium ad summam
civilitatem deduxit, umle plus crevit, recusantibus
aulicis ministris, qui illo nihil per internuntios agente
nee terrere poterant homines aliquando nee ea
5 quae occulta non erant vendere. senatui tantum
detulit imperator quantum, cum privatus esset, deferri
6sibi ab alio principe optavit. patris patriae nomen
delatum a senatu, quod primo distulerat, cum ingenti
1 So P corr. ; terdecentes Pl.
3, and C.I.I/., iii. 5211-5215. It probably took place about
145, although it is aigued by Bryant (op. cit. p. 71 f.) that it is
to be placed in 152. The victory is commemorated in an in-
scription in Rome, C I.L., vi. 1208.
1 This victory is a1 so commemorated in the inscription
C./.Z/ , vi. 1208. The time of this campaign is set by Bryant
(p. 52) as between 140 and 145.
2About 157. See Aristid., Or., xiv, vol. i. 351 Dind., and
C.I.L., iii. 1416.
3It is described by Aristides (Or., xiv. i. 351 Dind.) as an
outbreak of those who lived on the shore of the Red Sea.
According to Joannes Malalas (p. 280 f. Bonn) Antoninus went
in person to Alexandria at the time of the revolt, but this is
almost certainly an error (cf. c vii. 11).
4 This people lived in south-eastern Russia, between the Don
and the Caspian Sea, and had made raids into Armenia and
crushed the Germans l and the Dacians 2 and many
other tribes, and also the Jews, who were in revolt.
In Achaea also and in Egypt3 he put down rebellions
and many a time sharply checked the Alani 4 in their
raiding. VI. His procurators were ordered to levy
only a reasonable tribute, and those who exceeded a
proper limit were commanded to render an account
of their acts, nor was he ever pleased with any reven-
ues that were onerous to the provinces. Moreover,
he was always willing to hear complaints against his
He besought the senate to pardon those men whom
Hadrian had condemned,5 saying that Hadrian him-
self had been about to do so. The imperial pomp he
reduced to the utmost simplicity and thereby gained
the greater esteem, though the palace-attendants op-
posed this course, for they found that since he made
no use of go-betweens, they could in no wise terrorize
men or take money for decisions about which there
was no concealment.6 In his dealings with the
senate, he rendered it, as emperor, the same respect
that he had wished another emperor to render him
when he was a private man. When the senate
offered him the title of Father of his Country, he
Cappadocia in the time of Hadrian. They afterwards spread
toward the west, and invaded the Empire by way of Moesia.
5 See Hadr., xxv. 8.
6 Under those emperors who were careless in the announce-
ment of decisions or in "answers to petitions it was not un-
usual for a dishonest favourite or official to demand money
from petitioners for securing a favourable answer; he would
then either actually influence the emperor in his decision, or,
more often, merely claim that a favourable decision had been
secured by his own efforts, and demand the payment of the
bribe. This practice was known as fumos vendere; see c.
ari. 1 ; Alex., xxiii. 8 ; xxxvi. 2.
7gratiarum actione suscepit. tertio anno imperil sui
Faustinam uxorem perdidit, quae a senatu consecrata
est delatis circensibus atque templo et flaminicis et
statuis aureis atque argenteis ; cum etiam ipse hoc
concesserit, ut imago eius cunctis circensibus ponere-
8tur. statuam auream delatam a senatu positam
9 suscepit. M. Antoninum quaestorem consulem
lopetente senatu creavit. Annium Verum, qui postea
dictus est Antoninus, ante tempus quaestorem desig-
11 navit. neque de provinciis neque de ullis actibus
quicquam constituit, nisi quod prius ad amicos rettulit,
12 atque ex eorum sententia formas composuit. visus
est sane ab amicis et cum privatis vestibus et domes-
tica quaedam gerens.
VII. Tanta sane diligentia subiectos sibi populos
rexit ut omnia et omnes, quasi sua essent, curaret.
2 provinciae sub eo cunctae floruerunt. quadruplatores
3exstincti sunt. publicatio bonorum rarior quam
umquam fuit, ita ut unus tantum proscriberetur
1 See Hadr., vi. 4 and note. Pius accepted the title in
139, for it appears for the first time on coins of this year ; e.g.,
Cohen, ii2. p. 279, No. 98 f.
2 Many coins were struck in her honour with the title
Diva Faustina. The actual apotheosis is represented by her
ascension to heaven on an eagle with the legend Consecratio ;
see Cohen, ii3. p. 427, Nos. 182-185.
3 On the Sacra Via, near the eastern end of the Forum. It
is still standing and is used as the church of S. Lorenzo in
Miranda. It was also dedicated to Antoninus after his death
at first refused it,1 but later accepted it with an
elaborate expression of thanks. On the death of
his wife Faustina, in the third year of his reign, the 141.
senate deified her,2 and voted her games and a
temple3 and priestesses and statues of silver and of
gold. These the Emperor accepted, and further-
more granted permission that her statue be erected
in all the circuses ; and when the senate voted
her a golden statue, he undertook to erect it himself.
At the instance of the senate, Marcus Antoninus, 140.
now quaestor, was made consul ; also Annius Verus,4
he who was afterwards entitled Antoninus, was ap-
pointed quaestor before the legal age.5 Never did
he resolve on measures about the provinces or render
a decision on any question without previously con-
sulting his friends,6 and in accordance with their
opinions he drew up his final statement. And indeed
he often received his friends without the robes of
state and even in the performance of domestic duties.
VII. With such care did he govern all peoples
under him that he looked after all things and all men
as if they were his own. As a result, the provinces
all prospered in his reign, informers were abolished,
the confiscation of goods was less frequent than
ever before, and only one man was condemned as
guilty of aspiring to the throne. This was Atilius
(c. xiii. 4), and the names of both Antoninus and Faustina
appear in the inscription on the architrave (C.I.L., vi. 1005).
4 i.e., Lucius Verus.
5 In the time of the empire the minimum age was twenty-
five. Exceptions to this, however, were common in the case
of members of the imperial family ; see also the case of
Marcus (Marc., v. 6). Verus was made quaestor at the age
of twe.ity-three ; see Verus, ii. 11.
6 Apparently, the members of his consilium; see Hadr.,
viii. 9.
4adfectatae tyrannidis reus, hoc est Atilius Titianus,
senatu puniente, a quo conscios requiri vetuit, filio
eius ad omnia semper adiuto. periit et Prisciaiius
reus adfectatae tyrannidis, sed morte voluntaria. de
qua coniuratione quaeri vetuit.
5 Victus Aiitonini Pii talis fuit ut esset opulentia
sine reprehensione, parsimonia sine sordibus, et mensa
eius per proprios servos, per proprios aucupes pis-
6 catores ac venatores instrueretur. balneum, quo
usus fuisset, sine mercede populo exhibuit nee omnino
7 quicquam de vitae privatae qualitate mutavit. salaria
multis subtraxit, quos otiosos videbat accipere, dicens
nihil esse sordidius, immo crudelius, quam si rem
publicam is adroderet qui nihil in earn suo labore
8 conferret. unde etiam Mesomedi lyrico salarium
inminuit. rationes omnium provinciarum adprime
9 scivit et vectigalium. patrimonium privatum in
filiam contulit, sed fructus rei publicae donavit.
10 species imperatorias superHuas et praedia vendidit et
in suis propriis iuiidis vixit varie ac pro temporibus.
11 nee ullas expeditiones obiit, nisi quod ad agros suos
profectus est et ad Campaniam, dicens gravem esse
provincialibus comitatum principis, etiam nimis parci.
12 et tamen ingenti auctoritate apud omnes gentes fuit,
cum in urbe propterea sederet, ut undique nuntios,
medius utpote, citius posset accipere.1
aV anticipare P corr.
1 See note to Hadr., xv. 6. 2 Hadr., vii. 4.
3 In view of this statement, it seems necessary to refuse
credence to the assertion of Aristides (Or., xxiii. i. 453 f. Dind.)
and Malalas (p. 280 Bonn) that Antoninus went in person to
Egypt and Syria; see note to c. v. 5.
Titianus,1 and it was the senate itself that conducted
his prosecution/- while the Emperor forbade any in-
vestigation about the fellow-conspirators of Atilius
and always aided his son to attain all his desires.
Priscianus did indeed die for aspiring to the throne,
but by his own hand, and about his conspiracy also
the Emperor forbade any investigation.
The board of Antoninus Pius was rich yet never
open to criticism, frugal yet not stingy ; his table was
furnished by his own slaves, his own fowlers and
fishers and hunters. A bath, which he had previously
used himself, he opened to the people without charge,
nor did he himself depart in any way from the manner
of life to which he had been accustomed when a private
man. He took away salaries from a number of men
who held obvious sinecures, saying there was nothing
meaner, nay more unfeeling, than the man who nibbled
at the revenues of the state without giving any service
in return ; for the same reason, also, he reduced the
salary of Mesomedes, the lyric poet. The budgets of
all the provinces and the sources of revenue he knew
exceedingly well. He settled his private fortune on
his daughter, but presented the income of it to the
state. Indeed, the superfluous trappings of royal state
and even the crown-lands he sold, living on his own
private estates and varying his residence according to
the season. Nor did he undertake any expedition3
other than the visiting ot his lands in Campania, aver-
ring that the equipage of an emperor, even of one over
frugal, was a burdensome thing to the provinces. And
yet he was regarded with immense respect by all na-
tions, for, making his residence in the city, as he did, for
the purpose of being in a central location, he was able to
receive messages from every quarter with equal speed.
VIII. Congiarium populo dedit, militibus donativum
addidit. puellas alimentarias in honorem Faustinae
2 Faustinianas constituit. opera eius haec exstant :
Romae templum Hadriani, honori patris dicatum,
Graecostadiura post incendium restitutum, instaura-
tum Amphitheatrum, sepulchrum Hadriani, templum
3 Agrippae, Pons Sublicius, Phari restitutio, Caietae
portus, Tarracinensis portus restitutio, lavacrum
Ostiense, Antiatum aquae ductus, templa Lanuviana.
4 multas etiam civitates adiuvit pecuiiia, ut opera vel
nova facerent vel vetera restituerent, ita ut et magis-
tratus adiuvaret et senatores urbis ad functiones suas.
5 Hereditates eorum qui filios habebant repudiavit.
primus constituit, ne poenae causa legatum relictum
Gmaneret. successorem viventi bono iudici nulli dedit
1 On nine different occasions, according to coins with the
legend Libiralitas; see Cohen, ii2. p. 316-322, Nos. 480-532.
a In 145, on the occasion of the marriage of his daughter
Faustina to Marcus; see c. x. 2.
3 Similar endowments for destitute children had been
made by Nerva (Aur. Viet., Epit., xii. 4) and by Trajan (Dio,
Ixviii. 5, and C.I.I/., xi. 1146). This memorial to Faustina
was commemorated on coins with the legend Puellae
Faustinianae ; see Cohen, ii2. p. 433, Nos. 261-263. A similar
endowment in memory of the younger Faustina was es-
tablished by Marcus ; see Marc., xxvi. 6.
4 Situated in the Campus Martius, probably not far from
the Pantheon. It is represented as an octastyle temple on a
coin of 151 ; see Cohen, h2. p. 330, No. 618. The temple was
probably dedicated in 145; see Verus, iii. 1.
6 Probably the Graecostasis. It was a sort of platform,
between the Senate-house and the Rostra, used by envoys
from foreign nations; see Varro, Ling. Lat., v. 155.
6 See c. ix. i. 7 i.e. the Colosseum.
8 See Hadr., xix. 11 and note.
9 If this reading is correct the Pantheon must be meant ;
see note to Hadr., xix. 10. However, perhaps it is an error
VIII. He gave largess to the people,1 and, in ad-
dition, a donation to the soldiers,2 and founded an
order of destitute girls, called Faustinianae 3 in honour
of Faustina. Of the public works that were con-
structed by him the following remain to-day : the
temple of Hadrian 4 at Rome, so called in honour of
his father, the Graecostadium,5 restored by him after
its burning,6 the Amphitheatre,7 repaired by him, the
tomb of Hadrian,8 the temple of Agrippa,9 and the
Pons Sublicius,10 also the Pharus, the port at Caieta,
and the port at Tarracina, all of which he restored,
the bath at Ostia,11 the aqueduct at Antium, and the
temples at Lanuvium. Besides all this, he helped
many communities12 to erect new buildings and to
restore the old ; and he even gave pecuniary aid to
Roman magistrates and senators to assist them in the
performance of their duties.
He declined legacies from those who had children
of their own and was the first to establish the rule
that bequests made under fear of penalty 13 should not
be valid. Never did he appoint a successor to a
worthy magistrate while yet alive, except in the case
for Templum Augusti, the restoration of which is commemo-
rated on coins of Pius; see Cohen, ii2, p. 270, Nos. 1-12.
10 The earliest, and for a long time the only, bridge across
the Tiber. It was built of piles, and after the construction of
other bridges was preserved for religious and sentimental
reasons. Its site was near the Forum Boarium, now the
Piazza della Bocca di Verita.
11 This had been promised by Hadrian ; see the dedicatory
inscription, C.I.L., xiv. 98 = Dessau, Ins. SeL, 334.
12 For a list see Bryant, p, 116 f.
13 Apparently an allusion to the law which provided that a
senator must leave a specified sum to the public treasury (or
to the emperor) . This was rescinded by Pius; see Zonaras,
xii. 1, p. 593 D., and Malalas, xi. p. 281 Dind.
7 nisi Orfito praefecto urbi, sed petenti. nam Gavius
Maximus praefectus praetorii usque ad vicensimum
annum sub eo pervenit, vir severissimus, cui Tattius
8 Maximus sv^eessit. in cuius demortui locum duos
praefectos substituit Fabium Cornelium Repentinum
9et Furium Victorinum.1 sed Pepentinus fabula
famosa 2 percussus est, quod per concuDmam principis
10 ad praefecturam venisset. usque adeo sub eo nul) us
percussus est senator, ut etiam parricida confessus in
insula deserta poneretur, quia vivere illi naturae
11 legibus non licebat. vini olei et tritici penuriam
per aerarii sui damnum 3 emendo et gratis populo
dando sedavit.
IX. Adversa eius temporibus haec provenerunt :
fames, de qua diximus, Circi ruina, terrae motus, quo
Rhodiorum et Asiae oppida conciderunt, quae omnia
mirifice instauravit, et Romae incendium, quod tre-
2centas quadraginta insulas vel domos absumpsit. et
1 So Borghesi and Hirschfeld ; Fabium Repentinum et Cor-
nelium Victorinum P. 2 fabula famosa Novak ; famosa P ;
famosa voce P corr. ; famosis Peter. 3 So Peter ; damno P.
1 Several inscriptions set up in his honour are extant ; ac-
cording to these he was granted consular honours on his re-
tirement ; see Hadr., viii. 7 and note, and c. x. 6.
2 Commemorated in several inscriptions. He was prefect
of the vigiles, the watchmen and firemen, in 156, and was
advanced to the prefecture of the guard about 158.
3 See note to Hadr., ix. 5.
4 For his death see Marc., xiv. 5.
6 See note to Hadr., vii. 4.
6 It is said that 1112 persons were killed ; see Mom m sen,
Chron. Min.t i. 146.
of Orfitus, the prefect of the city, and then only at
his own request. For under him Gavius Maximus,1
a very stern man, reached his twentieth year of
service as prefect of the ^uard ; he was succeeded by
Tattius Maximus,2 and at his death Antoninus ap-
pointed two men 3 in his place, Fabius Cornelius
Repentinus and Furius Victorinus,4 the former of
whom, however, was ruined by the scandalous tale
that he had gained his office by the favour of the
Emperor's mistress. So rigidly did he adhere to his
resolve that no senator should be executed in his
reign,5 that a confessed parricide was merely
marooned on a desert island, and that only because
it was against the laws of nature to let such a one
live. He relieved a scarcity of wine and oil and
wheat with loss to his own private treasury, by buy-
ing these and distributing them to the people free.
IX. The following misfortunes and prodigies oc-
curred in his reign : the famine, which we have just
mentioned, the collapse of the Circus,6 an earth-
quake 7 whereby towns of Rhodes and of Asia were
destroyed — all of which, however, the Emperor re-
stored in splendid fashion, — and a fire at Rome which
consumed three hundred and forty tenements and
dwellings.8 The town of Narbonne,9 the city of
7 The earthquake which destroyed Rhodes occurred about
140 ; a description of it is given in an oration of Aristides
(804 Dind.). The neighbouring island of Cos and the city of
Stratonicea in Caria were also devastated. There seems to
have been a second earthquake about 151, which devastated
Bithynia, Lesbos, Smyrna and Ephesus.
8 Mentioned also by Gellius, xv. 1, 2.
9 See C.I.L., xii. 4342 arid p. 521. Narbo Martius, which
had received the status of a colony in 45 B.C., was the capital
of the province of Gallia Narbonensis.
Narbonensis civitas et Antiochense oppidum et Car-
Sthaginiense forum arsit. fuit et inundatio Tiberis,
apparuit et stella crinita, natus est et biceps puer, et
4uno partu mulieris quinque pueri editi sunt. visus
est in Arabia iubatus anguis maior solitis, qui se a
cauda medium comedit. lues etiam in Arabia fuit.
hordeum in Moesia in culminibus arborum natum
5 est. quattuor praeterea leones mansueti sponte se
capiendos in Arabia praebuerunt.
6 Pharasmanes rex ad eum Romam venit plusque illi
quam Hadriano detulit. Pacorum regem Laziis dedit.
Parthorum regem ab Armeniorum expugnatione solis
litteris reppulit. Abgarum regem ex orientis parti-
7 bus sola auctoritate deduxit. causas regales termina-
vit. sellam regiam Parthorum regi repetenti, quam
8 Traianus ceperat, pernegavit. Rhoemetalcen l in
regnum Bosphoranum audito inter ipsum et cura-
9 torem 2 negotio remisit. Olbiopolitis contra Tauroscy-
thas in Pontum auxilia misit et Tauroscythas usque
10 ad dandos Olbiopolitis obsides vicit. tantum sane
1 rimtthalcen P. 2 Eupatorem Gary, Hist, des Rois du
Bosphore, p. G4 (ed. Berol.).
aAlso included among his benefactions in Pans., viii.
43, 4.
2 King of the Hiberi ; see Hadr., xiii. 9 and note. He had
refused to come to meet Hadrian (Hadr., xxi. 13), but now
came to Rome with his wife ; see Dio, Ixix. 15, 3 = Ixx. 2, 1
3 The Lazi lived on the south-eastern shore of the Black
Sea, south of the river Phasis (Rion).
4 Vologases III. He seems to have made preparations for
a war against the Romans (Marc., viii. 6), and troops were
despatched to Syria ob be Hum Parthicum; see C.I.L., ix.
2457 = Dessau, Ins. Set., 1076.
5 Of Osrhoene.
Antioch, and the forum of Carthage l also burned.
Besides, the Tiber flooded its banks, a comet was seen,
a two-headed child was born, and a woman gave
birth to quintuplets. There was seen, moreover, in
Arabia, a crested serpent larger than the usual size,
which ate itself from the tail to the middle ; and
also in Arabia there was a pestilence, while in Moesia
barley sprouted from the tops of trees. And besides
all this, in Arabia four lions grew tame and of their
own accord yielded themselves to capture.
Pharasmenes,2 the king, visited him at Rome and
showed him more respect than he had shown Hadrian.
He appointed Pacorus king of the Lazi,3 induced the
king of the Parthians 4 to forego a campaign against
the Armenians merely by writing him a letter, and
solely by his personal influence brought Abgarus the
king*5 back from the regions of the East. He settled
the pleas of several kings.6 The royal throne of the
Parthians, which Trajan had captured, he refused to
return when their king asked for it,7 and after hear-
ing the dispute between Rhoemetalces 8 and the im-
perial commissioner, sent the former back his kingdom
of the Bosphorus. He sent troops to the Black Sea
to bring aid to Olbiopolis 9 against the Tauroscythians
and forced the latter to give hostages to Olbiopolis.
B See the coins of 140-144 with the legends Rex Armeniis
datus and Rex Quadis datus, Cohen, ii2, p. 338 f., Nos. 686-
7 It had been promised by Hadrian to Osrhoes, the prede-
cessor of Vologases ; see Hadr. , xiii. 8.
8 T. Julius Rhoemetalces, king of the Cimmerian Bos-
phorus (the Crimea and the district east of the Strait of
Kertch) from 131 to 153. Several inscriptions and coins of
his are extant.
9 Olbia or Olbiopolis was a Greek city on the river Hypanis
(Bug) in south-western Russia.
auctoritatis apud exteras gentes nemo habuit, cum
semper amaverit pacem, eo usque ut Scipionis seiiten-
tiam frequentarit, qua ille dicebat malle se unum
civem servare quam mille hostes occidere.
X. Mensem Septembrem atque Octobrem Antoni-
num atque Faustiiium appellandos decrevit senatus,
2sed id Antoninus respuit. nuptias filiae suae Fausti-
nae, cum Marco Antonino earn coniungeret, usque
3 ad donativum militum celeberrimas fecit. Verum
4Antoninum post quaesturam consulem fecit, cum
Apollonium, quern e Chalcide acciverat, ad Tiberia-
nam domum, in qua habitabat, vocasset, ut ei Marcum
Antoninum traderet, atque ille dixisset " non magister
ad discipulum debet venire, sed d'scipulus ad magis-
trum," risit eum, dicens, " facilius fuit Apollonio a
Chalcide l Romam venire quam a domo sua in
Palatium". cuius avaritiam etiam in2 mercedibus
snotavit. inter argumenta pietatis eius et hoc habetur
quod, cum Marcus mortuum educatorem suum fleret
vocareturque 3 ab aulicis ministris ab ostentatione
pietatis, ipse dixerit : " Permittite, inquit, illi, ut
homo sit ; neque enim vel philosophia vel imperium
tollit adfectus ".
1 calchida P. 2 in omitted in P. 3 uetareturque P
corr. ; reuocareturque Gas.
1 Cf. Eutrop., viii. 8. According to Aur. Victor, Epit., xv.
4, ambassadors from the Indi, Bactri, and Hyrcani came to
2 She had been betrothed by Hadrian to Lucius Verus ; see
Ael., vi. 9 ; Marc., vi. 2 ; Verus t ii. 3.
3 A Stoic philosopher, the teacher of both Marcus and
Verus ; see Marc., ii. 7 ; iii. 1 ; Verus, ii. 5. He is mentioned
with gratitude by Marcus in els eavr6v i. 8. His home
No one has ever had such prestige among foreign
nations as he/ for he was ever a lover of peace, even
to such a degree that he was continually quoting the
saying of Scipio in which he declared that he would
rather save a single citizen than slay a thousand foes.
X. When the senate declared that the months of
September and October should be called respectively
Antoninus and Faustinus, Antoninus refused. The
wedding of his daughter Faustina, whom he espoused 145.
to Marcus Antoninus,2 he made most noteworthy,
even to the extent of giving a donative to the soldiers.
He made Verus Antoninus consul after his quaestor- 154.
ship. On one occasion, he sent word to Apollonius,3
whom he had summoned from Chalcis, to come to the
House of Tiberius4 (where at the time he was stay-
ing) in order that he might put Marcus Antoninus
in his charge, but Apollonius replied "The master
ought not come to the pupil, but the pupil to the
master". Whereupon the Emperor ridiculed him,
saying " It was easier, then, for Apollonius to come
to Rome from Chalcis than from his house to my
palace ". The greed of this man he had noticed even
in the matter of his salary. It is related of him,
too, as an instance of his "regard for his family,
that when Marcus was mourning the death of his
tutor and was restrained by the palace servants from
this display of affection, the Emperor said : " Let
him be only a man for once ; for neither philosophy
nor empire takes away natural feeling ".
was Chalcedon, according to Marc., ii. 7, Nicomedia, accord-
ing to Dio, Ixxi. 35. 1 ; Chalcis is evidently an error.
4 The Domus Tiberiana was at the northern end of the
Palatine Hill ; very extensive ruins are extant. It seems to
have been the usual residence of Pius when at Rome ; see
Marc., vi. 3 ; Verus, ii. 4.
6 Praefectos suos et locupletavit et ornamentis con-
7 sularibus donavit. si quos repetundarum daninavit,
eorum liberis bona paterna restituit, ea tamen lege
ut illi provincialibus redderent quod parentes ac-
8.9ceperant. ad indulgentias prouissimus fuit. edita
munera, in quibus elephantos et corocottas et tigrides
et rhinocerotes, crocodillos etiam atque hippopotamos
et omnia ex toto orbe terrarum exhibuit. centum
etiam leones cum tigridibus l una missione edidit.
XI. Amicis suis in imperio suo lion aliter usus est
quam privatus, quia et ipsi numquam de eo cum
libertis per fumum aliquid vendiderunt ; si quidem
2libertis suis severissime usus est. amavit histrionum
artes. piscando se et venando multum oblectavit et
deambulatione cum amicis atque sermone. vindemias
3 privati modo cum amicis agebat. rhetoribus et
philosophis per omnes provincias et honores et salaria
detulit. orationes plerique alienas esse dixerunt,
quae sub eius nomine feruiitur ; Marius Maximus eius
4proprias fuisse dicit. convivia cum amicis et privata
5 communicavit et publica nee ullum sacrificium per
6 vicarium fecit, nisi cum aeger fuit. cum sibi et filiis
7 honores peteret, omnia quasi privatus fecit. fre-
Squentavit et ipse amicorum suorum convivia. inter
1 cum tigridibus, in P before exhibuit, placed after leones
by Peter, deleted by Salm. and Novak.
1See note to Hadr., viii. 7.
3 Probably in 148, in commemoration of the tenth anni-
versary of his accession to power. Coins, evidently referring
to these spectacles, were issued in 149 bearing the legend
Munificentia and representations of a lion and an elephant;
see Cohen, ii2, p. 325, Nos. 562-566.
On his prefects he bestowed both riches and con-
sular honours.1 If he convicted any of extortion he
nevertheless delivered up the estates to their children,
providing only that the children should restore to the
provinces what their fathers had taken. He was very
prone to acts of forgiveness. He held games 2 at which
he displayed elephants and the animals called corocot-
tae and tigers and rhinoceroses, even crocodiles and
hippopotami, in short, all the animals of the whole
earth ; and he presented at a single performance as
many as a hundred lions together with tigers.
XI. His friends he always treated, while on the
throne, just as though he were a private citizen, for
they never combined with his freedmen to sell false
hopes of favours,3 and indeed he treated his freed-
men with the greatest strictness. He was very fond
of the stage, found great delight in fishing and hunt-
in »• and in walks and conversation with his friends,
and was wont to pass vintage-time in company with
his friends in the manner of an ordinary citizen.
Rhetoricians and philosophers throughout all the
provinces he rewarded with honours and money.
The orations which have come down in his name,
some say, are really the work of others, according to
Marcus Maximus, however, they were his own. He
always shared his banquets, both public and private,
with his friends ; and never did he perform sacrifices
by proxy except when he was ill. When he sought
offices 4 for himself or for his sons all was done as by
a private individual. He himself was often present
at the banquets of his intimates, and among other
3 See note to c. vi. 4.
4 i.e. went through the formality of asking the senate to
confer them.
alia etiam hoc civilitatis eius praecipuum argumentum
est quod, cum domura Homulli viseiis miransque
columnas porphyreticas requisisset, unde eas haberet,
atque Homulius ei dixisset, " cum in domum alienam
veneris, et mutus et surdus esto," patienter tulit.
cuius Homulli multa ioca semper patieiiler accepit.
XII. Multa de iure sanxit ususque est iuris peritis
Vindio Vero, Salvio Valente, Volusio Maeciano, Ulpio
2 Marcello et Diavoleno. seditiones ubicumque factas
non crudelitate sed modestia et gravitate cornpressit.
3 intra urbes sepeliri mortuos vetuit. sumptum muneri-
bus gladiatoriis instituit. vehicularium cursum summa
diligentia sublevavit. omnium quae gessit et in
seiiatu et per edicta ratioiiem reddidit.
4 Periit anno septuagensimo, sed quasi adulescens
desideratus est. mors autem eius talis fuisse narratur :
cum Alpinum caseum in cena edisset avidius, nocte
5 reiectavit atque alia die febre commotus est. tertia
die, cum se gravari videret, Marco Aiitonino rem
publicam et filiam praesentibus praefectis com-
mendavit Fortunamque auream, quae in cubiculo
1 M. Valerius Homullus, cos. in 152. He tried to arouse
the suspicion of Pius against Lucilla, Marcus' mother; see
Marc., vi. 9.
2 As incorporated in the Digesta and the Codex of Justinian,
these deal with the questions of inheritances, adoption and
guardianship, manumission, and the treatment of slaves by
their masters.
3Verus, Maecianus and Marcellus are frequently cited in
the Digesta. Maecianus was Marcus' instructor in law ; see
Marc., iii. 6.
4 Apparently an error f or lavolenus (Priscus), the celebrated
jurist. He, however, was an older contemporary of Pliny,
things it is a particular evidence of his graciousness
that when, on a visit at the house of Homullus,1 he
admired certain porphyry columns and asked where
they came from, Homullus replied "When you
come to another's house, be deaf and dumb," and he
took it in good part. In fact, the jibes of this
same Homullus, which were many, he always took in
good part.
XII. A number of legal principles 2 were established
by Antoninus with the aid of certain men, experts in
jurisprudence, namely, Vindius Verus,3 Salvius Valens,
Volusius Maecianus, Ulpius Marcellus, and Diavo-
leiius,4 Rebellions, wherever they occurred, he sup-
pressed 5 not by means of cruelty, but with modera-
tion and dignity. He forbade the burial of bodies
within the limits of any city ; he established a maxi-
mum cost for gladiatorial games ; and he very care-
fully maintained the imperial post.6 Of everything
that he did he rendered an account, both in the
senate and by proclamation.
He died in the seventieth 7 year of his age, but his 7 Mar.,
loss was felt as though he had been but a youth.
They say his death was somewhat as follows : after
he had eaten too freely some Alpine cheese at dinner
he vomited during the night, and was taken with a
fever the next day. On the second day, as he saw
that his condition was becoming worse, in the presence
of his prefects he committed the state and his daughter
to Marcus Antoninus, and gave orders that the
golden statue of Fortune, which was wont to stand
and it can hardly be supposed that he was actually consulted
by Pius.
5 See c. v. 4-5. 8 See note to Hadr., vii. 5.
7 Really in his seventy-fifth year; cf. c. i. 8.
principum poni solebat, transferri ad eum iussit,
6 signum l tribune aequanimitatis dedit atque ita con-
versus quasi dormiret, spiritum reddidit apud Lorium.
7 alienatus in febri nihil aliud quam de re publica et de
8iis regibus quibus irascebatur locutus est. privatum
patrimonium filiae reliquit. testamento autem omnes
suos legatis idoneis prosecutus est.
XIII. Fuit statura elevata decorus. sed cum esset
longus et senex incurvareturque, tiliaciis tabulis in
2 pectore positis fasciabatur, ut rectus incederet. senex
etiam, antequam salutatores venirent, panem siccum
comedit ad sustentandas vires, fuit voce rauca et
sonora cum iucundidate.
A senatu divus est appellatus cunctis certatim
adnitentibus, cum omnes eius pietatem clementiam
ingenium sanctimoniam laudarent. decreti etiam
sunt omnes honores qui optimis principibus ante
4 delati sunt. meruit et flaminem et circenses et
templum et sodales Antoninianos solusque omnium
prope principum prorsus sine2 civili sanguine et
hostili, quantum ad se ipsum pertinet, vixit et qui
rite comparetur Numae, cuius felicitatem pietatemque
et securitatem caerimoniasque semper obtinuit.
1 signum Novak (so Peter1); signatum P; signum turn
Peter* with Petschenig. 2 sine omitted in P.
1 Cf. Marc., vii. 3; see also Sev., xxiii. 5.
2 Cf . c. vii. 9. 3 See note to c. vi. 7.
4 See note to Hadr., xxvii. 3.
in the bed-chamber of the emperor,1 be given to him.
Then lie gave the watchword to the officer of the day
as " Equanimity," and so, turning as if to sleep, gave
up the ghost at Lorium. While he was delirious with
fever, he spoke of nothing save the state and certain
kings with whom he was angry. To his daughter he
left his private fortune,2 and in his will he remem-
bered all his household with suitable legacies.
XIII He was a handsome man, and tall in stature ;
but being a tall man, when he was bent by old age
he had himself swathed with splints of linden-wood
bound on his chest in order that he might walk erect.
Moreover, when he was old, he ate dry bread before
the courtiers came to greet him, in order that he
might sustain his strength. His voice was hoarse
and resonant, yet agreeable.
He was deified by the senate, while all men vied
with one another to give him honour, and all extolled
his devoutness, his mercy, his intelligence, and his
righteousness. All honours were decreed for him
which were ever before bestowed on the very best of
emperors. He well deserved the flamen and games
and temple 3 and the Antoninine priesthood.4 Almost
alone of all emperors he lived entirely unstained by
the blood of either citizen or foe so far as was in his
power, and he was justly compared to Numa, whose
good fortune and piety and tranquillity and religious
rites he ever maintained.
I. Marco Antonino, in omni vita philosophanti viro
et qui sanctitate vitae omnibus principibus antecellit,
2 pater Annius Verus, qui in praetura decessit, avus
Annius . Verus, iterum l consul et praefectus urbi,
adscitus in patricios 2 a Vespasiano et Tito censoribus,
3 patruus Annius Libo consul, amita Galeria Faustina
Augusta, mater Domitia Lucilla,3 Calvisii Tulli bis
4 consulis filia, proavus paternus Annius Verus praetorius
ex Succubitano municipio ex Hispania 4 factus senator,
proavus maternus Catilius Severus bis consul et prae-
fectus urbi, avia paterna Rupilia Faustina, Rupilii
Boni consularis filia, fuere.
1 iterum P ; tertium Petschenig. 2 a princi2)ibus, follow-
ing patricios in P, removed by Salm. 3 Lucilla Borghesi ;
Caluilla P, Peter. 4 spania P1, Peter ; yspania P corr.
1 M. Annius Verus was consul three times, first under
Domitian, again in 121 and 126.
2 See Pius, i. 6.
I. Marcus Antoninus, devoted to philosophy as long
as he lived and pre-eminent among emperors in
purity of life, was the son of Annius Verus, who died
while praetor. His grandfather, named Annius Verus
also, attained to a second consulship,1 was prefect of
the city, and was enrolled among the patricians by
Vespasian and Titus while they were censors. Annius
Libo, a consul, was his uncle, Galeria Faustina
Augusta,2 his aunt. His mother was Domitia Lucilla,
the daughter of Calvisius Tullus, who served as consul
twice.3 Annius Verus, from the town of Succuba in
Spain, who was made a senator and attained to the
dignity of praetor, was his father's grandfather ; his
great-grandfather on his mother's side was Catilius
Severus,4 who twice held the consulship and was pre-
fect of the city. His father's mother was Rupilia
Faustina, the daughter of Rupilius Bonus, a man of
consular rank.
3 First in 109 ; the second date is unknown.
4 See note to Hadr.t v. 10.
5 Natus est Marcus Romae VI. kal. Maias in Monte
Caelio in hortis avo suo iterum et Augure consulibus.
6 cuius familia in originem recurrens a Numa probatur
sanguinem trahere, ut Marius Maximus docet ; item a
rege Sallentino Malemnio, Dasummi filio, qui Lupias
7 condidit. educatus est in eo loco in quo natus est et
8 in domo avi sui Veri iuxta aedes Laterani. habuit et
sororem natu minorem Anniam Cornificiam, uxorem
9 Anniam Faustinam, consobrinam suam. Marcus
Antoninus principio aevi sui nomen habuit1 Catilii
10 Severi, materni proavi. post excessum vero patris ab
Hadriano Annius Verissimus vocatus est, post virilem
autem togam Annius Verus. patre mortuo ab avo
paterno adoptatus et educatus est.
II. Fuit a prima infantia gravis. at ubi egressus
est annos qui nutricum foventur auxilio, magnis prae-
ceptoribus traditus ad philosophiae scita pervenit.
2 usus est magistris ad prima elementa Euphorione
litteratore et Gemiiio comoedo, musico Androne
eodemque geometra. quibus omnibus ut discip-
3 linarum auctoribus plurimum detulit. usus praeterea
grammaticis, Graeco Alexandro Cotiaeensi,2 Latinis
1 et, after habuit in P, deleted by Petrarch. 2 cotidianis
P ; Cotiaensi Uhlig, Peter.
1In Calabria, about 20 miles S. of Brundisium.
3Annia Gornificia Faustina. She was married to Um-
midius Quadratus.
3 See Pius, i. 7.
4 Probably M. Annius Catilius Severus.
B So also Dio, Ixix. 21, 2. This name appears on Greek
Marcus himself was born at Rome on the sixth day 26 Apr.,
before the Kalends of May in the second consulship121'
of his grandfather and the first of Augur, in a villa on
the Caelian Hill. His family, in tracing its origin
back to the beginning, established its descent from
Numa, or so Marius Maximus tells, and likewise from
the Sallentine king Malemnius, the son of Dasummus,
who founded Lupiae.1 He was reared in the villa
where he was born, and also in the home of his grand-
father Verus close to the dwelling of Lateranus. He
had a sister younger than himself, named Annia
Cornificia ; 2 his wife, who was also his cousin, was
Annia Faustina.3 At the beginning of his life Marcus
Antoninus was named Catilius Severus4 after his
mother's grandfather. After the death of his real
father, however, Hadrian called him Annius Verissi-
mus,5 and, after he assumed the toga virilis, Annius
Verus. When his father died he was adopted and
reared by his father's father.
II. He was a solemn child from the very beginning ;
and as soon as he passed beyond the age when chil-
dren are brought up under the care of nurses, he was
handed over to advanced instructors and attained to
a knowledge of philosophy. In his more elementary
education, he received instruction from Euphorion in
literature and from Geminus in drama, in music and
likewise in geometry from Andron ; on all of whom,
as being spokesman of the sciences, he afterwards con-
ferred great honours. Besides these, his teachers in
grammar were the Greek Alexander of Cotiaeum,6 and
coins, Eckhel, D.N., vii. 69. It is perhaps an allusion to his
love of frankness ; see Fronto, Epist., pp. 29, 34, 49.
6 See els tour, i. 10. His funeral oration was delivered by
Aristides, Or., xii.
Trosio Apro et Pollione 1 et Eutychio Proculo Sic-
4censi. oratoribus usus est Graecis2 Aninio 3 Macro,
Caninio Celere et Herode Attico, Latino Frontone
5Cornelio. sed multum ex his Fronton! detulit, cui
et statuam in senatu petiit. Proculum vero usque ad
proconsulatum provexit oneribus 4 in se receptis.
6 Philosophiae operam vehementer dedit et quidem
adhuc puer. nam duodecimum annum ingressus
habitum philosophi sumpsit et deinceps tolerantiam,
cum studeret in pallio et humi cubaret, vix autem
matre agente instrato pellibus lectulo accubaret.
7 usus est etiam Commodi 5 magistro, cuius ei adfinitas
fuerat destinata,6 Apollonio Chalcedonio Stoico philo-
III. sopho. tantum autem studium in eo philosophiae
fuit ut adscitus iam in 7 imperatoriam tamen ad
2domum Apollonii discendi causa veniret. audivit et
Sextum Chaeronensem Plutarchi nepotem, lunium
Rusticum, Claudium Maximum et Cinnam Catulum,
lpolono P ; Polione Peter. 2graeco P. 3 So P corr. ;
animo P1. 4 oneribus Turnebus ; honoribus P. f) So
Obrecht ; commodo P. 6 usus est et, repeated before Ai>oll.
Chal. in P, removed by Obrecht. 7 in om. in P1 ; in i
peratoriam dignitatem P corr.
1 Ti. Claudius Atticus Herodes, consul in 143. The foremost
orator of his time, he had a school at Athens attended by a
great number of students. He presented public buildings to
very many of the cities of Greece, but particularly to his
native city, Athens, where he built the Odeum on the S.E.
slope of the Acropolis and rebuilt the Stadium, using Pentelic
marble. His life by Philostratus is extant (Vit. Soph., ii. 1).
2 M. Cornelius Fronto, famous as an orator and man of
the Latins Trosius A per, Pol Ho, and Eutychius Pro-
culus ofSicca ; his masters in oratory were the Greeks
Aninius Macer, Caiiinius Celer and Herodes Atticus,1
and the Latin Cornelius Fronto.'2 Ot these he con-
ferred high honours on Fronto, even asking the senate
to vote him a statue ; but indeed he advanced Pro-
culus also — even to a proconsulship, and assumed the
burdens3 of the ofiice himself.
He studied philosophy with ardour, even as a youth.
For when he was twelve years old he adopted the
dress and, a little later, the hardiness of a philosopher,
pursuing his studies clad in a rough Greek cloak and
sleeping on the ground ; 4 at his mother's solicita-
tion, however, he reluctantly consented to sleep on
a couch strewn with skins. He received instruc-
tion, furthermore, from the teacher of that Corn-
modus ft who was destined later to be a kinsman of
his, namely Apollonius of Chalcedon,6 the Stoic;
III. and such was his ardour for this school of philo-
sophy, that even after he became a member of the
imperial family, he still went to Apollonius' resi-
dence for instruction. In addition, he attended the
lectures of Sextus of Chaeronea,7 the nephew of
Plutarch, and of Jiinius Rusticus,8 Claudius Maximus,9
and Cinna Catulus,10 all Stoics. He also attended
letters, and for his correspondence with Pius, Marcus, and
3 i.e. the giving of circus-games, the expense of which
caused many to resign from tho consulship ; see Dio, Ix. 27, 2.
The cost of tho games given by Fronto was borne by Pius ;
see Fronto, Epist., p. 25.
4 At the advice of his teacher Dioguetus ; see fit e'cun-oV, i. 6.
6 i.e. Lucius Verus ; see note to Hadr., xxiv. 1.
6 See Piust x. 4 and note. 7 See e»s fain, i. 9.
8 See fis iavr, i. 7. » See ds W, i. 15. 10 See els lain, i. 18.
SStoicos. Peripateticae vero studiosum l audivit Clau-
dium Severum et praecipue lunium Rusticum, quern
et reveritus est et sectatus, qui domi militiaeque
4pollebat, Stoicae disciplinae peritissimum ; cum quo
orania communicavit publica privataque consilia, cui
etiamante praefectos praetorio semper osculum dedit,
5 quern et consulem iterum designavit, cui post obitum
a senatu statuas postulavit. tantum autem honoris
magistris suis detulit ut imagines eorum aureas in
larario haberet ac sepulchra eorum aditu hostiis flori-
6 bus semper honoraret. studuit et iuri, audiens Lu-
7 cium Volusium Maecianum. tantumque operis et
laboris studiis impendit ut corpus adficeret atque in
8 hoc solo pueritia eius reprehenderetur. frequentavit
et declamatorum scholas publicas amavitque e 2 con-
discipulis praecipuos senatorii ordinis Seium Fus-
cianum et Aufidium Victorinum, ex equestri Bae-
9bium Longum et Calenum. in quos maxime liberalis
fuit, et ita quidem ut quos non posset ob qualitatem
vitae rei publicae praeponere, locupletatos teneret.
1 So Peter; studiosos P ; studiosus Gas., Jordan. 2 om.
by P1 ; ex P corr.
1 Perhaps the " a8f\<f>6s " Severus mentioned in els e
i. 14.
2 The custom had arisen that the emperor should bestow
a ceremonial kiss of greeting upon the senators and the fore-
most of the equestrian order ; see Suet., Otho, vi ; Plin., Pan.,
23; Tac., Agr., 40.
3 For the first time in 133, for the second in 162; he was
also prefect of the city.
the lectures of Claudius Severus,1 an adherent of the
Peripatetic school, but he received most- instruction
from Junius Rusticus, whom lie ever revered and
whose disciple he became, a man esteemed in both
private and public life, and exceedingly well ac-
quainted with the Stoic system, with whom Marcus
shared all his counsels both public and private,
whom he greeted with a kiss prior to the pre-
fects of the guard,2 whom he even appointed consul
for a second term,3 and whom after his death he
asked the senate to honour with statues. On his
teachers in general, moreover, he conferred great
honours, for he even kept golden statues of them in
his chapel,4 and made it a custom to show respect for
their tombs by personal visits and by offerings of
sacrifices and flowers. He studied jurisprudence as
well, in which he heard Lucius Volusius Maecianus,
and so much work and labour did he devote to his
studies that he impaired his health — the only fault to
be found with his entire childhood. He attended
also the public schools of rhetoricians. Of his fellow-
pupils he was particularly fond of Seius Fuscianus 5
and Aufidius Victorinus,6 of the senatorial order, and
Baebius Longus and Calenus, of the equestrian. He
was very generous to these men, so generous, in fact,
that on those whom he could not advance to public
office on account of their station in life, he bestowed
4 See the similar practice of Severus Alexander, Alex.,
xxix. 2.
5 Prefect of the city under Commodus (see Pert., iv. 3), and
consul for the second time in 188.
15 C. Aufidius Victorinus held a command in Germany (see
c. viii. 8), was proconsul of Africa, and consul for the second
time in 183. He married Fronto's daughter.
IV. Educatus est1 in Hadrian! gremio, qui ilium,
ut supra diximus, Verissimum nominabat et qui ei
2 honorem equi public! sexenni 2 detulit, octavo aetatis
3 anno in Saliorum collegium rettulit. in saliatu omen
accepit imperii : coronas omnibus in pulvinar ex more
iacientibus aliae aliis locis haeserunt, huius velut manu
4capiti Martis aptata est. fuit in eo sacerdotio et
praesul et vates et magister et multos mauguravit
atque exauguravit nemine praeeunte, quod ipse car-
mina cuncta didicisset.
5 Virilem togam sumpsit quinto decimo aetatis anno,
statimque ei Lucii Ceionii Commodi filia desponsata
6 est ex Hadriani voluntate. nee multo post prae-
fectus Feriarum Latinarum fuit. in quo honore
prae claris sime se pro magistratibus agentem et in
7 conviviis Hadriani principis ostendit. post hoc
patrimonium paternum sorori totum concessit, cum
eum ad divisionem mater vocaret, responditque avi
bonis se esse contentum, addens, ut et mater, si vellet,
in sororem suum patrimonium conferret, ne inferior
8 esset soror marito. fuit autem tanta indulgentia 3
1 est P corr. ; esset P1. 2 equi publici sexenni Salm. ; et
qui publicis exenni (exenniis) P. 3 fuit autem uitae indul-
gentia, P, Peter ; tanta uitae indulgentia Novak.
lc. i. 10.
3 At the official banquet held by the Salii in some temple
on their feast-day.
3 i.e., L. Aelius Caesar, the adopted son of Hadrian; see
also c. vi. 2. The daughter was probably the Fabia men-
tioned in c. xxix. 10 and Ver., x. 3-4.
4 Under the republic, this official was charged with the
administration of Borne when both consuls were absent from
the city conducting the Feriae Latinae on Mons Albanus.
In the empire the office was continued, although only as a
formality, and was given to young men of high rank and
IV. He was reared under the eye of Hadrian, who
called him Verissimus, as we have already related/ and
did him the honour of enrolling him in the equestrian
order when he was six years old and appointing him
in his eighth year to the college of the Salii. While
in this college, moreover, he received an omen of his
future rule ; for when they were all casting their
crowns on the banqueting- couch 2 of the god, ac-
cording to the usual custom, and the crowns fell into
various places, his crown, as if placed there by his
hand, fell on the brow of Mars. In this priesthood
he was leader of the dance, seer, and master, and
consequently both initiated and dismissed a great
number of people ; and in these ceremonies no one
dictated the formulas to him, for all of them he had
learned by himself.
In the fifteenth year of his life he assumed the 135-136
toga virilis, and straightway, at the wish of Hadrian,
was betrothed to the daughter of Lucius Ceionius
Commodus.3 Not long after this he was made prefect
of the city during the Latin Festival,4 and in this
position he conducted himself very brilliantly both in
the presence of the magistrates and at the banquets
of the Emperor Hadrian. Later, when his mother
asked him to give his sister 5 part of the fortune left
him by his father, he replied that he was content
with the fortune of his grandfather and relinquished
all of it, further declaring that if she wished, his
mother might leave her own estate to his sister in its
entirety, in order that she might not be poorer than
her husband. So complaisant was he, moreover, that
often to princes of the imperial family; see Tac., Ann., iv.
36, and Suet., Nero, vii.
6 See c. i. 8 and note.
ut cogeretur nonnumquam vel in venationes pergere
vel in theatrum descendere vel spectaculis interesse.
9 operam praeterea pingendo sub magistro Diogneto l
dedit. amavit pugilatum luctamina et cursum et
10 aucupatus et pila lusit adprime et venatus est. sed ab
omnibus his intentionibus studium eum philosophiae
abduxit seriumque et gravem reddidit, lion tamen
prorsus abolita in eo comitate, quam praecipue suis,
mox amicis atque etiam minus notis exhibebat, cum
frugi esset sine contumacia, verecundus sine ignavia,
sine tristitia gravis.
V. His ita se habentibus cum post obitum Lucii
Caesaris Hadrianus successorem imperii quaereret, iiec
idoneus, utpote decem et octo annos agens, Marcus
haberetur, amitae Marci virum Antoninum Pium
Hadrianus ea lege in adoptationem legit ut sibi
Marcum Pius adoptaret, ita tamen ut et Marcus
2 sibi Lucium Commodum adoptaret. sane ea die qua
adoptatus est Verus in somnis se umeros eburneos
habere vidit sciscitatusque, an apti essent oneri
3 ferundo, solito repperit fortiores. ubi autem com-
perit se ab Hadriano adoptatum, magis est deter-
ritus quam laetatus iussusque in Hadriani privatam
domum migrare invitus de maternis hortis recessit.
4 curnque ab eo domestic! quaererent, cur tristis in
adoptionem regiam transiret, disputavit quae mala in
se contineret imperium.
1 Diogeneto P, Peter.
Hadr., xxiv. 1; AeL, vi. 9; Pius, iv. 5. The state-
ment that Lucius Verus was adopted by Marcus (so also Ael.t
v. 12) is erroneous.
at times, when urged, he let himself be taken to hunts
or the theatre or the spectacles. Besides, he gave
some attention to painting, under the teacher
Diognetus. He was also fond of boxing and wrestling
and running and fowling, played ball very skilfully,
and hunted well. But his ardour for philosophy dis-
tracted him from all these pursuits and made him
serious and dignified, not ruining, however, a certain
geniality in him, which he still manifested toward
his household, his friends, and even to those less in-
timate, but making him, rather, austere, though not
unreasonable, modest, though not inactive, and
serious without gloom.
V. Such was his character, then, when, after the 1 Jan., ]
death of Lucius Caesar, Hadrian looked about for a
successor to the throne. Marcus did not seem suit-
able, being at the time but eighteen years of age ;
and Hadrian chose for adoption Antoninus Pius,
the uncle-in-law of Marcus, with the provision that
Pius should in turn adopt Marcus and that Marcus
should adopt Lucius Commodus.1 And it was on
the day that Verus 2 was adopted that he dreamed
that he had shoulders of ivory, and when he asked if
they were capable of bearing a burden, he found
them much stronger than before. When he dis-
covered, moreover, that Hadrian had adopted him,
he was appalled rather than overjoyed, and when told
to move to the private home of Hadrian, reluctantly
departed from his mother's villa. And when the
members of his household asked him why he was
sorry to receive royal adoption, he enumerated to
them the evil things that sovereignty involved.
* i.e., Marcus. The story of the dream is told also by Dio
(Ixxi. 36, 1).
ft Tune primum pro Annio Aurelius coepit vocari,
quod in Aureliam, hoc est Antonini, adoptionis iure
6 transisset. octavo decimo ergo aetatis anno adoptatus
in secundo consulatu Antonini, iam patris sui, Hadri-
ano ferente gratia aetatis facta quaestor est designatus.
7 adoptatus in aulicam domum omnibus parentibus suis
8 tantam reverentiam quantam privatus exhibuit. erat-
que baud secus rei suae quam in privata domo parcus
ac diligens, pro institute patris volens agere dicere
VI. Hadriano Baiis absumpto cum Pius ad advehen-
das eius reliquias esset profectus, relictus Romae avo
iusta implevit et gladiatorium quasi privatus quaestor
2 edidit munus. post excessum Hadriani statim Pius
per uxorem suam Marcum sciscitatus est et eum l
dissolutis sponsalibus, quae cum Lucii Ceionii Corn-
modi . . . 2 desponderi voluerat impari adhuc aetati,
Shabita deliberatione velle se dixit. his ita gestis
adhuc quaestorem et consulem secum Pius Marcum
designavit et Caesaris appellatione donavit et sevirum
1 et eum P ; utrum A. Jaekel, Klio xii, p. 124, n. 1.
2 Gas. saw a lacuna after Commodi (cf. Marc., iv. 5, and Ver.,
ii. 3), and supplied : filia contrahere ilium Hadrianus uohierat,
Faustina illi offeretur, quod Verus, cui earn Hadrianus
(reading et quum, and esset after aetate) ; Mommsen supplied :
sorore fecerat filiam Faustinam cum hortata esset ut duceret,
quam Hadrianus eidem Commodo ; Ellis i, p. 400, et eum,
diss. spons. L. Ceionii Commodi (i.e. Veri) quae cum filia
fecerat, quam, ei desponderi uol., etc. ; se*e also Jaekel, loc. cit.
1 On his name after his adoption see note to Hadr.,xxiv. 2.
At this time he first began to be called Aurelius
instead of Annius,1 since, according to the law of
adoption, he had passed into the Aurelian family,
that is, into the family of Antoninus. And so he
was adopted in his eighteenth year, and at the in-
stance of Hadrian exception was made for his age '2 and
he was appointed quaestor for the year of the second 139
consulship of Antoninus, now his father. Even after
his adoption into the imperial house, he still showed
the same respect to his own relatives that he had
borne them as a commoner, was as frugal and care-
ful of his means as he had been when he lived in
a private home, and was willing to act, speak, and
think according to his father's principles.
VI. When Hadrian died at Baiae 3 and Pius de-10Jul.,
parted to bring back his remains, Marcus was left at 13S
Rome and discharged his grandfather's funeral rites,
and, though quaestor, presented a gladiatorial spectacle
as a private citizen. Immediately after Hadrian's
death Pius, through his wife, approached Marcus,
and, breaking his betrothal with the daughter of
Lucius Ceionius Commodus,4 ... he was willing to
espouse one so much his junior in years, he replied,
after deliberating the question, that he was. And
when this was done, Pius designated him as his col-
league in the consulship, though he was still only 140
quaestor, gave him the title of Caesar,5 appointed him
while 'consul-elect on& of the six commanders of the
2 See Pius, vi. 9-10 and note.
3 See Hadr., xxv. 6; Pius, v. 1.
4 See c. iv. 5 and note.
5 See note to AeL, i. 2. On coins of 139-140 he is called
Aurelius Caes(ar) Aug(usti) Pii f(ilius) ; see Cohen, ii2. p. 409 f.,
Nos. 1-40.
turmis equitum Romanorum iam consulem designa-
tura creavit et edenti cum collegis ludos sevirales ad-
sedit et in Tiberianam domum transgredi iussit et
aulico fastigio renitentem ornavit et in collegia sacer-
4 dotum iubente seiiatu recepit. secundum etiam con-
sulem designavit, cum ipse quartum pariter inierit.
5 per eadem tempora, cum tantis honoribus occuparetur
et cum formandus ad regendum statum rei publicae
patris actibus interesset, studia cupidissime frequen-
6 Post haec Faustinam duxit uxorem et suscepta
filia tribunicia potestate donatus est atque im-
perio extra urbem proconsulari addito iure quintae
7 relationis. tantumque apud Pium valuit ut l num-
8 quam quemquam sine eo facile promo verit. erat au-
tem in summis obsequiis patris Marcus, quamvis non
9 deessent qui aliqua adversum eum insusurrarent, et
prae ceteris Valerius Homollus, qui, cum Lucillam
1 ut P corr., om. by P1.
1 The seviri equitum Romanorum were the six commanders
of the equestrian order. They received their appointment
from the emperor, and were usually young men ot senatorial
families who had not as yet been admitted to the senate and
sometimes princes of the imperial house, as Marcus, and
Gaius, grandson of Augustus (Zonaras, x. 35). Marcus had
also the title of princeps iuventutis or honorary chief of the
equestrian order (Dio, Ixxi. 35, 5), a title bestowed by the
acclamation of the order, with the consent or at the command
of the emperor, upon the heir apparent.
2 See note to Pius, x. 4.
3 Especially the four great colleges of which the emperor
was always a member, i.e., the pontifices, the augures, the
guindecimviri sacris faciendis or keepers of the Sibylline
Books, and the septemviri epulonum, and probably also the
fratres ar vales and the sodales of the various deified emperors
(see note to Hadr., xxvii. 3). The son of the emperor usually
equestrian order l and sat by him when he and his
five colleagues were producing their official games,
bade him take up his abode in the House of Tiberius 2
and there provided him with all the pomp of a court,
though Marcus objected to this, and finally took him
into the priesthoods a at the. bidding of the senate.
Later, he appointed him consul for a second term at 145
the same time that he began his fourth. And all
this time, when busied with so many public duties of
his own, and while sharing his father's activities that
he might be fitted for ruling the state, Marcus worked
at his studies 4 eagerly.
At this time he took Faustina to wife5 and, after 145
begetting a daughter,6 received the tribunician power
and the proconsular power outside the city,7 with the
added right of making five proposals in the senate.8
Such was his influence with Pius that the Emperor
was never quick to promote anyone without his advice.
Moreover, he showed great deference to his father,
though there were not lacking those who whispered
things against him, especially Valerius Homullus,9
became a member of these colleges when he received the
name Caesar.
4 Especially in rhetoric and literature ; see Fronto, p. 36.
5 See Pius, x. 2. Coins struck in honour of the occasion
bear the heads of Marcus and Faustina on the obverse and
reverse respectively; see Cohen, ii2. p. 127, Nos. 3-4.
6 Annia Galeria Aurelia- Faustina, born in 146, was the
eldest of Marcus' children.
7 See note to Pius, iv. 7.
8 The newly-elected emperor was regularly empowered by
senatus consultum to propose a definite number of measures
in each meeting of the senate, these proposals to take pre-
cedence over any others. The number varied but never seems
to have exceeded five ; see Pert.,v. 6 ; Alex., i. 3 ; Prob., xii. 8.
9 Cf. Pius, xi. 8.
matrem Marci in viridiario venerantem simulacrum
Apollinis vidisset, insusurravit, " ilia nunc rogat, ut
diem tuum claudas et films imperet ". quod omnino
lOapud Pium nihil valuit ; tanta erat Marci probitas et
VIl.tanta in imperatorio participatu 1 modestia. existi-
mationis autern tantam curam habuit ut et procura-
tores suos puer semper moneret, ne quid arrogantius
facerent, et heredidates delatas reddens proximis
2aliquando respuerit. denique per viginti et tres
annos in domo patris ita versatus ut eius cotidie amor
3 cresceret, nee praeter duas noctes per tot annosabeo
mansit diversis vicibus.
Ob hoc Antoninus Pius, cum sibi adesse finem
vitae videret, vocatis amicis et praefectis ut succes-
sorem eum imperii omnibus commendavit atque
firmavit statimque signo aequanimitatis tribuno dato
Fortunam auream, quae in cubiculo solebat esse, ad
4 Marci cubiculum transire iussit. bonorum mater-
norum partern Ummidio 2 Quadrato, sororis filio, quia
ilia iam mortua erat, tradidit.
5 Post excessum divi Pii a senatu coactus regimen
publicum capere fratrem sibi participem iri imperio
designavit, quern Lucium Aurelium Verum Com-
inodum appellavit Caesaremque atque Augustum
1 participatum P ; priticipatu Peter, following B princi-
patum. 2 Ummidio Borghesi ; Mummio P, Peter.
^f. Pius, xii. 5-6.
2M. Ummidius Quadratus, consul 167, was the son of
Annia Oornificia Faustina (c. i. 8, and iv. 7).
who, when he saw Marcus' mother Lucilla worshipping
in her garden before a shrine of Apollo, whispered,
" Yonder woman is now praying that you may come
to your end, and her son rule". All of which
influenced Pius not in the least, such was Marcus'
sense of honour and such his modesty while heir
to the throne. VII. He had such regard for his
reputation, moreover, that even as a youth he admon-
ished his procurators to do nothing high-handed and
often refused sundry legacies that were left him, re-
turning them to the nearest kin of the deceased.
Finally, for three and twenty years he conducted
himself in his father's home in such a manner that
Pius felt more affection for him day by day, and never
in all these years, save for two nights on different
occasions, remained away from him.
For these reasons, then, when Antoninus Pius saw
that the end of his life was drawing near, having
summoned his friends and prefects, he commended
Marcus to them all and formally named him as his
successor in the empire. He then straightway gave
the watch-word to the officer of the day as " Equa-
nimity," and ordered that the golden statue of For-
tune, customarily kept in his own bed-chamber,
be transferred to the bed-chamber of Marcus.1 Part
of his mother's fortune Marcus then gave to Ummidius
Quadratus,2 the son of his sister, because the latter
was now dead.
Being forced by the senate to assume the govern- 7 Mar. , 16
ment of the state after the death of the Deified Pius,
Marcus made his brother his colleague in the empire,
giving him the name Lucius Aurelius Verus Corn-
modus and bestowing on him the titles Caesar and
Augustus. Then they began to rule the state on
Sdixit. atque ex eo pariter coeperunt rem publicam
regere tuncque primum Romanum imperium duos
Augustos habere coepit, cum imperium sibi relictum l
cum alio participasset. Antonini mox ipse nomen
Trecepit. et quasi pater Lucii Commodi esset, et
Verum eum appellavit addito Antonini nomine filiam-
8que suam Lucillam fratri despondit. ob hanc con-
iunctionem pueros et puellas novorum nominum
9 frumentariae perceptioni adscribi praeceperunt. actis
igitur quae agenda fuerant in senatu pariter castra
praetoria petiverunt et vicena milia nummum singulis
ob participatum imperium militibus promiserunt et
lOceteris pro rata. Hadriani autem sepulchre corpus
patris intulerunt magnifico exsequiarum officio. mox
iustitio secuto publice quoque funeris expeditus est
11 ordo. et laudavere uterque pro rostris patrem
flaminemque ei ex adfinibus et sodales ex amicissimis
Aurelianos creavere.
VIII. Adepti imperium ita civiliter se ambo egerunt
ut lenitatem Pii nemo desideraret, cum eos Marullus,
sui temporis mimographus, cavillando impune per-
2.3 stringeret. funebre munus patri dederunt.2 dabat
1 So Mommsen ; habere coepit lictum P ; habere coepit
. . . lictum {lictum cum alio participasset perhaps a fragment
of a marginal comment) Peter. 2 This sentence Peter re-
moved, as introduced from the margin of vii. 10.
1 Coins of 161 and 162 show Marcus and Lucius standing
with clasped hands and bear the legend Concord(ia)
Augustor(um) ; see Cohen, iii2, p. 8, Nos. 45-59.
2 Annia Lucilla, his third child, born about 148.
3 Like the puellae aliment art ae Faustinianae , founded by
Pius; see Pius, viii. 1.
4 i.e., the centurions and other officers. Largess was also
given to the populace ; see coins of 161 with legend Lib(eralitas)
equal terms,1 and then it was that the Roman Empire
first had two emperors, when Marcus shared with
another the empire he had inherited. Next, he him-
self took the name Antoninus, and just as though he
were the father of Lucius Commodus, he gave him the
name Verus, adding also the name Antoninus ; he also
betrothed him to his daughter Lucilla,2 though legally
he was his brother. In honour of this union they
gave orders that girls and boys of newly-named orders 3
should be assigned a share in the distribution of grain.
And so, when they had done those things which
had to be done in the presence of the senate, they
set out together for the praetorian camp, and in
honour of their joint rule promised twenty thousand
sesterces apiece to the common soldiers and to the
others 4 money in proportion. The body of their
father they laid in the Tomb of Hadrian 5 with ela-
borate funeral rites, and on a holiday which came
thereafter an official funeral train marched in parade.
Both emperors pronounced panegyrics for their father
from the Rostra, and they appointed a flamen for him
chosen from their own kinsmen and a college of
Aurelian priests ° from their closest friends.
VIII. And now, after they had assumed the im-
perial power, the two emperors acted in so democratic
a manner that no one missed the lenient ways of Pius ;
for though Marullus, a writer of farces of the time,
irritated them by his jests, he yet went unpunished.
They gave funeral games for their father. And
Augustor(um) and representation of the two emperors stand-
ing in front of a recipient (Cohen, iii2, p. 41, Nos. 401-406).
8 See Hadr., xix. 11.
6 i.e., the Sodales Antoniniani ; see Pius, xiii. 4, and note
to Hadr., xxvii. 3.
se Marcus totum et philosophiae, amorem civium ad-
4 fectans. sed interpellavit istam felicitatem securita-
temque imperatoris prima Tiberis inundatio, quae sub
illis gravissima fuit. quae res et multa urbis aedificia
vexavit et plurimum animalium interemit et famem
5 gravissimam peperit. quae omnia mala Marcus et
6Verus sua cura et praesentia temperarunt. fuit eo
tempore etiam Parthicum bellum, quod Vologaesus
paratum sub Pio Marci et Veri tempore indixit, fugato
Attidio Corneliano, qui Syriam tune administrabat.
7imminebat etiam Britannicum bellum, et Chatti in
8 Germaniam ac Raetiam inruperant. et adversus Bri-
tannos quidem Calpurnius Agricola missus est, contra
9Chattos Aufidius Victoriiius. ad Parthicum vero
bellum senatu consentiente Verus frater est missus ;
ipse Romae remansit, quod res urbanae imperatoris
10 praesentiam postularent. et Verum quidem Marcus
Capuam usque prosecutus amicis comitantibus a senatu
11 ornavit additis officiorum omnium principibus. sed
cum Romam redisset Marcus cognovissetque Verum
apud Canusium aegrotare, ad eum videndum con-
tendit susceptis in senatu votis ; quae, posteaquam
1 Cf. the coins of 161 with the legend Fel(icitas) Temp(ornm)
(Cohen, iii2, p. 21, Nos. 196-198).
2 See Pius, ix. 6 and note.
3 This war, called officially bellum Armeniacum et Parthi-
cum, arose, as was usually the case with wars between the
Romans and the Parthian s, in a struggle for the control of
the buffer-state Armenia. After defeating Aelius Severianus,
the governor of Cappadocia, at Elegcia, on the uprer Eu-
phrates, and annihilating his legion (Dio, Ixxi. 2; Fronto,
Prin. Hist., p. 209), the Parthians established their candidate
on the Armenian throne. Then followed the defeat of Cor-
nelianus in 161.
4E. of the Rhine, N. and E. of the Taunus Mountains,
Marcus abandoned himself to philosophy, at the same
time cultivating the good-will of the citizens. But
now to interrupt the emperor's happiness l and repose,
there came the first flood of the Tiber — the severest
of their time — which ruined many houses in the city,
drowned a great number of animals, and caused a
most severe famine ; all these disasters Marcus and
Verus relieved by their own personal care and aid.
At this time, moreover, came the Parthian war, which 161
Vologaesus planned under Pius 2 and declared under
Marcus and Verus, after the rout of Attidius Cornel-
ianus, then governor of Syria.3 And besides this, 162
war was threatening in Britain, and the Chatti4 had
burst into Germany and Raetia. Against the Britons
Calpurnius Agricola 5 was sent ; against the Chatti,
Aufidius Victorinus.6 But to the Parthian war, with
the consent of the senate, Marcus despatched his
brother Verus, while he himself remained at Rome,
where conditions demanded the presence of an em-
peror. Nevertheless, he accompanied Verus as far as
Capua,7 honouring him with a retinue of friends from
the senate and appointing also all his chiefs-of-staff.
And when, after returning to Rome, he learned that
Verus was ill at Canusium,8 he hastened to see him,
after assuming vows in the senate, which, on his re-
5 Mentioned in British inscriptions as governor (legatus
Augusti pro prof tore) of the province of Britain. He after-
wards held a command in the Marcomannic War.
6 See c. iii. 8.
7 Verus' departure took place in the spring of 162. It was
commemorated by coins of Verus with the legends Profectio
Aug(usti) and Fort(una) Eed(ux) ; see Cohen, iii8, p. 183 f.,
Nos. 132-141, and p. 180 f., Nos. 86-102.
8 In Apulia, modern Canosa. On Verus' illness see Ver.,
vi. 7.
Romam rediit audita Veri transmissione, statim red-
12 didit. et Verus quidem, posteaquam in Syriam venit,
in deliciis apud Antiochiam et Daphnen vixit armisque
se gladiatoriis et venatibus exercuit, cum per legates
bellum Parthicum gerens imperator app?llatus esset,
13 cum Marcus horis omnibus rei publicae actibus in-
cubaret patieiiterque delicias fratris sed perinvitus ac
14 nolens l ferret, denique omnia quae ad bellum erant
necessaria Romae positus et disposuit Marcus et
IX. Gestae sunt res in Armenia prospere per Sta-
tium Priscum Artaxatis captis, delatumque Armenia -
cum nomen utrique principum. quod Marcus per vere-
2cundiam primo recusavit, postea tamen recepit. pro-
fligato autem bello uterque Parthicus appellatus est.
sed hoc2 quoque Marcus delatum nomen repudiavit,
3 quod postea recepit. patris patriae autem nomen
delatum fratre absente in eiusdem praesentiam
1 Suggested by Peter in note ; et prope inuitus ac nolens
(nolens P corr.) P, Peter; et pi ope non inuitus ac nolens
Novak. 2hoc P corr., om. by P1.
1 See also Ver., vi. 8-vii. 1.
2 After the capture of Artaxata by Statius Priscus; see c.
ix. 1.
3 The title Arme.niacus appears on Verus' coins of 163, to-
gether with the representation of conquered Armenia ; see
Cohen, iii2, p. 172, Nos. 4-6, and p. 203, Nos. 330-331.
Marcus' coins, on the other hand, do not show it until 164;
see Cohen, iii2, p. 5, Nos. 5-8; p. 48, Nos. 466-471, etc. The
capture of Artaxata enabled Rome to make her candidate,
Soaemus (Fronto, p. 127), king of Armenia; this event was
commemorated by coins of 164 with the legend Rex Armeniis
Datus ; see Ver., vii. 8, and Cohen, iii2, p. 185 f., Nos. 157-165.
4 By the capture of Seleucia and Ctesiphon in 165 ; see
Ver., viii. 3, and Dio, Ixxi. 2, 3. The title Parthicus Maxi~
turn to Rome after learning that Verus had set sail,
he immediately fulfilled. Verus, however, after he
had come to Syria, lingered amid the debaucheries
of Antioch and Daphne and busied himself with
gladiatorial bouts and hunting.1 And yet, for waging
the Parthian war through his legates, he was acclaimed
Imperator,2 while meantime Marcus was at all hours
keeping watch over the workings of the state, and,
though reluctantly and sorely against his will, but
nevertheless with patience, was -enduring the de-
bauchery of his brother. In a word, Marcus, though
residing at Rome, planned and executed everything
necessary to the prosecution of the war.
IX. In Armenia the campaign was successfully 163
prosecuted under Statius Priscus, Artaxata being
taken, and the honorary name Armeniacus was given
to each of the emperors.3 This name Marcus refused
at first, by reason of his modesty, but afterwards ac-
cepted. When the Parthian war was finished,4 more-
over, each emperor was called Parthicus ; but this
name also Marcus refused when first offered, though
afterwards he accepted it. And further, when the
title " Father of his Country " was offered him in his
brother's absence, he deferred action upon it until
the latter should be present.5 In the midst of this 164
war he entrusted his daughter,6 who was about to be
married and had already received her dowry, to the
care of his sister, and, accompanying them himself as
far as Brundisium, sent them to Verus together with
mus appears on Verus' coins of 165 (Cohen, iii2, p. 188 f., Nos.
190-196), and on Marcus' coins of 166 (Cohen, iii2, p. 86 f.,
Nos. 877-880).
8 It was finally taken by both Marcus and Lucius after the
retnru of the latter in the summer of 166 ; see c. xii. 7.
6Lucilla; see c. vii. 7, and Ver., vii. 7.
4distulit. medio belli tempore et Civicam, patruum
Veri, et filiam suam nupturam commissam sorori suae
eandemque locupletatam Brundisium usque deduxit,
5 ad eum misit Romamque statim rediit, revocatus eorum
sermonibus qui dicebant Marcum velle finiti belli
gloriam sibimet vindicare atque idcirco in Syriam
6proficisci. ad proconsulem scribit, ne quis filiae suae
iter facienti occurieret.
7 Inter haec liberates causas ita munivit ut primus iu-
beret apud praefectos aerarii Saturni imumquemque
civium natos liberos profiteri intra tricensimum diem
8 nomine imposito. per provincias tabulariorum publi-
corum usum instituit, apud quos idem de originibus
fieret quod Romae apud praefectos aerarii, ut, si forte
aliquis in provincia natus causam liberalem diceret,
9testationes inde ferret, atque hanc totam legem de
adsertionibus firmavit aliasque de mensariis et auctioni-
bus tulit.
X. Senatum multis cognitionibus et maxime ad se
pertinentibus iudicem dedit. de statu etiam de-
2 functorum intra quinquennium quaeri iussit.1 neque
quisquam principum amplius senatui detulit. in
senatus autem honorificentiam multis praetoriis et
consularibus privatis decidenda negotia delegavit,
JThis sentence Peter1, following Dirksen, transposed to
precede senatum . . . dedit.
1 M. Ceionius Civica Barbarus, consul 157, a brother of L.
Aelius Caesar.
2 i.e., of Asia. Verus met her at Ephesus ; Ver., vii. 7.
3 The officials in charge of the public treasury, kept in the
Temple of Saturn.
the latter's uncle, Civica.1 Immediately thereafter
he returned to Rome, recalled by the talk of those
who said that he wished to appropriate to himself the
glory of finishing the war and had therefore set out
for Syria. He wrote to the proconsul,2 furthermore,
that no one should meet his daughter as she made
her journey.
In the meantime, he put such safeguards about
suits for personal freedom — and he was the first to
do so — as to order that every citizen should bestow
names upon his free-born children within thirty
days after birth and declare them to the prefects of
the treasury of Saturn.3 In the provinces, too, he
established the use of public records, in which entries
concerning births were to be made in the same
manner as at Rome in the office of the prefects of the
treasury, the purpose being that if any one born in
the provinces should plead a case to prove freedom,
he might submit evidence from these records. In-
deed, he strengthened this entire law dealing with
declarations of freedom,4 and he enacted other laws
dealing with money-lenders and public sales.
X. He made the senate the judge in many in-
quiries and even in those which belonged to his own
jurisdiction. With regard to the status of deceased
persons, he ordered that any investigations must be
made within five years.5 Nor did any of the emperors
show more respect to- the senate than he. To do the
senate honour, moreover, he entrusted the settling of
4 e.g., see. c. x. 1.
5 This principle was already in existence ; Marcus limited
it by the order that in case any person bad been formally de-
clared free-born, any investigation leading to a revision of
this declaration could be made only during his life-time ; see
Dig., xl. 15, 1.
quo magis eorum cum exercitio iuris auctoritas cres-
Sceret. raultos ex amicis in senatum adlegit cum
4aediliciis aut praetoriis dignitatibus. multis senatori-
bus verum1 pauperibus sine crimine dignitates tri-
5 bunicias aediliciasque concessit. nee quemquam in
6ordinem legit, nisi quern ipse bene scisset. hoc
quoque senatoribus detulit ut, quotiens de quorum
capite esset iudicandum, secreto pertractaret atque ita
in publicum proderet 2 nee pateretur equites Romanes
7talibus interesse causis. semper autem, cum potuit,
interfuit senatui, etiamsi nihil esset referendum, si
Romae fuit ; si vero aliquid referre voluit, etiam de
8 Campania ipse venit. comitiis praeterea etiam usque
ad noctem frequenter interfuit neque umquam recessit
9 de curia nisi consul dixisset " nihil vos moramur
patres conscripti ". senatum appellationibus a con-
sule factis iudicem dedit.
10 Judiciariae rei singularem diligentiam adhibuit.
fastis dies iudiciarios addidit, ita ut ducentos triginta
dies annuos rebus agendis litibusque disceptandis con-
11 stitueret. praetorem tutelarem primus fecit, cum
ante tutores a consulibus poscerentur, ut diligentius
12 de tutoribus tractaretur. de curatoribus vero, cum
ante non nisi ex lege Plaetoria 3 vel propter lasciviam
1 So Novak; senatibus uel pauperibus s. c. senatoribus P;
equitibus uel pauperibus . . . senatoribus Peter2, incorrectly (cf.
Mommsen, HSt. II3, p. 94!. 2). *prodiret P. 3 Plaetoria
Jordan (cf. Savigny, Opp. Misc. II, 330) ; Laetoria P, Peter.
1 See Hadr., vii. 4 and note.
2 This office was instituted before Verus' death in 169.
The first holder was Arrius Antoninus, who is described in an
inscription as praetor cuiprimo iurisdictio pupillaris a sanc-
tissimisimp(eratoribus)mandataest(C.I.L., v. 1874 = Dessau,
Ins. Sel., 1118).
disputes to many men of praetorian and consular
rank who then held no magistracy, in order that their
prestige might be enhanced through their adminis-
tration of law. He enrolled in the senate many of
his friends, giving them the rank of aedile or praetor ;
and on a number of poor but honest senators he be-
stowed the rank of tribune or aedile. Nor did he
ever appoint anyone to senatorial rank whom he did
not know well personally. He granted senators the
further privilege * that whenever any of them was to
be tried on a capital charge, he would examine the evi-
dence behind closed doors and only after so doing
would bring the case to public trial ; nor would he allow
members of the equestrian order to attend such investi-
gations. He always attended the meetings of the
senate if he was in Rome, even though no measure was
to be proposed, and if he wished to propose anything
himself, he came in person even from Campania. More
than this, when elections were held he often remained
even until night, never leaving the senate-chamber
until the consul announced, " We detain you no
longer, Conscript Fathers ". Further, he appointed
the senate judge in appeals made from the consul.
To the administration of justice he gave singular
care. He added court-days to the calendar until he
had set 230 days for the pleading of cases and judg-
ing of suits, and he was the first to appoint a special
praetor in charge of the property of wards,2 in order
that greater care might be exercised in dealing with
trustees ; for previously the appointment of trustees
had been in the hands of the consuls. As regards
guardians, indeed, he decided that all youths might
have them appointed without being obliged to show
cause therefor, whereas previously they were ap-
vel propter dementiam darentur, ita statuit ut omnes
adulti curatores acciperent 11011 redditis causis.
XI. Cavit et sumptibus publicis et calumniis quad-
ruplatorum intercessit adposita falsis delatoribus nota.
2delationes, quibus fiscus augeretur, contempsit. de
alimentis publicis multa prudenter invenit. curatores
multis civitatibus, quo latius seiiatorias tenderet dig-
Snitates, a senatu dedit. Italicis civitatibus famis
ternpore frumentum ex urbe donavit omnique frum-
4 entariae rei consuluit. gladiatoria spectacula omni-
fariam temperavit. temperavit etiam scaenicas dona-
tiones iubens ut quinos aureos scaenici acciperent,
ita tamen ut nullus editor decem aureos egrederetur.
5 vias l etiam urbis atque itinera 2 diligeritissime curavit.
rei frumentariae graviter providit.
6 Datis iuridicis Italiae consuluit ad id exemplum
quo Hadrianus consulares viros reddere iura praecep-
7 erat. Hispanis exhaustis 3 Italica adlectione contra
8 Traiani quoque 4 praecepta verecunde consuluit. leges
1 uineas P1 ; aV uias P corr. 2 itinera Jordan, Novak ;
itinerum P, Peter. 3exhausit P. 4 Thus Ellis; contra
tranique p. P1 ; Traianique P corr. ; contra iniqua p. Pet-
schenig ; Peter assumes a lacuna after contra.
1 The Lex Plaetoria de circumwiptione minorum annis
XXV was passed prior to 191 B.C. ; it is mentioned in PJautus,
Pseud., 303. It aimed to protect persons under 25 from fraud,
and it accordingly directed that such persons should apply to
the praetor for guardians.
2 The Twelve Tables provided that the prodigus and the
furiosus should not administer their own property but be
under guardians ; see Dig., xxvii. 10, 1, and Cic., de Inv.t ii.
50, 148.
3 See note to Hadr., vii. 8.
4 These officials were appointed by the emperor to admini-
pointed only under the Plaetorian Law,1 or in cases
of prodigality or madness.2
XI. In the matter of public expenditures he was
exceedingly careful, and he forbade all libels on the
part of false informers, putting the mark of infamy
on such as made false accusations. He scorned such
accusations as would swell the privy-purse. He de-
vised many wise measures for the support of the
state-poor,3 and, that he might give a wider range to
the senatorial functions, he appointed supervisors for
many communities4 from the senate. In times of
famine he furnished the Italian communities with
food from the city ; indeed, he made careful pro-
vision for the whole matter of the grain-supply. He
limited gladiatorial shows in every way, and lessened
the cost of free theatrical performances also, decree-
ing that though an actor might receive five aurei,
nevertheless no one who gave a performance should
expend more than ten. The streets of the city
and the highways he maintained with the greatest
care. As for the grain-supply, for that he pro-
vided laboriously. He appointed judges for Italy
and thereby provided for its welfare, after the
plan of Hadrian,5 who had appointed men of
consular rank to administer the law ; and he made
scrupulous provision furthermore, for the welfare
of the provinces o,f Spain, which, in defiance
of the policy of Trajan, had been exhausted by
ster the finances of communities in cases where mismanage-
ment of the public funds had made such a measure necessary.
bSee Hadr., xxii. 13; Pius, ii. 11. The arrangement
seems to have been given up by Pius ; see Appian, Bell. Civ.,
i. 38. Under Marcus ex-praetors were appointed to this office ;
see C.I.L., v. 1874 = Dessau, Ins. Sel., 1118.
etiam addidit de vicensima hereditatum, de tutelis
libertorum, de bonis maternis et item de filiorum suc-
cessionibus pro parte materim, utque senatores pere-
Qgrini quartam partem in Italia possiderent. dedit
praeterea curatoribus regionum ac viarum potestatem,
ut vel pimirent vel ad praefectum urbi puniendos re-
mitterent eos qui ultra vectigalia quicquam ab aliquo
10 exegissent. ius autem raagis vetus restituit quam
novum fecit, habuit secum praefectos, quorum et
auctoritate et periculo semper iura dictavit. usus
autem est Scaevola praecipue iuris peri to.
XII. Cum populo autem noil aliter egit quam est
2 actum sub civitate libera. fuitque per omnia moder-
antissimus in hominibus deterrendis a malo, invitandis
ad bona, remunerandis copia, indulgentia liberandis
fecitque ex malis bonos, ex bonis optimos, moderate
3 etiam cavillationes nonnullorum ferens. nam cum
quendam Vetrasinum famae detestandae honorem
petentem moneret, ut se ab opinionibus populi vindi-
caret, et ille contra respondisset multos, qui secum
in arena pugnassent, se praetores videre, patienter
4 tulit. ac ne in quemquam facile vindicaret, praetorem,
1 Of. Hadr., xii. 4.
2 The 5 °/0 tax on inheritances had been instituted by
Augustus. Under Caracalla it was temporarily raised to 10 °/0.
3 This was the Senatus Consultum Orfitianum of 178; see
Dig., xxxviii. 17.
4 Trajan had already ordered that candidates for public
office must invest a third of their capital in Italian land ; see
Plin., Epist., vi. 19.
5 This marks the beginning of the change in the functions
of the prefect of the guard from purely military to pre-
eminently judicial. Under Severus and Alexander the office
levies from the Italian settlers.1 Also he enacted
laws about inheritance-taxes,2 about the property of
freedmen held in trust, about property inherited from
the mother,3 about the succession of the sons to the
mother's share, and likewise that senators of foreign
birth should invest a fourth part of their capital in
Italy.4 And besides this, he gave the commissioners
of districts and streets power either themselves to
punish those who fleeced anyone of money beyond
his due assessment, or to bring them to the prefect of
the city for punishment. He engaged rather in the
restoration of old laws than in the making of new, and
ever kept near him prefects with whose authority and
responsibility he framed his laws.5 He made use of
Scaevola also,6 a man particularly learned in juris-
XII. Toward the people he acted just as one
acts in a free state. He was at all times exceed-
ingly reasonable both in restraining men from evil
and in urging them to good, generous in reward-
ing and quick to forgive, thus making bad men good,
and good men very good, and he even bore with
unruffled temper the insolence of not a few. For
example, when he advised a man of abominable
reputation, who was running for office, a certain
Vetrasinus, to stop the town-talk about himself, and
Vetrasinus replied that many who had fought with
him in the arena were now praetors, the Emperor took
it with good grace. Again, in order to avoid taking
an easy revenge on any one, instead of ordering a
was held by the foremost jurists of Borne, Papinian, Ulpian,
and Paullus.
6 As a member of his consilium (see Hadr., viii. 9) ; Q.
Cervidius Scaevola is often cited in the Digcsta.
qui quaedam pessime egerat, non abdicare se praetura
5 iussit, sed collegae iuris dictionem mandavit. fisco
6 in causis compendii iiumquam iudicans favit. sane,
quamvis esset constans, erat etiam verecundus.
7 Posteaquam autem e Syria victor red i it frater, patris
patriae nomen ambobus decretum est, cum se Marcus
absente Vero erga omnes senatores atque homines
8 moderatissime gessisset. corona praeterea civica ob-
lata est ambobus ; petiitque Lucius ut secum Marcus
triumpharet. petiit praeterea Lucius ut filii Marci
9 Caesares appellarentur. sed Marcus tanta fuit
moderatione ut, cum l simul triumphasset, tamen
post mortem Lucii tantum Germanicum se vocaret,
10 quod sibi bello proprio pepererat. in triumpho autem
liberos Marci utriusque sexus secum vexerunt, ita
11 tamen ut et puellas virghies veherent. ludos etiam
ob triumphum decretos spectaverunt habitu trium-
12 phali. inter cetera pietatis eius haec quoque moderatio
praedicanda est : funambulis post puerum lapsum
culcitas subici iussit. unde hodieque rete2 praeten-
13 Dum Parthicum bellum geritur, natum est Mar-
comannicum, quod diu eorum qui aderant arte
suspensum est, ut finite iam Orientali bello Marco-
1 cum om. in P. 2recte P1 ; aV rete P corr.
1 See c. ix. 3 and note.
2 Of oak leaves, presented to a man who had saved the life
of a fellow-citizen in battle.
3 M. Aurelius Commodus (b. 161), and M. Annius Verus
(b. 162-3). The ceremony took place on 12 October, 166 ; see
Cow., i. 10; xi. 13. Their effigies appear on coins (Cohen,
iii2, p. 169 f.).
4 This title appears for the first time in inscriptions of 172 ;
praetor who had acted very badly in certain matters
to resign his office, he merely entrusted the ad-
ministration of the law to the man's colleague.
The privy-purse never influenced his judgment in
law-suits involving money. Finally, if he was firm,
he was also reasonable.
After his brother had returned victorious from 166
Syria, the title " Father of his Country ' was de-
creed to both,1 inasmuch as Marcus in the absence of
Verus had conducted himself with great consideration
toward both senators and commons. Furthermore,
the civic crown2 was offered to both; and Lucius
demanded that Marcus triumph with him, and de-
manded also that the name Caesar should be given to
Marcus' sons.3 But Marcus was so free from love of
display that though he triumphed with Lucius,
nevertheless after Lucius' death he called himself
only Germanicus,4 the title he had won in his own
war. In the triumphal procession, moreover, they ice
carried with them Marcus' children of both sexes,
even his unmarried daughters ; and they viewed the
games held in honour of the triumph clad in the
triumphal robe. Among other illustrations of his
unfailing consideration towards others this act of
kindness is to be told : After one lad, a rope-dancer,
had fallen, he ordered mattresses spread under all
rope-dancers. This is the reason why a net is
stretched under them to-day.
While the Parthian war was still in progress, the 166
Marcomannic war broke out, after having been post-
poned for a long time by the diplomacy of the men
who were in charge there, in order that the Marco-
the probable date of its assumption was 15 October ; see Com.,
xi. 13, and cf. Dio, Ixxi. 3, 5.
14 mannicumagi posset, et cum famis tempore populo
insinuasset de bello, fratre post quinquennium reverse
in senatu egit, ambos necessaries dicens bello
XlII.Germanico imperatores. tantus autem terror belli
Marcomannici fuit l ut undique sacerdotes Antoninus
acciverit, peregrinos ritus impleverit, Romam omni
genere lustra verit retardatusque a 2 bellica profectione
2 sit. celebravit et Romano ritu lectisternia per septem
3 dies, tanta autem pestilentia fuit ut vehiculis cadavera
4sint exportata sarracisque. tune autem Antonini
leges sepeliendi sepulchrorumque asperrimas sanxe-
runt, quando quidem caverunt ne quis villae ad-
fabricaretur 3 sepulchrum, quod hodieque servatur.
5et multa quidem milia pestilentia consumpsit multos-
que ex proceribus, quorum amplissimis Antoninus
6statuas conlocavit. tantaque dementia fuit ut et
sumptu publico vulgaria funera iuberet efferri 4 et vano
cuidam, qui diripiendae urbis occasionem cum quibus-
dam consciis requirens de caprifici arbore in Campo
Martio contionabundus ignem de caelo lapsurum
lfuit P corr., om. by P1. 2a om. in P. 3Thus Mad-
vig and Petschenig ; uelle abfricaretur P ; ne quis ubi uellet
fabricaretur s. Novak. 4 efferi Jordan ; et eo ferri P l ; ferri
et eo ferri P1 corr.
Called officially bellum Germanicum- see C.I.L., vi.
1549 = Dessau, Ins. Sel., 1100.
2 The Marcomanni and Quadi actually invaded I aly and
laid siege to Aquileia ; see Amm. Marc., xxix. 6, 1. Furius
Victorinus, the prefect of the guard, who was sent to resist
them, was killed and a portion of his army annihilated ; see
c. xiv. 5.
3 A very, ancient purificatory ceremony, in which statues of
the gods were placed on banqueting-couches in some public
place and served with an offering on a table. According to
tradition it was first celebrated in 399 B.C. in order to stay a
plague ; see Livy, v. 13, 5-6.
mannic war 1 might not be waged until Rome was
done with the war in the East. Even at the time of
the famine the Emperor had hinted at this war to. the
people, and when his brother returned after five
years' service, he brought the matter up in the
senate, saying that both emperors were needed
for the German war. XIII. So great was the dread
of this Marcomannic war,2 that Antoninus sum-
moned priests from all sides, performed foreign re-
ligious ceremonies, and purified the city in every
way, and he was delayed thereby from setting out
to the seat of war. The Roman ceremony of the
feast of the gods 3 was celebrated for seven days.
And there was such a pestilence,4 besides, that the
dead were removed in carts and waggons. About
this time, also, the two emperors ratified certain very
stringent laws on burial and tombs, in which they
even forbade any one to build a tomb at his country-
place, a law still in force. Thousands were carried
off by the pestilence, including many nobles, for the
most prominent of whom Antoninus erected statues.
Such, too, was his kindliness of heart that he had
funeral ceremonies performed for the lower classes
even at the public expense ; and in the case of one
foolish fellow, who, in a search with divers confeder-
ates for an opportunity to plunder the city, continu-
ally made speeches from the wild fig-tree on the
Campus Martius, to the effect that fire would fall
4 It was supposed to have been brought from the East by
the returning army of Verus (see Ver., viii. 1-2), and it
ravaged Europe as far as the Rhine ; see Amm. Marc., xxiii.
6, 24. It was still raging in 180 (see c. xxviii. 4, and C.I.L.,
iii. 5567 of 182), and it seems to have broken out again with
great violence under Commodus ; see Dio, Ixxii. 14, 3;
Herodian, i. 12, 1-2.
finemque mundi affore diceret, si ipse lapsus ex
arbore in ciconiam verteretur, cum statute tempore
decidisset atque ex sinu ciconiam emisisset, perducto
ad se atque confesso veniam daret.
XIV. Profecti tamen sunt paludati ambo impera-
tores et Victualis et Marcomannis cuncta turbantibus,
aliis etiam gentibus, quae pulsae a superioribus bar-
baris fugerant, nisi reciperentur, bellum inferentibus.
2 nee parum profuit ista profectio, cum Aquileiam usque
venissent. nam plerique reges et cum populis suis
se retraxerunt et tumultus auctores interemerunt.
3 Quadi autem amisso rege suo non prius se confirma-
turos eum qui erat creatus clicebant, quam id nostris
4placuisset imperatoribus. Lucius tamen in vit us pro-
fectus est, cum plerique ad legates imperatorum
5 mitterent defectionis veniam postulantes. et Lucius
quidem, quod amissus esset praefectus praetorio
Furius Victorinus, atque l pars exercitus interisset,
redeundum esse censebat ; Marcus autem fingere
barbaros aestimans et fugam et cetera quae securitatem
bellicam ostenderent, ob hoc ne tanti apparatus mole
6 premerentur, instandum esse ducebat. deiiique
transcensis Alpibus longius processerunt composue-
runtque omnia, quae ad munimen Italiae atque Illyrici
pertinebant. placuit autem urgente Lucio, ut prae-
1 utque P.
JSee note to c. xiii. 1.
3 The war in Pannonia was prosecuted successfully, and
after a victory the emperors were acclaimed Impcratores for
the fifth time and gave honourable discharge to some soldiers ;
see C.I.L., iii. p. 888 (dated 5 May, 167).
down from heaven and the end of the world
would come should he fall from the tree and be
turned into a stork, and finally at the appointed
time did fall down and free a stork from his robe,
the Emperor, when the wretch was hailed before
him and confessed all, pardoned him.
XIV. Clad in the military cloak the two emperors 166
finally set forth, for now not only were the Victuali and
Marcomanni throwing everything into confusion, but
other tribes, who had been driven on by the more
distant barbarians and had retreated before them, were
ready to attack Italy if not peaceably received. And
not a little good resulted from that expedition, even
by the time they had advanced as far as Aquileia, for
several kings retreated, together with their peoples,
and put to death the authors of the trouble. And
the Quadi, after they had lost their king, said that
they would not confirm the successor who had been
elected until such a course was approved by our em-
perors. Nevertheless, Lucius went on, though re-
luctantly, after a number of peoples had sent
ambassadors to the legates of the emperors asking
pardon for the rebellion. Lucius, it is true, thought
they should return, because Furius Victorinus, the
prefect of the guard, had been lost, and part of his
army had perished ; l Marcus, however, held that
they should press on, thinking that the barbarians, in
order that they might not be crushed by the size of so
great a force, were feigning a retreat and using other
ruses which afford safety in war, held that they
should persist in order that they might not be over-
whelmed by the mere burden of their vast prepara-
tions. Finally, they crossed the Alps, and pressing
further on, completed all measures necessary for the
defence of Italy and Illyricum.2 They then decided,
at Lucius' insistence, that letters should first be sent
missis ad senatum litteris Lucius Romam rediret.
8 via quoque l, postquam iter ingressi sunt, sedens cum
fratre in vehiculo Lucius apoplexi arreptus periit.
XV. Fuit autem consuetude Marco ut in eircensium
spectaculo legeret audiretque ac subscriberet, ex quo
quidem saepe iocis popularibus dicitur lacessitus.
2 Multum sane potuerunt liberti sub Marco et Vero
Geminas et Agaclytus.
3 Tantae autem sanctitatis fuit Marcus ut Veri vitia
et celaverit et defenderit, cum ei vehementissime dis-
plicerent,2 mortuumque eum divum appellaverit
amitasque eius et sorores honoribus et salariis decretis
sublevaverit atque provexerit sacrisque eum 3 plurimis
4 honoraverit. flaminem et Antoninianos sodales et
omnes honores qui divis habentur eidem dedicavit.
5 nemo est principum, quern non gravis fama perstrin-
gat, usque adeo ut etiam Marcus in sermonem venerit,
quod Verum vel veneno ita tulerit ut parte cultri
veneno lita vulvam incident, venenatam partem fratri
Gedendam propinans et sibi innoxiam reservans, vel
certe per medicum Posidippum, qui ei sanguinem in-
tempestive dicitur emisisse. Cassius post mortem
Veri a Marco descivit.4
*Thus Bitschofsky; bia quoque P; uiaque Salm., Peter.
"displiceret P, but cf. c. xvi. 4. 3cum P1; uel eum P corr.
4 Cassius . . . desciuit probably from margin of c. xxiv. 5.
1 In 169 at Altinum in Venetia; see Ver., ix. 10-11.
2Cf Ver.,ix. 3.
3 The section of the vita from this point through c. xix. is
a later interpolation ; see Intro., p. xxii.
4Cf. c. xx. 1-2, and the coins of Divus Verus with the
legend Consecratio ; see Cohen, iii*, p. 176 f., Nos. 53-59.
6 Cf . c. xx. 5.
BSee note to Hadr.t xxvii. 3, and Pius, xiii. 4. 'This
priesthood was now called sodales Antoniniani Veriani, after
ahead to the senate and that Lucius should then re-
turn to Rome. But on the way, after they had set
out upon their journey, Lucius died from a stroke of
apoplexy 1 while riding in the carriage with his
XV. It was customary with Marcus to read, listen
to, and sign documents at the circus-games ; because of
this habit lie was openly ridiculed, it is said, by the
The freedmeii Geminas and Agaclytus 2 were very
powerful in the reign of Marcus and Verus.
Such was Marcus' sense of honour,3 moreover, that
although Verus' vices mightily offended him, he con-
cealed and defended them ; he also deified him after
his death,4 aided and advanced his aunts and sisters
by means of honours and pensions,5 honoured Verus
himself with many sacrifices, consecrated a flamen for
him and a college of Antonine priests,6 and gave him
all honours that are appointed for the deified. There
is no emperor who is not the victim of some evil tale,
and Marcus is no exception. For it was bruited
about, in truth, that he put Verus out of the way,
either with poison — by cutting a sow's womb with
a knife smeared on one side with poison, and then
offering the poisoned portion to his brother to eat,
while keeping the harmless portion for himself7 — or,
at least, by employing the physician Posidippus, who
bled Verus, it is said, unseasonably. After Verus'
death Cassius revolted from Marcus.8
Marcus' deification Marciani was added, after Pertinax' death
Helviani (Pert., xv. 4), after Severus' Severiani (C.I.L., vi.
1365), after Alexander's Alexandriani (Alex., Ixiii. 4).
7Cf. Ver.t xi. 2; Dio, Ixxi. 3, 1. According to another
story, he was poisoned by Faustina; see Ver.t x. 1-5.
8 In 175 ; see c. xxiv. 6 f. ; Av. Cass., vii. f.
XVI. lam in suos tanta fuit benignitate Marcus ut
cum in omnes propinqiios cuncta honorum ornameiita
contulerit, turn in filium et quidem l scelestum atque
impurum cito nomen Caesaris et mox sacerdotium
statimque nomen imperatoris ac triumph! partici-
2 pationem et consulatum. quo quidem' tempore
sedente imperator filio 2 ad triumphalem currum in
Circo pedes cucurrit.
3 Post Veri obitum Marcus Antoninus solus rem
publicam tenuit, multo melior et feracior ad virtutes,
4 quippe qui nullis Veri iam impediretur aut simplicitatis
calidaeque veritatis,3 qua ille ingenito vitio laborabat,
erroribus aut iis qui praecipue displicebant Marco
Antonino iam hide a primo aetatis suae tempore vel
5 institutis mentis pravae vel moribus. erat enim ipse
tantae tranquillitatis ut vultum numquam mutaverit
maerore vel gaudio, philosophiae deditus Stoicae,
quam et per optimos quosque magistros acceperat et
6 undique ipse collegerat. nam et Hadrianus hunc
eundem successorem paraverat, nisi ei aetas puerilis
7 obstitisset. quod quidem apparet ex eo quod generum
Pio hunc eundem delegit, ut ad eum, dignum utpote
virum, quandocumque Romanum perveniret imperium.
1 et Commodum quidem P, Bitschofsky ; Gommodum re-
moved by Jordan. - So Peter ; sine imperator filio P.
3 So Peter ; simulatis callidae seueritatis P.
1 i.e., Commodus. 2 See o. xii. 8 and note.
3 On 20 January, 175; see Com., i. 10; xii. 1. On the
priesthood held by sons of emperors see note to c. vi. 3
4 On 27 November, 176; see Com., ii. 4; xii. 4.
5 On 23 December, 176; see Com., ii. 4; xii. 5. This,
however, seems not to have been the triumph held by Marcus
in celebration of his victory in Pannonia ; see c. xvii. 3 and
XVI. Such was Marcus' kindness toward his own
family that he bestowed the insignia of every office
on all his kin, while on his son,1 and an accursed and
foul one he was, he hastened to bestow the name of
Caesar,2 then afterward the priesthood,3 and, a little
later, the title of imperator 4 and a share in a
triumph 5 and the consulship. It was at this time 177
that Marcus, though acclaimed imperator, ran on foot
in the Circus by the side of the triumphal car in
which his son was seated.
After the death of Verus, Marcus Antoninus held
the empire alone, a nobler man by far and more
abounding in virtues, especially as he was no longer
hampered by Verus' faults, neither by those of exces-
sive candour and hot-headed plain speaking, from
which Verus suffered through natural folly, nor by
those others which had particularly irked Marcus
Antoninus even from his earliest years, the principles
and habits of a depraved mind. Such was Marcus'
own repose of spirit that neither in grief nor in joy
did he ever change countenance, being wholly given
over to the Stoic philosophy, which he had not only
learned from all the best masters,6 but also acquired
for himself from every source. For this reason
Hadrian would have taken him for his own successor
to the throne had not his youth prevented. This in-
tention, indeed, seems obvious from the fact that he
chose Marcus to be the son-in-law of Pius,7 in order
that the direction of the Roman state might some
time at least come into his hands, as to those of one
well worthy.
6 Of. c. ii. 6— iii. 3.
7 This is an error, for Hadrian betrothed him to the
daughter of Aelius Caesar ; see c. iv. 5 and vi. 2.
XVII. Ergo provincias post haec ingenti modera-
tione ac benignitate tractavit. contra Gerraanos res
2 feliciter gessit. speciale ipse bellum Marcomannicum,
sed quantum l nulla umquam memoria fuit, cum virtute
turn etiam felicitate transegit, et eo quidem tempore
quo pestilentia gravis multa milia et popularium et
Smilitum interemerat. Pannonias ergo, Marcomannis
Sarmatis Vandalis simul etiam Quadis exstinctis,
servitio liberavit et Romae cum Commodo, quern iam
Caesarem fecerat, filio, ut diximus, suo triumphavit.
4 cum autem ad hoc bellum omne aerarium exhausisset
suum neque in animum induceret, ut extra ordinem
provincialibus aliquid imperaret, in foro divi Traiani
auctionem ornamentorum impenalium fecit vendidit-
que aurea pocula et crystallina et murrina, vasa etiam
regia et vestem uxoriam sericam et auratam, gemmas
quin etiam, quas multas in repositorio sanctiore
5 Hadriani reppererat. et per duos quidem menses
haec venditio celebrata est, tantumque auri redactum
ut reliquias belli Marcomannici ex sententia per-
secutus postea dederit potestatem emptoribus, ut, si
qui vellet empta reddere atque aurum recipere, sciret
licere. nee molestus ulli fuit qui vel non reddidit
1 quanta P.
1 See c. xiii. 3.
2 This sentence sums up the war from Marcus' departure
from Rome in October, 169 (cf. coins with Profectio Augu*tit
Cohen, iii2, p. 51, No. 500) to the victory over the Sarmatians
in 175, after which Marcus was acclaimed Imperator for the
eighth time and assumed the title Sarmaticus ; see c. xxiv. 5
and Cohen, iii8, p. 91 f., Nos. 916-925.
8 See c. xvi. 2. His triumph over the Germans and the
Sarmatians was held in 176 after his return from the Bast ;
see c. xxvii. 3 ; Cohen, iii2, p. 17, No. 154, and p. 18, No. 164 ;
C I.L. vi. 1014 = Dessau, Ins. Sel., 374. Since the coins and
the inscriptions date this triumph in the 30th year of the tri-
XVII. Toward the provinces from then on he
acted with extreme restraint and consideration. He
carried on a successful campaign against the Germans.
He himself singled out the Marcomannic war — a
war which surpassed any in the memory of man —
and waged it with both valour and success, and
that at a time when a grievous pestilence had
carried away thousands of civilians and soldiers.1
And so, by crushing the Marcomanni, the Sarmatians,
the Vandals, and even the Quadi, he freed the Pan-
nonias from bondage,2 and with Commodus his son,
whom he had previously named Caesar, triumphed at
Rome, as we told above.3 When he had drained the
treasury for this war, moreover, and could not bring
himself to impose any extraordinary tax on the
provincials, he held a public sale in the Forum of the
Deified Trajan 4 of the imperial furnishings, and sold
goblets of gold and crystal and murra,5 even flagons
made for kings, his wife's silken gold-embroidered
robes, and, indeed, even certain jewels which he had
found in considerable numbers in a particularly
holy cabinet of Hadrian's. This sale lasted for two
months, and such a store of gold was realised thereby,
that after he had conducted the remainder of the
Marcomannic war in full accordance with his plans,
he gave the buyers to understand that if any of them
wished to return his purchases and recover his money,
he could do so. Nor did he make it unpleasant for
anyone who did or did not return what he had bought.
bunician power of Marcus (10 December, 175 — 9 December,
176), and since the triumph of Commodus was held on 23 De-
cember, 176, the statement that Commodus triumphed with
his father, as made here and in Com., ii. 4, must be erroneous.
4 See note to Hadr., vii. 6.
5 Probably a variety of agate ; see J. Marquardt, Privatle-
ben d. Rdmer*, ii., p. 765 f.
Gempta vel reddidit. tune viris clarioribus permisit
ut eodem cultu quo et ipse vel miiiistris similibus
7 convivia exhiberent. in munere autem publico tarn
magnanimus fuit ut centum leones una missione1
simul exhiberet et sagittis interfectos.2
XVIII. Cum igitur in amore omnium imperasset
atque ab aliis modo frater, modo pater, modo films, ut
cuiusque aetas sinebat, et diceretur et amaretur, octavo
decimo anno imperii sui, sexagensimo et primo vitae,
2 diem ultimum clausit. tantusque illius amor eo die
regii funeris3 claruit ut nemo ilium plangendum cen-
suerit, certis omnibus quod ab diis commodatus ad
3 deos redisset. denique, priusquam fimus conderetur,
ut plerique dicunt, quod numquam antea factum fuerat
neque postea, senatus popul usque non divisis locis sed
in una sede propitium deum dixit.
4 Hie sane vir tantus et talis ac diis vita et morte
coniunctus filium Commodum dereliquit ; qui, si felix
5 fuisset, filium non reliquisset. et parum sane fuit
quod illi honores divinos omnis aetas omnis sexus
omnis condicio ac dignitas dedit, nisi quod etiam
sacrilegus iudicatus est qui eius imaginem in sua
domo non habuit, qui per fortunam vel potuit habere
6 vel debuit. denique hodieque in multis domibus
Marci Antonini statuae consistunt inter deos penates.
7 nee defuerunt homines qui somniis eum multa prae-
1 unam missionem P ; una in missione Peter. 2 So P ;
Peter, foil. Mommsen, interfecit eos. 3 So P ; regii funeris
removed by Peter, eo by Jordan.
1 See c. xxviii.
At this time, also, he granted permission to the more
prominent men to hold banquets with the same pomp
that he used himself and with servants similar to his
own. In the matter of public games, furthermore,
he was so liberal as to present a hundred lions to-
gether in one performance and have them all killed
with arrows.
XVIII. After he had ruled, then, with the good-
will of all, and had been named and beloved variously
as brother, father, or son by various men according
to their several ages, in the eighteenth year of his
reign and the sixty-first of his life he closed his last 17 Mar.,
day.1 Such love for him was manifested on the day 180
of the imperial funeral that none thought that men
should lament him, since all were sure that he had
been lent by the gods and had now returned to them.
Finally, before his funeral was held, so many say, the
senate and people, not in separate places but sitting
together, as was never done before or after, hailed
him as a gracious god.
This man, so great, so good, and an associate of the
gods both in life and in death, left one son Corn-
modus ; and had he been truly fortunate he would
not have left a son. It was not enough, indeed, that
people of every age, sex, degree and rank in life, gave
him all honours given to the gods, but also whosoever
failed to keep the Emperor's image in his home, if his
fortune were such that he could or should have done
so, was deemed guilty of sacrilege. Even to-day, in
fine, statues of Marcus Antoninus stand in many a
home among the household gods. Nor were there
lacking men who observed that he foretold many
things by dreams and were thereby themselves
enabled to predict events that did come to pass.
8 dixisse augurantes futura et vera concinuerunt. unde
etiam templum ei constitutum, dati sacerdotes
Antoniniani et sodales et flamines et omnia quae
aede sacrata l decrevit antiquitas.
XIX. Aiunt quidam, quod et veri simile videtur, Com-
modum Antoninum, successorem illius ac filium, non
2 esse de eo natum sed de adulterio, ac talem fabellam
vulgari sermone contexunt : Faust inam quondam, Pii
filiam, Marci uxorem, cum gladiatores transire vidisset,
unius ex his amore succensam, cum longa aegritudine
Slaboraret, viro de amore confessam. quod cum ad
Chaldaeos Marcus rettulisset, illorum fuisse consilium,
ut occiso gladiatore sanguine illius sese Faustina sub-
4lavaret atque ita cum viro concumberet. quod cum
esset factum, solutum quidem amorem, natum vero
5 Commodum gladiatorem esse, non principem, qui
mille prope pugnas publice populo inspectante gladia-
torias imperator exhibuit, ut in vita eius docebitur.
6 quod quidem veri simile ex eo habetur quod tarn sancti
principis filius iis moribus fuit quibus nullus lanista,
nullus scaenicus, nullus arenarius, nullus postremo
ex omnium dedecorum 2 ac scelerum conluvione con-
7cretus. multi autem ferunt Commodum omnino ex
adulterio3 natum, si quidem Faustinam satis coiistet
apud Caietam condicione* sibi et nauticas et gladia-
8 torias elegisse. de qua cum diceretur Antonino Marco,
1 So Peter with Madvig ; df sacrata P ; de sacratis P corr.
2 decorum P. 3 adultero P, but cf. c. xix. 1 (see Lessing
1 See note to Hadr., xxvii. 3, and c. xv. 4.
3 See Cam., si. 12 ; xii. 11.
5 For similar stories see c. xxiii. 7 and xxix. 1-3 ; Victor,
Caes., xvi. 2. Evidence to the contrary seems to be afforded
Therefore a temple was built for him and priests were
appointed, dedicated to the service of the Antonines,
both Sodales 1 and flamens, and all else that the usage
of old time decreed for a consecrated temple.
XIX. Some say, and it seems plausible, that Corn-
modus Antoninus, his son and successor, was not
begotten by him, but in adultery ; they embroider
this assertion, moreover, with a story current among
the people. On a certain occasion, it was said,
Faustina, the daughter of Pius and wife of Marcus,
saw some gladiators pass by, and was inflamed with
love for one of them ; and afterwards, when suffering
from a long illness, she confessed the passion to her
husband. And when Marcus reported this to the
Chaldeans, it was their advice that the gladiator
should be killed and that Faustina should bathe in
his blood and thus couch with her husband. When
this was done, the passion was indeed allayed, but
their son Commodus was born a gladiator, not really
a prince ; for afterwards as emperor he fought almost
a thousand gladiatorial bouts before the eyes of the
people, as shall be related in his life.2 This story is
considered plausible, as a matter of fact, for the
reason that the son of so virtuous a prince had habits
worse than any trainer of gladiators, any play-actor,
any fighter in the arena, or, in fine, anything brought
into existence from the offscourings of all dishonour
and crime. Many writers, however, state that Com-
modus was really begotten in adultery, since it is
generally known that Faustina, while at Caieta, used
to choose out lovers from among the sailors and
gladiators. a When Marcus Antoninus was told about
by Marcus' own affection and respect for her; see els
\. 17, 7.
ut earn repudiaret, si non occideret, dixisse fertur
9 " si uxorem dimittimus, reddamus et dotem ". dos
autem quid habebatur ? l imperium, quod ille ab
socero volente Hadriano adoptatus acceperat.
10 Tantum sane valet boni principis vita sanctitas
tranquillitas pietas ut eius famam nullius proximi
11 decoloret invidia. denique Antonino, cum suos mores
semper teneret neque alicuius insusurratione mu-
taretur, non obfuit gladiator filius, uxor infamis ;
12 deusque etiam nunc habetur, ut vobis ipsis, sacratissime
imperator Diocletiane, et semper visum est et videtur,
qui eum inter numina vestra non ut ceteros sed
specialiter veneramini ac saepe dicitis, vos vita et
dementia tales esse cupere qualis fuit Marcus, etiamsi
philosophia nee Plato esse possit, si revertatur in
vitam.2 et quidem haec breviter et congeste.
XX. Sed Marco Antonino haec sunt gesta post
fratrem : primum corpus eius Romam devectum est
2et inlatum maiorum sepulchris. divini3 inde honores
decreti. dein cum gratias ageret senatui quod fratrem
consecrasset, occulte ostendit omnia bellica consilia sua
3 fuisse, quibus superati sunt Parthi. addidit praeterea
quaedam, quibus ostendit nunc demum se quasi a
principio acturum esse rem publicam amoto eo qui
JSo Petschenig with P; dos autem quid habebatur nisi
imperium edd. with P corr. 2reueratori uita P. 3 in,
following diuini, deleted by P corr. ; inde Peter.
1 See c. xiv. 8. The interpolated section ends with c. xix. ;
see note to c. xv. 3.
2 i.e., the Tomb of Hadrian ; see Ver., xi. 1. His sepulchral
inscription is C.I.L., vi. 991 = Dessau, Ins. Sel., 369.
3 Cf . c. xv. 3-4.
this, that he might divorce, if not kill her, he is
reported to have said "If we send our wife away,
we must also return her dowry ". And what was her
dowry ? the Empire, which, after he had been adopted
at the wish of Hadrian, he had inherited from his
father in -law Pius.
But truly such is the power of the life, the holiness,
the serenity, and the righteousness of a good emperor
that not even the scorn felt for his kin can sully his
own good name. For since Antoninus held ever to
his moral code and was moved by no man's whispered
machinations, men thought no less of him because his
son was a gladiator, his wife infamous. Even now
he is called a god, which ever has seemed and even
now seems right to you, most venerable Emperor
Diocletian, who worship him among your divinities,
not as you worship the others, but as one apart, and
who often say that you desire, in life and gentleness,
to be such a one as Marcus, even though, as far as
philosophy is concerned, Plato himself, were he to
return to life, could not be such a philosopher. So
much, then, for these matters, told briefly and con-
XX. But as for the acts of Marcus Antoninus after
the death of his brother,1 they are as follows : First
of all, he conveyed his body to Rome and laid it in
the tomb of his fathers.2 Then divine honours were
ordered for Verus.3 Later, while rendering thanks
to the senate for his brother's deification, he darkly
hinted that all the strategic plans \vhereby the Par-
thians had been overcome were his own. He added,
besides, certain statements in which he indicated
that now at length he would make a fresh beginning
in the management of the state, now that Verus, who
4 remissior videbatur. nee aliter senatus accepit quam
Marcus dixerat, ut videretur gratias agere quod
6 Verus excessisset vita, omnibus deinde sororibus et
adfinibus et libertis iuris et honoris et pecuniae
plurimum detulit. erat enim famae suae curiosissi-
mus, requirens ad verum, quid quisque de se diceret,
emendans quae bene reprehensa viderentur.
6 Proficiscens ad bellum Germanicum filiam suam non
decurso luctus tempore grandaevo equitis Roman!
filio Claudio Pompeiano dedit genere Antiochensi
7 nee satis nobili (quern postea bis consulem fecit), cum
filia eius Augusta esset et Augustae filia. sed has nup-
tias et Faustina et ipsa quae dabatur invitae habuerunt.
XXI. Cum Mauri Hispanias prope oimies vastarent,
2 res per legates bene gestae sunt. et cum per Aegyptum
Bucolici milites gravia multa fecissent, per Avidium
Cassium retunsi sunt, qui postea tyrannidem arripuit.
3 sub ipsis profectionis diebus in secessu Praenestino
agens filium, nomine Verum Caesaiem, exsecto sub
4aure tubere septennem amisit. quern non plus quin-
que diebus luxit consultusque etiam medios l actibus
1 Thus Peter with Lipsius ; consolalusque etiam medicos P.
1 Cf. c. xv. 3.
2 After his return to Rome with the body of Verus. He
set out in October, 169 ; see note to c. xvii. 3.
3 Lucilla, the widow of Verus.
4 Cf. c. xxii. 11. The date is probably 172-173, see Sev.t
• * t
11. 4.
8 According to Av. Cass., vi. 7, this statement is taken
from Marius Maximus' Life of Marcus. The rebellion is
somewhat more fully described in Dio, Ixxi. 4. The Boukoloi,
a tribe of herdsmen and brigands, lived in the N.W. of the
Delta, not far from Alexandria. According to Dio's chron-
ology, the rebellion happened after Marcus' assumption of
the name Germanicus, i.e. in 172-173.
had seemed somewhat negligent, was removed. And
the senate took this precisely as it was said, so that
Marcus seemed to be giving thanks that Verus had
departed this life. Afterwards he bestowed many
privileges and much honour and money on all Verus'
sisters, kin, and freedmen.1 For he was exceedingly
solicitous about his good reputation, indeed he was
wont to ask what men really said of him, and to
correct whatever seemed justly blamed.
Just before setting out for the German war,2 and
before the period of mourning had yet expired, he
married his daughter3 to Claudius Pompeianus, the
son of a Roman knight, and now advanced in years,
a native of Antioch, whose birth was not sufficiently
noble (though Marcus later made him consul twice),
since Marcus" daughter was an Augusta and the
daughter of an Augusta. Indeed, Faustina and the
girl who was given in marriage were both opposed
to this match.
XXI. Against the Mauri, when they wasted almost
the whole of Spain,4 matters were brought to a suc-
cessful conclusion by his legates ; and when the
warriors of the Bucolici did many grievous things in
Egypt,5 they were checked by Avidius Cassius, who
later attempted to seize the throne.6 Just before
his departure,7 while he was living in retreat at
Praeneste, Marcus lost his seven-year-old son, by
name Verus Caesar,8 from an operation on a tumour
under his ear. For no more than five days did he
mourn him ; and even during this period, when con-
sulted on public affairs he gave some time to them.
6 See c. xxiv. 6 f ; Av. Cass. vii. f.
7 i.e., for the German war ; see c. xx. 6.
8 M. Annius Verus ; see note to c. xii. 8.
publicis reddidit. et quia ludi lovis Optimi Maximi
5erant, interpellari eos publico luctu noluit iussitque,
ut statuae tantummodo filio mortuo decernerentur et
imago aurea circensibus per pompam ferenda et ut
saliari carmini nomen eius insereretur.
6 Instante sane adhuc pestilentia et deorum cultum
diligentissime restituit et servos, quemadmodum bello
Punico factum fuerat, ad militiam paravit, quos volun-
7 tarios exemplo volonum appellavit. armavit etiam
gladiatores, quos obsequentes appellavit. latrones
etiam Dalmatiae atque Dardaniae milites fecit,
armavit et Diogmitas. emit et Germanorum auxilia
8 contra Germanos. omni praeterea diligentia paravit
legiones ad Germanicum et Marcomannicum bellum.
9 et, lie provincialibus esset molestus, auctioiiem rerum
aulicarum, ut diximus, fecit in foro divi Traiani, in qua
praeter vestes et pocula et vasa aurea etiam signa
10 cum tabulis magnorum artificum vendidit. Mar-
comannos in ipso transitu Danuvii delevit et praedam
1 Probably the Ludi Capitolini, held on 15 October.
2 Germanicus' name had been similarly inserted in this
song after his death ; see Tac., Ann., ii. 82.
3 See c. xiii. 3.
4 The name given to the slaves who volunteered for mili-
tary service after the defeat at Cannae in the Second Punic
War ; see Livy, xxii. 57, 11, and Festus, p. 370.
5 The district east of southern Dalmatia ; it is now the
southern portion of the kingdom of Serbia.
6 The Diogmitai were the military police maintained by
the Greek cities. They were also called upon to perform
military service — the suppression of brigands — in 368 ; see
Amm. Marc., xxvii. 9, 6.
7 These new legions were named Legio II Pia and Legio
And because the games of Jupiter Optimus Maximus l
were then in progress and he did not wish to have
them interrupted by public mourning, he merely
ordered that statues should be decreed for his dead
son, that a golden image of him should be carried
in procession at the Circus, and that his name should
be inserted in the song of the Salii.2
And since the pestilence 3 was still raging at this
time, he both zealously revived the worship of the
gods and trained slaves for military service — just as
had been done in the Punic war — whom he called
Volunteers, after the example of the Volones.4 He
armed gladiators also, calling them the Compliant,
and turned even the bandits of Dalmatia and Dar-
dania5 into soldiers. He armed the Diogmitae,6
besides, and even hired auxiliaries from among the
Germans for service against Germans. And besides
all this, he proceeded with all care to enrol legions 7
for the Marcomannic and German wars. And lest
all this prove burdensome to the provinces, he held
an auction of the palace furnishings in the Forum of
the Deified Trajan, as we have related,8 and sold
there, besides robes and goblets and golden flagons,
even statues and paintings by great artists. He over-
whelmed the Marcomanni while they were crossing
the Danube,9 and restored the plunder to the pro-
III Concordia : see G.I.L.j iii. 1980. They were afterwards
called Legio II and III Italica ; see Dio, Iv. 24, 4.
8 See c. xvii.4-5.
9 This is probably the victory commemorated by coins of
172 with a representation of Marcus and his soldiers crossing
a bridge, presumably over the Danube ; see Cohen, iii2, r>. 99 f.,
Nos. 999-1001. Other coins of this year bear the legend
Germania Subacta ; see Cohen, iii2, p. 23, Nos. 215-216. It
was in this year too that Marcus took the name Germanicus ;
see C.I.L., iii. 1450.
XXII. provincialibus reddidit. gentes omnes ab Illyrici
limite usque in Galliam conspiraverant, ut Marcomanni
Varistae Hermunduri et Quadi Suebi Sarmatae
Lacringes et Buri hi aliique l cum Victualis Osi Bessi
Cobotes Roxolani Bastarnae Alani Peucini Costoboci.
imminebat et Parthicum bellum et Britannicum.
2 magno igitur labore etiam suo gentes asperrimas vicit
militibus sese imitantibus, ducentibus etiam exer-
citum legatis et praefectis praetorio, accepitque in
deditionem Marcomannos plurimis in Italiam tra-
3 Semper sane cum optimatibus non solum bellicas
res sed etiam civiles, priusquam faceret aliquid, con-
4 tulit. denique sententia illius praecipua semper haec
fuit: "Aequius est ut ego tot talium amicorum con-
silium sequar, quam ut tot tales amici meam unius
5 voluntatem sequantur". sane quia durus videbatur
ex philosophiae institutione Marcus ad militiae labores
6 atque ad omnem vitam graviter carpebatur, sed male
loquentibus2 vel sermone vel litteris respondebat.
7 et multi nobiles bello Germanico sive Marcomannico
immo plurimarum gentium interierunt. quibus omni-
8 bus statuas in foro Ulpio conlocavit. quare frequenter
amici suaserunt, ut a bellis discederet et3 Romam
veniret, sed ille contempsit ac perstitit nee prius reces-
9 sit quam omnia bella finiret. provincias ex procon-
1 Some name is lost in these words : Petschenig suggests
Hariique. 2 loquentum P (P corr. adds dictis) ; loquentibus
(or loquentum uel sermoni) Peter. zet omitted in P.
1 Of. c. xxiv. 3.
2 i.e., his consilium; see Hadr., viii. 9 and note.
3 See note to Hadr., vii. 6.
4 But see c. xxiv. 5 and xxv. 1.
vincials. XXII. Then, from the borders of Illyricum
even into Gaul, all the nations banded together
against us — the Marcomanni, Varistae, Hermunduri
and Quadi, the Suebians, Sarmatians, Lacringes and
Buri, these and certain others together with the
Victuali, namely, Osi, Bessi, Cobotes, Roxolani,
Bastarnae, Alani, Peucini, and finally, the Costoboci.
Furthermore, war threatened in Parthia and Britain.
Thereupon, by immense labour on his own part, while
his soldiers reflected his energy, and both legates and
prefects of the guard led the host, he conquered
these exceedingly fierce peoples, accepted the sur-
render of the Marcomanni, and brought a great
number of them to Italy.1
Always before making any move, he conferred with
the foremost men2 concerning matters not only of
war but also of civil life. This saying particularly
was ever on his lips : " It is juster that I should yield
to the counsel of such a number of such friends than
that such a number of such friends should yield to
my wishes, who am but one ". But because Marcus,
as a result of his system of philosophy, seemed harsh
in his military discipline and indeed in his life in
general, he was bitterly assailed ; to all who spoke
ill of him, however, he made reply either in speeches
or in pamphlets. And because in this German, or
Marcomannic, war, or rather I should say in this
"War of Many Nations," many nobles perished, for
all of whom he erected statues in the Forum of
Trajan,3 his friends often urged him to abandon
the war and return to Rome. He, however, dis-
regarded this advice and stood his ground, nor did
he withdraw before he had brought all the wars
to a conclusion.4 Several proconsular provinces he
sularibus consulares aut ex consularibus proconsulares
10 aut l praetorias pro belli necessitate fecit, res etiam in
Sequanis turbatas censura et auctoritate repressit.
11 compositae res et in2 Hispania, quae per Lusitaniam
12 turbatae erant. filio Commodo accersito ad limitem
togam virilem dedit, quare congiarium populo divisit
et eum ante tempus consulem designavit.
XXIII. Si quis umquam proscriptus est a praefecto
2urbi, non libenter accepit. ipse in largitionibus
pecuniae publicae parcissimus fuit, quod laudi potius
3datur quam reprehensioni, sed tamen et bonis viris
pecunias dedit et oppidis labentibus auxilium tulit et
tributa vel vectigalia, ubi necessitas cogebat, remisit.
1 Hirschfeld (Wicn. Stud., Ill, p. 116) would insert ex
procuratoriis before praetotias. 2 in omitted in P.
1i.e.l he took them from under the control of the senate
and made them imperial provinces governed by legates of
consular rank ; see note to Hadr., iii. 9.
3 i.e., transferred from the control of the emperor to that
of the senate.
3 Either the author fails to understand what he is trying
to say here, or an omission in the text must be assumed, such
as Hirschfeld's proposed insertion ex procurator Us. He seemg
to mean that certain provinces now received as governors
legates of praetorian rank (see note to Hadr., iii. 9). As
there is no evidence for the supposition that any provinces
were transferred from the "consular" class to the "prae-
torian," it must be assumed that the provinces in question
were previously governed by equestrian procurators. Such a
transfer from "procuratory " to " praetorian " provinces was
actually made under Marcus in the cases of Raetia and Nori-
cum, to which were sent the two new legions mentioned in
o. xxi. 8.
4 Cf . c. xxi. 1.
changed into consular,1 and several consular pro-
vinces into proconsular 2 or praetorian,3 according to
the exigencies of war. He checked disturbances
among the Sequani by a rebuke and by his personal
influence ; and in Spain,4 likewise, he quieted the
disturbances which had arisen in Lusitania. And
having summoned his son Commodus to the border
of the empire, he gave him the toga virilis,5 in honour 9 Jul.,
of which he distributed largess among the people,6
and appointed him consul before the legal age.7 177.
XXIII. He was always displeased at hearing that
anyone had been outlawed by the prefect of the city.
He himself was very sparing of the public money in
giving largess 8 — a fact which we mention rather in
praise than in disparagement — but nevertheless he
gave financial assistance to the deserving, furnished
aid to towns on the brink of ruin,9 and, when neces-
sity demanded, cancelled tribute or taxes.10 And
5 See Com., ii. 2; xii. 3; Dio, Ixxi. 22, 2. The ceremony
took place on the Danube frontier immediately prior to
Marcus' departure for Syria.
6 Commemorated on coins of 175 with the legend Liber-
alitcis Aug(usti) VI; see Cohen, iii2, p. 43, Nos. 416-420.
7 Under the empire the minimum age for the consulship
seems to have been 33. See alsj note to Pius, vi. 10.
8 Yet his coins record seven different largesses to the
populace; see Cohen, iii2, p. 41 f., Nos. 401-427. See also
c. xxvii. 5 and note. His donation to the soldiers on his
accession was unusually large (see c. vii. 9), but on another
occasion he is said to nave refused the army's request for a
donation; see Dio, Ixxi. 3, 3.
9 See also c. xi. 3. He also came to the relief of Smyrna
when destroyed by an earthquake in 178 ; see Dio, Ixxi. 32, 2.
10 In 178 all arrears due the treasury or the privy-purse
were cancelled ; see Dio, Ixxi 32, 2. This was merely an ap-
plication of the principle established by Hadrian; see note
to Hadr., vii. 6.
4absens populi Romani voluptates curari vehementer
5praecepit per ditissimos editores. fuit enim populo
hie sermo, cum sustulisset ad bellum gladiatores, quod
populum sublatis voluptatibus vellet cogere ad philo-
6 sophiam. iusserat enim ne mercimonia impedirentur,
7 tardius pantomimes exhibere iionis l diebus. de
amatis pantomimis ab uxore fuit sermo, ut superius
diximus. sed haec omnia per epistolas suas purgavit.
8 idem Marcus sederi in civitatibus vetuit in equis sive
vehiculis. lavacra mixta summovit. mores matro-
narum composuit diffluentes et iuvenum nobilium.
sacra Serapidis a vulgaritate Pelusiae2 summovit.
9 fama fuit sane, quod sub philosophorum specie quidam
rem publicam vexarent et privatos, quod ille purgavit.
XXIV. Erat mos iste Antonino ut omnia crimina
minore supplicio quam legibus plecti solent puniret,
quamvis nonnumquam contra manifestos et gravium
2 criminum reos inexorabilis permaneret. capitales
causas hominum honestorum ipse cognovit, et quidem
summa aequitate, ita ut praetorem reprehenderet, qui
1 nonis Salm. ; non uotis P. *pelosiae P ; Pelusiaca
aSee c. xix. -Cf. Hadr., xviii. 10.
3 The Serapia, the annual festival of the Egyptian deity
Serapis, was celebrated on 25 April ; see Calendar of Philo-
calus (C.I.I/., i2, p. 262). A festival called Pelusia, celebrating
the annual overflow of the Nile, was held on 20 March ; see
Lydus, de Mens., iv. 40. The statement of the biographer
has been explained by Mommsen (C.I.L., i3. p. 313) as mean-
ing that the customary licence of the Pelusia was limited in
order to save the festival of Serapis from desecration. But
in view of the interval between the dates this explanation ia
not altogether convincing ; furthermore, licence is an un-
natural meaning for vulgaritas and sacra Serapidis does not
necessarily refer to the Serapia. The sentence seems rather
while absent from Rome he left forceful instructions
that the amusements of the Roman people should be
provided for by the richest givers of public spectacles,
because, when he took the gladiators away to the
war, there was talk among the people that he intended
to deprive them of their amusements and thereby
drive them to the study of philosophy. Indeed, he
had ordered that the actors of pantomimes should
begin their performances nine days later than usual
in order that business might not be interfered with.
There was talk, as we mentioned above,1 about his
wife's intrigues with pantomimists ; however, he
cleared her of all these charges in his letters. He
forbade riding and driving within the limits of any
city. He abolished common baths for both sexes.2
He reformed the morals of the matrons and young
nobles which were growing lax. He separated the
sacred rites of Serapis from the miscellaneous cere-
monies of the Pelusia.3 There was a report, further-
more, that certain men masquerading as philosophers
had been making trouble both for the state and for
private citizens ; but this charge he refuted.
XXIV. It was customary with Antoninus to punish
all crimes with lighter penalties than were usually
inflicted by the laws ; although at times, toward
those who were clearly guilty of serious crimes he
remained implacable. He himself held those trials
of distinguished men which involved the death-
penalty, and always with the greatest justice. Once,
indeed, he rebuked a praetor who heard the pleas of
accused men in too summary a fashion, and ordered
to mean that the rites of Serapis were isolated from the mass
of Egyptian cults celebrated at the Pelusia ; BO also Wilcken,
Klio, ix. p. 131 f.
cito reorum causas audierat, iuberetque ilium iterum
cognoscere, dignitatis eorum interesse dicens ut ab
3 eo audirentur qui pro populo iudicaret. aequitatem
autem etiam circa captos hostes custodivit. infinites
4 ex gentibus in Romano solo conlocavit. fulinen de
caelo precibus suis contra hostium machinamentum
extorsit, suis pluvia impetrata cum siti laborarent.
5 Voluit Marcomanniam provinciam, voluit etiam
GSarmatiam facere et fecisset, nisi Avidius Cassius
rebellasset sub eodem in Oriente ; atque imperatorem
se appellavit,1 ut quidam dicunt, Faustina volente,
7 quae de mariti valetudine desperaret. alii dicunt
ementita morte Antonini Cassiunn imperatorem se
Sappellasse, cum divum Marcum appellasset. et
Antoninus quidem non est satis motus defectione
9 Cassii nee in eius affectus saevit.2 sed per senatum
hostis est iudicatus bonaque eius proscripta per
XXV. aerarium publicum. relicto3 ergo Sarmatico Mar-
comannicoque bello contra Cassium profectus est.
2 Romae etiam turbae fuerunt, quasi Cassius absente
Antonino adventaret. sed Cassius statim interfectus
3 est caputque eius adlatum est ad Antoninum. Mar-
cus tamen non exultavit interfectione Cassii caputque
1 So P, which Lessing restores ; rebellasset sub eodem in
oriente atque. . . . appellasset Peter. znec eius affecius
seui P ; restored by Peter from Av. Cass. vii. 5. 3 relecto P.
1 Of. c. xxii. 2.
2 In the war i against the Quadi in 174; see Dio, Ixxi. 8-10.
According to Dio, the thunder-storm was sent by Hermes at
the prayer of an Egyptian magician. The Christian legend,
on the other hand, declared that the storm was an answer to
the prayers of the Twelfth Legion, the Fulminata, entirely
composed of Christiana ; see Xiphilinus in Dio, Ixxi. 9.
him to hold the trials again, saying that it was a
matter of concern to the honour of the accused that
they should be heard by a judge who really repre-
sented the people. He scrupulously observed justice,
moreover even in his dealings with captive enemies.
He settled innumerable foreigners on Roman soil.1
By his prayers he summoned a thunderbolt from
heaven against a war-engine of the enemy, and suc-
cessfully besought rain for his men when they were
suffering from thirst.2
He wished to make a province of Marcomannia and
likewise of Sarmatia,3 and he would have done so had
not Avidius Cassius just then raised a rebellion in the
East.4 This man proclaimed himself emperor, some
say, at the wish of Faustina, who was now in despair
over her husband's health ; others, however, say that
Cassius proclaimed himself emperor after spreading
false rumours of Antoninus' death, and indeed he had
called him the Deified. Antoninus was not much dis-
turbed by this revolt, nor did he adopt harsh measures
against Cassius' dear ones. The senate, however, de-
clared Cassius a public enemy and confiscated his
property to the public treasury. XXV. The Emperor,
then, abandoning the Sarmatian and Marcomannic
wars, set out against him. At Rome there was aJul.
panic for fear that Cassius would arrive during
Antoninus' absence ; but he was speedily slain and
his head was brought to Antoninus. Even then,
Marcus did not rejoice at Cassius' death, and gave
3 In 175, after a victory so decisive that Marcus was ac-
claimed Imperator for the eighth time, and took the title
Sarmaticus; see Cohen, iii2, p. 91 f., Nos. 916-925; C.I.L.,
viii. 2276.
4 Cf. Av. Cass., vii f.
4 eius humari iussit. Maecianum etiam, socium l Cassii,
cui Alexandria erat commissa, exercitus occidit. nam
et praefectum praetorio sibi fecerat, qui et ipse oc-
5 cisus est. in conscios defectionis vetuit senatum
6 graviter vindicare. simul petiit, ne qui senator tern-
pore principatus sui occideretur, ne eius '2 pollueretur
7imperium. eos etiam qui deportati fuerant revocari
iussit, cum paucissimi centuriones capite essent puniti.
Signovit et civitatibus quae Cassio consenserant, ignovit
et Antiochensibus, qui multa in Marcum pro Cassio
9 dixerant. quibus et spectacula et conventus publicos
tulerat et omne 3 contionum genus, contra quos
10 edictum gravissimum misit. seditiosos autem eos et
oratio Marci indicat, indita Mario Maximo, qua ille
11 usus est apud amicos. denique noluit Antiochiam
12 videre cum Syriam peteret. nam iiec Cyrrhum voluit
videre, ex qua erat Cassius. postea tamen Antiochiam
vidit. fuit Alexandriae clementer cum his agens.4
XXVI. Multa egit cum regibus et pacem confirmavit,
sibi occurrentibus cunctis regibus et legatis Persarum.
2 omnibus orientalibus provinciis carissimus fuit. apud
3 multas etiam philosophiae vestigia reliquit. apud
Aegyptios civem se egit et philosophum in omnibus
1 socium suggested by Peter for /ilium of P, which is cer-
tainly wrong ; see c. xxvi. 11 ; Av. Cass., vii. 4. *ne nece
eius Peter, following Madvig. 3 omne Peter1; omnium P,
Peter.2 4 This sentence, which precedes postea . . . vidit
in P, was transposed by Gas.
1 Possibly, though not probably, the jurist L. Volusius
Maecianus (see Pius, xii. 1).
2 For his general policy in the punishment of senators,
see c. x. 6.
3 Faustina and Commodus seem to have accompanied him
orders that his head should be buried. Maecianus,1
Cassius' ally, in whose charge Alexandria had been
placed, was killed by the army ; likewise his prefect
of the guard — for he had appointed one — was also
slain. Marcus then forbade the senate to impose
any heavy punishment upon those who had conspired
in this revolt ; and at the same time, in order that
his reign might escape such a stain, he requested
that during his rale no senator should be executed.2
Those who had been exiled, moreover, he ordered to
be recalled ; and there were only a very few of the
centurions who suffered the death-penalty. He par-
doned the communities which had sided with Cassius,
and even went so far as to pardon the citizens of
Antioch, who had said many things in support of
Cassius and in opposition to himself. But he did
abolish their games and public meetings, including
assemblies of every kind, and issued a very severe
edict against the people themselves. And yet a
speech which Marcus delivered to his friends, re-
ported by Marius Maximus, brands them as rebels.
And finally, he refused to visit Antioch when he
journeyed to Syria,3 nor would he visit Cyrrhus,
the home of Cassius. Later on, however, he did visit
Antioch. Alexandria, when he stayed there, he
treated with clemency.
XXVI. He conducted many negotiations with
kings, and ratified peace with all the kings and
satraps of Persia when they came to meet him. He
was exceedingly beloved by all the eastern provinces,
and on many, indeed, he left the imprint of philo-
sophy. While in Egypt he conducted himself like a
on this journey through Syria and Egypt; see c. xxvi. 4 and
Cow., ii. 3.
stadiis 1 templis locis.2 et cum multa Alexandrini in
Cassium dixissent fausta, tamen omnibus ignovit et
4 filiam suam apud eos reliquit. Faustinam -suam in
radicibus moiitis Tauri in vico Halalae exanimatam vi
Ssubiti morbi amisit. petiit a senatu ut honores
Faustinae aedemque decernerent, laudata eadem cum
impudicitiae fama graviter laborasset. quae Anto-
6 ninus vel nesciit vel dissimulavit. novas puellas Faus-
7tinianas instituit in honorem uxoris mortuae. divam
etiam Faustinam a senatu appellatam gratulatus est.
8 quam secum et in aestlvis habuerat, ut matrem cas-
9 trorum appellaret. fecit et coloniam vicum in quo
obiit Faustina et aedem illi exstruxit. sed haec postea
aedis Heliogabalo dedicata est.
10 Ipsum Cassium pro dementia occidi passus est, non
11 occidi iussit. deportatus est Heliodc rus, films Cassii,
et alii liberum exsilium acceperunt cum bonorum parte.
12filii autem Cassii et amplius media parte acceperunt
paterni patrimonii et auro atque argento adiuti,
mulieres autem etiam ornamentis ; ita ut Alexandria,
filia Cassii, et Druncianus gener liberam vagandi
1 stadiis Peter with Salm. ; studiis P, which Mommsen
defends. 2 locis P (by error ocis Peter2, from which Momm-
sen conj. oecis, and Novak, odeis).
1 According to Dio, Ixxi. 29, 1, her death was by some
attributed to suicide.
2 Cf . c. xix.
3 Cf. Pius, viii. 1. See also C.I.L., vi. 10222.
4 Commemorated by coins of Diva Faustina, with the
legend Consecratio ; see Cohen, iii2, p. 141 f., Nos. 65-83. She
also received the name Pia ; see the coins and C./.L., vi.
1019 = Dessau, 7ns. Sel, 382.
5 After his victory over the Quadi in 174; see Dio, Ixxi.
10, 5. The title appears on her coins issued both before and
after her deification ; see Cohen, iii2, p. 149 f., Nos. 159-167.
private citizen and a philosopher at all the stadia,
temples, and in fact everywhere. And although the
citizens of Alexandria had been outspoken in wishing
Cassius success, he forgave everything and left his
daughter among them. And now, in the village of
Halala, in the foothills of Mount Taurus, he lost
his wife Faustina, who succumbed to a sudden ill- 176
ness.1 He asked the senate to decree her divine
honours and a temple; and likewise delivered a
eulogy of her, although she had suffered grievously
from the reputation of lewdness.2 Of this, however,
Antoninus was either ignorant or affected ignorance.
He established a new order of Faustinian girls3 in
honour of his dead wife, expressed his pleasure at her
deification by the senate,4 and because she had accom-
panied him on his summer campaign, called her
" Mother of the Camp ".5 And besides this, he made
the village where Faustina died a colony, and there
built a temple in her honour. This, however, was
afterwards consecrated to Elagabalus.6
With characteristic clemency, he suffered rather
than ordered the execution of Cassius, while Helio-
dorus, the son of Cassius, was merely banished, and
others of his children exiled but allowed part of their
father's property.7 Cassius' sons, moreover, were
granted over half of their father's estate and were
enriched besides with sums of gold and silver, while
the women of the family were presented with jewels.
Indeed, Alexandria, Cassius' daughter, and Drunci-
anus, his son-in-law, were allowed to travel wherever
6 The sun-god of Emesa in Syria, whose worship was in-
troduced into Rome by the Emperor Elagabalus ; see Carac.,
xi. 7 ; Hel, i. 5 f.
7 Of. Av. Cass., ix. 2-4.
potestatem haberent commendati amitae marito.
13 doluit denique Cassium exstinctum, dicens voluisse se
sine senatorio sanguine imperium transigere.
XXVII. Orientalibus rebus ordinatis Athenis fuit et
initia l Cereris 2 adiit, ut se innocentem probaret, et
2 sacrarium solus 3 ingressus est. revertens ad Italiam
Snavigio tempestatem gravissimam passus est. per
Bruiidisium veniens in Italiam togam et ipse sumpsit et
milites togatos esse iussit, nee umquam sagati fuerunt
4 sub eo milites. Romam ut venit triumphavit. et inde 4
5 Lavinium profectus est. Commodum deinde sibi
collegam in tribuniciam potestatem iuiixit, congiarium
populo dedit et spectacula mirifica ; dein civiliamulta
Gcorrexit. gladiatorii muneris sumptus modum fecit.
7sententia Platonis semper in ore illius fuit, florere
civitates si aut philosophi imperarent aut imperantes
8 philosophareiitur. filio suo Bruttii Praesentis filiam
iunxit iiuptiis celebratis exemplo privatorum, quare
etiam congiarium dedit populo.
1 So Novak ; initalia P ; edd. initialia, . with Salm.
*ceterisP. s solus Lessing with Gas.; solum P, Peter.
4 et inde P ; inde Lessing ; exinde edd.
1 Of. c. xxv. 6.
2 As Hadrian had done ; see Hadr., xiii. 1.
3 See Hadr., xxii. 2-3. His return was commemorated
by coins with the legend Fort(una) Red(ux) ; see Cohen, iii2,
p. 22, No. 210.
4 i.e., while they were in Italy.
5 See note to c. xvii. 3.
6 On the significance of this appointment see Pius, iv. 8
and note. It is commemorated on coins of Commodus of
177; see Cohen, iii2, p. 326 f., Nos. 733-738.
7 According to Dio, Ixxi. 32, 1, each citizen received eight
they wished, and were even put under the protection
of the Emperor's uncle by marriage. And further
than this, he grieved at Cassius' death, saying that
he had wished to complete his reign without shed-
ding the blood of a single senator.1
XXVI I. After he had settled affairs in the East he Sept., 17<
came to Athens, and had himself initiated into the
Eleusinian mysteries 2 in order to prove that he was
innocent of any wrong-doing, and he entered the
sanctuary unattended. Afterwards, when returning
to Italy, he encountered a violent storm on the way.
Then, reaching Italy by way of Brundisium, he
donned the toga 3 and bade his troops do likewise,
nor indeed during his reign were the soldiers ever
clad in the military cloak.4 When he reached Nov., 176
Rome he triumphed,5 then hastened to Lavinium.
Presently he appointed Commodus his colleague in 177
the tribunician power,6 bestowed largess upon the
people,7 and gave marvellous games ; shortly there-
after he remedied many civil abuses, and set a limit
to the expense of gladiatorial shows. Ever on his
lips was a saying of Plato's, that those states pros-
pered where the philosophers were kings or the kings
philosophers. He united his son in marriage with
the daughter of Bruttius Praesens,8 performing the
ceremony in the manner of ordinary citizens ; and
in celebration of the marriage he gave largess to the
aurei (one for each year of Marcus' absence from Rome), a
largess greater than had ever been given before.
8 Her name was Bruttia Crispina; see Dio, Ixxi. 31, 1,
and C./.L., x. 408 = Dessau, 7ns. SeL, 1117. The marriage
was commemorated by coins, Cohen, iii2, p. 388 f. She was
afterwards banished on a charge of adultery and put to death
in exile ; see Dio, Ixxii. 4, 6.
9 Dein ad conficiendum bellum conversus in adminis-
tratione eius belli obiit, labentibus iam filii moribus ab
lOinstituto suo. triennio bellum postea cum Marco-
mannis Hermunduris Sarmatis Quadis etiam egit l et,
si anno uno superfuisset, provincias ex his fecisset.
11 ante biduum quam exspiraret, adnrssis amicis dicitur
ostendisse seiitentiam de filio eandem quam Philippus
de Alexandro, cum de hoc male sentiret, addens
nimium2 se aegre ferre filium superstitem relinquen-
12 tem.3 nam iam Commodus turpem se et cruentum
XXVIII. Mors autem talis fuit : cum aegrotare
coepisset, filium advocavit atque ab eo primum petiit ut
belli reliquias noil contemneret, ne videretur rem pub-
2licam prodere. et, cum filius ei respondisset cupere
se primum sanitatem, ut vellet permisit, petens tamen
ut exspectasset paucos dies, haud 4 simul proficiscere-
3 tur. deinde abstinuit victu 5 potuque mori cupiens
4auxitque morbum. sexta die vocatis amicis et ridens
res humanas, mortem autem contemnens ad amicos
1 triennio bellum . . . egit Klein would transpose to pre-
cede Dein . . . ab institute suo. 2 nimium Peter with
Sa'm. ; minime P. 3 So Gas. ; relinqucns P, whence Novak :
se aegre ferre quod discederet /. s. relinquens. 4 aut P.
5 uictu Jordan ; ui P.
1He and Commodus left Rome for Pannonia on 3 August,
178; see Com., xii. 6. This war seems to have been called
the Expeditio G<rmanica Secunda (C.I.L., ii. 4114, and vi.
8541 = Dessau, Ins. Sel.t 1140 and 1573) or the Expeditio
Sarmatica (C.I.L., x. 408 = Dessau, 1117).
2 Probably uttered during the period of estrangement
when Alexander was living in Illyricum ; see Plut. , Alex.t ix.
3 Of. Com. , i. 7-9.
He then turned his attention to completing the
war,1 in the conduct of which he died. During this
time the behaviour of his son steadily fell away from
the standard the Emperor had set for himself. For
three years thereafter he waged war with the Mar- 178-180
comanni, the Hermunduri, the Sarmatians, and the
Quadi, and had he lived a year longer he would have
made these regions provinces. Two days before his
death, it is said, he summoned his friends and ex-
pressed the same opinion about his son that Philip
expressed about Alexander when he too thought
poorly of his son,2 and added that it grieved him ex-
ceedingly to leave a son behind him. For already
Commodus had made it clear that he was base and
XXVIII. He died in the following manner:4
When he began to grow ill, he summoned his son and
besought him first of all not to think lightly of what
remained of the war, lest he seem a traitor to the
state. And when his son replied that his first desire
was good health, he allowed him to do as he
wished,5 only asking him to wait a few days and not
leave at once. Then, being eager to die, he re-
frained from eating or drinking, and so aggravated
the disease. On the sixth day he summoned his
friends, and with derision for all human affairs and
scorn for death, said to them : " Why do you weep
4 His death occurred at Sirmium (Mitrowitz on the Save)
according to Tertullian, Apologet., 25, at Vindobona (Vienna)
according to Victor, Caes., xvi. 12, Epit., xvi. 12. According
to a story preserved by Dio (Ixxi. 83, 4), his pbysicians
poisoned him in order to please Commodus. It has been
supposed that he died of the plague (cf. §§ 4 and 8), but
without very good reason.
5 Apparently, to abandon the campaign ; cf. Com., iii. 5.
dixit, " quid de me 1 fletis et non magis de pestilentia
5 et communi morte cogitatis ? ' et cum illi vellent
recedere, ingemescens ait, "si iam me dimittitis,
6 vale vobis dico vos praecedens ". et cum ab eo quae-
reretur, cui filium commendaret, ille respondit " vo-
7 bis, si dignus fuerit, et dis immortalibus ". exercitus
cognita mala valetudine vehementissime dolebant,
8 quia ilium unice amarunt. septimo die gravatus est
et solum filium admisit. quern statim dimisit, ne in
9eum morbus transiret. dimisso filio caput operuit
10 quasi volens dormire, sed nocte animam efflavit. fer-
tur filium mori voluisse, cum eum talem videret
futurum qualis exstitit post eius mortem, ne, ut ipse
dicebat, similis Neroni Caligulae et Domitiano esset.
XXIX. Crimini ei datum est quod adulteros uxoris
promoverit, Tertullum et Tutilium2 et Orfitum et
Moderatum, ad varies honores, cum Tertullum et
2 prandentem cum uxore deprehenderit. de quo mimus
in scaena praesente Antonino dixit, cum stupidus
nomen adulteri uxoris a servo quaereret, et ille diceret
ter "Tullus," et adhuc stupidus quaereret, respondit
3 ille "iam tibi dixi ter, Tullus dicitur ". et de hoc
quidem multa populus, multa etiam alii dixerunt
patientiam Antonini incusantes.
J So Peter, following Jordan ; quideme P1 ; quid me P corr.
2 Tutilium Scaliger ; utilium P.
1 See note to c. xiii. 3.
2 Of. Dio, Ixxi. 34, 1, and Herodian, i. 4.
3 Of. Dio, Ixxi. 33, 4. 4 See note to Com., viii. 1,
for me, instead of thinking about the pestilence1
and about death which is the common lot of us all ? "
And when they were about to retire he groaned and
said : "If you now grant me leave to go, I bid you
farewell and pass on before". And when he was
asked to whom he commended his son he replied :
" To you,2 if he prove worthy, and to the immortal
gods ". The army, when they learned of his sick-
ness, lamented loudly, for they loved him singularly.
On the seventh day he was weary and admitted
only his son, and even him he at once sent away in
fear that he would catch the disease. And when his
son had gone, he covered his head as though he
wished to sleep and during the night he breathed
his last.3 It is said that he foresaw that after his 17 Mar.,
death Commodus would turn out as he actually did, 1
and expressed the wish that his son might die, lest,
as he himself said, he should become another Nero,
Caligula, or Domitian.
XXIX. It is held to Marcus' discredit that he
advanced his wife's lovers, Tertullus and Tutilius 4
and Orfitus and Moderatus, to various offices of
honour, although he had caught Tertullus in the very
act of breakfasting with his wife. In regard to this
man the following dialogue was spoken on the stage
in the presence of Antoninus himself. The Fool
asked the Slave the name of his wife's lover and
the Slave answered ."Tullus" three times; and
when the Fool kept on asking, the Slave replied,
" 1 have already told you thrice Tullus is his name".5
But the city-populace and others besides talked a
great deal about this incident and found fault with
Antoninus for his forbearance.
3Ter-tullus means " Thrice-Tullus ".
4 Ante tempus sane mortis, priusquam ad bellum
Marcomannicum rediret, in Capitolio iuravit iiullum
senatorem se sciente occisum, cum etiam rebelliones
5 dixerit se servaturum fuisse si scisset. nihil enim
magis et timuit et deprecatus est quam avaritiae
6 famam, de qua se multis epistulis purgat. dederuiit
et vitio quod fictus l fuisset nee tarn simplex quam
7 videretur, aut quam vel Pius vel Verus fuisset. de-
derunt etiam crimini quod aulicam adrogantiam
confirmaverit summovendo amicos a societate com-
muni et a conviviis.
8 Parentibus consecrationem decrevit. am'cos paren-
tum etiam mortuos statuis ornavit.
9 Suffragatoribus non cito credidit. sed semper diu
quaesivit quod erat verum.
10 Enisa est Fabia ut Faustina mortua in eius matri-
monium coiret. sed ille concubinam sibi adscivit
procuratoris uxoris suae filiam, ne tot liberis super-
duceret novercam.
1 fictus Novak; d uictus P; effictus Peter with Erasmus.
1 See c. x. 6 ; xxv. 5-6 ; xxvi. 13.
2 He had been betrothed to her in his youth ; see c. iv. 5.
Previous to his death, and before he returned to
the Marcomannic war, he swore in the Capitol that
no senator had been executed with his knowledge
and consent, and said that had he known he would
have spared even the insurgents.1 Nothing did he
fear and deprecate more than a reputation for
covetousness, a charge of which he tried 'to clear
himself in many letters. Some maintain — and held
it a fault — that he was insincere and not as guileless
as he seemed, indeed not as guileless as either Pius
or Verus had been. Others accused him of en-
couraging the arrogance of the court by keeping
his friends from general social intercourse and from
His parents were deified at his command, and
even his parents' friends, after their death, he
honoured with statues.
He did not readily accept the version of those
who were partisans in any matter, but always searched
long and carefully for the truth.
After the death of Faustina, Fabia 2 tried to
manoeuvre a marriage with him. But he took a con-
cubine instead, the daughter of a steward of his wife's,
rather than put a stepmother over so many children.
I. Scio plerosque ita vitam Marci ac Veri litteris
atque historiae dedicasse ut priorem Verum iiitiman-
dum legentibus darent, non imperandi secutos l or-
2 dinem sed vivendi ; ego vero, quod prior Marcus
imperare coepit, dein Verus, qui superstite periit
Marco, priorem Marcum dehinc Verum credidi cele-
Igitur Lucius Ceionius Aelius 2 Commodus Verus
Antoninus, qui ex Hadriani voluntate Aelius appella-
tus est, ex Antoniiii coniunctioiie Verus et Antoninus,
neque inter bonos neque inter malos principes ponitur.
4 quern constat non inhorruisse vitiis, non abundasse
virtutibus, vixisse deinde non in suo libero principatu
sed sub Marco in simili ac paris 3 maiestatis imperio,
a cuius secta lascivia morum et vitae licentioris nimie-
1 secutus P1 ; secuti sunt P corr. 2 caelius P. 3pari P.
li.e. Marcus succeeded to the throne, and then associated
Verus with himself as partner in the imperial power ; see
Marc., vii. 5.
2 He never bore all these names at the same time. For
his names before and after his adoption by Pius see note to
Hadr. xxiv. 1.
3Cf. AeL, vii. 2. It would be more accurate to say that he
I. Most men, I well know, who have enshrined in
literature and history the lives of Marcus and Verus,
have made Verus known to their readers first, follow-
ing the order, not of their reigns, but of their lives.
I, however, have thought, since Marcus began to rule
first and Verus only afterwards l and Verus died while
Marcus still lived on, that Marcus' life should be
related first, and then that of Verus.
Now, Lucius Ceionius Aelius Commodus Verus
Antoninus 2 — called Aelius by the wish of Hadrian,3
Verus and Antoninus because of his relationship to
Antoninus4 — is not to be classed with either the
good or the bad emperors. For, in the first place, it
is agreed that if he did not bristle with vices, no
more did he abound in virtues ; and, in the second
place, he enjoyed, not unrestricted power, but a
sovereignty on like terms and equal dignity with
Marcus, from whom he differed, however, as far as
morals went, both in the laxity of his principles and
received the name Aelius when he was adopted by Pius, who
had received it on his adoption by Hadrian.
4 Of. Marc., vii. 7.
5tate dissensit. erat enim morum simplicium et qui
adumbrare nihil posset.
6 Huic naturalis pater fuit Lucius Helius Verus, qui
ab Hadriano adoptatus primus Caesar est dictus et in
7 eadem statione constitutus periit. avi ac proavi et
8 item maiores plurimi consulares. natus est Lucius
Romae in praetura patris sui XVIII kal. lanuariarum
9 die quo et Nero, qui rerum potitus est. origo e us
paternapleraque ex Etruria fuit, materna ex Faventia.
II. Hac prosapia genitus patre ab Hadriano adoptato
in familiam Aeliam devenit morcuoque patre Caesare
2 in Hadriani familia remansit. a quo Aurelio datus
est adoptandus, cum sibi ille Pium filium Marcum
3 nepotem esse voluisset posteritati satis providens, et
ea quidem lege ut filiam Pii Verus acciperet, quae
data est Marco idcirco quia hie adhuc impar videbatur
4aetate, ut in Marci vita exposuimus. duxit autern
uxorem Marci filiam Lucillam. educatus est in domo
5 Tiberiana. audivit Scaurinum grammaticum Latinum,
Scauri filium, qui grammaticus Hadriani fuit, Graecos
Telephum l atque Hephaestionem,2 Harpocrationem,3
1 talcplium P. - Hi'faertionem Peter; fertionem P.
3 arpocrationem Pb; acprocrationcm P*.
1 See Marc., xvi. 4 ; xxix. 6 ; c. iii. 7.
2 See AeL, i. 2 and note.
3Cf. Hadr., xxiii. 16 ; AeL, iv. 7.
4 His grandfather was L. Ceionius Commodus, consul in
106 (cf. AeL, ii. 7) ; his great-grandfather was probably L.
Ceionius Commodus, consul in 78.
5 The year is established by c. ii. 10, for he was adopted
by Pius in Jan., 138 ; the day is confirmed by the Calendar of
Philocalus; see C.I.L., i2, p. 278.
6 Cf. Suet., Nero, vi. 1. 7 Cf. AeL, ii. 8.
8 See note to c. i. 3.
VERUS I. 5— II. 5
the excessive licence of his life. For in character he
was utterly ingenuous and unable to conceal a thing.1
His real father, Lucius Aelius Verus (who was
adopted by Hadrian), was the first man to receive the
name of Caesar2 and die without reaching a higher
rank.3 His grandfathers and great-grandlathers 4 and
likewise many other of his ancestors were men of
consular rank. Lucius himself was born at Rome
while his father was praetor, on the eighteenth day 15 Dec.,
before the Kalends of January,5 the birthday o
Nero as well6 — who also held the throne. His
father's family came mostly from Etruria, his mother's
from Faventia.7
II. Such, then, was his real ancestry ; but when his
father was adopted by Hadrian he passed into the
Aelian family,8 and when his father Caesar died, he
still stayed in the family of Hadrian. By Hadrian
he was given in adoption to Aurelius,9 when Hadrian,
making abundant provision for the succession, wished
to make Pius his son and Marcus his grandson ; and
he was given on the condition that he should espouse
the daughter of Pius.10 She was later given to Mar-
cus, however, as we have related in his life,11 because
Verus seemed too much her junior in years, while
Verus took to wife Marcus' daughter Lucilla.12 He
was reared in the House of Tiberius,13 and received
instruction from the Latin grammarian Scaurinus (the
son of the Scaurus 14 who had been Hadrian's teacher
in grammar), the Greeks Telephus, Hephaestio,
Harpocratio, the rhetoricians Apollonius, Caninius
s i.e. Pius; see Marc., v. 1 and note.
10 See Ael., vi. 9. u Of. Marc., vi. 2.
12 See Marc., vii. 7 ; ix. 4. 13 See note to Pius, x. 4.
14 A famous grammaticus ; see Plin., Epist., v. 11 ; Gellius,
xi. 15, 3.
rhetores Apollonium, Celerem Caninium et Herodem
Atticum, Latinum Cornel ium Frontonem ; philo-
6 sophos Apollonium et Sextum. hos omnes aniavit
unice, atque ab his invicem dilectus est, nee tameii
7 ingeniosus ad litteras. amavit autem in pueritia
versus facere, post orationes. et melior quidera
orator fuisse dicitur quam poeta, immo, ut verius
8 dicam, peior poeta quam rhetor, nee desunt qui di-
cant eum adiutum ingenio amicorum, atque ab aliis
ei ilia ipsa, qualiacumque sunt, scripta ; si quidem
multos disertos et eruditos semper secum habuisse
9 dicitur. educatorem habuit Nicomedem. fuit volup-
tarius l et nimis laetus et omnibus deliciis ludis iocis
10 decenter aptissimus. post septimum annum in famil-
iam Aureliam traductus Marci moribus et auctoritate
format us est. amavit venatus palaestras et ornnia
11 exercitia iuventutis. fuitque privatus in domo im-
peratoria viginti et tribus annis.
III. Qua die togam virilem Verus accepit, An-
toninus Pius ea occasione qua patris temp Ium dedi-
2cabat populo liberalis fuit. mediusque inter Pium et
Marcum idem resedit,2 cum quaestor populo munus
3 daret. post quaesturam statim consul est factus cum
1 So P ; uoluptuarius Peter. * se resedit P.
1See Marc., ii. 4. a See Pius, x. 4; Marc., ii. 7.
8 See Marc., iii. 2. 4 i.e. was adopted by Pius.
8 i.e. he did not hold any public office, although it was
usual to bestow such on young members of the imperial house-
Celer,1 Herodes Atticus, and the Latin Cornelius
Fronto, his teachers in philosophy being Apollonius2
and Sextus.3 For all of these he cherished a deep
affection, and in return he was beloved by them, and
this despite his lack of natural gifts in literary studies.
In his youth he loved to compose verses, and later on
in life, orations. And, in truth, he is said to have
been a better orator than poet, or rather, to be strictly
truthful, a worse poet than speaker. Nor are there
lacking those who say that he was aided by the wit
of his friends, and that the things credited to him,
such as they are, were written by others ; and in fact
it is said that he did keep in his employ a number of
eloquent and learned men. Nicomedes was his tutor.
He was devoted to pleasure, too care-free, and very
clever, within proper bounds, at every kind of frolic,
sport, and raillery. At the age of seven he passed 138
into the Aurelian family,4 and was moulded by the
manners and influence of Marcus. He loved hunt-
ing and wrestling, and indeed all the sports of
youth. And at the age of three and twenty he was
still a private citizen 5 in the imperial household.
III. On the day when Verus assumed the toga virilis
Antoninus Pius, who on that same occasion dedicated
a temple to his father, gave largess to the people ; 6
and Verus himself, when quaestor,7 gave the people
a gladiatorial spectacle, at which he sat between Pius
and Marcus. Immediately after his quaestorship he 154
hold ; see Pius, vi. 9-10 and note. Verus was evidently
quaestor in 153.
6 This was probably in 145, for the toga virilis was assumed
by Marcus in his fifteenth year ; see Marc. iv. 5. Antoninus'
coins of 145 bear the legend Liberalitas IV', see Cohen, ii2,
p. 318 f., Nos. 490-501.
7 See Pius , vi. 10.
Sextio 1 Laterano. interiectis annis cum Marco fratre
4 iterum factus est consul, diu autem et 2 privatus
fuit et ea honorificentia caruit qua Marcus ornabatur.
5namneque3 in senatu ante quaesturam sedit neque
in itinere cum patre sed cum praefecto praetorii
vectus est nee aliud ei honorificentiae adnomen ad-
iunctum est quam quod Augusti nlius appellatus est.
6 fuit studiosus etiam circeiisium baud aliter quam
gladiatorii muneris. hie cum tantis deliciarum et
luxuriae quateretur erroribus, ab Antonino videtur ob
hoc retentus quod eum pater ita in adoptionem Pii
transire iusserat ut iiepotem appellaret. cui, quan-
7 turn videtur, ridem exhibuit, non amorem. amavit
tamen Antoninus Pius simplicitatem ingenii purita-
temque 4 vivendi hortatusque est ut imitaretur et
8 fratrem. defuncto Pio Marcus in eum omnia contulit,
participatu etiam imperatoriae potestatis indulto,
sibique consortem fecit, cum illi soli senatus detulisset
IV. Dato igitur imperio et indulta tribunicia potes-
tate, post consulatus 5 etiam honorem delatum Verum
vocari praecepit, suum in eum transferens nomen,
2 cum ante Commodus vocaretur. Lucius quidem
1 Sextio Peter with Clinton ; sestilio P. a ei P. 3 nam
neque Jordan ; namque P. 4 puritatemque P, perhaps a
corruption ; Peter suggests hilaritatemque. 5 post consu-
latus Petrarch ; proconsulates P1 ; proconsulate P corr.
1 See Marc., vi. 3-6.
2 This is confirmed by inscriptions, e.g., C.I.L., iii. 3843 =
Dessau, 7ns. SeL, 358.
was made consul, with Sextius Lateranus as his
colleague, and a number of years later he was created
consul for a second term together with his brother 161
Marcus. For a long time, however, he was merely
a private citizen and lacked the marks of honour with
which Marcus was continually being decorated.1
For he did not have a seat in the senate until he was
quaestor, and while travelling, he rode, not with his
father, but with the prefect of the guard, nor was any
title added to his name as a mark of honour save only
that he was called the son of Augustus.2 He was
fond of circus-games no less than of gladiatorial
spectacles. And although he was weakened by such
follies of debauchery and extravagance, nevertheless
Pius retained him as a son, for the reason, it seems,
that Hadrian, wishing to call the youth his grandson,
had ordered Pius to adopt him. Towards Pius, so
far as it appears, Verus showed loyalty rather than
affection. Pius, however, loved the frankness of his
nature a and his unspoiled way of living, and en-
couraged Marcus to imitate him in these. When
Pius died, Marcus bestowed all honours upon Verus,
even granting him a share in the imperial power ;
he made him his colleague, moreover, when the
senate had presented the sovereignty to him alone.4
IV. After investing him with the sovereignty, then,
and installing him in the tribunician power,5 and after
rendering him the further honour of the consulship,
Marcus gave instructions that he be named Verus,
transferring his own name to him, whereas previously
he had been called Commodus.6 In return for this,
3 See note to c. i. 5. 4 Cf. Marc., vii. 5.
5 See note to Pius, iv. 7.
6 On his name see note to Hadr., xxiv. 1.
Marco vicem reddens si quid susciperet l obsecutus
3ut legatus proconsul! vel praeses imperatori. iam
primum enirn pro ambobus 2 ad milites est locutus et
pro consensu imperil 3 graviter se et ad Marci mores
4 Ubi vero in Syriam 4 profectus est, non solum
licentia vitae liberioris sed etiam adulteriis et iu-
5 venum 5 amoribus infamatus est ; si quidem tantae
luxuriae fuisse dicitur ut etiam, posteaquam 6 de
Syria rediit, popinam domi instituerit, ad quam post
convivium Marci devertebat,7 ministrantibus sibi
6 omni genere turpium persoiiarum. fertur et nocte
perpeti alea lusisse, cum in Syria concepisset id vitium,
atque in tantum vitiorum Gaianorum et Neronianorum
ac Vitellianorum fuisse aemulum, ut vagaretur nocte
per tabernas ac lupanaria obtecto capite cucullione
vulgari viatorio et comissaretur cum triconibus, com-
mitteret rixas, dissimulans quis esset, saepeque efflic-
tum livida facie redisse et in tabernis agnitum, cum
7 sese absconderet. iaciebat et nummos in popinas
Smaximos, quibus calices frangeret. amavit et aurigas,
1 Thus Lenze ; si susciperet obsecutus P ; f si susciperet
obsecutus Peter. 2 So Damste ; Marcus pro ambobus P.
spro consensu imperil Jordan ; pro consensus imperio P.
4 Syria P, Peter. 5 So Winterfeld ; iuuentis P1 ; iuuentutis
P corr. ; incestis Peter. fi posteaquam Petrarch ; quam
postea P, Peter. 7 deuertcbat P, which Lessing restores ;
diuertebat edd.
li.e. the praetorian guard; see Marc., vii. 9.
2 See note to Marc., viii. 10. 3 Cf. Marc., viii. 12.
4 This is told about Nero (Tac., Ann., xiii. 25; Suet., Nero,
xxvi. ; Dio, Ixi. 8), but not, at least by extant authors, about
Verus obeyed Marcus, whenever he entered upon
any undertaking, as a lieutenant obeys a proconsul
or a governor obeys the emperor. For, at the begin-
ning, he addressed the soldiers1 in his brother's be-
half as well as his own, and in consideration of the
joint rule he conducted himself with dignity and
observed the moral standard that Marcus had set up.
When he set out for Syria,2 however, his name was 162
smirched not only by the licence of an unbridled life,3
but also by adulteries and by love-affairs with young
men. Besides, he is said to have been so de-
praved as to install a cook-shop in his home after he
returned from Syria, and to repair thither after
Marcus' banquets and have all manner of foul persons
serve him. It is said, moreover, that he used to
dice the whole night through, after he had taken up
that vice in Syria, and that he so rivalled Caligula,
Nero, and Vitellius in their vices as to wander about
at night through taverns and brothels with only a
common travelling-cap for a head- covering, revel
with various rowdies, and engage in brawls, conceal-
ing his identity the while 4 ; and often, they say,
when he returned, his face was beaten black and
blue, and once he was recognised in a tavern even
though he had hidden himself. It was his wont also
to hurl large coins into the cook-shops and therewith
smash the cups. He was very fond also of chario-
teers, favouring the " Greens ".5 He held gladiatorial
Caligula or Vitellius. The same thing is also told about Otho
(Suet., Otho, ii. 1) and Commodus (Com., iii. 7).
5 The teams and drivers competing in the races were
supplied by four racing syndicates, named, after the colours
which they adopted, the " Greens," the " Blues," the "Beds,"
and the " Whites". Caligula and Nero were also partisans
of the " Greens " ; see Suet., CaL, Iv. 2, and Nero, xxii.
9 Prasino favens. gladiatorum etiam frequentius pug-
nas in convivio habuit, trahens cenas in noctem et in
toro convivali condormiens, ita ut levatus cum stro-
10 matibus in cubiculum perferretur. somni fuit permo-
dici, digestionis facillimae.
11 Sed Marcus haec omnia bene sciens l dissimulabat
V. pudore 2 illo ne reprehenderet fratrem. et notissi-
mum eius quidem fertur tale convivium, in quo primum
duodecim accubuisse dicitur, cum sit not ssimum
dictum de numero convivarum " septem convivium,
2novem vero convicium ". donates autem pueros de7
coros qui ministrabant singulis, donates etiam struc-
tores et lances singulis quibusque, donata et viva ani-
malia vel cicurum vel ferarum avium vel quadripedum,3
3 quorum cibi adpositi erant, donates etiam calices
singulis per singulas potiones, murrinos et crystallines
Alexandrines, quotiens bibitum est ; data etiam aurea
atque argentea pocula et gemmata, coronas quin etiam
datas lemn;scis aureis interpositis et alieni temporis 4
floribus, data et vasa aurea cum unguentis ad speciem
4 alabastrorum, data et vehicula cum mulabus ac muli-
onibus cum iuncturis argenteis, ut ita de convivio
5 redirent. omne autem convivium ; es imatum dicitur
6 sexagies centenis milibus sestertiorum. hoc convivium
posteaquam Marcus audivit, ingemuisse dicitur et
7 doluisse publicum fatum. post convivium lusum
1 So Oberdick ; omnia nesciens P ; omnia non nesciens Peter.
2 So Novak ; prae (' K • in P) before pudore Peter. 3 So P ;
guadrupedium B, Peter. 4 So Pb ; ahenis temporibus P corr.
J This saying is not found elsewhere; all the evidence,
both literary and monumental, shews that nine was the
normal number. There was an old principle that the number
VERUS IV. 9— V. 7
bouts rather frequently at his banquets, and after
continuing the meal far into the night he would fall
asleep on the banqueting-couch, so that he had to be
lifted up along with the covers and carried to his
bedroom. He never needed much sleep, however ;
and his digestion was excellent.
But Marcus, though he was not without knowledge
of these happenings, with characteristic modesty
pretended ignorance for fear of censuring his brother.
V. One such banquet, indeed, became very notori-
ous. This was the first banquet, it is said, at which
couches were placed for twelve, although there is a
very well-known saying about the proper number of
those present at a banquet that " seven make a dinner,
nine make a din ".1 Furthermore, the comely lads
who did the serving were given as presents, one to
each guest ; carvers and platters, too, were presented to
each, and also live animals either tame or wild, winged
or quadruped, of whatever kind were the meats
that were served, and even goblets of murra 2 or of
Alexandrine crystal were presented to each man for
each drink, as often as they drank. Besides this, he
gave golden and silver and even jewelled cups, and
garlands, too, entwined with golden ribbons and
flowers out of season, golden vases with ointments
made in the shape of perfume -boxes, and even
carriages, together with mules and muleteers, and
trappings of silver, wherewith they might return
home from the banquet. The estimated cost of the
whole banquet, it is reported, was six million sesterces.
And when Marcus heard of this dinner, they say, he
groaned and bewailed the fate of the empire. After
at a banquet should not be less than the Graces or greater
than the Muses ; see Gellius, xiii. 11, 2.
2 See note to Marc. xvii. 4. 217
8 est tesseris usque ad lucem. et haec quidem post
Parthicum bellum, ad quod eum misisse dicitur Mar-
cus, ne vel in urbe ante oculos omnium peccaret, vel
ut parsimoniam peregrinatione addisceret, vel ut
timore bellico emendatior rediret, vel ut se imper-
9 atoreni esse cognosceret. sed quantum profecerit,
cum alia vita turn haec quam narravimus cena mon-
VI. Circensium tantam curam habuit ut frequenter
e provincia 1 litteras causa circensium et miserit et
2acceperit. denique etiam praesens et cum Marco
sedens multas a Venetianis est passus iniurias, quod
Sturpissime contra eos faveret. nam et Volucri equo
Prasino aureum simulacrum fecerat, quod secum por-
4 tabat. cui quidem passas uvas et nucleos in vicem
hordei in praesepe ponebat, quern sagis fuco tinctis
coopertum in Tiberianam ad se adduci iubebat, cui
5 mortuo sepulchrum in Vaticano fecit, in huius equi
gratiam primum coeperunt equis aurei vel brabia
epostulari. in tanto autem equus ille honore fuit, ut
ei a populo Prasinianorum saepe modius aureorum
7 Profectum eum ad Parthicum bellum Marcus
Capuam prosecutus est ; cumque hide per omnium
villas se ingurgitaret, morbo implicitus apud Canusium
1 e added by Salm. ; prouincialibus P corr.
1 See note to c. iv. 8. 2 i.e. " Flyer ".
8 See note to Pius, x. 4. 4 See Marc., viii. 9 L and note.
VERUS V. 8— VI. 7
the banquet, moreover, they diced until dawn. And
all this was done after the Parthian war, whither
Marcus had sent him, it is said, either that he might
commit his debaucheries away from the city and the
eyes of all citizens, or that he might learn economy
by his travels, or that he might return reformed
through the fear inspired by war, or, finally, that he.
might come to realize that he was an emperor. But
how much good all this did is shown not only by the
rest of his life, but also by this banquet of which we
have just told.
VI. Such interest did Verus take in the circus-
games that frequently even in his province he des-
patched and received letters pertaining to them. And
finally, even at Rome, when he was present and seated
with Marcus, he suffered many insults from the
"Blues,"1 because he had outrageously, as they
maintained, taken sides against them. For he had a
golden statue made of the " Green " horse Volucer,2
and this he always carried around with him ; indeed,
he was wont to put raisins and nuts instead of barley
in this horse's manger and to order him brought to
him, in the House of Tiberius,3 covered with a blanket
dyed with purple, and he built him a tomb, when he
died, on the Vatican Hill. It was because of this horse
that gold pieces and prizes first began to be demanded
for horses, and in such honour was this horse held,
that frequently a whole peck of gold pieces was de-
manded for him by the faction of the " Greens ".
When Verus set out for the Parthian war, Marcus 162
accompanied him as far as Capua 4 ; from there on he
gorged himself in everyone's villa, and in consequence
he was taken sick at Canusium, becoming very ill, so
that his brothor hastened thither to see him. And
aegrotavit. quo ad eum l visendum frater contendit.
Smulta in eius vita ignava et sordida etiam belli tem-
9 pore deteguntur. nam cum interfecto legato, caesis
legionibus, Syris defectionem cogitantibus, oriens
vastaretur, ille in Apulia venabatur et apud Corinthum
et Athenas inter symphonias et cantica navigabat et
per singulas maritimas civitates Asiae Pamphyliae
VII. Ciliciaeque clariores voluptatibus immorabatur. An-
tiochiam posteaquam venit, ipse quidem se luxuriae
dedidit, duces autem confecerunt Parthicum bellum,
Statius Priscus et Avidius Cassius et Martius Verus
per quadriennium, ita ut Babylonem et Mediam per-
2venirent et Armenian! vindicarent partumque ipsi
nomen est Armeniaci, Parthici, Medici, quod etiam
3 Marco Romae agenti delatum est. egit autem per
quadriennium Verus hiemem Laodiceae, aestatem
4 apud Daphnen, reliquam partem Antiochiae. risui
fuit omnibus Syris, quorum multa ioca in theatro in
5 eum dicta exstant. vernas in triclinium Saturnalibus
6 et diebus festis semper admisit. ad Euphraten tamen
impulsum comitum suorum sequendo 2 profectus est.
7 Ephesum etiam rediit, ut Lucillam uxorem, missam a
patre Marco, susciperet, et idcirco maxime ne Marcus
cum ea in Syriam veniret ac flagitia eius adnosceret.
1 So Peter ; quod eum P1 (m later erased). 2 So Peter2;
inpulsum . . . secunde P1 ; inpulsu . . . tecum P corr.
1 Aelius Severianus, governor of Cappadocia ; see note to
Marc., viii. 6.
2 Governor of Cappadocia ; he carried on a successful cam-
paign in Armenia in 164. Later, he informed Marcus of the
revolt of Avidius Cassius (see Dio, Ixxi. 23), and afterwards
became Cassius' successor in the governorship of Syria.
3 See Marc., ix. 1-2 and notes. The Armenian campaign
now in the course of this war there were revealed
many features of Verus' life that were weak and base.
For while a legate was being slain/ while legions
were being slaughtered, while Syria meditated revolt,
and the East was being devastated, Verus was hunt-
O *
ing in Apulia, travelling about through Athens and
Corinth accompanied by orchestras and singers, and
dallying through all the cities of Asia that bordered
on the sea, and those cities of Pamphylia and Cilicia
that were particularly notorious for their pleasure-
resorts. VII. And when he came to Antioch, there
he gave himself wholly to riotous living. H is generals,
meanwhile, Statins Priscus, Avidius Cassius, and
Martius Verus2 for four years conducted the war un-
til they advanced to Babylon and Media, and re-
covered Armenia.3 He, however, gained the names
Armeniacus, Parthicus, and Medicus ; and these were
proffered to Marcus also, who was then living at
Rome. For four years, moreover Verus passed his 163-166
winters at Laodicea, his summers at Daphne, and the
rest of the time at Antioch.4 As far as the Syrians
were concerned, he was an object for ridicule, and
many of the jibes which they uttered against him on
the stage are still preserved. Always, during the
Saturnalia and on holidays he admitted his more
pampered slaves to his dining-room. Finally, how-
ever, at the insistence of his staff he set out for the
Euphrates, but soon, in order to receive his wife
Lucilla, who had been sent thither by her father
Marcus,5 he returned to Ephesus, going there chiefly
in order that Marcus might not come to Syria with
was the first one, then followed the campaigns in Parthia and
4 Of. Marc., viii. 12. 5Cf. Marc., ix. 4.
nam senatui Marcus dixerat se filiam in Syriam de-
Sducturum. confecto sane bello regna regibus, pro-
9 vincias vero comitibus suis regendas dedit. Romam
inde ad triumphum invitus, quod Syriam quasi regnum
suum relinqueret, rediit et pariter cum fratre trium-
phavit, susceptis a senatu nominibus quae in exercitu
10 acceperat. fertur praeterea ad amicae vulgaris arbit-
rium in Syria posuisse barbam ; unde in eum a Syris
multa sunt dicta.
VIII. Fuit eius fati ut in eas provincias per quas
rediit Romam usque luem secum deferre videretur.
2 et nata fertur pestilentia in Babylonia, ubi de templo
Apollinis ex arcula aurea, quam miles forte inciderat,
spiritus pestilens evasit, atque inde Parthos orbemque l
3 complesse. sed hoc non Lucii Veri vitio sed Cassii,
a quo contra fidem Seleucia, quae ut amicos milites
4 nostros receperat, expugnata est. quod quidem inter
ceteros etiam Quadratus, belli Parthici scriptor, in-
cusatis Seleucenis, qui fidem primi ruperant, purgat.
5 Habuit haiic reverentiam Marci Verus, ut nomina
1 urbemgue P.
1 Verus' coins of 166 bear the legends Pax and Pax
2 Armenia, Osroene, and probably other client-kingdoms.
For the coins see note to Marc., ix. 1.
3 Of. Marc., xii. 8 f.
4 Armeniacus, Parthicus Maximus, and Medicus; see
notes to Marc., ix. 1-2.
5 Probably the famous Panthea ; see Marcus,
viii. 37 ; Lucian, Imag.t x. ; xx.
6 Of. Marc., xiii. 3 f.
her and discover his evil deeds. For Marcus had
told the senate that he himself would conduct his
daughter to Syria. Then, after the war was finished,1 166
he assigned kingdoms 2 to certain kings, and provinces
to certain members of his staff, to be ruled, and re-
turned to Rome for a triumph,3 reluctantly, however,
since he was leaving in Syria what almost seemed his
own kingdom. His triumph he shared with his
brother, and from the senate he accepted the names
which he had received in the army.4 It is said,
furthermore, that he shaved off his beard while in
Syria to humour the whim of a low-born mistress* ; 5
and because of this many things were said against
him by the Syrians.
VIII. It was his fate to seem to bring a pestilence
with him to whatever provinces he traversed on his
return, and finally even to Rome.6 It is believed that
this pestilence originated in Babylonia, where a pes-
tilential vapour arose in a temple of Apollo from a
golden casket which a soldier had accidentally cut
open, and that it spread thence over Parthia and
the whole world. Lucius Verus, however, is not to
blame for this so much as Cassius, who stormed
Seleucia in violation or an agreement, after it had
received our soldiers as friends. This act, indeed,
many excuse, and among them Quadratus,7 the his-
torian of the Parthian war, who blames the Seleucians
as the first to break the agreement.
Such respect did Verus have for Marcus, that on
7Asinius Quadratus, author of a history of Rome from
the foundation of the city to the reign of Severus Alexander;
see Suidas, s.v. KoSparos. His history of the Parthian wars is
cited by Stephanus of Byzantium, frag. 12 f. ; see also Av.
Cass., i. 1.
quae sibi delata fuerant cum fratre commtmicaret die
^ triumph!, quern pariter celebrarunt. reversus e
Parthico bello minore circa fratrem cultu fuit Verus ;
nam et libertis inhonestius indulsit et multa sine fratre
' disposuit. his accessit, quod, quasi reges aiiquos ad
triumphum adduceret, sic histriones eduxit e Syria,
quorum praecipuus fuit Maximinus, quern Paridis
8 nomine nuncupavit. villam praeterea exstruxit in Via
Clodia famosissimam, in qua per multos dies et ipse
ingenti luxuria debacchatus est cum libertis suis et
amicis imparibus,1 quorum praesentiae 2 nulla inerat
9 reverentia. et Marcum rogavit, qui venit, ut fratri
venerabilem morum suorum et imitandam. ostenderet
sanctitudinem, et quinque diebus in eadem villa resi-
dens cognitionibus continuis operam dedit, aut con-
lOvivante fratre aut convivia comparante. habuit et
Agrippum histrionem, cui cognomentum erat Mem-
phii, quern et ipsum e Syria veluti tropaeum Parthicum
11 adduxerat. quern Apolaustum nominavit. adduxerat
secum et fidicinas et tibicines et histriones scurrasque
mimarios et praestigiatores et omnia mancipiorum
genera, quorum Syria et Alexandria pascitur voluptate,
prorsus ut videretur bellum non Parthicum sed hist-
rionicum confecisse.
1 So Richter ; paribus P, Peter. 2 praesentiae nulla
Novak ; praesentia ulla P ; in praesentia nuila Peter.
1 See note to c. vii. 9. 2 Cf. c. ix. 3-5.
3 Also mentioned by Fronto. Prin. Hist., p. 209 N.
4 Running N.W. from Rome through central Etruria,
branching off from the Via Cassia near Veii. The villa of
Verus was probably on the Via Cassia, near the modern Acqua
Traversa, north of the Pons Mulvius.
5 i.e. "Enjoyable". After his manumission he took the
name L. Aelius Aurelius Apolaustus Memphiua. He is
the day of the triumph, which they celebrated to-
gether, he shared with his brother the names which
had been granted to himself.1 After he had returned
from the Parthian war. however. Verus exhibited less
regard for his brother; for he pampered his freedmen -
shamefully, and settled many things without his
» v
brother's counsel. Besides all this, he brought actors
out of Syria8 as proudly as though he were leading
kings to a triumph. The chief of these was Max.-
miiius. on whom he bestowed the name Paris. Further-
more, he built an exceedingly notorious yilla on the
«- *
Clodian Way.4 and he-re he not only reyelled himself
for many days at a time in boundless extravagance
• •
together With his freedmen and friends of inferior
rank in whose presence he felt no shame, but he eyen
invited Marcus. Marcus came, in order to display to
his brother the purity of his own moral code as
worthy of respect and imitation, and for rive days, stay-
ing in the same villa, he busied himself continuously
with the examination of law-cases, while his brother,
in the meantime, was either banqueting or preparing
banquets. Verus maintained also the actor A^rippus,
surnamed Memphius, whom he had brought with him
from Syria, almost as a trophy of the Parthian war,
and named Apolaustus^.5 He had brought with him,
too. players of the harp and the Mute, actors and
jesters from the mimes, juii^ltrs. and all kinds of
slaves in whose entertainment Syria and Alexandria
find pleasure, and in such numbers, indeed, that he
seemed to have concluded a war. not against Parthians,
but against actors.
commemorated in numerous inscriptions, and he received
many local honours in the cities of Italy. He was put to
death in 139 ; see Com., vii. 1.
IX. Et hanc vitae diversitatem T atque alia multa
inter Marcum et Verum simultates fecisse, noil
aperta veritas indicabat, sed occultus rumor inseverat.
2verum illud praecipuum quod, cum Libonem quendam
patruelem suum Marcus legatum in Syriam misisset,
atque ille se insolentius quam verecundus senator
efferret, dicens ad fratrem suum se 2 scripturum esse
si quid 3 forte dubitaret, nee Verus praesens pati pos-
set, subitoque morbo notis prope veneni exsistentibus
interisset, visum est nonnullis, non tamen Marco, quod
eius fraude putaretur occisus. quae res simultatum
auxit rumorem.
3 Liberti multum potuerunt apud Verum, ut in vita
Marci diximus, Geminas et Agaclytus, cui dedit invito
4 Marco Libonis uxorem. denique nuptiis a Vero 4
5 celebratis Marcus convivio non interfuit. habuit et
alios libertos Verus improbos, Coeden et Eclectum
^ ceterosque. quos omnes Marcus post mortem Veri
specie honoris abiecit 5 Eclecto retento, qui postca
Commodum filium eius occidit.
1 Ad bellum Germanicum, Marcus quod nollet
Lucium sine se vel ad bellum mittere vel in urbe
dimitter > causa luxuriae, simul profecti sunt atque
Aquileiam venerunt invitoque Lucio Alpes transgress!,
1 haec . . . diuersitas P. 2 fratrem suum se Peter ; fra-
il es suos P. *qui P. 4 ab Vero Peter; habero P.
5 adiccit P.
1 Probably the M. Annius Libo named in a senatus con-
sultum of the time of Pius ; see C.I.L., iii. p. 70GO.
2 Marc., xv. 2.
3Cf. Com., xv. 2. The identification, however, of Verus'
freedman with Eclectus, the murderer of Commodus, has
been doubted.
4 Cf. Marc., xiv. and notes.
IX. This diversity in their manner of life, as well as
many other causes, bred dissensions between Marcus
and Verus — or so it was bruited about by obscure
rumours although never established on the basis of
manifest truth. But, in particular, this incident was
mentioned : Marcus sent a certain Libo,1 a cousin
of his, as his legate to Syria, and there Libo acted
more insolently than a respectful senator should,
saying that he would write to his cousin if he
happened to need any advice. But Verus, who was
there in Syria, could not suffer this, and when, a little
later, Libo died after a sudden illness accompanied
by all the symptoms of poisoning, it seemed probable
to some people, though not to Marcus, that Verus
was responsible for his death ; and this suspicion
strengthened the rumours of dissensions between the
Verus' freedmen, furthermore, had great influence
with him, as we related in the Life of Marcus,2
namely Geminas and Agaclytus. To the latter of
these he gave the widow of Libo in marriage against
the wishes of Marcus ; indeed, when Verus celebrated
the marriage ceremony Marcus did not attend the
banquet. Verus had other unscrupulous freedmen
as well, Coedes and Eclectus and others. All of these
Marcus dismissed after Verus' death, under pretext
of doing them honour, with the exception of Eclectus,
and lie afterwards slew Marcus' son, Commodus.3
When the German war broke out, the two Em- 166
perors went to the front together, for Marcus wished
neither to send Lucius to the war alone, nor yet, be-
cause of his debauchery, to leave him in the city.
When they had come to Aquileia,4 they proceeded to
cross the Alps, though this was contrary to Lucius'
8 cum Verus apud Aquileiam tantum venatus1 con-
vivatucque esset, Marcus autem omnia prospexisset.
9de quo bello quid 2 per legates barbarorum pacem
petentium, quid3 per duces nostros gestum est, in
10 Marci vita plenissime disputatum est. composito
autem bello in Pannonia urguente Lucio Aquileiam
redierunt,4 quodque 5 urbanas desiderabat Lucius
11 voluptates in urbem festinatum 6 est. sed non longe
ab Altino subito in vehiculo morbo, quern apoplexin
vocant, correptus Lucius depositus e vehiculo detracto
sanguine Altinum perductus, cum triduo mutus
vixisset, apud Altinum periit.
X. Fuit sermo quod et socrum Faustinam incestas-
set. et dicitur Faustinae socrus dolo aspersis ostreis
veneno exstinctus esse, idcirco quod consuetudinem
2quam cum matre habuerat filiae prodidisset. quamvis
et ilia fabula quae in Marci vita posita est abhorrens
3 a talis viri vita sit exorta, cum multi etiam uxori eius
flagitium mortis adsignent, et idcirco quod Fabiae
nimium indulserat Verus, cutus potentiam uxor
4 Lucilla 7 ferre non posset, tanta sane familiaritas
inter Lucium et Fabiam sororem fuit, ut 8 hoc quoque
usurpaverit rumor quod inierint consilium ad Marcum
56 vita tollendum, idque cum esset per Agaclytum
1 uectatus P. " quid Novak ; quidem P ; quidcm quid
Peter. "'quidem P. 4 redicret Pb ; rediret Pa. 5 quoque P.
6festincitiimPeter; destination P. 7 Lucilla Mommsen ;
lucii P ; uel Marci P corr. 8 ut Novak ; ut si P ; uti Peter.
.j xiv. 3-4.
8 In Venetia, at the mouth of the Plavis (Piave) ; its modern
name is Altino.
VERUS IX. 8— X. 5
desire ; for as long as they remained in Aquileia he did
nothing but hunt and banquet while Marcus made
all the plans. As far as this war was concerned, we
have very fully discussed in the Life of Marcus l what
was accomplished by the envoys of the barbarians
when they sued for peace and what was accomplished
by our generals. When the war in Pannonia was
settled, they returned to Aquileia at Lucius' insistence,
and then, because he yearned for the pleasures of
the city, they hastened cityward. But not far from
Altinum, Lucius, while in his carriage, was suddenly
stricken with the sickness which they call apoplexy,
and after he had been set down from his carriage
and bled, he was taken to Altinum,2 and here he 169
died, after living for three days unable to speak.
X. There was gossip to the effect that he had
violated his mother-in-law Faustina. And it is said
that his mother-in-law killed him treacherously by
having poison sprinkled on his oysters, because he
had betrayed to the daughter 3 the amour he had
had with the mother. However, there arose also
that other story related in the Life of Marcus,4 one
utterly inconsistent with the character of such a man.
Many, again, fastened the crime of his death upon
his wife, since Verus had been too complaisant to
Fabia, and her power his wife Lucilla could not en-
dure. Indeed, Lucius and his sister Fabia did be-
come so intimate that gossip went so far as to claim
that they had entered into a conspiracy to make
away with Marcus, and that when this was betrayed
to Marcus by the freedman Agaclytus, Faustina cir-
3 Lucilla.
4 Apparently the one contained in Marc., xv. 5, and re-
peated in the appendix to this biography, c. xi. 2.
libertum proditum Marco, anteventum1 Lucium
a Faustina,2 ne praeveniret.
6 Fuit decorus corpore, vultu geniatus, barba prope
barbarice demissa, procerus et fronte in supercilia ad-
7 ductiore venerabilis. dicitur sane tantam habuisse
curam flaventium capillorum, ut capiti auri ramenta
respergeret, quo magis coma inluminata flavesceret.
8 lingua impeditior fuit, aleae cupidissimus, vitae
semper luxuriosae atque in pluribus Nero praeter
9 crudelitatem et ludibria. habuit inter alium luxuriae
apparatum calicem crystallinum nomine Volucrem ex
eius equi nomine quern dilexit, humanae potionis3
modum supergressum.
XI. Vixit annis quadraginta duobus. imperavit
cum fratre annis undecim. inlatumque eius corpus
est Hadriani sepulchro, in quo et Caesar pater eius
naturalis sepultus est.
2 Nota est fabula, quam Marci non capit vita, quod
partem vulvae veneno inlitam, cum earn exsecuisset
cultro una parte venenato, Marcus Vero porrexerit.
3 sed hoc 4 nefas est de Marco putari, quamvis Veri et
4 cogitata et facta mereantur. quod nos non in medio
relinquemus sed totum purgatum confutatumque
respuimus, cum adhuc post Marcum praeter vestram
clementiam, Diocletiane Auguste, imperatorem talem
nee adulatio videatur potuisse confingere.
lante aduentum P. 2 a Faustina Mommsen; a omitted
in P. 3 positionis P. 4 se ad hoc P.
J Of. Dio, Ixxi. 3, 1 = Zonaras, xii. 2. 2See c. vi. 3.
3 Evidently an error, for he was born 15 Dec., 130 (c. i.
8), and died in Jan., 169.
4 An error; his reign was 161-169.
5 Of. More., xx. 1 and note. 6 See note to c. x. 2.
VERUS X. 6— XI. 4
cumvented Lucius in fear that he might circumvent
Verus was well-proportioned in person and genial
of expression. His beard was allowed to grow long,
almost in the style of the barbarians ; he was tall,
and stately in appearance, for his forehead projected
somewhat over his eyebrows. He took such pride
in his yellow hair, it is said, that he used to sift
gold-dust on his head in order that his hair, thus
brightened, might seem yellower. He was some-
what halting in speech, a reckless gambler, ever of
an extravagant mode of life, and in many respects,
save only that he was not cruel or given to acting,
a second Nero. Among other articles of extrava-
gance he had a crystal goblet, named Volucer after
that horse of which he had been very fond,2 that
surpassed the capacity of any human draught.
XI. He lived forty- two years,3 and, in company
with his brother, reigned eleven.4 His body was
laid in the Tomb of Hadrian,5 where Caesar, his real
father, was also buried.
There is a well-known story,6 which Marcus'
manner oflife will not warrant, that Marcus handed
Verus part of a sow's womb which he had poisoned
by cutting it with a knife smeared on one side with
poison. But it is wrong even to think of such a deed
in connection with Marcus, although the plans and
deeds of Verus may have well deserved it ; nor shall
we leave the matter undecided, but rather reject it
discarded and disproved, since from the time of
Marcus onward, with the exception of your Clemency,
Diocletian Augustus, not even flattery, it seems, has
been able to fashion such an emperor.
I. Avidius Cassius, ut quidam volunt, ex familia
Cassiorum fuisse dicitur, per matrem tamen ; homine
novo 2 genitus Avidio Severo, qui crdines duxerat et
2 post ad summas dignitates pervenerat. cuius Quad-
ratus in historiis meminit, et quidem graviter, cum
ilium summum virum et necessarium rei publicae
Sadserit et apud ipsum Marcum praevalidum. nam
iam eo imperante perisse tatali sorte perhibetur.
4 Hie ergo Cassius ex familia, ut diximus, Cassiorum,
qui in curia in C. lulium3 conspiraverant, oderat
tacite principatum nee ferre poterat imperatorium
nomen dicebatque esse eo gravius nomen4 imperii,
quod non posset e re publica tolli nisi per alterum
:In P the 9th Vita, i.e. following Pertinax. 2 homine
nouo genitus Klebs, Prosop. i. p. 188 ; homine omitted in P ;
auo genitus Peter (vulg.). 2 So P corr. ; in ciuilium P1.
4 Thus Peter with Mommsen ; esse gramus nomine P.
irThe honorary title of Vir Clarissimus was regularly
borne by senators during the later empire.
3 In reality his name was C. Avidius Heliodorus. A native
of Cyrrhus in Syria (see Dio, Ixxi. 22, 2), he was made im-
perial secretary by Hadrian, and was prefect of Egypt under
Antoninus; see C.I.L., iii. 6025= Dessau, Ins. Set., 2615.
He is probably to be identified with tihephilosophus Heliodorus,
mentioned in Hadr., xvi. 10. The expression novus homo
Of the Senatorial Order.1
I. Avidius Cassius is said, according to the state-
ments of some, to have belonged to the family of the
Cassii, but only on his mother's side. His father was
Avidius Severus,2 the first of the family to hold public
office, who at first commanded in the ranks,3 but later
attained to the highest honours of the state. Quadra -
tus4 mentions him in his history, and certainly with
all respect, for he declares that he was a very distin-
guished man, both indispensable to the state and in-
fluential with Marcus himself; for he succumbed to
the decrees of fate, it is said, when Marcus had
already begun to rule.
Now Cassius, sprung, as we have said, from the
family of the Cassii who conspired against Gaius
Julius,5 secretly hated the principate and could not
brook even the title of emperor, saying that the name
of empire was all the more onerous because an
was regularly used, as here, to denote the man who was the
first of his family to hold public office.
3 As chief centurion of a legion, or primus pilus ; the ex-
pression is regularly used in this sense ; see Maxim., iv. 4 ;
Firm., xiv. 2 ; Prob., iii. 2.
4 See note to Ver., viii. 4.
5 i.e. C. Cassius Longinus and C. Cassius Parmensis.
^ imperatorem. denique temptasse in pueritia dicitur
extorquere etiam Pio principatura, sed per patrem,
virum sanctum et gravem, adfectionem tyrannidis
latuisse, habitum tamen semper a ducibus suspectum.
} Vero autem ilium parasse insidias, ipsius Veri epistula
indicat, quam inserui. ex epistula Veri : " Avidius
Cassius avidus est, quantum et mihi videtur et iam1
sub avo meo, patre tuo, innotuit, imperii ; quern velim
8observari iubeas. omnia ei nostra displicent,2 opes
non mediocres parat, litteras nostras ridet. te phil-
osopham aniculam, me luxuries um morionem vocat.
vide quid agendum sit. ego hominem non odi, sed
vide ne tibi et liberis tuis non bene consulas,3 cum
talem inter praecinctos habeas qualem milites libenter
•*- audiunt, libenter vident." rescriptum Marci de
Avidio Cassio : "Epistulam tuam legi, sollicitam
potius quam4 imperatoriam et non nostri temporis.
2 nam si ei divinitus debetur imperium, non poterimus
interficere, etiamsi velimus. scis enim proavi tui
dictum: 'successorem suum nullus occidit'. sin
minus, ipse sponte sine nostra crudelitate fatales
3 laqueos incident, adde quod non possumus reum
facere, quern et nullus accusat et, ut ipse dicis, milites
1 inde, following iam in P, removed by Novak. 2 omnia
ei nostra displicent P corr. (edipliceni P1) ; omnia enim nostra
ei d. Peter. 3consu1at P. 4 quam omitted by P1, added
by P corr.
1 It is now generally agreed that the letters and other al-
leged documents contained in this vita are pure forgeries, and
the same is in general true about the other documents of this
sort in the Historia Augusta; see Intro., p. xx.
2 Pius. The allusion to Pius as the grandfather of Verus
is in itself enough to prove the letter a forgery, since it pre-
supposes that Verus was adopted by Marcus, which was not
emperor could not be removed from the state except
by another emperor. In his youth, they say, he tried
to wrest the empire from Pius too, but through his
father, a righteous and worthy man, he escaped de-
tection in this attempt to seize the throne, though he
continued to be suspected by Pius' generals. Against
Verus he organized a genuine conspiracy, as a letter
of Verus' own, which I append, makes clear. Extract
from the letter of Verus l : " Avidius Cassius is avid
for the throne, as it seems to me and as was well-
known in the reign of my grandfather,2 your father ;
I wish you would have him watched. Everything we
do displeases him, he is amassing no inconsiderable
wealth, and he laughs at our letters. He calls you
a philosophical old woman, me a half-witted spend-
thrift. Consider what should be done. I do not dis-
like the man, but look to it lest you take too little
heed for yourself and for your children when you
keep in active service a man whom the soldiers are
glad to hear and glad to see." II. Marcus' answer
concerning Avidius Cassius ; " I have read your letter,
which is that of a disquieted man rather than that of
a general, and one not worthy of our times. For if
the empire is divinely decreed to be his, we cannot
slay him even should we so desire. Remember what
your great-grandfather3 used to say, 'No one ever
kills his successor '. And if this is not the case, he
will of himself fall into the toils of fate without any
act of cruelty on our part. Add that we cannot judge
a man guilty whom no one has accused, and whom,
as you say yourself, the soldiers love. Furthermore,
the case ; see note to Marc., v. 1. The forger is not consistent,
for in c. ii. 5 Hadrian is referred to as Verus' grandfather.
3 Trajan.
4amant. deinde in causis maiestatis haec natura est
ut videantur vim pati etiam quibus probatur. scis
enim ipse quid avus tuus Hadrianus dixerit : ' misera
condicio imperatorura, quibus de adfectata1 tyrannide
6 nisi occisis non potest credi '. eius autem exemplum
ponere malui2 quam Domitiani, qui hoc primus dixisse
fertur. tyrannorum enim etiam bona dicta noil habent
7tantum auctoritatis quantum debent. sibi ergo
habeat suos mores, maxime cum bonus dux sit et
Sseverus et fortis et rei publicae necessarius. nam
quod dicis, liberis meis cavendum esse morte illius ;
plane liberi mei pereant, si magis amari merebitur
Avidius quam illi, et si rei publicae expediet, Cassium
vivere quam liberos Marci." haec de Cassio Verus,
haec Marcus.
III. Sed nos hominis naturam et mores breviter ex-
plicabimus. neque enim plura de his sciri possunt,
quorum vitam et inlu*-trare nullus audet eorum causa
2 a quibus oppressi fuerint. addemus autem quemad-
modum ad imperium venerit et quemadmodum sit
Soccisus et ubi victus. proposui enim, Diocletiane
Auguste, omnes qui imperatorum nomen sive iusta
causa sive iniusta 3 habuerunt, in litteras mittere, ut
omnes purpuratos Augustos cognosceres.
4 Fuit his moribus, ut nonnumquam trux et asper
videretur, aliquando mitis et lenis, saepe religiosus,
alias contemptor sacrorum, avidus vini item abstinens,
1 adfectata Petschenig ; adfectu P ; adfecta Peter. 3 malui
omitted by P1, supplied by P corr. 3 sine iusta causa sine
iniusta Novak ; sine iniusta P1 ; siue iuste sine iniuste P
corr. ; siue iusta ex causa siue iniusta Peter with Mommsen.
It is attributed to Domitian in Suet., Dom., xxi.
a Of. Aelt i. 1.
in cases of treason it is inevitable that even those who
have been proved guilty seem to suffer injustice. For
you know yourself what your grandfather Hadrian
said, ' Unhappy is the lot of emperors, who are never
believed when they accuse anyone of pretending to the
throne, until after they are slain '. I have preferred,
moreover, to quote this as his, rather than as Domi-
tian's,1 who is reported to have said it first, for good
sayings when uttered by tyrants have not as much
weight as they deserve. So let Cassius keep his own
ways, especially as he is an able general and a stern
and brave man, and since the state has need of him.
And as for your statement that I should take heed for
my children by killing him, by all means let my
children perish, if Avidius be more deserving of love
than they and if it profit the state for Cassius to live
rather than the children of Marcus." Thus did Verus,
thus did Marcus, write about Cassius.
III. But let us briefly portray the nature and char-
acter of the man ; for not very much can be known
about those men whose lives no one has dared to
render illustrious through fear of those by whom they
were overcome. We will add, moreover, how he
came to the throne, and how he was killed, and where
he was conquered. .For I have undertaken, Diocle-
tian Augustus, to set down in writing the lives of all
who have held the imperial title2 whether rightfully
or without right, in order that you may become ac-
quainted with all the emperors that have ever worn
the purple.
Such was his character, then, that sometimes he
seemed stern and savage, sometimes mild and gentle,
often devout and again scornful of sacred things,
addicted to drink and also temperate, a lover of eat-
cibi adpetens et mediae patiens, Veneris cupidus et
5 castitatis amator. nee defuerunt qui ilium Catilinam
vocarent, cum et ipse se ita gauderet appellari, addens
futurum se Sergium si dialogistam occidisset, An-
Gtoninum hoc nomine significans., qui tantum enituit
in philosophia, ut iturus ad bellum Marcomannicum,
timentibus cunctis ne quid fatale proveniret, rogatus
sit non adulatione sed serio, ut praecepta philosophiae
7 ederet. nee ille timuit, sed per ordinem paraeneseos 1
8 per triduum disputavit. fuit praeterea disciplinae
militaris Avidius Cassius tenax et qui se Marium dici
IV. Quoniam de severitate illius dicere coepimus,
multa exstant crudelitatis potius quam severitatis eius
2 indicia, nam primum milites qui aliquid provincialibus
tulissent per vim, in illis ipsis locis, in quibus peccave-
3 rant, in crucem sustulit. primus etiam id suppliciigenus
mvenit, ut stipitem grandem poneret pedum octoginta
et centum2 et a summo usque ad imum damnatos
ligaret et ab imo focum adponeret incensisque aliis
4alios fumo, cruciatu, timore etiam necaret. idem
denos catenates in profluentem mergi iubebat vel in
5 mare, idem multis desertoribus manus excidit, aliis
crura incidit ac poplites, dicens maius exemplum esse
1 The words hoc est praeceptionum, which follow paraeneseos
in P, removed by Gas. 2 The words id est materiam,
following centum in P, removed by Gas.
1 Apparently in allusion to Catiline's plan for the murder
of Cicero, although Sallust's description of Catiline seems also
to have been in the writer's mind.
2 The T& €jy tavrov in 12 books.
ing yet able to endure hunger, a devotee of Venus
and a lover of chastity. Nor were there lacking those
\vho called him a second Catiline,1 and indeed he re-
joiced to hear himself thus called, and added that he
would really be a Sergius if he killed the philoso-
phizer, meaning by that name Antoninus. For the
emperor was so illustrious in philosophy that when
he was about to set out for the Marcomannic war,
and everyone was fearful that some ill-luck might be-
fall him, he was asked, not in flattery but in all
seriousness, to publish his " Precepts of Philoso-
phy " ; 2 and he did not fear to do so, but for three
days discussed the books of his " Exhortations " one
after the other. Moreover, Avidius Cassius was a
strict disciplinarian and wished to be called a
IV. And since we have begun to speak of his strict-
ness, there are many indications of what must be called
savagery, rather than strictness, on his part. For, in
the first place, soldiers who had forcibly seized any-
thing from the provincials he crucified on the very
spot where they had committed the crime. He was
the first, moreover, to devise the following means
of punishment: after erecting a huge post, 180
feet high, and binding condemned criminals on it from
top to bottom, he built a fire at its base, and so burned
some of them and killed the others by the smoke,
the pain, and even by the fright. Besides this, he
had men bound in chains, ten together, and thrown
into rivers or even the sea. Besides this, he cut off
the hands of many deserters, and broke the legs and
hips of others, saying that a criminal alive and
3 As the type of a stern disciplinarian and successful
6 viventis l miserabiliter criminosi quam occisi. cum
exercitum duceret, et inscio ipso manus auxiliaria
centurionibus suis auctoribus tria milia Sarmatarum
neglegentius agentum in Danuvii ripis occidissent et
cum praeda ingenti ad eum redissent speraiitibus
centurionibus praemium, quod perparva manu tantum
hostium segnius agentibus tribunis et ignorantibus
occidissent, rapi eos iussit et in crucem tolli servilique
supplicio adfici, quod exemplum non exstabat, dicens
evenire potuisse ut essent insidiae, ac periret Roman!
7 imperii reverentia. et cum ingens seditio in exercitu 2
orta esset, processit nudus campestri solo tectus et
ait, " Percutite," inquit, "me, si audetis, et corruptae
Sdisciplinae facinus addite". tune conquiescentibus
9 cunctis meruit timeri, quia ipse 3 non timuit. quae
res tantum disciplinae Romanis addidit, tantum ter-
roris barbaris iniecit, ut pacem annorum centum ab
Antonino absente peterent ; si quidem viderant
damnatos Romani ducis iudicio etiam eos qui contra
fas vicerant.
V. De hoc multa gravia contra militum licentiam
facta inveniuntur apud Aemilium Parthenianum, qui
adfectatores tyraimidis iam inde a veteribus historiae
2tradidit. nam et virgis caesos in foro et in mediis
1 auiuentis (a later erased) P; aduiuentis Peter2 with
Baehrens. 2in extrcitum orta P, Peter. 3ipse om. by
1 Known only from this citation.
wretched was a more terrible example than one who
had been put to death. Once when he was com-
manding the army, a band of auxiliaries, at the sug-
gestion of their centurions and without his knowledge,
slaughtered 3,000 Sarmatians, who were camping
somewhat carelessly on the bank of the Danube, and
returned to him with immense plunder. But when
the centurions expected a reward because they had
slain such a host of the enemy with a very small force
while the tribunes were passing their time in indolence
and were even ignorant of the whole affair, he had
them arrested and crucified, and punished them with
the punishment of slaves, for which there was no
precedent; "It might," he said, "have been an
ambush, and the barbarians' awe for the Roman
Empire might have been lost." And when a fierce
mutiny arose in the camp, he issued forth clad only
in a wrestler's loin-cloth and said : " Strike me, if
you dare, and add the crime of murder to breach of
discipline". Then, as all grew quiet, he was held in
well deserved fear, because he had shown no fear
himself. Tin's incident so strengthened discipline
among the Romans and struck such terror into the
barbarians, that they besought the absent Antoninus
for a hundred years' peace, since they had seen even
those who conquered, if they conquered wrongfully,
sentenced to death by the decision of a Roman
V. Many of the stern measures he took to put down
the licence of the soldiers are recorded in the works
of Aemilius Parthenianus,1 who has related the history
of the pretenders to the throne from ancient times
even to the present. For example, after openly
beating them with the lictors' rods in the forum and
castris securi percussit, qui ita meruerunt, et manus
3 multis amputavit. et praeter laridum ac buccellatum
atque acetum militem in expeditione portare prohi-
buit et si aliud quippiam repperit luxuriem lion levi
4supplico adfecit. exstat de hoc epistula divi Marci
5 ad praefectum suuin tails: "Avidio Cassio legiones
Syriacas dedi difflueiites luxuria et Daphnidis mori-
bus agentes, quas totas excaldantes se repperisse Cae-
6 sonius Vectilianus scripsit. et puto me non errasse,
si quidem et tu notum habeas Cassium, hominem
7Cassianae severitatis et disciplinae. neque enim
milites regi possunt nisi vetere disciplina. scis enim
versum a bono poeta dictum et omnibus frequenta-
tum :
' Moribus antiquis res stat Romana virisque.
8tu tantum fac adsint legionibus abunde commeatus,
quos, si bene Avidium novi, scio non perituros."
9 praefecti ad Marcum : " Recte consuluisti, mi domine,
10 quod Cassium praefecisti l Syriacis legionibus. nihil
enim tarn expedit quam homo severior Graecanicis
11 militibus. ille sane omnes excaldationes, omnes
12flores de capite collo et sinu militi excutiet. annona
militaris omnis parata est, neque quicquam deest sub
bono duce ; non enim multum aut quaeritur aut
VI. impenditur." nee fefellit de se indicium habitum.
lpraefecisti P corr. ; pratfectis P1.
1 Also brought as a reproach against the Syrian army in
Alex., liii. 2.
2 A line from Ennius' Annales, quoted in Cicero, de Rep.,
v. ; see Augustinus, Civ. Dei, ii. 21.
in the midst of the camp, he beheaded those who de-
served it with the axe, and in numerous instances
cut off his soldiers' hands. He forbade the soldiers,
moreover, to carry anything when on the march save
lard and biscuit and vinegar, and if he discovered any-
thing else he punished the breach of discipline with
no light hand. There is a letter concerning Cassius
that the Deified Marcus wrote to his prefect, running
somewhat as follows : " I have put Avidius Cassius
in command of the Syrian legions, which are running
riot in luxury and conducting themselves with the
morals of Daphne ; concerning these legions Caesonius
Vectilianus has written that he found them all ac-
customed to bathe in hot water.1 And I think I have
made no mistake, for you too know Cassius, a man
of true Cassian strictness and rigour. Indeed, the
soldiers cannot be controlled except by the ancient
discipline. You know what the good poet says, a line
universally quoted :
'The state of Rome is rooted in the men and
manners of the olden time.' 2
Do you take care only that provisions are abundantly
provided for the legions, for if I have judged Avidius
correctly I know that they will not be wasted." The
prefect's answer to Marcus runs : " You planned
wisely, Sire, when you put Cassius in command of
the Syrian legions. Nothing benefits Grecianized
soldiers like a man who is somewhat strict. He will
certainly do away with all warm baths, and will
strike all the flowers from the soldiers' heads and
necks and breasts. Food for the soldiers is all pro-
vided ; and nothing is lacking under an able general,
for but little is either asked or expended." VI. And
nam statim et ad signa edici iussit et programma in
parietibus fixit, ut, si quis cinctus inveniretur apud
2 Daphnen, discinctus rediret. arma militum septima
die semper respexit, vestimenta etiam et calciamenta
et ocreas, delicias omnes de castris summovit iussitque
eos hiemem sub pellibus agere nisi corrigerent suos
3 mores ; et egissent, nisi honestius vixissent. exer-
citium septimi diei fuit omnium militum, ita ut et
4sagittas mitterent et armis luderent. dicebat enim
miserum esse, cum exercerenturathletae venatores et
gladiatores, non exerceri milites ; quibus minor esset
futurus labor, si consuetus esset.
5 Ergo correcta disciplina et in Armenia et in Arabia
6 et in Aegypto res optime gessit amatusque est ab
omnibus oriental ibus et speciatim ab Antiochensibus,
qui etiam imperio eius consenserunt, ut docet Marius
7 Maximus in vita divi Marci. nam et cum1 Bucolici
milites per Aegyptum gravia multa facerent, ab hoc
retunsi sunt, ut item 2 Marius Maximus refert in eo
libro quern secundum de vita Marci Antonini edidit.
VII. Hie imperatorem se in oriente appellavit, ut
1 cum et P. 3 item P ; idem Peter.
1 Discinctus means " deprived of his sword-belt " — a
punishment inflicted upon disobedient soldiers.
2 An attempt to summarize the important and brilliant
campaign of 164-106, in which Cassius drove the Parthians
out of Syria, overran Mesopotamia, and finally captured
Ctesiphon, the Parthian capital ; see Marc., ix. 1; Ver., vii.
1-2 ; Dio, hod. 2.
Cassius did not disappoint the expectation that had
been formed of him, for he immediately had the
proclamation made at assembly, and posted notices
on the walls, that if any one were discovered at
Daphne in his uniform he would return without it.1
Regularly once a week he inspected his soldiers'
equipment, even their clothes and shoes and leggings,
and he banished all dissipation from the camp and
issued an order that they would pass the winter in
their tents if they did not mend their ways ; and they
would have done so, had they not conducted them-
selves more respectably. Once a week there was a
drill of all the soldiers, in which they even shot
arrows and engaged in contests in the use of arms.
For he said that it was shameful that soldiers should
not be trained, while athletes, wild beast fighters and
gladiators were, for the soldiers' future labours, if
familiar to them, would be less onerous.
And so, having stiffened military discipline, he
conducted affairs in Armenia and Arabia and Egypt
with the greatest success.2 He was well loved by
all the eastern nations, especially by the citizens of
Antioch, who even acquiesced in his rule, as Marius
Maximus relates in his Life of the Deified Marcus.
And when the warriors of the Bucolici did many
grievous things in Egypt, they were checked by
Cassius,3 as Marius Maximus also relates in the
second book of those he published on the Life of
VII. Finally, while in the East,4 he proclaimed him- 175
8 See Marc., xxi. 2 and note.
4 After his victorious campaign against the Parthians he
was appointed governor-general of all the eastern provinces ;
see Dio, Ixxi. 3, 1.
quidam dicunt, Faustina volente, quae valetudini Marci
iam diffidebat et timebat, ne infantes filios tueri sola
non posset, atque aliquis exsisteret, qui capta statione
2regia infantes de medio tolleret. alii autem dicunt,
hanc artem adhibuisse militibus et provincialibus
Cassium contra Marci amorem, ut sibi posset con-
sentiri, quod diceret Marcum diem suum obisse.
3 nam et divum eum appellasse dicitur, ut desiderium
illius leniret.
4 Imperatorio animo cum processisset, eum qui sibi
aptaverat ornamenta regia statim praefectum prae-
torii fecit ; qui et ipse occisus est Antonino invito ab
exercitu, qui et Maecianum, cui erat commissa
Alexandria quique consenserat l spe participatus
Cassio, invito atque ignorante Antonino interemit.
5 Nee tamen Antoninus graviter est iratus rebellione
cognita nee in eius liberos aut adfectus saevit.
6 senatus ilium hostem appellavit bonaque eius pro-
scripsit. quae Antoninus in privatum aerarium con-
geri noluit, quare senatu praecipiente in aerarium
7 publicum sunt relata. nee Romae terror defuit, cum
1 senserat P.
1So also Hare., xxiv. 6, and Dio, Ixxi. 22, 3 f. Dio adds
the not improbable story that Faustina bade Cassius hold
himself in readiness, in case aught befell Marcus, to marry
her and seize the sovereignty, and that when a false report of
Marcus* death was brought he declared himself emperor.
According to o. ix. 9, the version in the text was given by
Marius Maxiinus.
2 i.e. on receipt of the report of his death ; see last note.
3 Cf. Marc., xxv. 4.
4 The prefect of Egypt, Flavius Calvisius, declared for
Oassius; see Dio, Ixxi. 28, 3. Evidence that Egypt recog-
nized him as emperor is afforded by a papyrus, dated in the
self emperor, some say, at the wish of Faustina,1 who
now despaired of Marcus' health and was afraid that
she would be unable to protect her infant children by
herself, and that some one would arise and seize the
throne and make away with the children. Others,
however, say that Cassius employed an artifice with
the soldiers and provincials to overcome their love for
Marcus so that they would join him, saying that
Marcus had met his end. ' And, indeed, he called him
"the Deified," 2 it is said, in order to lessen their grief
for him.
When his plan of making himself emperor had
been put into effect, he forthwith appointed prefect
of the guard the man who had invested him with the
imperial insignia. This man was later put to death
by the army 3 against the wishes of Antoninus. The
army also slew Aiaecianus, in whose charge Alexandria
had been placed ; he had joined Cassius4 in the hope
of sharing the sovereignty with him, and he too was
slain against the wishes and without the knowledge
of Antoninus.
For all that, Antoninus was not seriously angered
on learning of this revolt, nor did he vent his rage
on Cassius' children or on his kin. 7"he senate,
however, pronounced him a public enemy and con-
fiscated his property.5' But Antoninus was unwilling
that this should be forfeited to the privy-purse, and
so, at the bidding of the senate, it was delivered to
the public treasury. And there was no slight con-
sternation at Rome ; for many said that Avidius
Cassius would advance on the city in the absence of
first year of Imperator Caesar Julius Avidius Cassius ; see
Bull. Inst. Egypt., vii. (1896), p. 123.
5Cf. Marc., xxiv. 9.
quidam Avidium Cassium dicerent absente Antonino,
qui nisi a voluptariis unice amabatur, Romam esse
venturum atque urbem tyrannice direpturum, maxime
senatorum causa, qui eum hostem iudicaverant bonis
Sproscriptis. et amor Antonini hoc maxime enituit,
quod consensu omnium praeter Antiochenses Avidius
9 interemptus est ; quern quidem occidi non iussit sed
passus est, cum apud cunctos clarum esset, si pote-
VIII. statis suae fuisset, parsurum l illi fuisse. caput eius
ad Antoninum cum delatum esset, ille non exsultauit,
non elatus est, sed etiam doluit ereptam sibi esse
occasionem miser icordiae, cum diceret se vivum
ilium voluisse capere, ut illi exprobraret beneficia
2sua eumque servaret. denique cum quidam diceret
reprehendendum Antoninum, quod tarn mitis esset in
hostem suum eiusque liberos et adfectus atque omnes
quos conscios tyrannidis repperisset, addente illo qui
reprehendebat " Quid si ille vicisset ? " dixisse dicitur
" Non sic deos coluimus nee sic vivimus, ut ille nos
Svinceret". enumeravit deinde omnes principes qui
occisi essent habuisse causas quibus mererentur occidi,
nee quemquam facile bonum vel victum a tyranno vel
4occisum, dicens meruisse Neronem, debuisse Cali-
gulam, Othonem et Vitellium nee imperare voluisse.
1 parsurum P corr. ; passurum P1.
1Cf. Marc., xxv. 3. According to Dio, Ixxi. 27, 2-3,
Cassins was killed by two petty-officers, who then took his
head to Marcus.
2 Nero committed suicide in order to escape death at the
hands of the guard after Galba had been proclaimed emperor
and he himself had been declared a public enemy by the
senate ; see Suet., Nero, xlvii.-xlix. Caligula was assassinated
by two officers of the guard; see Suet., Cat., Iviii. Otho
committed suicide after his defeat by the army of Vitellius
Antoninus, who was singularly loved by all but the
profligates, and that he would ravage it like a tyrant,
especially because of the senators who had declared
him an enemy to the state and confiscated his
property. The love felt for Antoninus was most
clearly manifested in the fact that it was with the
consent of all save the citizens of Antioch that
Avidius was slain. Antoninus, indeed, did not so
much order his execution as suffer it ; for it was clear
to all that he would have spared him had it been in
his power. VIII. And when his head was brought to
Antoninus he did not rejoice or exult,1 but rather
was grieved that he had lost an opportunity for show-
ing mercy ; for he said that he had wished to take
him alive, so that he might reproach him with the
kindness he had shown him in the past, and then
spare his life. Finally, when some one said that
Antoninus deserved blame because he was so indulgent
toward his enemy and his enemy's children and kin,
and indeed toward every one whom he had found
concerned in the outbreak, and added furthermore,
" What if Cassius had been successful ? " the Emperor
said, it is reported : " We have not worshipped the
gods in such a manner, or lived such lives, that he
could overcome us ". Thereupon he pointed out
that in the case of all the emperors who had been
slain there had been reasons why they deserved to
die, and that no emperor, generally recognized as
good, had been conquered or slain by a pretender,
adding that Nero had deserved to die and Caligula
had forfeited his life, while neither Otho nor Vitellius
had really wished to rule.2 He expressed similar
(Suet., Otho, xi.), and Vitellius was murdered by the soldiers
of Vespasian (Suet., Vit., xvii).
5 etiam l de Galba 2 paria sentiebat, cum diceret in
imperatore avaritiam esse acerb issimum malum.
6 denique non Augustum, non Traianum, non Ha-
drianum, non patrem suum a rebellibus potuisse su-
perari, cum et multi fuerint et ipsis vel invitis vel
7 insciis exstincti. ipse autem Antoninus a senatu petiit
ne graviter in conscios defectionis animadverteretur,
eo ipso tempore quo rogavit ne quis senator tempori-
bus suis capitali supplicio adficeretur, quod illi
8 maximum amorem conciliavit. denique paucissimis
centurionibus punitis deportatos revocari iussit.
IX. Antiochensibus,3 qui 4 Avidio Cassio consenserant, et
his 5 et aliis civitatibus, quae ilium iuverant, ignovit,
cum primo Antiochensibus graviter iratus esset iisque
spectacula sustulisset et multa alia civitatis orna-
2menta, quae postea reddidit. filios Avidii Cassii
Antoninus Marcus parte media paterni patrimonii
donavit, ita ut filias eius auro argento et gemmis
3 cohonestaret. nam et Alexandriae, filiae Cassii, et
genero Drunciano liberam evagandi ubi vellent
4potestatem dedit. vixeruntque non quasi tyranni
pignora sed quasi senatorii ordinis in summa securi-
tate, cum illis etiam 6 in lite obici fortunam propriae
vetuisset domus, damnatis aliquibus iniuriarum, qui
1 So Peter with Boxhorn ; nam P. 2 de Pertinace et
Galba P. 3 So P corr ; antiochcnsis P1. 4gwi P ; quogue
Peter with Madvig. 5 sed et his P, Peter2. 6 illi seuam
P1 ; illis P corr.
1 Galba's refusal to give the expected donative to the troops
so embittered the soldiers that they refused to swear allegiance
to him (Suet., Galb., xvi.) ; his stinginess also caused the
guard to join Otho in the conspiracy by which he was
murdered (i&, xvii i).
sCf. Marc., xxv. 5-6 and note.
sentiments concerning Galba also, saying that in an
emperor avarice was the most grievous of all failings.1
And lastly, he said, no rebels had succeeded in over-
coming either Augustus, or Trajan, or Hadrian, or
his own father, and, although there had been many
of them, they had been killed either against the
wishes or without the knowledge of those emperors.
Antoninus himself, moreover, asked the senate to re-
frain from inflicting severe punishment on those men
who were implicated in the rebellion ; he made this
request at the very same time in which he requested
that during his reign no senator be punished with
capital punishment 2— an act which won him the
greatest affection. Finally, after he had punished a
very few centurions, he gave orders that those who had
been exiled should be recalled.3 IX. The citizens of
Antioch also had sided with Avidius Cassius, but
these, together with certain other states which had
aided Cassius, he pardoned, though at first he was
deeply angered at the citizens of Antioch and took
away their games and many of the distinctions of the
city, all of which he afterwards restored. To the
sons of Avidius Cassius Antoninus presented half of
their father's property,4 and his daughters he even
graced with gold and silver and jewels. To Alexan-
dria, Cassius' daughter, and Druncianus, his son-in-
law, he gave unrestricted permission to travel wher-
ever they liked. And they lived not as the children
of a pretender but as members of the senatorial order
and in the greatest security, as was shown by the
orders he gave that not even in a law- suit should they
be taunted with the fortunes of their family, and by
his convicting certain people of personal affront who
3 Of. Marc., xxv. 7 £. 4 Of. Marc., xxvi. 12.
in eos petulantes fuissent. quos quidem amitae suae
marito commendavit.
5 Si quis autem omnem hanc historiam scire de-
siderat, legat Marii Maxirni secundum librum de vita
Marci, in quo ille ea dicit quae solus l Marcus mortuo
6iam Vero egit. tune enim Cassius rebellavit, ut
probat epistula missa ad Faustinam, cuius hoc exera-
7 plum est : " Verus mihi de Avidio verum scripserat,
quod cuperet imperare. audisse enim te arbitror
8 quod Veri statores 2 de eo nuntiarent. veni igitur in
Albanum, ut tractemus omnia dis volentibus, nil
9 timens." hinc autem apparet Faustinam ista nescisse,
cum dicat Marius infamari earn cupiens quod ea
10 conscia Cassius imperium sumpsisset. nam et ipsius
epistula exstat ad virum, qua urget 3 M.ircum ut in
11 eum graviter vindicet. exemplum epistulae Faustinae
ad Marcum : " Jpsa in Albanum eras, ut iubes, mox
veniam ; tamen iam hortor, ut, si amas liberos tuos,
12istos rebelliones acerrime persequaris. male enim
assueverunt duces et milites,4 qui nisi opprimuntur,
X. oppriment." item alia epistula eiusdem Faustinae
ad Marcum : " Mater mea Faustina patrem tuum
Pium in defectione 5 Celsi hortata6 est, ut pietatem
2primum circa suos servaret, sic circa alienos. non
enim pius est imperator, qui non cogitat uxorem et
3 filios. Commodus noster vides in qua aetate sit,
4 Pompeianus gener et senior est et peregrinus. vide
1 solum P. 2So Peter with Salm. ; herispatores P.
3 urget P; urguet edd. * et duces milites P1 ; et duces et
milites P corr. 6 eiusdem in def. P ; eiusdem removed by
Gas. Q sic hortata P; sic removed by Novak ; coliortata
Peter 2.
1 See note to c. i. 7. 2 See note to Q. vii. 1.
3 Nothing is known of any such revolt.
had been insulting to them. He even put them
under the protection of his uncle by marriage.
If any one wishes, moreover, to know the whole of
this story, let him read the second book of Marius
Maximus on the life of Marcus, in which he relates
everything that Marcus did as sole emperor after the
death of Verus. For it was during this time that
Cassius rebelled, as a letter written to Faustina shows,
from which the following is an extract : l " Verus told
me the truth about Avidius, that he desired to rule.
For I presume you heard what Verus' messengers re-
ported about him. Come, then, to our Alban villa,
so that with the help of the gods we may prepare for
everything, and do not be afraid." It would appear
from this that Faustina knew nothing of the affair,
though Marius Maximus, wishing to defame her, says
that it was with her connivance that Cassius attempted
to seize the throne.2 Indeed, we have also a letter
of hers to her husband in which she urges Marcus
to punish Cassius severely. A copy of Faustina's
letter to Marcus reads : " I shall come to our Alban
villa to-morrow, as you command. Yet I urge you
now, if you love your children, to punish those rebels
with all severity. For soldiers and generals have an
evil habit of crushing others if they are not crushed
themselves." X. Another letter of this same Faus-
tina to Marcus reads similarly : " When Celsus re-
volted,3 my mother, Faustina, urged your father, Pius,
to deal righteously first with his own kin, and then with
strangers. For no emperor is righteous who does not
take thought for his wife and children. You can see
how young our son Commodus is ; our son-in-law
Pompeianus 4 is an elderly man and a foreigner be-
4 See Marc., xx. 6.
5 quid agas de Avidio Cassio et de ems consciis. noli
parcere homitiibus, qui tibi non pepercerunt et nee
6 mihi nee filiis nostris parcerent, si vicissent. ipsa
iter tuum mox consequor ; quia Fadilla nostra
7aegrotabat, in Formianum venire non potui. sed si
te Formiis invenire non potuero, adsequar Capuam,
quae civitas et meam et filiorum nostrorum aegri-
Studinem poterit acliuvare. Soteridam medicum in
Formianum ut demittas, rogo. ego autem Pisitheo
nihil credo, qui puellae virgini curationem nescit
9adhibere. signatas l mihi litteras Calpurnius dedit ;
ad quas rescribam, si tardavero, per Caecilium senem
lOspadonem, hominem, ut scis, fidelem. cui verbo
mandabo, quid uxor Avidii Cassii et filii et gener de
te iactare dicantur."
XI. Ex his litteris intellegitur Cassio Faustinam
consciam non fuisse, quin etiam supplicium eius
graviter exegisse, si quidem Antoninum quiescentem
et clementiora cogitantem ad vindictae necessitatem
2impulit. cui2 Antoninus quid rescripserit, subdita
3 epistula perdocebit : " Tu quidem, mea Faustina,
religiose pro marito et pro nostris liberis agis. nam
relegi epistulam tuam in Formiano, qua me hortaris,
4 ut in Avidii conscios vindicem. ego vero et eius
liberis parcam et genero et uxori, et ad senatum
scribam, ne aut proscriptio gravior sit aut poena
5 crudelior. non enim quicquam est, quod imperatorem
Romanum melius commendet gentibus quam cle-
signitas P, which Ellis thinks perhaps right in sense of
" in cipher ". 2 cu, i.e. cum. P.
sides, Consider well what you will do about Avidius
Cassius and his accomplices. Do not show forbearance
to men who have shown no forbearance to you and
would show none either to me or to your children,
should they be victorious. I shall follow you on your
way presently ; I have not been able to come to the
Formian villa because our dear Fadilla l was ill.
However, if I shall fail to find you at Formiae, I will
follow on to Capua, a city which can furnish help to
me and our children in our sickness. Please send the
physician Soteridas to Formiae. I have no confidence
in Pisitheus, who does not know how to treat a young
girl. Calpurnius has brought me a sealed letter; I
shall reply to it, if I linger on here, through Caecilius,
the old eunuch, a man to be trusted, as you know. I
shall also report through him, in a verbal message,
what Cassius' wife and children and son-in-law are
said to be circulating about you."
XI. From these letters it can be seen that Faustina
was not in collusion with Cassius, but, on the contrary,
earnestly demanded his punishment ; for, indeed, it
was she who urged on Antoninus the necessity of
vengeance when he was inclined to take no action
and was considering more merciful measures. The
following letter tells what Antoninus wrote to her in
reply : " Truly, my Faustina, you are over-anxious
about your husband and children. For while I was
at Formiae I re-read the letter wherein you urged
me to take vengeance on Avidius' accomplices. I,
however, shall spare his wife and children and son-
in-law, and I will write to the senate forbidding any
immoderate confiscation or cruel punishment. For
there is nothing which endears a Roman emperor to
1 Arria Fadilla, fourth child of Marcus, born about 150.
6 mentia. haec Caesarem deum fecit, haec Augustum
consecravit, haec patrem tuum specialiter Pii nomine
7 ornavit. denique si ex mea sententia de bello iudi-
Scatum esset, nee Avidius esset occisus. esto igitur
secura ;
'di me tuentur, dis pietas mea
cordi est'.
Pompeianum nostrum in annum sequentem con-
sulem dixi." haec Antoninus ad coniugem.
XII. Ad senatum autem qualem orationem miserit,
2 interest scire. ex oratione Marci Antonini : " Ha-
betis igitur, patres conscripti, pro gratulatione
victoriae generum meum consulem, Pompeianum
dico, cuius aetas olim remuneranda fuerat consulatu,
nisi viri fortes intervenissent, quibus reddi debuit
3 quod a re publica debebatur. iiunc quod ad defec-
tionem Cassianam pertinet, vos oro atque obsecro,
patres conscripti, ut censura vestra deposita meam pie-
tatem clementiamque servetis, immo vestram, neque
4 quemquam l senatus occidat. nemo senatorum punia-
tur, nullius fundatur viri nobilis sanguis, deportati rede-
6 ant, proscripti bona recipiant. utinam possem multos 2
etiam ab inferis excitare ! lion enim umquam placet
in imperatore vindicta sui doloris, quae si iustior
Gfuerit, acrior videtur. quare filiis Avidii Cassii et
1 quemquam ullum P; ullum removed by Lessing ; quem-
quam unum Peter. 2 multos P, which Lessing restores ;
multatos Peter.
1Cf. Hadr., rxiv. 4; Piust ii. 4.
2 Horace, Odes, i. 17, 13.
3 The fact that the second consulship of Pompeianus (see
Marc., xx. 6) was in 173, two years prior to Cassius' revolt,
shows that this letter is not genuine.
mankind as much as the quality of mercy. This
quality caused Caesar to be deified and made Augustus
a god, and it was this characteristic, more than any
other, that gained your father his honourable name
of Pius.1 Indeed, if the war had been settled in ac-
cordance with my desires, Avidius would not have
been killed. So do not be anxious ;
' Over me the gods keep guard, the gods hold dear
my righteousness.' 2
I have named our son-.in-law Pompeianus consul for
next year." 3 Thus did Antoninus write to his wife.
XII. It is of interest, moreover, to know what sort
of a message he sent to the senate. An extract from
the message of Marcus Antoninus : " So then, in return
for this manifestation of joy at our victory, Conscript
Fathers, receive myson-in-law as consul — Pompeianus,
I mean, who has come to an age that were long since
rewarded with the consulship, had there not stood in
the way certain brave men, to whom it was right to
give what was due them from the state. And now,
as to Cassius' revolt, I pray and beseech you, Con-
script Fathers, lay aside your severity, and preserve
the righteousness and mercy that are mine — nay rather
I should say, yours — and let the senate put no man
to death. Let no senator be punished ; let the blood
of no distinguished man be shed ; let those who have
been exiled return to their homes ; let those who have
been outlawed recover their estates. Would that I
could also recall many from the grave ! Vengeance
for a personal wrong is never pleasing in an emperor,
for the juster the vengeance is, the harsher it seems.
Wherefore, you will grant pardon to the sons and son-
in-law and wife of Avidius Cassius. For that matter,
genero et uxori veniam dabitis. et quid dico veniam ?
7 cum illi nihil fecerint. vivant igitur securi, scientes
sub Marco vivere. vivant in patrimonio parentum
pro parte doiiato, auro argento vestibus fruantur, sint
divites, sint securi, sint vagi et liberi et per ora om-
nium ubique populorum circumferant meae, circum-
8 ferant vestrae pietatis exemplum. nee magna haec
est, patres conscripti, dementia, veniam proscriptorum
9 liberis et coniugibus dari. ego vero a vobis peto, ut
conscios seiiatorii ordinis et equestris a caede, a pro-
scriptiorie, a timore, ab infamia, ab invidia, et postremo
ab omni vindicetis iniuria detisque hoc meis tem-
10 poribus, ut in causa tyrannidis qui in tumultu cecidit
probetur occisus."
XIII. Hanc eius clementiam senatus his adclama-
2 tionibus prosecutus est : " Antonine pie, di te servent.
Antonine clemens, di te servent. Antonine clemens,1
3 di te servent. tu voluisti quod licebat, nos fecimus
quod decebat. Commodo imperium iustum rogamus.
progeniem tuam robora. fac securi sint liberi nostri.
4 bonum imperium nulla vis laedit. Commodo Antonino
tribumciam potestatem rogamus, praesentiam tuam
5 rogamus. philosophiae tuae, patientiae tuae, doc-
trinae tuae, nobilitati tuae, innocentiae tuae. vincis
inimicos, hostes exsuperas, di te tuentur," et reli-
6 Vixerunt igitur posteri Avidii Cassii securi et ad
1 So P ; repetition from the preceding has crowded out
some other adj.
1 For similar outcries alleged to have taken place in the
senate see Corn., xviii.-xix. ; Alex., vi.-xi.
2 Bestowed in 177; see Marc., xxvii. 5, and note.
why should I say pardon ? They have done nothing.
Let them live, therefore, free from all anxiety, know-
ing that they live under Marcus. Let them live in
possession of their parents' property, granted to each
in due proportion ; let them enjoy gold, silver, and
raiment ; let them be rich ; let them be free from
anxiety ; let them, unrestricted and free to travel
wheresoever they wish, carry in themselves before the
eyes of all nations everywhere an example of my for-
bearance, an example of yours. Nor is it any great act
of mercy, Conscript Fathers, to grant pardon to the
wives and children of outlawed men. I do beseech
you to save these conspirators, men of the senatorial
and equestrian orders, from death, from proscription,
from terror, from disgrace, from hatred, and, in short,
from every harm, and to grant this to my reign, that
whoever, in the cause of the pretender, has fallen in
the strife may, though slain, still be esteemed."
XIII. The senate honoured this act of mercy with
these acclamations : l " God save you, righteous An-
toninus. God save you, merciful Antoninus. God
save you, merciful Antoninus. You have desired what
was lawful, we have done what was fitting. We ask
lawful power for Commodus. Strengthen your off-
spring. Make our children free from care. No vio-
lence troubles righteous' rule. We ask the tribunician
power - for Commodus Antoninus. We beseech your
presence. All praise to your philosophy, your
patience, your principles, your magnanimity, your
innocence ! You conquer your foes within, you
prevail over those without, the gods are watching
over you," and so forth.
And so the descendants of Avidius Cassius lived un-
molested and were admitted to offices of honour.
Thonores admissi sunt. sed eos Commodus Antoninus
post excessum divi patris sui omnes vivos incendi
iussit, quasi in factione deprehensos.
8 Haec sunt quae de Cassio Avidio comperimus.
9 cuius ipsius mores, ut supra diximus, varii semper fue-
runt sed ad censuram crudelitatemque propensiores.
10 qui, si optinuisset imperium, fuisset non clemens et
XIV. bonus,1 sed ntilis et optimus imperator. nam exstat
epistula eius ad generum suum iam imperatoris huius-
2 modi: " Misera res publica, quae istos divitiarum
3 cupidos et divites patitur, misera. Marcus homo sane
optimus, qui dum clemens dici cupit,2 eos patitur
4 vivere quorum ipse non probat vitam. ubi Lucius
Cassius, cuius nos frustra tenet nomeii ? ubi Marcus
ille Cato Censorius ? ubi omnis disciplina maiorum ?
quae olim quidem intercidit, nunc vero nee quaeritur.
5 Marcus Antoninus philosophatur et quaerit de ele-
mentis 3 et de animis et de honesto et iusto nee
6 sentit pro re publica. vides multis opus esse gladiis,
multis elogiis, ut in antiquum statum publica forma
7 reddatur. ego vero istis praesidibus provinciarum —
an ego proconsules, an ego praesides putem, qui ob
hoc sibi a senatu et ab Antonino provincias datas cre-
8 dunt, ut luxurientur, ut divites fiant ? audisti, prae-
fectum praetorii nostri philosophi ante triduum quam
1 So Vielhaber ; non modo clemens sed bonus P ; non modo
c. et b. Peter. 2 So P ; Peter by error attributes clementes
to P, and reads, following Petschenig, clementem se. 3 de
clementes P1 ; de clementiis P corr.
But after his deified father's death Commodus
Antoninus ordered them all to be burned alive, as if
they had been caught in a rebellion.
So much have we learned concerning Avidius
Cassius. His character, as we have said before,1 was
continually changing, though inclined, on the whole,
to severity and cruelty. Had he gained the throne,
he would have made not a merciful and kind emperor
but a beneficent and excellent one. XIV. For we
have a letter of his, written to his son-in-law after he
had declared himself emperor, that reads somewhat
as follows : " Unhappy state, unhappy, which suffers
under men who are eager for riches and men who
have grown rich ! Marcus is indeed the best of men,
but one who wishes to be called merciful and hence
suffers to live men whose manner of life he cannot
sanction. Where is Lucius Cassius,2 whose name we
bear in vain ? Where is that other Marcus, Cato the
Censor ? Where is all the rigour of our fathers ?
Long since indeed has it perished, and now it is not
even desired. Marcus Antoninus philosophizes and
meditates on first principles, and on souls and
virtue and justice, and takes no thought for the state.
There is need, rather, for many swords, as you see
for yourself, and for much practical wisdom, in order
that the state may return to its ancient ways. And
truly in regard to those governors of provinces — can
I deem proconsuls or governors those who believe
that their provinces were given them by the senate
and Antoninus only in order that they might revel
and grow rich ? You have heard that our philo-
1 c. iii. 4.
2 Evidently an error for C. Cassius Longinus ; see note to
c. i. 4.
fieret mendicum et pauperem, sed subito divitem
factum. unde, quaeso, nisi de visceribus rei publicae
provincialiumque fortunis ? sint sane divites, sint
locupletes. aerarium publicum refercient ; l tantum
di faveant bonis partibus,2 reddant 3 Cassiani rei pub-
licae principatum." haec epistula eius indicat, quam
severus et quam tristis futurus fuerit imperator.
1 Thus Petrarch ; referient P. *patnbus P. A red-
dant P; reddcnt Casaubon, Peter.
sopher's prefect of the guard was a beggar and a
pauper three days before his appointment, and then
suddenly became rich. How, I ask you, save from
the vitals of the state and the purses of the provin-
cials ? Well then, let them be rich, let them be
wealthy. In time they will stuff the imperial
treasury 1 ; only let the gods favour the better side,
let the men of Cassius restore to the state a lawful
government." This letter of his shows how stern
and how strict an emperor he would have been.
1 i.e., they will be forced to disgorge their ill-gotten gains.
I. De Commodi Antonini parentibus in vita Marci
2 Antonini satis est disputatum. ipse autem natus est
apud Lanuvium cum fratre Antonino gemino pridie
kal. Sept. patre patruoque consulibus, ubi et avus
3 maternus dicitur natus. Faustina cum esset Com-
modo cum fratre praegnans, visa est in somnis
4 serpentes parere, sed ex his unum ferociorem. cum
autem peperisset Commodum atque Antoninum,
Antoninus quadrimus elatus est, quern parem astrorum
5 cursu Commodo mathematici promittebant. mortuo
igitur fratre Commodum Marcus et suis praeceptis
et magnorum atque optimorum virorum erudire co-
6 natus est. habuit litteratorem Graecum Onesicratem,
Latinum Capellam Antistium ; orator ei Ateius San-
ctus fuit.
7 Sed tot disciplinarum magistri nihil ei profuerunt.
tantum valet aut ingenii vis aut eorum qui in aula
institutores habentur. nam a prima statim pueritia
turpis, improbus, crudelis, libidinosus, ore quoque pol-
1 Marc., i. 1-4, * Of. Pius, i. 8.
I. The ancestry of Commodus Antoninus has been
sufficiently discussed in the life of Marcus Antoninus.1
As for Commodus himself, he was born, with his twin
brother Antoninus, at Laiiuvium — where his mother's
father was born, it is said 2 — on the day before the
Kalends of September, while his father and uncle 31 Aug
were consuls. Faustina, when pregnant with Com- 161
modus and his brother, dreamed that she gave birth
to serpents, one of which, however, was fiercer than
the other. But after she had given birth to Com-
modus and Antoninus, the latter, for whom the as-
trologers had cast a horoscope as favourable as that
of Commodus, lived to be only four years old. After
the death of Antoninus, Marcus tried to educate
Commodus by his own teaching and by that of the
greatest and the best of men. In Greek literature
he had Onesicrates as his teacher, in Latin, Antistius
Capella ; his instructor in rhetoric was Ateius Sanctus.
However, teachers in all these studies profited him
not in the least — such is the power, either of natural
character, or of the tutors maintained in a palace.
For even from his earliest years he was base and dis-
honourable, and cruel and lewd, defiled of mouth, more-
8 lutus et coiistupratus l fuit. iam in his artifex, quae
stationis imperatoriae non erant, ut calices fingeret,
saltaret, cantaret, sibilaret, scurram denique et gladia-
9 torem perfectum ostenderet. auspicium crudelitatis
apud Centurncellas dedit anno aetatis duodecimo,
nam cum tepidius forte lautus esset, balneatorem in
fornacem conici iussit ; quando a paedagogo, cui hoc
inssum fuerat, vervecina pellis in fornace consumpta
est, ut fidem poenae de foetore nidoris impleret.
10 Appellatus est autem Caesar puer cum fratre suo
Vero.2 quarto decimo aetatis anno in collegium
II. sacerdotum 3 adscitus est. cooptatus est inter tros-
sulos 4 principes 5 iuventutis, cum togam sumpsit.
adhuc in praetexta puerili congiarium dedit atque
2ipse in Basilica Traiani praesedit. indutus autem
toga est Nonarum luliarum die, quo in terris Romulus
non apparuit, et eo tempore quo Cassius a Marco
•'* descivit. profectus est commendatus militibus cum
patre in Syriam et Aegyptum et cum6 eo Romam
1 constuppatus P. a suo Vero Ursinus; Seuero P.
3 sacerdotis P. 4trossulos Lipsius; ires solos P. 5prin-
ceps P. 6 so P corr. ; et cum om. in P1.
1 Dio, on the other hand, describes him as not naturally
vicious, but weak and easily influenced ; see Ixxii. 1, 1.
2 On the coast of Etruria, near the southern end ; it is the
modern Civita Vecchia.
3 Cf. c. xi. 13 ; Marc., xii. 8 and note.
4 M. Annius Verus, who died in 169 ; see Marc., xxi. 3.
5Cf. c. xii. 1 ; Marc., xvi. 1 and note. His election to the
college of pontifices is commemorated on a coin ; see Cohen,
iii2, p. 311, no. 599.
6 Cf. c. xii. 3 ; Marc., xxii. 12 and note.
7 See note to Marc., vi. 3. The title princeps iuventutis
appears on his coins of this period (Cohen iii2, p. 311 f.,
nos. 601-618), and in an inscription from Africa (C.I.L., viii.
11928). Trossuli was an old name given to the Roman
over, and debauched.1 Even then he was an adept
in certain arts which are not becoming in an emperor
for he could mould goblets and dance and sing and
whistle, and he could play the buffoon and the
gladiator to perfection. In the twelfth year of his
life, at Centumcellae,2 he gave a forecast of his
cruelty. For when it happened that his bath was
drawn too cool, he ordered the bathkeeper to be cast
into the furnace ; whereupon the slave who had been
ordered to do this burned a sheep-skin in the furnace,
in order to make him believe by the stench of the
vapour that the punishment had been carried out.
While yet a child he was given the name of 12 Oct.,
Caesar,3 along with his brother Verus,4 and in his four- 1^6
teenth year he was enrolled in the college of priests.5 17|n<
II. When he assumed the toga,6 he was elected one of
the leaders of the equestrian youths,7 the trossuli, and
even while still clad in the youth's praetexta he gave
largess 8 and presided in the Hall of Trajan.9 He
assumed the toga on the Nones of July — the day on 7 July,
which Romulus vanished from the earth — at the 175
time when Cassius revolted from Marcus. After he
had been commended to the favour of the soldiers he
set out with his father for Syria10 and Egypt, and
with him he returned t6 Rome.11 Afterward he was
cavalry. It was supposed to have been derived from Tros-
sulum, a town captured by the cavalry, but even in the
second century B.C., its meaning was no longer understood;
see Pliny, Nat. Hist., xxiii. 2, 35 f.
8 Commemorated on coins; see Cohen, iii2, p. 266 f., nos.
9 See note to Hadr., vii. 6.
10 In July, 175. See Marc., xxv. 1.
11 See Marc., xxvii. 3. Commodus' return to Rome was
celebrated by an issue of coins with the legend Adventus
Caes(aris) ; see Cohen, iii2, p. 228, nos. 1-2,
4rediit. post haec venia legis annariae impetrata con-
sul est factus, et cum patre imperator est appellatus
V kal. Dec. die Pollione et Apro consulibus et
5 triumphavit cum patre. nam et hoc patres decre-
verant. profectus est cum patre et ad Germanicum
6 Adhibitos custodes vitae suae honestiores ferre non
potuit, pessimos quosque detinuit et summotos usque
7 ad aegritudinem desideravit. quibus per patris mol-
litiem restitutis popinas et ganeas in Palatinis semper
aedibus fecit iieque umquam pepercit vel pudori vel
Ssumptui. in domo aleam exercuit. mulierculas
formae scitioris ut prostibula mancipia per speciem l
lupanarium et ludibrium pudicitiae contraxit. imi-
9 tatus est propolas circumforanos. equos currules
sibi comparavit. aurigae habitu currus rexit, gladia-
toribus convixit, atque se 2 gessit ut lenonum minister,
ut probris natum magis quam ei loco eum crederes,3
ad quern fortuna provexit.
III. Patris ministeria seniora summovit, amicos senes
2abiecit. filium Salvii luliani, qui exercitibus praeerat,
1 per speciem Turnebus; perficium P1 ; pcrficiens
1 atque se Editor; aquam P, Peter. z crecleret P.
P corr.
1 Cf. Marc., xxii. 12 and note.
2 On the occasion of Marcus' triumph ; see c. xii. 4 ; Marc.,
xvi. 2 and note.
3 See c. xii. 5 and note to Marc., xvii. 3.
4 See c. xii. 6 and Marc., xxvii. 9.
6 But not in public, except on moonless nights; see Dio,
Ixxii. 17, 1.
granted exemption from the law of the appointed
year and made consul/ and on the fifth day before 177
the Kalends of December, in the consulship of Pollio27 ^
and Aper, he was acclaimed Imperator together with
his father,2 and celebrated a triumph with him.3 23 Dec.,
For this, too, the senate had decreed. Then he set
out with his father for the German war.4
The more honourable of those appointed to super-
vise his life he could not endure, but the most evil he
retained, and, if any were dismissed, he yearned for
them even to the point of falling sick. And when
they were reinstated through his father's indulgence,
he always maintained eating-houses and low resorts
for them in the imperial palace. He never showed
regard for either decency or expense. He diced in
his own home. He herded together women of un-
usual beauty, keeping them like purchased prostitutes
in a sort of brothel for the violation of their chastity.
He imitated the hucksters that strolled about from
market to market. He procured chariot-horses for
his own use. He drove chariots in the garb of a pro-
fessional charioteer,5 lived with gladiators, and con-
ducted himself like a procurer's servant. Indeed,
one would have believed him born rather to a life of
infamy than to the high place to which Fortune
advanced him.
III. His father's older attendants he dismissed,6 and
any friends 7 that were advanced in years he cast aside.
6 e.g. Tarrutenius Paternus, now prefect of the guard
(see c. iv. 1), and C. Aufidius Victorinus, governor of Ger-
mania Superior under Marcus. He retained his father's
friends for a " few years " (Herodian, i. 8, 1), i.e. until about
7 See note to Hel., xi. 2.
ob1 impudicitiam frustra teniptavit atque exinde
3 luliano tetendit insidias. honestissimos quosque aut
per contumeliam aut per honorem indignissimum
4abiecit. appellatus est a mimis quasi obstupratus
eosdemque ita ut non apparerent subito deportavit.
5 bellum etiam quod pater paene confecerat legibus
hostium addictus remisit ac Romam reversus est.
6 Romam ut rediit, subactore suo Saotero post se in
curro locato ita triumphavit ut eum saepius 2 cervice
reflexa publice oscularetur. etiam in orchestra hoc
7 idem fecit, et cum potaret in lucem helluareturque
viribus Romani imperil, vespera etiam per tabernas ac
Slupanaria volitavit. misit homines ad provincias
regendas vel criminum socios vel a criminosis com-
9mendatos. in senatus odium ita venit 3 ut et ipse
crudeliter in tanti ordinis perniciem saeviret fieretque
e coiitempto crudelis.
IV. Vita Commodi Quadratum et Lucillam compulit
ad eius interfectionem consilia inire, non sine prae-
Jo& P, Petschenig ; ad Peter. 2 serins P. suehit P1.
1 P. Salvius Julianus, consul in 175. He was apparently
in command of troops on the Rhine.
2 See c. iv. 8.
3 According to Herodian (i. 6) he gave up the war against
the advice of Marcus' friends and advisers, especially his own
brother-in-law, Pompeianus. He did, however, force the
Quadi, Marcomanni, and Buri to accept terms of peace
which were not discreditable to Rome (Dio, Ixxii. 2-3) and was
acclaimed Imperator for the fourth time.
4 For the official expression of reception see c. xii. 7.
His return is commemorated by coins of 180 with the legends
Adventus Aug(usti) and Fort(una) Eed(ux) ; see Cohen, iii2,
p. 228, no. 3, and p. 248, no. 165.
5 Called in an inscription triumphus felici*simus Germani-
cus secundus : see C.I.L., xiv. 2922 = Dessau, Ins. SeL, 1420.
6Cf. Ver., iv. 6.
The son of Salvius Julianus, the commander of the
troops,1 he tried to lead into debauchery, but in vain,
and he thereupon plotted against Julianus.2 He
degraded the most honourable either by insulting
them directly or giving them offices far below their
deserts. He was alluded to by actors as a man of
depraved life, and he thereupon banished them so
promptly that they did not again appear upon the
stage. He abandoned the war which his father had
almost finished and submitted to the enemy's terms,3
and then he returned to Rome.4 After he had come 22 Oct.,
back to Rome he led the triumphal procession 5 with 180
Saoterus, his partner in depravity, seated in his chariot,
and from time to time he would turn around and kiss
him openly, repeating this same performance even in
the orchestra. And not only was he wont to drink
until dawn and squander the resources of the Roman
Empire, but in the evening he would ramble through
taverns and brothels.6 He sent out to rule the
provinces men who were either his companions in
crime or were recommended to him by criminals.
He became so detested by the senate that he in his
turn was moved with cruel passion for the destruction
of that great order,7 and from having been despised
he became bloodthirsty.
IV. Finally the actions of Commodus drove Quad-
ratus and Lucilla,8 with the support of Tarrutenius
7 Especially after the conspiracy of Quadratus and Lucilla,
according to Herodian, i. 8, 7.
8 On this conspiracy, formed probably toward the end of
182, see Dio, Ixxii. 4, 4-5, and Herodian, i. 8, 3-6. Quadratus
was probably the grandson of Marcus' sister; see Marc., vii.
4. Lucilla was Commodus' elder sister, the wife of Lucius
Verus, and after his death, of Claudius Pompeianus ; see
Marc., xx. 6.
2 fecti praetorio Tarrutenii Paterni consilio. datum au-
tem est negotium peragendae necis Claudio Pompeiano
3 propinquo. qui ingressus ad Commodum destricto
gladio, cum faciendi potestatem habuisset, in haec
verba prorumpens ' Hunc tibi pugionem senatus
mittit ' detexit facinus fatuus nee implevit, multis cum
4 eo participantibus causam. post haec interfecti sunt
Pompeianus primo et Quadratus, dein Norbana atque
Norbanus et Paralius ; et mater eius et Lucilla in
exsilium exacta.
5 Turn praefecti praetorio cum vidissent Commodum
in tantum odium incidisse obtentu Saoteri, cuius
potentiam populus Romanus ferre non poterat, urbane
Saoterum eductum a Palatio sacrorum causa et re-
deuntem in hortos suos per frumentarios occiderunt.
6 id vero gravius quam de se ipso Commodo fuit.
7 Paternum autem et huius caedis auctorem et, quantum
videbatur, paratae necis Commodi conscium et inter-
ventorem, ne coniuratio latius puniretur, instigante
Tigidio per lati clavi honorem a praefecturae ad-
8 ministratione summovit. post paucos dies insimu-
lavit eum coniurationis, cum diceret ob hoc
promissam luliani filio filiam Paterni, ut in lulianum
1 According to Dio, Ixxii. 5, 2, Paternus had no share in the
2 Apparently Claudius Pompeianus Quintianus, the son of
Lucilla's husband, Claudius Pompeianus, by a former mar-
riage. Herodian speaks of him as a youth at this time.
s Lucilla was exiled to Capri, where she was put to death ;
see c. v. 7.
4 See note to Hadr., xi. 4.
5 Tigidius Perennis, appointed co-prefect with Paternus in
6 He was granted the right to wear the broad purple
stripe on his tunic, the exclusive privilege of the senatorial
Paternus, the prefect of the guard,1 to form a plan for
his assassination. The task of slaying him was as-
signed to Claudius Pompeiaiius, a kinsman.2 But he,
as soon as he had an opportunity to fulfil his mission,
strode up to Commodus with a drawn sword, and,
bursting out with these words, " This dagger the
senate sends thee," betrayed the plot like a fool, and
failed to accomplish the design, in which many others
along with himself were implicated. After this
fiasco, first Pompeianus and Quadratus were executed,
and then Norbana and Norbanus and Paralius ; and
the latter's mother and Lucilla were driven into exile.3
Thereupon the prefects of the guard, perceiving
that the aversion in which Commodus was held was
all on account of Saoterus, whose power the Roman
people could not endure, courteously escorted this
man away from the Palace under pretext of a
sacrifice, and then, as he was returning to his villa,
had him assassinated by their private agents.4 But this
deed enraged Commodus more than the plot against
Limself. Paternus, the instigator of this murder,
who was believed to have been an accomplice in the
plot to assassinate Commodus and had certainly
sought to prevent any far-reaching punishment of
that conspiracy, was now, at the instigation of
Tigidius,5 dismissed from the command of the prae-
torian guard by the expedient of conferring on him
the honour of the broad stripe.6 And a few days
thereafter, Commodus accused him of plotting, say-
ing that the daughter of Paternus had been be-
trothed to the son of Julianus7 with the under-
order. For other instances of the elevation of a prefect of
the guard into the senatorial order see note to Hadr., viii. 7.
7 See c. iii. 1-2, and for his execution Dio, Ixxii. 5, 1.
transferretur imperium. quare et Paternum et lulia-
num et Vitruvium Secundum, Paterni familiaris-
simum, qui epistulas imperatcrias curarat, interfecit.
9 domus praeterea Quintiliorum omnis exstincta, quod
Sextus Condiani 1 films specie mortis ad defectionem
10 diceretur evasisse. interfecta et Vitrasia Faustina et
llVelius Rufus et Egnatius Capito consularis. in exsi-
lium autem acti sunt Aemilius luncus et Atilius Se-
verus consules. et in multos alios varie saevitum est.
V. Post haec Commodus numquam facile in publicum
processit neque quicquam sibi nuntiari passus est nisi
2 quod Perennis ante tractasset. Pereniiis autem Corn-
modi persciens invenit quern ad modum ipse potens
Sesset. nam persuasit Commodo, ut ipse deliciis
vacaret, idem vero Perennis curis incumberet. quod
4 Commodus laetanter accepit. hac igitur lege vivens
ipse cum trccentis concubinis, quas ex matronarum
meretricumque dilectu ad formae speciem concivit,2
trecentisque aliis puberibus exoletis, quos aeque ex
plebe ac nobilitate vi pretiisque'3 forma disceptatrice
collegerat, in Palatio per convivia et balneas bac-
Condiani Casaubon ; condiciani P. 2 conduit Egna-
tius ; concilii P. s ui pretiisque Madvig, Peter13 ; nuptiisgue
P ; uultusque Turnebus, Peter1.
1 The brothers Sex. Quintilius Condianus and Sex. Quin-
tilius Valerius Maximus. According to Dio, Ixxii. 5, 3-4,
their reputation and wealth caused them to be suspected.
2 More correctly, the son of Quintilius Valerius Maximus
and consul in ICO. He was included in the sentence pro-
nounced against his father and uncle. On his escape see
Dio, Ixxii. 6.
standing that Julianus would be raised to the
throne. On this pretext he executed Paternus
and Julianus, and also Vitruvius Secundus, a very
dear friend of Paternus, who had charge of the
imperial correspondence. Besides this, he exter-
minated the whole house of the Quintilii,1 because
Sextus, the son of Condianus,2 by pretending death,
it was said, had made his escape in order to raise a
revolt. Vitrasia Faustina, Velius Rufus,3 and Eg-
natius Capito, a man of consular rank, were all slain.
Aemilius luncus and Atilius Severus, the consuls,4
were driven into exile. And against many others he
vented his rage in various ways.
V. After this Commodus never appeared in public
readily, and would never receive messages unless
they had previously passed through the hands of
Perennis5. For Perennis, being well acquainted
with Commodus' character, discovered the way to
make himself powerful, namely, by persuading
Commodus to devote himself to pleasure while
he, Perennis, assumed all the burdens of the
government — an arrangement which Commodus joy-
fully accepted. Under this agreement, then, Com-
modus lived, rioting in the Palace amid banquets and
in baths along with 300 concubines, gathered together
for their beauty and chosen from both matrons and
harlots, and with minions, also 300 in number, whom
he had collected by force and by purchase indiscrim-
inately from the common people and the nobles
3 Consul in 178.
4 The year of their consulship is unknown. They were
not necessarily consuls in 182.
5 According to Herodiau, i. 11, 5, he spent most of the
time in his suburban estate.
5chabatur. inter haec liabitu victimarii victimas im-
molavit. in harena rudibus, inter cubicularios gladia-
tores pugnavit lucentibus aliquando mucronibus.
6 tune tamen Perennis cuncta sibimet vindicavit. quos
voluit interemit, spoliavit plurimos, omnia iura sub-
7 vertit, praedam omnem in sinum contulit. ipse autem
Commodus Lucillam sororem, cum Capreas misisset,
Soccidit. sororibus dein suis ceteris, ut dicitur, con-
stupratis, consobrina patris coraplexibus suis iniuncta
uni etiam ex coiicubinis matris l nomen imposuit.
9 uxorem,2 quam deprehensam in adulterio exegit,
lOexactam relegavit et postea occidit. ipsas con-
11 cubinas suas sub oculis suis stuprari iubebat. nee
inruentium in se iuvenum carebat infamia, omni parte
corporis atque ore in sexum utrumque pollutus.
12 Occisus est eo tempore etiam Claudius quasi a la-
tronibus, cuius filius cum pugione quondam ad Com-
modum ingressus est, multique alii senatores sine
ISiudicio interempti, feminae quoque divites. et nou-
nulli per provincias a Perenni ob divitias insimulati
14spoliati sunt vel etiam interempti. iis autem quibus
deerat ficti criminis adpositio obiciebatur, quod
scribere noluissent 3 Commodum heredem.
1 matris P ; patris Salmasius, Peter. zinposuit. uxorem
Heer; inposuit uxoris P, Peter. 3 noluissent Casaubon,
Baehrens ; uoluissent P, Peter.
1 Dio, on the other hand, declares that his administration
was characterized by integrity and restraint ; see Ixxii. 10, 1.
Herodian (i. 8) has the same point of view as the biography.
2 See note to c. vii. 7.
solely on the basis of bodily beauty. Meanwhile,
dressed in the garb of an attendant at the sacrifice,
he slaughtered the sacrificial victims. He fought
in the arena with foils, but sometimes, with his
chamberlains acting as gladiators, with sharpened
swords. By this time Perennis had secured all the
power for himself. He slew whomsoever he wished
to slay, plundered a great number, violated every
law, and put all the booty into his own pocket.1
Commodus, for his part, killed his sister Lucilla,
after banishing her to Capri. After debauching his
other sisters, as it is said, he formed an amour with
a cousin of his father,2 and even gave the name of
his mother to one of his concubines. His wife,3 whom
he caught in adultery, he drove from his house, then
banished her, and later put her to death. By his
orders his concubines were debauched before his own
eyes, and he was not free from the disgrace of in-
timacy with young men, defiling every part of his
body in dealings with persons of either sex.
At this time Claudius also, whose son had previ-
ously come into Commodus' presence with a dagger,
was slain,4 ostensibly by bandits, and many other
senators were put to death, and also certain women
of wealth. And not a few provincials, for the sake
of their riches, were charged with crimes by Perennis
and then plundered or even slain ; and some, against
whom there was not even the imputation of a fic-
titious crime, were accused of having been unwilling
to name Commodus as their heir.
3Crispina ; see note to Marc., xxvii. 8.
4 See c. iv. 2 and note. The biographer has apparently
confused the father with the son, for Claudius Pompeianus
was alive in 193 ; see Pert., iv. 10 ; Did. Jul.t viii. 3.
VI. Eo tern pore in Sarmatia res bene gestas per
2alios duces in filium suum Perennis referebat. hie
tamen Perennis, qui tantum potuit, subito, quod
bello Britannico militibus equestrls loci viros prae-
fecerat amotis senatoribus, prodita re per legates
exercitus hostis appellatus laceraiidusque militibus
3est deditus. in cuius potentiae locum Cleaudrum ex
cubiculariis subrogavit.
4 Multa sane post interfectum Perennem eiusque
filium quasi a se non gesta rescidit, velut in integrum
5restituens. et hanc quidem paenitentiam scelerum
ultra triginta dies tenere lion potuit, graviora per
Cleandrum faciens quam fecerat per supradictum
6 Perennem. et in potentia quidem Oleander Perenni
successerat, in praefectura vero Niger, qui sex taiitum
7horis praefectus praetorio fuisse perhibetur. muta-
bantur enim praefecti praetorio per horas ac dies,
1 According to Herodian, i. 9, this son of Perennis, in
command of the Illyrian troops, formed a conspiracy in the
army to overthrow Commodus, and the detection of the plot
led to Perennis' fall and death.
2In 184. According to Dio, Ixxii. 8, the Britons living
north of the boundary- wall invaded the province and anni-
hilated a detachment of Roman soldiers. They were finally
defeated by Ulpius Marcellus, and Commodus was acclaimed
Imperator for the seventh time and assumed the title
Britannicus ; see c. viii. 4 and coins with the legend Victoria)
Brit(annica), Cohen, iii2, p. 349, no. 945,
3 An innovation which became general in the third cen-
tury, when senatorial commanders throughout the empire
were gradually replaced by equestrian.
4 According to Dio, Ixxii. 9, it was at the demand of a
delegation of 1500 soldiers of the army of Britain, whom
Perennis had censured for mutinous conduct (cf. c. viii. 4).
VI. About this time the victories in Sarmatia won
by other generals were attributed by Peremiis to his
own son.1 Yet in spite of his great power, sud-
denly, because in the war in Britain2 he had dis-
missed certain senators and had put men of the
equestrian order in command of the soldiers,3 this
same Perennis was declared an enemy to the state,
when the matter was reported by the legate-* in
command of the army, and was thereupon delivered
up to the soldiers to be torn to pieces.4 In his
place of power Commodus put Oleander,5 one of his 185.
After Perennis and his son were executed, Com-
modus rescinded a number of measures on the ground
that they had been carried out without his authority,
pretending that he was merely re-establishing pre-
vious conditions. However, he could not maintain
this penitence for his misdeeds longer than thirty
days, and he actually committed more atrocious
crimes through Oleander than he had done through
the aforesaid Perennis. Although Perennis was suc-
ceeded in general influence by Oleander, his successor
in the prefecture was Niger, who held this position as
prefect of the guard, it is said, for just six hours. In
fact, prefects of the guard were changed hourly and
The mutiny was finally quelled by Pertinax; see Pert., iii.
8 A Phrygian by birth, brought to Rome as a slave; see
Herodian, i. 12, 3. After securing his freedom he rose in
the Palace and finally became chamberlain, after bringing
about the fall and death of his predecessor, Saoterus; see c.
iv. 5 and Dio, Ixxii. 12, 2. He also contributed to the fall
of Perennis ; see Dio, Ixxii. 9, 3. He was not made prefect
until 186, but exercised great influence in his capacity as
chamberlain (see §§ 6 and 12).
Commodo peiora omnia, quam fecerat ante, faciente.
Sfuit Marcius Quartus praefectus praetorio diebus
quinque. horum successores ad arbitrium Cleandri
9aut retenti sunt aut occisi. ad cuius nutum etiam
libertini in senatum1 atque in patricios lecti sunt,
tuncque primum viginti quinque consules in unum
10 annum, venditaeque omnes provinciae. omnia
Oleander pecunia venditabat ; revocatos de exsilio
11 dignitatibus ornabat, res iudicatas rescindebat. qui
tantum per stultitiam Commodi potuit, ut Burrum,
sororis Commodi virum, reprehendentem nuntiantem-
que Commodo quae fiebant in suspicionem regui ad-
fectati traheret et occideret, multis aliis, qui Burrum
12 defendebant, pariter interemptis. praefectus etiam
Aebutianus inter hos est interemptus ; in cuius locum
ipse Cleander cum aliis duobus, quos ipse delegerat,
13 praefectus est factus. tuncque primum tres praefecti
praetorio fuere, inter quos libertinus,2 qui a pugione
appellatus est.
VII. Sed et Cleandro dignus tandem vitae finis
impositus. nam cum insidiis illius Arrius Antoninus
fictis 3 criminibus in Attali gratiam, quern in pro-
1senatuP. 2 libertinus Jordan ; libertinos P. 5factis
1 So also Dio, Ixxii. 12, 8-5.
2 L. Antistius Burrus ; he seems to have been previously
accused on the same charge by Pertinax ; see Pert,, iii. 7,
daily, Commodus meanwhile committing all kinds of
evil deeds, worse even than he had committed before.
Marcius Quartus was prefect of the guard for five
days. Thereafter, the successors of these men were
either retained in office or executed, according to the
whim of Clearider. At his nod even freedmen were
enrolled in the senate and among the patricians, and
now for the first time there were twenty-five consuls
in a single year. Appointments to the provinces 139
were uniformly sold ; in fact, Oleander sold everything
for money.1 He loaded with honours men who were
recalled from exile ; he rescinded decisions of the
courts. Indeed, because of Commodus' utter de-
generacy, his power was so great that he brought
Burrus,2 the husband of Commodus' sister, who was
denouncing and reporting to Commodus all that was
being done, under the suspicion of pretending to the
throne, and had him put to death ; and at the same
time he slew many others who defended Burrus.
Among these Aebutianus was slain, the prefect of
the guard ; in his place Cleander himself was made
prefect, together with two others whom he himself
chose. Then for the first time were there three
prefects of the guard, among whom was a freedman,
called the " Bearer of the Dagger".3
VII. However, a full worthy death was at last meted
out to Cleander also. For when, through his intrigues,
Arrius Antoninus 4 was put to death on false charges
as a favour to Attalus, whom Arrius had condemned
3 i.e. Cleander himself. The dagger was the symbol of
the office of prefect.
4 Together with Burrus he had been accused by Pertinax
of aspiring to the throne (see Pert., iii. 7), but he seems to
have been a highly respected man and official.
consulatu Asiae damnaverat, esset occisus, nee earn
turn invidiam populo saeviente Commodus ferre
2potuisset, plebi ad poenam donatus est, cum etiam
Apolaustus aliique liberti aulici pariter interempti
sunt. Oleander inter cetera etiam concubinas eius
3 constupravit, de quibus filios suscepit, qui post eius
interitum cum matribus interempti sunt.
4 In cuius locum lulianus et Regillus subrogati sunt,
5quos et ipsos postea poenis adfecit. his occisis in-
teremit Servilium et Dulium Silanos cum suis, mox
Antium Lupum et Petronios Mamertinum et Suram
filiumque Mamertini Antoninum ex sorore sua geni-
6 turn, et post eos sex simul ex consulibus Allium
Fuscum, Caelium Felicem, Lucceium Torquatum,
Larcium Eurupianum, Valevium Bassianum, Pac-
7tumeium l Magnum cum suis, atque in Asia Sulpicium
Crassum pro consule et lulium Proculum cum suis
Claudiumque Lucanum consularem et consobrinam
patris sui Faustinam Anniam in Achaia et alios in-
8 finitos. destinaverat et alios quattuordecim occidere,
cum sumptus eius vires 2 Romani imperil sustinere
non possent.
1 Pactum&ium Casaubon; Pactuleium P. 2u'.res Ur-
sinus ; iuriis P1 ; iniuriis P corr.
JIn 189, on the occasion of a riot due to a lack of grain,
for which the mob held Oleander responsible; see Dio,
Ixxii. 13.
2 See Ver.t viii. 10.
3 He married one of them, Damostratia, according to
Dio, Ixxii. 12, 1.
4 For Julianus' death see Dio, Ixxii. 14, 1. He is prob-
ably to be identified with L. Julius Vehilius Gratus Julianus,
whose interesting career is recorded in an inscription from
Rome ; see Dessau, Ins. Sel., 1327.
6 Perhaps M. Servilius Silanus, consul in 188.
during his proconsulship in Asia, Oommodus could
not endure the hatred of the enraged people and
gave Oleander over to the populace for punishment.1
At the same time Apolaustus 2 and several other
freedmen of the court were put to death. Among
other outrages Oleander had debauched certain of
Commodus' concubines,3 and from them had begotten
sons, who, together with their mothers, were put to
death after his downfall.
As successors to Oleander Commodus appointed
Julianus and Regillus, both of whom he afterwards
condemned.4 After these men had been put to
death he slew the two Silani, Servilius 5 and Dulius,
together with their kin, then Antius Lupus 6 and the
two Petronii, Mamertinus and Sura,7 and also Mamer-
tinus' son Antoninus, whose mother was his own
sister ; 8 after these, six former consuls at one time,
Allius Fuscus, Caelius Felix, Lucceius Torquatus,
Larcius Eurupianus, Valerius Bassianus and Pactu-
meius Magnus,9 all with their kin ; in Asia Sulpicius
Crassus, the proconsul, Julius Proculus, together with
their kin, and Claudius Lucanus, a man of consular
rank ; and in Achaia his father's cousin, Annia Faus-
tina,10 and innumerable others. He had intended to
kill fourteen others also, since the revenues of the
Roman empire were insufficient to meet his expendi-
6 His grave-inscription is preserved; see C.I.L., vi. 1343.
7 The brothers M. Petronius Sura Mamertinus and M.
Petronius Sura Septimianus were consuls in 182 and 190
8 Perhaps Cornificia. 9 Consul in 183.
10 Annia Fundania Faustina, daughter of M. Annius
Libo, Marcus' uncle (see Marc., i. 3). She is probably the
woman referred to in c. v. 8.
VIII. Inter haec Commodus senatu semet in-
ridente,1 cum adulterum matris consulem designasset,
appellatus est Pius ; cum occidisset Perennem, ap-
pellatus est Felix, inter plurimas caedes multorum
2 civium quasi quidam novus Sulla, idem Commodus,
ille Pius, ille Felix, finxisse etiam quandam contra se
3 coniurationem dicitur, ut multos occideret. nee alia
ulla fuit defectio praeter Alexandri, qui postea se et
4 suos interemit, et 2 sororis Lucillae. appeilatus est
Commodus etiam Britannicus ab adulatoribus, cum
Britanni etiam imperatorem contra eum deligere
5 voluerint. appellatus est etiam Romanus Hercules,
quod feras Lanuvii 3 in amphitheatre occidisset. erat
enim haec illi consuetude, ut domi bestias interficeret.
6 fuit praeterea ea dementia, ut urbem Romanam
coloniam Commodianam vocari voluerit. qui 4 furor
3 senatu semet inridente Peter 2 ; senatu semcttridente P1 ;
senatu ridente Peter l. 2et om. in P. 3 lanuuium P.
4 cui P.
1 Probably L. Tutilius Pontianus Gentianus, said to have
been one of Faustina's lovers (see Marc. xxix. 1), and consul
suffectus in 183, the year in which the name Pius was be-
stowed on Commodus.
2 The name is borne by Commodus in the Acts of the
Arval Brothers for 7 Jan., 183 ; see C.I.L., vi. 2099, 12. It
also appears on the coins of 183, e.g. Cohen, iii2, p. 229,
no. 13 ; the real reason for its assumption is not known.
3 This name appears on his coins of 185 ; e.g. Cohen, iii 8,
p. 233, no. 49. It had been assumed as a cognomen by the
Dictator Sulla.
4 Julius Alexander, from Emesa in Syria. According to
Dio, Ixxii. 14, 1-3, his execution was ordered because he had
speared a lion while on horseback ; he killed those sent to
execute him and then made his escape, but was overtaken.
5 See c. iv. 1-4.
6 An allusion to the mutiny in Britain ; see note to c. vi. 2.
VIII. Meanwhile, because he had appointed to the
consulship a former lover of his mother's,1 the senate 183
mockingly gave Commodus the name Pius ; 2 and
after he had executed Perennis, he was given the
name Felix,3 as though, amid the multitudinous 185
executions of many citizens, he were a second Sulla.
And this same Commodus, who was called Pius, and
who was called Felix, is said to have feigned a plot
against his own life, in order that he might have an
excuse for putting many to death. Yet as a matter
of fact, there were no rebellions save that of Alex-
ander,4 who soon killed himself and his near of kin,
and that of Commodus' sister Lucilla.5 He was
called Britannicus by those who desired to flatter
him, whereas the Britons even wished to set up an
emperor against him.6 He was called also the
Roman Hercules,7 on the ground that he had killed 192
wild beasts in the amphitheatre at Lanuvium ; and,
indeed, it was his custom to kill wild beasts on his
own estate. He had, besides, an insane desire that
the city of Rome should be renamed Colonia Com-
modiana.8 This mad idea, it is said, was inspired in
7 See also § 9. Romanus Hercules appears among his
titles as given by Dio, Ixxii. 15, 5, and also in an inscription
of Dec., 192 ; see C.I.I/., xiv. 3449 = Dessau, Ins. Sel., 400.
He had the lion's skin and club, the attributes of Hercules,
carried before him in the streets (Dio, Ixxii. 17, 4), and had
himself portrayed as Hercules on coins (Cohen, iii2, p. 251 f.,
nos. 180-210), and in statues (c. ix. 2 ; Dio, Ixxii. 15, 6), e.g.
the famous bust in the Gapitoline Museum, Rome.
8 So also Dio, Ixxii. 15, 2. Col(onia) L(ucia) An(toniniana)
Com(modiana) appears on coins of 190 ; see Cohen, iiia, p.
233, nos. 39-40. He also gave the name Commodianus to
the senate (§ 9 and Dio, ibid.), the people (c. xv. 5), the
Palace (c. xii. 7), the legions (Dio, ibid.), the city of Carthage,
and the African fleet (c. xvii. 8).
7 dicitur ei inter delenimenta Marciae iniectus. voluit
Setiam in Circo quadrigas agitare. dalniaticatus in
publico processit atque ita signuni quadrigis emit-
9 tendis dedit. et eo quidem tempore quo ad senatum
rettulit de Commodiana facienda Roma, non solum
senatus hoc libenter accepit per inrisionem, quan-
tum intellegitur, sed etiam se ipsum Commodianum
vocavit, Commodum Herculem et deum appellans.
IX. Simulavit se et in Africam iturum, ut sump-
turn itinerarium exigeret, et exegit eumque in con-
2vivia et aleam convertit. Motilenum, praefectum
praetorii, per ficus veneno interemit. accepit statuas
in Herculis habitu, eique immolatum est ut deo.
Smultos praeterea paraverat interimere. quod per
parvulum quendam proditum est, qui tabulam e
cubiculo eiecit, in qua occidendorum erant nomina
4 Sacra Isidis coluit, ut et caput raderet et Anubim
Sportaret. Bellonae servientes vere exsecare brac-
Gchium praecepit studio crudelitatis. Isiacos vere
1 His mistress, who afterwards conspired against him ; see
c. xvii. 1.
2 Called chiridotae Dalmatarum in Pert., viii. 2. It was a
long-sleeved tunic reaching to the knee. Dio describes it
(Ixxii. 17, 2) as made of white silk with gold threads.
3 See note to c. viii. 5.
4 An Egyptian deity regarded as the protector of corpses
and tombs and represented with the head of a jackal, or, by
the Greeks and Romans, with that of a dog. His cult was
often combined with that of Isis, and according to Juvenal
him while listening to the blandishments of Marcia.1
He had also a desire to drive chariots in the Circus,
and he went out in public clad in the Dalmatian
tunic 2 and thus clothed gave the signal for the
charioteers to start. And in truth, on the occasion
when he laid before the senate his proposal to call
Rome Commocliana, not only did the senate gleefully
pass this resolution, out of mockery, as far as we
know, but also took the name " Commodian " to itself,
at the same time giving Commodus the name Her-
cules, and calling him a. god.
IX. He pretended once that he was going to Africa,
so that he could get funds for the journey, then got
them and spent them on banquets and gaming instead.
He murdered Motilenus, the prefect of the guard, by
means of poisoned figs. He allowed statues of him-
self to be erected with the accoutrements of Her-
cules ; 3 and sacrifices were performed to him as to a
god. He had planned to execute many more men
besides, but his plan was betrayed by a certain young
servant, who threw out of his bedroom a tablet on
which were written the names of those who were to
be killed.
He practised the worship of Isis and even went so
far as to shave his head and carry a statue of Anubis.4
In his passion for cruelty he actually ordered the
votaries of Bellona to cut off one of their arms,5 and
as for the devotees of Isis, he forced them to beat
(vi. 534), the chief priest of Isis was often dressed as
5 The cult of Bellona, brought to Rome from Asia Minor in
the time of Sulla, was characterised by orgiastic mui-ic and
dances, in which the votaries, like Mohammedan dervishes,
slashed their arms and bodies ; for a description see Tibullus,
i. 6, 45 f.
pineis usque ad perniciem pectus tundere cogebat.
cum Anubim portaret, capita Isiacorum graviter ob-
tundebat ore simulacri. clava non solum leones in
veste muliebri et pelle leonina sed etiam homines
multos adflixit. debiles pedibus et eos, qui ambu-
lare non possent, in gigantum modum formavit, ita
ut a genibus l de pannis et lintels quasi dracones
tegerentur,2 eosdemque sagittis confecit. sacra
Mithriaca homicidio vero polluit, cum illic 3 aliquid
ad speciem timoris vel dici vel fingi soleat.
X. Etiam puer et gulosus et impudicus fuit. adules-
cens omne genus hominum infamavit quod erat
2secum, et ab omnibus est infamatus. inridentes se
feris obiciebat. eum etiam, qui Tranquil li librum
vitam Caligulae continentem legerat, feris obici iussit,
quia eundem diem natalis habuerat, quern et Caligula.
3 si quis sane 4 se mori velle praedixisset, hunc invitum
praecipitari iubebat.
In iocis quoque perniciosus. nam eum,5 quern
4 vidisset albescentes inter nigros capillos quasi ver-
1 gentibus P. 2 tegerentur Petschenig, Peter 2 ; degerer-
entur P, Peter1. 3illihic P. 4 sane P, Peter ; ante
Mom m sen. 5 eum Jordan ; earn P.
1 i.e. dressed as Hercules ; see note to c. viii. 5.
2 According to Dio, Ixxii. 20, he actually attached figures
of serpents to their legs. The performance was an imitation
of the mythical combats between the gods and the giants, in
which the latter are usually represented, e.g. on the great
altar from Pergamum, as having serpents for legs.
their breasts with pine-cones even to the point of
death. While he was carrying about the statue of
Anubis, he used to smite the heads of the devotees
of Isis with the face of the statue. He struck with
his club, while clad in a woman's garment or a lion's
skin,1 not lions only, but many men as well. Certain
men who were lame in their feet and others who
could not walk, he dressed up as giants, encasing
their legs from the knee down in wrappings and
bandages to make them look like serpents,2 and then
despatched them with his arrows. He desecrated the
rites of Mithra3 with actual murder, although it was
customary in them merely to say or pretend some-
thing that would produce an impression of terror.
X. Even as a child he was gluttonous and lewd.4
While a youth, he disgraced every class of men in his
company and was disgraced in turn by them. Who-
soever ridiculed him he cast to the wild beasts. And
one man, who had merely read the book by Tran-
quillus 5 containing the life of Caligula, he ordered
cast to the wild beasts, because Caligula and he had
the same birthday.6 And if any one, indeed, ex-
pressed a desire to die, he had him hurried to death,
however really reluctant.
In his humorous moments, too, he was destructive.
For example, he put a starling on the head of one
3 A Persian deity, whose cult was brought to Rome in the
time of Pompey, and became very popular about the end of
the first century after Christ. In the course of the next
two centuries the god, under the name Sol Invictus Mithras,
was worshipped throughout the Empire, and his cult was
probably the most formidable rival of Christianity.
4 But see note to c. i. 7.
5 i.e. Suetonius; see note to Hadr., xi. 3.
6 See c. L 2, and Suetonius, Caligula, viii. 1.
miculos habere, sturno adposito, qui se vermes sectari
crederet, capite suppuratum reddebat obtunsione oris.1
5 pinguem hominem medio ventre dissicuit, ut eius
6 intestina subito funderentur. monopodios et luscinios
eos, quibus ant singulos tulisset oculos 2 aut singulos
7 pedes fregisset, appellabat. multos praeterea passim
exstinxit alios, quia barbarico habitu occurrerant,
8 alioSj quia nobiles et speciosi erant. babuit in deliciis
homines appellatos nominibus verendorum utriusque
9 sexus, quos libentius suis osculis 3 applicabat. habuit
et hominem pene prominente ultra modum animalium,
quern Onon appellabat, sibi carissimum. quern et
ditavit et sacerdotio Herculis rustici praeposuit.
XL dicitur saepe pretiosissimis cibis humana stercora
miscuisse nee abstinuisse gustum aliis, ut putabat,
2 inrisis. duos gibbos retortos in lance argentea sibi
sinapi perfuses exhibuit eosdemque statim promovit
Sac ditavit. praefectum praetorii suum lulianum
togatum praesente officio suo in piscinam detrusit.
quern saltare etiam nudum ante concubinas suas iussit
4quatientem cymbala deformato vultu. genera 4 legu-
minum coctorum ad convivium propter luxuriae con-
5 tinuationem raro vocavit. lavabat per diem septies
1 obtunsione oris Petschenig, Peter3 ; obtunsioneris P ; 06-
tunsionibus Peter1. 2 oculos om. in P1, add. in P corr.
3 osculis Ursinus ; oculis P. 4 genera . . . uocauit P,
Peter2; genere . . . uacauit Salmasius, Peter.1
li.e. ass.
2 Apparently a private cult, carried on in one of the em-
peror's suburban estates.
3 See c. vii. 4.
man who, as he noticed, had a few white hairs, re-
sembling worms, among the black, and caused his
head to fester through the continual pecking of the
bird's beak — the bird, of course, imagining that it
was pursuing worms. One corpulent person he cut
open down the middle of his belly, so that his in-
testines gushed forth. Other men he dubbed one-
eyed or one-footed, after he himself had plucked out
one of their eyes or cut off one of their feet. In ad-
dition to all this, he murdered many others in many
places, some because they came into his presence in
the costume of barbarians, others because they were
noble and handsome. He kept among his minions
certain men named after the private parts of both
sexes, and on these he liked to bestow kisses. He also
had in his company a man with a male member larger
than that of most animals, whom he called Onos.1
This man he treated with great affection, and he
even made him rich and appointed him to the priest-
hood of the Rural Hercules.2 XI. It is claimed
that he often mixed human excrement with the most
expensive foods, and he did not refrain from tasting
them, mocking the rest of the company, as he thought.
He displayed two misshapen hunchbacks on a silver
platter after smearing them with mustard, and then
straightway advanced 'and enriched them. He
pushed into a swimming-pool his praetorian prefect
Julianus,3 although he was clad in his toga and ac-
companied by his staff; and he even ordered this
same Julianus to dance naked before his concubines,
clashing cymbals and making grimaces. The various
kinds of cooked vegetables he rarely admitted to his
banquets, his purpose being to preserve unbroken the
succession of dainties. He used to bathe seven and
6atque octies et in ipsis balneis edebat. adibat1
deorum templa pollutus 2 stupris et humano sanguine.
7imitatus est et medicum, ut sanguinem hominibus
emitteret scalpris feralibus.
8 Menses quoque in honorem eius pro Augusto Com-
modum, pro Septembri Herculera, pro Octobri In-
victum, pro Novembri Exsuperatorium, pro Decembri
Amazonium ex signo ipsius adulatores vocabant.
9 Amazonius autera vocatus est ex amore concubinae
suae Marciae, quam pictam in Amazone diligebat,
propter quam et ipse Amazonico habitu in arenam
Romanam procedere voluit.
10 Gladiatorium etiam certamen subiit et nomina
gladiatorum recepit eo gaudio quasi acciperet trium-
11 phalia. ludum semper 3 ingressus est et, quotiens in-
12 grederetur, publicis monumentis indi iussit. pugnasse
autem dicitur septingenties tricies quinquies.
13 Nominatus inter Caesares quartum iduum Octobrium,
quas Herculeas postea nominavit, Pudente et Polli-
14 one consulibus. appellatus German icus idibus Hercu-
1 adibat ins. by Klein. 2 pollutus P; polluit Peter.
8 semper P, Lenze ; saepe Casaubon, Peter.
1 Similar mutilations are recorded by Dio, Ixxii. 17, 2.
2 The complete list of the new names as given to the months
is contained in Dio, Ixxii. 15, 3. They are all Commodus' own
names and titles. In Dio's enumeration the new names are
applied differently from the list as given here, but the dates
given in c. xi.-xii. accord with Dio, and comparison with
known events shows that his is the correct order.
3 See note to c. viii. 6.
4 For a description of a spectacle lasting fourteen days, in
which Commodus fought with wild beasts and gladiators, see
Dio, Ixxii. 18-21.
8 See c. xv. 8. 6 Of. c. xv. 4. 7 But see c. xii. 11.
eight times a day, and was in the habit of eating
while in the baths. He would enter the temples of
the gods defiled with adulteries and human blood.
He even aped a surgeon, going so far as to bleed
men to death with scalpels.1
Certain months were renamed in his honour by his
flatterers ; for August they substituted Commodus,
for September Hercules, for October Invictus, for
November Exsuperatorius, and for December
Amazonius, after his own surname.2 He had been
called Amazonius, moreover, because of his passion
for his concubine Marcia,3 whom he loved to have
portrayed as an Amazon, and for whose sake he even
wished to enter the arena of Rome dressed as an
He engaged in gladiatorial combats,4 and accepted
the names usually given to gladiators 5 with as much
pleasure as if he had been granted triumphal decora-
tions. He regularly took part in the spectacles, and
as often as he did so, ordered the fact to be inscribed
in the public records.6 It is said that he engaged
in gladiatorial bouts seven hundred and thirty-five
He received the name of Caesar on the fourth day
before the Ides of the month usually called October, 12 Oct.,
which he later named Hercules,8 in the consulship of
Pudens and Pollio.9 He was called Germanicus 10 on
the Ides of " Hercules " in the consulship of Maxi- 15 Oct.,
8 On these names of the months see note to c. xi. 8.
9 For these dates see c. ii. 1-5, and notes.
10 The surname was doubtless assumed by Commodus at
the same time that it was taken by Marcus (see note to Marc.,
xii. 9). It appears on a coin of Marcus and Commodus of
172 ; see Cohen, iii2, p. 133, no. 2.
XII. leis Maximo et Orfito consulibus. adsuraptus est in
omnia collegia sacerdotalia sacerdos XIII kal. Invictas
2 Pisone luliano consulibus. profectus in Germaniam
3XIIII kal. Aelias, ut postea nominavit. iisdera con-
4sulibus togam virilem accepit. cum patre appellatus
imperator V kal. Exsuperatorias Pollione et Apro
5 iterum1 consulibus. triumphavit X kal. Ian. iisdem
6 consulibus. iterum profectus III nonas Commodias
7 Orfito et Rufo consulibus. datus in perpetuum ab
exercitu et senatu in domo Palatina Commodiana con-
servandus XI kal. Romaiias Praesente iterum consule.
8 tertio meditans de profectione a senatu et populo suo
9 retentus est. vota pro eo lacta sunt nonis Piis
10 Fusciano iterum consule. inter haec refertur in
litteras pugnasse ilium sub patre trecenties sexagies
11 quinquies.2 item postea tantum palmarum gladia-
toriarum confecisse vel victis retiariis vel occisis, ut
12mille contingeret. ferarum autem diversarum manu
sua occidit, ita ut elephantos occideret, multa milia.
et haec fecit spectante saepe populo Romano.
XIII. Fuit autem validus ad haec, alias debilis et
innrmus, vitio etiam inter inguina prominenti, ita ut
1 so Peter ; iterum et AJJTO P. " quinties P.
1 The official language describing his enthronement.
2 See note to c. viii. 6.
3 Perhaps because of the plague (see Marc., xiii. 3) which
seems to have broken out again about this time; see Dio,
Ixxii. 14, 3; Herodian, i. 12, 1-2.
4 A gladiator provided with a heavy net in which he tried
to entangle his opponent; if successful he then killed him
with a dagger.
BBut see c. xi. 12. 6See iiote to c. xi. 10.
mus and Orfitus. XII. He was received into all the
sacred colleges as a priest on the thirteenth day 20 Jan.
before the Kalends of " Invictus," in the consulship 175
of Piso and Julianus. He set out for Germany on
the fourteenth day before the Kalends of the month 19 May,
which he later named Aelius, and assumed the toga 175
in the same year. Together with his father he was
acclaimed Imperator on the fifth day before the 27 Nov.,
Kalends of " Exsuperatorius," in the year when 176
Pollio and A per served their second consulships, and
he celebrated a triumph on the tenth day before the 23 Dec.,
Kalends of January in this same year. He set out
on his second expedition on the third day before the3 Aug.,
Nones of " Commodus " in the consulship of Orfitus
and Rufus. He was officially presented by the
army and the senate to be maintained in perpetuity
in the Palatine mansion,1 henceforth called Commodi-
ana/2 on the eleventh day before the Kalends of 22 Oct.,
"Romanus," in the year that Praesens was consul
for the second time. When he laid plans for a third
expedition, he was persuaded by the senate and
people to give it up. Vows 3 were assumed in his
behalf on the Nones of "Pius/' when Fuscianus was 5 April,
consul for the second time. Besides these facts, it is
related in records that he fought 365 gladiatorial
combats in his father's reign. Afterwards, by van-
quishing o: slaying retiarii,4 he won enough gladia-
torial crowns to bring the number up to a thousand.5
He also killed with his own hand thousands of wild
beasts of all kinds, even elephants. And he fre-
quently did these things before the eyes of the Roman
XIII. But, though vigorous enough for such ex-
ploits, he was otherwise weak and diseased ; indeed,
eius tumorem per sericas vestes populus Romanus
2 agnosceret. versus in eo multi script! sunt, de quibus
3 etiam in opere suo Marius Maximus gloriatur. virium
ad conficiendas feras tantarum fuit, ut elephantum
conto transfigeret l et orygis cornu basto transmiserit
et singulis ictibus multa milia ferarum ingentium con-
4ficeret. impudentiae tantae fuit, ut cum muliebri
veste in arnphi theatre vel theatre sedens publice
saepissime biberit.
5 Victi sunt sub eo tamen, cum ille sic viveret, per
legates Mauri, victi Daci, Pannoniae quoque com-
positae, in - Britannia, in Germania et in Dacia im-
6 perium eius recusantibus provincialibus. quae omnia
7 ista per duces sedata sunt. ipse Commodus in sub-
scribendo tardus et neglegens, ita ut libellis una
forma multis subscriberet, in epistulis autem plurimis
8 ' Vale ' tantum scriberet. agebanturque omnia per
alios, qui etiam condemnationes in sinum vertisse
XIV. dicuntur. per hanc autem negiegentiam, cum et
annonam vastarent ii qui tune rein publicam gerebant,
1 transigeret P. 2 in om. in P.
1 An inscription from Mauretania, set up between 184 and
the death of Commodus, records the construction and repair
of redoubts along the border, and is probably to be connected
with this outbreak; see Dessau, Ins. Sel., 396. This may
also be the revolt alluded to in Pert., iv. 2.
2 Probably in 182, when Commodus was acclaimed Im-
perator for the fiifth time (see Cohen, iii2, p. 337, nos. 840-
847). A large number of Dacians who had been driven from
their homes were granted land in Roman territory ; see Dio,
Ixxii. 3, 3.
he had such a conspicuous growth on his groin that
the people of Rome could see the swelling through his
silken robes. Many verses were written alluding to
this deformity ; and Marius Maximus prides himself
on preserving these in his biography of Commodus.
Such was his prowess in the slaying of wild beasts,
that he once transfixed an elephant with a pole,
pierced a gazelle's horn with a spear, and on a
thousand occasions dispatched a mighty beast with a
single blow. Such was his complete indifference to
propriety, that time and again he sat in the theatre
or amphitheatre dressed in a woman's garments
and drank quite publicly.
The Moors l and the Dacians 2 were conquered
during his reign, and peace was established in the
Pannonias,3 but all by his legates, since such was the
manner of his life. The provincials in Britain,4 Dacia,
and Germany 5 attempted to cast off his yoke, but all
these attempts were put down by his generals.
Commodus himself was so lazy and careless in signing
documents that he answered many petitions with the
same formula, while in very many letters he merely
wrote the word " Farewell ". All official business was
carried on by others, who, it is said, even used con-
demnations to swell their purses. XIV. And because
he was so careless, moreover, a great famine arose in
3 An inscription of 185 records the construction of redoubts
along the Danube; see C.I. If., Hi. 3385 = Dessau, Ins. Sel.,
4 See c. vi. 2 and note.
5 Probably in 187-188. It is referred to in an inscription as
expeditio felicissima tertia Germanica ; see C.I.L., v. 2155
= Dessau, Ins. Sel., 1574. According to c. xii. 8, Commodus
wished to lead the expedition but the " senate and people "
would not allow it.
etiam inopia ingens Romae exorta est, cum fruges
2 non l deessent. et eos quidem qui omnia vastabaiit
3 postea Commodus occidit atque proscripsit. ipse vero
saeculum aureum Commodianum nomine adsimulans
vilitatem proposuit, ex qua rnaiorem penuriam fecit.
4 Multi sub eo et alienam poenam et salutem suam
5 pecunia redemerunt. vendidit etiam suppliciorum
diversitates et sepulturas et imninutiones malorum et
6 alios pro aliis occidit. vendidit etiam provincias et
administrationes, cum ii per quos veiideret partem
7 acciperent, partem vero Commodus. vendidit non-
nullis et inimicorum suorum caedes. vendiderunt
8 sub eo etiam eventus litium liberti. praefectos
Paternum et Perennem non diu tulit, ita tameii ut
etiam de iis praefectis quos ipse fecerat triennium
iiullus impleret, quorum plurimos interfecit vel veiieno
vel gladio. et praefectos urbi eadem facilitate mutavit.
XV. cubicularios suos libenter occidit, cum omnia ex nutu
2 eorum semper fecisset. Eclectus2 cubicularius cum
videret eum tarn facile cubicularios occidere, praevenit
eum et faction! mortis eius interiuit.
3 Spectator gladiatoria sumpsit arma, panno purpureo
4nudos umeros advelans. habuit praeterea inorem, ut
1 So P (Ballou in " Class. Philol.," iii. p. 273) ; et non in P
ace. to Peter. 2 Eclectus Mommsen, Peter; electus P.
1 See note to c. vii. 1.
3 It was enacted by special decree, according to Dio, Ixxii.
3 See c. iv. 7-8 and vi. 2.
4 Of. c. vi. 6-8; vii. 4; ix. 2. Even Oleander was prefect
only from 186 to 189.
5 He had been a freedman and favourite of Lucius Verus ;
see Ver., ix. 6.
fi See c. xvii. 1.
Rome, not because there was any real shortage of
crops, but merely because those whothen ruled the state
were plundering the food supply.1 As for those who
plundered on every hand, Commodus afterwards put
them to death and confiscated their property ; but
for the time he pretended that a golden age had
come,2 " Commodian " by name, and ordered a general
reduction of prices, the result of which was an even
greater scarcity.
In his reign many a man secured punishment for
another or immunity for himself by bribery. Indeed,
in return for money Commodus would grant a change
of punishment, the right of burial, the alleviation of
wrongs, and the substitution of another for one con-
O "
demned to be put to death. He sold provinces and
administrative posts, part of the proceeds accruing to
those through whom he made the sale and part to
Commodus himself. To some he sold even the
lives of their enemies. Under him the imperial
freedmen sold even the results of law-suits. He did
not long put up with Paternus and Perennis as pre-
fects ; 3 indeed, not one of the prefects whom he him-
self had appointed remained in office as long as three
years.4 Most of them he killed, some with poison,
some with the sword. , XV. Prefects of the city
he changed with equal readiness. He executed his
chamberlains with no compunctions whatever, even
though all that he had done had been at their bidding.
One of these chamberlains, however, Eclectus by
name,5 forestalled him when he saw how ready
Commodus was to put the chamberlains to death, and
took part in a conspiracy to kill him.6
At gladiatorial shows he would come to watch and
stay to fight, covering his bare shoulders with a purple
omnia quae turpiter, quae impure, quae crudeliter,
quae gladiatorie, quae lenonie faceret, actis urbis indi
5 iuberet, ut Marii Maximi scripta testantur. Commo-
dianum etiam populum Romanum dixit, quo saepis-
6sirne praesente gladiator pugnavit. sane cum illi
saepe pugnanti ut deo populus favisset, inrisum se
credens populum Romanum a militibus classiariis,
qui vela ducebant, in amphitheatre interimi prae-
7ceperat. urbem incendi iusserat, utpote coloniam
suam. quod factum esset, nisi Laetus praefectus
Spraetorii Commodum deterruisset. appellatus est
sane inter cetera triumphalia nomina etiam sescenties
vicies Palus Primus Secutorum.
XVI. Prodigia eius imperio et publice et privatim
2 haec facta sunt : crinita stella apparuit. vestigia
deorum in foro visa sunt exeuntia. et ante bellum
desertorum caelum arsit. et repentina caligo ac
tenebra in Circo kalendis lanuariis oborta ; et ante
1 The Ada Urbis or Acta Diurna was a publication begun
by Julius Caesar and continued by his successors, which con-
tained official announcements, and general news that the
government desired to convey to the public.
2 Of. c. xi. 11. 3See c. viii. 6 and note.
4 See c. xi. 10 and note.
6 In 192 a fire devastated the district east of the Forum and
a portion of the Palatine ; see Dio, Ixxii. 24, and Herodian, i.
14, 2-6. This seems to be the fire here alluded to, but accord-
ing to Dio, Commodus was in no way responsible for it.
After rebuilding what the fire had destroyed, Commodus as-
sumed the title Conditar ; see Cohen, iii2, p. 251 f., nos. 181-
6 See c. xvii. 1.
7 According to Dio, Ixxii. 22, 3, this was engraved along with
his other titles on the Colossus (see c. xvii. 10). The term
cloth. And it was his custom, moreover, to order
the insertion in the city-gazette l of everything he
did that was base or foul or cruel, or typical of a
gladiator 2 or a procurer — at least, the writings of
Marius Maximus so testify. He entitled the
Roman people the " People of Commodus," 3 since he
had very often fought as a gladiator in their presence.4
And although the people regularly applauded him in
his frequent combats as though he were a god, he be-
came convinced that he was being laughed at, and
gave orders that the Roman people should be slain in
the Amphitheatre by the marines who spread the
awnings. He gave an order, also, for the burning of
the city,5 as though it were his private colony, and
this order would have been executed had not Laetus,6
the prefect of the guard, deterred him. Among
other triumphal titles, he was also given the name
" Captain of the Secutores " 7 six hundred and twenty
XVI. The prodigies that occurred in his reign, both
those which concerned the state and those which
affected Commodus personally, were as follows. A
comet appeared. Footprints of the gods were seen in
the Forum departing from it. Before the war of the
deserters 8 the heavens were ablaze. On the Kalends i Jan.,
primus palus is formed on the analogy of primus pilus, the
first centurion of a legion. The palus was the wooden pike
used by gladiators in practice. A secutor wore a helmet and
greaves and was armed with a long shield and a sword.
8 An outbreak in Gaul in 186, headed by a soldier named
Maternus, who gathered a band of fellow-soldiers and desper-
adoes and plundered the country. The Roman troops under
Pescennius Niger defeated and scattered them ; whereupon,
Maternus himself fled to Italy and attempted to assassinate
Commodus, but was caught and beheaded ; see Herodian, i.
10, and Pesc. Nig., iii. 4.
3 lucem fuerant etiam incendiariae aves ac dirae. de
Palatio ipse ad Caelium montem in Vectilianas aedes
4 migravit, negans se in Palatio posse clormire. Ian us
geminus sua sponte apertus est, et Anubis simulacrum
Smarmoreum moveri visum est. Herculis signum
aeiieum sudavit in Minucia per plures dies, bubo
etiam supra cubiculum eius deprehensa est tarn Romae
6quam Lanuvii. ipse autem prod igium non leve sibi
fecit ; nam cum in gladiatoris occisi vulnus mauum
misisset, ad caput s;bi detersit, et contra consuetudi-
nem paenulatos iussit spectatores noil togatos ad mu-
nus convenire, quod funeribus solebat, ipse in pullis
7 vestimentis praesidens. galea eius bis per portam
Libitinensem elata est.
8 Congiarium dedit populo singulis denarios septin-
genos vicenos quinos. circa alios omnes parcissimus
fuit, quod luxuriae sumptibus aerarium minuerat.1
1 miniieret P.
1 Regarded in early times as birds of ill-omen ; in the first
century after Christ, however, there was considerable difference
of opinion as to their identification ; see Plin., Nat. Hist., x. 36.
2 The school for gladiatoi s ; it was in the general neighbour-
hood of the Colosseum. Commodus planned to spend the
night of 31 Dec., 192 here, before appearing in public on the
next day as a secutor ; see Dio, Ixxii. 22, 2.
3 It was an ancient custom that these gates should be open
when Rome was at war.
4 See note to c. ix. 4.
5 The two portions Minutiae were situated in the low-lying
district between the Capitoline Hill and the Tiber, close to
the Theatre of Marcellus. They were called respectively
Vetus and Frumentaria ; in the latter were distributed the
tickets which entitled the holders to receive grain from the
public granaries.
6 According to Dio, Ixxii. 21, 3, these cloaks were never
worn at the theatre except when an emperor died.
of January a swift coming mist and darkness arose in
the Circus ; and before dawn there had already been
fire-birds l and ill-boding portents. Commodus him-
self moved his residence from the Palace to the
Vectilian Villa 2 on the Caelian hill, saying that he
could not sleep in the Palace. The twin gates of the
temple of Janus 3 opened of their own accord, and a
marble image of Anubis 4 was seen to move. In
the Minucian Portico 5 a bronze statue of Hercules
sweated for several days. An owl, moreover, was
caught above his bed-chamber both at Lanuvium and
at Rome. He was himself responsible for no incon-
siderable an omen relating to himself ; for afte-r he had
plunged his hand into the wound of a slain gladiator he
wiped it on his own head, and again, contrary to cus-
tom, he ordered the spectators to attend his gladia-
torial shows clad not in togas but in cloaks, a practice
usual at funerals,6 while he himself presided in the
vestments of a mourner. Twice, moreover, his helmet
was borne through the Gate of Libitina.7
He gave largess to the people, 725 denarii to each
man.8 Toward all others he was close-fisted to a
degree, since the exp&nse of his luxurious living had
drained the treasury. He held many races in the
Circus,9 but rather as the result of a whim than as
7 The gate of an amphitheatre through which were dragged
the bodies of slain gladiators. Libitina was the goddess who
presided over funerals.
8 This sum must be greatly exaggerated, unless it is a com-
putation of what each citizen received during the whole of
Commodus' reign. According to Dio, Ixxii. 16, 1, he often
gave individual largesses of 140 denarii, and his coins show
nine occasions when largess was given by him, seven of which
date from the time of his reign as sole emperor.
9 On one occasion he exhibited thirty races in two hours;
see Dio, Ixxii. 16, 1.
9 circenses multos addidit ex libidine potius quam
religione et ut doniinos factionum ditaret.
XVII. His incitati, licet nimis sero, Quintus
Aemilius Laetus praefectus et Marcia concubina eius
2 inierunt coniurationem ad occidendum eum. primum-
que ei venenum dederunt ; quod cum minus operare-
tur, per athletarn, cum quo exerceri solebat, eum
3 Fuit forma quidem corporis iusta, vultu insubido,
ut ebriosi solent, et sermone incondite, capillo semper
fucato et auri ramentis inluminato, adurens comam
et barbam timore tonsoris.
4 Corpus eius ut unco traheretur atque in Tiberim
mitteretur, senatus et populus postulavit, sed postea
iussu Pertinacis in monumentum Hadriani translatum
5 Opera eius praeter lavacrum, quod Oleander nomine
6 ipsius fecerat, nulla exstant. sed nomen eius alienis
7 operibus incisum senatus erasit. nee patris autem sui
opera perfecit. classem Africanam instituit, quae
subsidio esset, si forte Alexandrina frumenta cessassent.
8 ridicule etiam Carthaginem Alexandriam Commodian-
am togatam appellavit, cum classem quoque Africanam
sCommodianam Herculeam appellasset. ornamenta
1 See note to Ver., iv. 8.
2 The story of the murder is given in greater detail by Dio,
Ixxii. 22, 4, and especially by Herodian, i. 16-17. Eclectus
was also one of the conspirators ; see c. xv. 2.
3 It was customary to fasten a hook to the bodies of con-
demned criminals and thus drag them to the Tiber. The
populace had demanded that this should be done to the body
of Tiberius (Suetonius, Tiberius, Ixv. 1).
4 Of. c. xx. 1, and Dio, Ixxiii. 2, 1. For his sepulchral in-
scription see C.I.L., vi. 992 = Dessau, Ins. Sel., 401.
6 The Thermae Commodianae ; their exact site is unknown.
an act of religion, and also in order to enrich the
leaders of the factions.1
XVII. Because of these things — but all too late —
Quintus Aemilius Laetus, prefect of the guard, and
Marcia, his concubine, were roused to action and
entered into a conspiracy against his life. First they
gave him poison ; and when this proved ineffective
they had him strangled by the athlete with whom 31 Dec.,
he was accustomed to exercise.2
Physically he was very well proportioned. His ex-
pression was dull, as is usual in drunkards, and his
speech uncultivated. His hair was always dyed and
made lustrous by the use of gold dust, and he used to
singe his hair and beard because he was afraid of
The people and senate demanded that his body be
dragged with the hook and cast into the Tiber ; 3
later, however, at the bidding of Pertinax, it was
borne to the Mausoleum of Hadrian.4
No public works of his are in existence, except the
bath which Cleander built in his name.5 But
he inscribed his name on the works of others ; this
the senate erased.6 Indeed, he did not even finish
the public works of bis father. He did organize an
African fleet, which would have been useful, in case
the grain-supply from Alexandria were delayed.7
He jestingly named Carthage Alexandria Com-
modiana Togata, after entitling the African fleet
Commodiana Herculea.8 He made certain additions
6 Of. c. xx. 5. Many inscriptions found throughout the
empire show Commodus' name carefully erased. The same
procedure followed the death of Domitian.
7 The fleet was to convey grain to Borne from the province
of Africa.
8 See note to c. viii. 6.
sane quaedam Colosso addidit, quae postea cuncta
lOsublata sunt. Colossi autem caput dempsit, quod
Neronis esset, ac suum imposuit et titulum more solito
subscripsit, ita ut ilium Gladiatorium et Effeminatum
11 non praetermitteret. hunc tamen Se^erus, imperator
gravis et vir norninis sui, odio, quantum l videtur, senat-
us inter deos rettulit, flamine addito, quern ipse vivus
sibi paraverat, Herculaneo Commodiano.
12 Sorores tres superstites reliquit. ut natalis eius
celebraretur, Severus instituit.
XVIII. Adclamationes senatus post mortem Com-
2 modi graves fuerunt. ut autem sciretur quod iudi-
cium senatus de Commodo fuerit, ipsas adclamationes
de Mario Maximo indidi et sententiam senatus con-
sulti :
3 " Hosti patriae honores detrahantur. parricidae
honores detrahantur. parricida trahatur. hostis
patriae, parricida, gladiator in spoliario lanietur.
4 hostis deorum, carnifex senatus, hostis deorum, par-
5 ricida senatus ; hostis deorum, hostis senatus. gladi-
atorem in spoliario. qui senatum occidit, in spoliario
ponatur ; qui senatum occidit, unco trahatur ; qui
innocentes occidit, unco trahatur. hostis, parricida,
1 quantum Peter ; quam P.
X0n the Colossus see Hadr., xix. 12-13 and note. This
passage is incorrect, since Hadrian had replaced the head of
Nero by that of the Sun. According to Dio, Ixxii. 22, 3,
Commodus also added the club and lion's skin characteristic
of Hercules (see c. viii. 5). Dio also gives the inscription
(cf. c. xv. 8).
2 Commemorated by coins with the legend Consecratio ;
to the Colossus by way of ornamentation, all of which
were later taken off', and he also removed its head,
which was a likeness of Nero, and replaced it by a
likeness of himself, writing on the pedestal an inscrip-
tion in his usual style, not omitting the titles Gladia-
torius and Effeminatus.1 And yet Severus, a stern
emperor and a man whose character was well in keep-
ing with his name, moved by hatred for the senate —
or so it seems — exalted this creature to a place among
the gods 2 and granted him also a flamen, the
" Herculaneus Commodianus," whom Commodus
while still alive had planned to have for himself.
Three sisters 3 survived him. Severus instituted
the observance of his birthday.
XVIII." Loud were the acclamations of the senate
after the death of Commodus. And that the senate's
opinion of him may be known, I have quoted from
Marius Maximus the acclamations themselves,4 and
the content of the senate's decree :
" From him who was a foe of his fatherland let his
honours be taken away ; let the honours of the
murderer be taken away ; let the murderer be dragged
in the dust. The foe of his fatherland, the murderer,
the gladiator, in the charnel-house let him be
mangled. He is foe to the gods, slayer of the senate,
foe to the gods, murderer of the senate, foe of the
gods, foe of the senate. Cast the gladiator into the
charnel-house. He who slew the senate, let him be
dragged with the hook ; he who slew the guiltless, let
see Cohen, iii2, p. 234, no. 61 ; see also p. 359, nos. 1009-1010.
He also appears as Divus Commodus in inscriptions.
3Arria Fadilla, Cornificia, and Vibia Aurelia Sabina.
4 Cf. Av. Cass., xiii. 1 and note. The outcries are mentioned
by Dio, Ixxiii. 2, 2-4.
6 vere vere.1 qui sanguini suo non pepercit, unco
7 trahatur. qui te occisurus fuit, unco trahatur. 110-
biscum timuisti, nobiscum periclitatus es. ut salvi
simus, luppiter optime maxime, serva nobis Per-
Stinacem. fidei praetorianorum feliciter. praetoriis
cohortibus feliciter. exercitibus Romanis feliciter.
pietati senatus feliciter.
9 Parricida trahatur. rogamus, Auguste, parricida
10 trahatur. hoc rogamus, parricida trahatur. exaudi
Caesar : delatores ad leonem. exaudi Caesar : Spera-
11 turn ad leonem. victoriae populi Roman! feliciter.
fidei militum feliciter. fidei praetorianorum feliciter.
cohortibus praetoriis feliciter.
Hostis statuas undique, parricidae statuas undique,
gladiatoris statuas undique. gladiatoris et parricidae
13 statuae detrahantur. necator civium trahatur. parri-
cida civium trahatur. gladiatoris statuae detrahantur.
14 te salvo salvi et securi sumus, vere vere, modo vere,
modo digne, modo vere, modo libere.
15 Nunc securi sumus ; delatoribus metum. ut securi
simus,2 delatoribus metum. ut 3 salvi simus, delatores
de senatu, delatoj-ibus fustem. te salvo delatores ad
16 leonem. te imperante delatoribus fustem.
1 uere Peter; seuere P. 2 sumus P. zut ins. by
Salmasius ; orn. in P.
1 Evidently addressed to Pertinax
2 Cf. Pert., v. 1. 3 Apparently an informer.
him be dragged with the hook — a foe, a murderer,
verily, verily. He who spared not his own blood, let
him be dragged with the hook ; he who would have
slain you,1 let him be dragged with the hook. You
were in terror along with us, you were endangered
along with us. That we may be safe, O Jupiter Best
and Greatest, save for us Pertinax.2 Long life to the
guardian care of the praetorians ! Long life to the
praetorian cohorts 1 Long life to the armies of Rome !
Long life to the loyalty of the senate !
Let the murderer he dragged in the dust. We
beseech you, O Sire, let the murderer be dragged in
the dust. This we beseech you, let the murderer be
dragged in the dust. Hearken, Caesar: to the lions
with the informers ! Hearken Caesar : to the lions
with Speratus ! 3 Long life to the victory of the
Roman people ! Long life to the soldiers' guardian
care ! Long life to the guardian care of the prae-
torians ! Long life to the praetorian cohorts !
On all sides are statues of the foe, on all sides are
statues of the murderer, on all sides are statues of
the gladiator. The statues of the murderer and
gladiator, let them be cast down. The slayer of
citizens, let him be dragged in the dust. The
murderer of citizens, let him be dragged in the dust.
Let the statues of the gladiator be overthrown.
While you are safe, we too are safe and untroubled,
verily, verily, if in very truth, then with honour, if
in very truth, then with freedom.
Now at last we are secure ; let informers tremble.
That we may be secure, let informers tremble. That
we may be safe, cast informers out of the senate, the club
for informers ! While you are safe, to the lions with
informers ! While you are ruler, the club for informers !
XIX. Parricidae gladiatoris memoria aboleatur,
parricidae gladiatoris statuae detrahantur. impuri
gladiatoris memoria aboleatur. gladiatorem in spoli-
2 ario. exaudi Caesar : carnifex unco trahatur. carnifex
senatus more maiorum unco trahatur. saevior Do-
mitiano, impurior Nerone. sic fecit, sic patiatur.
memoriae innocentium serventur. honores innocent-
ium restituas, rogamus. parricidae cadaver unco
3 trahatur. gladiatoris cadaver unco trahatur. gladi-
atoris cadaver in spoliario ponatur. perroga, perroga :
4omnes censemus unco trahendum. qui omnes occi-
dit, unco trahatur. qui omnem aetatem occidit, unco
trahatur. qui utrumque sexum occidit, unco trahatur.
5 qui sanguini suo non pepercit, unco trahatur. qui
templa spoliavit, unco trahatur. qui testamenta de-
levit, unco trahatur. qui vivos spoliavit, unco trahatur.
eservis serviimus. qui pretia vitae exegit, unco tra-
hatur. qui pretia vitae exegit et fidem non servavit,
unco trahatur. qui senatum vendidit, unco trahatur.
qui filiis abstulit hereditatem, unco trahatur.
7 Indices de senatu, delatores de senatu, servorum
Let the memory of the murderer and the gladiator
be utterly wiped away. Let the statues of the mur-
derer and the gladiator be overthrown. Let the
memory of the foul gladiator be utterly wiped away.
Cast the gladiator into the charnel-house. Hearken,
Caesar : let the slayer be dragged with the hook. In
the manner of our fathers let the slayer of the senate
be dragged with the hook. More savage than
Domitian, more foul than Nero. As he did unto
others, let it be done unto him. Let the remembrance
of the guiltless be preserved. Restore the honours
of the guiltless, we beseech you. Let the body of
the murderer be dragged with the hook, let the body
of the gladiator be dragged with the hook, let the body
of the gladiator be ca^t into the charnel-house. Call
for our vote, call for our vote : with one accord we
reply, let him be dragged with the hook. He who
slew all men, let him be dragged with the hook.
He who slew young and old, let him be dragged
with the hook. He who slew man and woman, let
him be dragged with the hook. He who spared not
his own blood, let him be dragged with the hook.
He who plundered temples, let him be dragged with
the hook. He who set aside the testaments of the
dead, let him be dragged with the hook. He who
plundered the living, let him be dragged with the
hook. We have been slaves to slaves. He who de-
manded a price for the life of a man, let him be
dragged with the hook. He who demanded a price
for a life and kept not his promise, let him be dragged
with the hook. He who sold the senate, let him be
dragged with the hook. He who took from sons
their patrimony, let him be dragged with the hook.
Spies and informers, cast them out of the senate.
subomatores de senatu. et tu nobiscum timuisti ;
8 omnia scis et bonos et malos nosti. omnia scis,
omnia emenda ; pro te timuimus. o nos felices, te
vere l imperante ! de parricida refer, refer, perroga.
9 praesentium tuam rogamus. innocentes sepulti non
sunt. parricidae cadaver trahatur. parricida sepultos
emit ; parricidae cadaver trahatur."
XX. Et cum iussu Pertinacis Livius Laurensis, pro-
curator patrimonii, Fabio Ciloni consuli designate
dedisset, per iioctem Commodi cadaver sepultum est.
2, 3 senatus adclamavit : " Quo auctore sepelierunt ? par-
ricida sepultus eruatur,2 trahatur." Cincius Severus
dixit : " Iniuste sepultus est. qua pontifex dico, hoc
4 collegium pontifiVum dicit. quoniam laeta 3 percensui,
nunc convertar ad necessaria : censeo quas 4 is, qui
nonnisi ad perniciem civium et ad dedecus suum vixit,
ob honorem suum decerni coegit, abolendas statuas,
5 quae undique sunt abolendae, nomenque ex omnibus
privatis publicisque monumentis eradendum menses-
que iis nominibus nuncupandos quibus nuncupabantur,
cum primum illud malum in re publica incubuit."
1 uere Editor (cf. Claud., iv. 3) ; uiro P ; uero Exc. Cusana,
Mommsen ; uiso Hirschfeld, Peter2. 2 seruatur P.
3 laeta Peter1; laetam P; laeta iam Baehrens, Peter2.
4 quae P.
1Corarnemor<3ted in an inscription from Rome, C.I L., vi.
2126. He is one of the characters in the Deipnosophistai of
2 An office probably created by Claudius. The patrimonium
comprised the estates regarded as the property of the emperor
and transmitted from one emperor to another, even when
there was no direct succession. It was distinguished, both
from the fiscus, or imperial treasury, and from the respri,vatat
the private property of any individual emperor; the latter
Suborners of slaves, cast them out of the senate.
You, too, were in terror along with us ; you know all,
you know both the good and the evil. You know all
that we were forced to purchase ; all we have feared
for your sake. Happy are we, now that you are
emperor in truth. Put it to the vote concerning the
murderer, put it to the vote, put the question. We
ask your presence. The guiltless are yet unburied ;
let the body of the murderer be dragged in the
dust. The murderer dug up the buried ; let the
body of the murderer be dragged in the dust."
XX. The body of Commodus was buried during
the night, after Livius Laurensis,1 the steward of the
imperial estate,2 had surrendered it at the bidding of
Pertinax 3 to Fabius Cilo,4 the consul elect. At this
the senate cried out : " With whose authority have
they buried him ? The buried murderer, let him be
dug up, let him be dragged in the dust." Cincius
Severus 5 said : " Wrongfully has he been buried.
And as I speak as pontifex, so speaks the college of
the pontifices. And now, having recounted what is
joyful, I shall proceed to what is needful : I give it
as my opinion that the statues should be overthrown
which this man, who lived but for the destruction of
his fellow-citizens and for his own shame, forced us to
decree in his honour ; wherever they are, they should
be cast down. His name, moreover, should be erased
from all public and private records,6 and the months 7
should be once more called by the names whereby they
were called when this scourge first fell upon the state."
was placed in charge of a special procurator by Severus ; see
Sev., xii. 4.
JSee c. xvii. 4. 4 See Carac., iii. 2 and note.
6 See Sev., xiii. 9. 6See c. xvii. 6. 7 See c. xi. 8.
I. Publio Helvio Pertinaci pater libertinus Helvius
Successus fuit, qui filio nomen ex continuatione lig-
nariae negotiationis, quod pertinaciter earn rem
2gereret, imposuisse fatetur. natus est Pertinax in
Appennino in villa matris. equus pullus ea hora qua
natus est in tegulas ascendit atque ibi breviter com-
3 moratus decidit et ! exspiravit. hac re motus pater
ad Chaldaeum venit. qui cum illi futura ingentia
praedixisset, stirpem 2 se perdidisse dixit.
4 Puer litteris elementariis et calculo imbutus, datus
etiam Graeco grammatico atque inde Sulpicio Apol-
linari, post quern idem Pertinax grammaticen professus
5 Sed cum in ea minus quaestus proficeret, per
Lollianum Avitum, consularem virum, patris pat-
6 ronum, ducendi ordinis dignitatem petiit. dein prae-
1 et om. in P. 2 stirpem P ; stipem Peter.
1 At Alba Pompeia in Liguria, according to Dio, Ixxiii. 1.
For the date see c. xv. 6.
aThe text is almost certainly corrupt.
3 Frequently cited in the Nodes Atticae of Aulus Gelliua,
one of his pupils. He is well known as the composer of metri-
cal summaries of the Aeneid and of Terence's comedies.
4 Consul in 144.
I. Publius Helvius Pertinax was the son of a freed-
man, Helvius Successus by name, who confessed that
he gave this name to his son because of his own long-
standing connection with the timber-trade, for he had
conducted that business with pertinacity. Pertinax
himself was born in the Apennines1 on an estate i Aug.,
which belonged to his mother. The hour he was born
a black horse climbed to the roof, and after remaining
there for a short time, fell to the ground and died.
Disturbed by this occurrence, his father went to a
Chaldean, and he prophesied future greatness for the
boy, saying that he himself had lost his child.2 As a
boy, Pertinax was educated in the rudiments of
literature and in arithmetic and was also put under
the care of a Greek teacher of grammar and, later, of
Sulpicius Apollinaris ; 3 after receiving instruction
from this man, Pertinax himself took up the teaching
of grammar.
But when he found little profit in this profession,
with the aid of Lollianus Avitus, a former consul 4
and his father's patron, he sought an appointment to
a command in the ranks.5 Soon afterwards, in the
5 As chief centurion ; see note to Av. Cass., i. 1.
feet us cohortis in Syriarn profectus Tito Aurelio
imperatore, a praeside Syriae, quod sine diplomatibus
cursum usurpaverat, pedibus ab Antiochia ad lega-
II. tionem suam iter facere coactus est. bello Parthico
industria sua promeritus in Britanniam translatus est
2ac retentus. post in Moesia rexit alam. deinde
3 alimentis dividendis in Via Aemilia procuravit. inde
classem Germanicam rexit. mater eum usque in
Germaniam prosecuta l est ib'que obiit. cuius etiain
4 sepulchrum stare nunc dicitur. inde ad ducenum
sestertiorum stipend ium translatus in Daciam sus-
pectusque a Marco quorundam artibus 2 remotus est, et
postea per Claudium Pompeianum, generum Marci,
quasi adiutor eius futurus vexillis regendis adseitus
5 est. in quo munere adprobatus lectus est in senatu.
6 postea iterum re bene gesta prodita est factio, quae
illi concinnata fuerat, Marcusque imperator, ut com-
*per.ecutaP. 2 attibus Peter ; apartibus'P.
} i.e. Antoninus Pius.
2 An independent company of infantry, normally number-
ing five hundred and usually commanded by a young man of
the equestrian order as the first stage in his official career.
a The war waged under the nominal command of Verus in
162-1 06 ; see Marc., ix. 1 and Ver., vii.
4 Probably as tribune of a legion ; see Dio, Ixxiii. 3, 1. Dio
adds that he secured this post through the favour of Claudius
Pompeianus (cf. § 4), his former school-mate.
6 As yraefcctus alae, or commander of an independent
squadron of cavalry. This was the third of the military posts
required of members of the equestrian order who were as-
pirants for a political career.
"On the alirnenla see note to Hadr., vii. 8. The Via
Aemilia ran from Aiiminum (Rimini) on the Adriatic through
Bononia (Bologna) to Placentia (Piacenza) on the Po.
reign of Titus Aurelius,1 he set out for Syria as pre-
fect of a cohort,2 and there, because he had used the
imperial post without official letters of recommen-
dation, he was forced by the governor of Syria to
make his way from Antioch to his station on foot.
II. Winning promotion because of the energy he
showed in the Parthian war,3 he was transferred to
Britain4 and there retained. Later he led a squadron 5
in Moesia, and after that he supervised the distribution
of grants to the poor on the Aemilian Way.6 Next,
he commanded the German fleet.7 His mother
followed him all the way to Germany, and there she
*J mf '
died, and her tomb is said to be still standing there.
From this command he was transferred to Dacia 8 at
a salary of two hundred thousand sesterces, but
through the machinations of certain persons he came
to be distrusted by Marcus and was removed from
this post; afterwards, however, through the influence
of Claudius Pompeianus, the son-in-law of Marcus,9
he was detailed to the command of detachments on
the plea that he would become Pompeianus' aide.10
Meeting with approval in this position, he was en-
rolled in the senate. Later, when he had won suc-
cess in war for the second time, the plot which had
been made against him was revealed, and Marcus, in
order to remedy the wrong he had done him, raised
7 The fleet on the Rhine.
* As procurator, with the rank of du&.narius. He had the
supervision of the nuances of the province.
9 See Marc., xx. 6. Pompeianus had befriended him previ-
ously (see § 1 and note).
10 Pompeianus was governor of Pannonia Inferior in 167
(see note to Marc., xx. 7), and it was probably at this time
that he appointed Pertinax to this command.
pensaret iniuriam, praetorium eum fecit et primae
legioni regendae imposuit, statimque Raetias et
7 Noricum ab hostibus vindicavit. ex quo eminente
industria studio Marci imperatoris consul est desig-
8natus. exstat oratio apud Marium Maximum laudes
eius continens et omnia vel quae fecit vel quae per-
9 pessus est. et praeter illam orationem, quam longum
fuit conectere, saepissime Pertinax a Marco et in con-
tione militari et in senatu laudatus est, doluitque
palam Marcus, quod senator esset et l praefectus
10 praetorii fieri a se non posset. Cassiano motu com-
posito e Syria ad Danuvii tutelam profectus estatque
11 inde Moesiae utriusque, mox Daciae regimen accepit.
bene gestis his provinciis Syriam meruit.
III. Integre se usque ad Syriae regimen Pertinax
tenuit, post excessum vero Marci pecuniae studuit \
2 quare etiam dictis popularibus lacessitus. curiam
Romanam post quattuor provincias consulares, quia
consulatum absens gesserat, iam dives ingressus est,
3 cum earn senator antea non vidisset. iussus est prae-
terea statim a Perenni in Liguriam secedere in villam
paternam ; nam pater eius tabernam coactiliariam 2 in
1 et om. in P. 2 coactiliariam Scaliger, Mommsen ;
coactiliriam P ; coctiliciam Salmasius, Peter.
1 i.e. the rank in the senate of those who had held the
2 The First Adiutrix, which in the second century was
quartered in Upper Pannonia.
3 In connection with Marcus' campaign in Pannonia ; see
note to Marc., xiv. 6.
4 He evidently accompanied Marcus thither at the time of
Cassius' revolt; see Marc., xxv. 1.
8 Cf. o. ix. 4-6 ; xiii. 4.
him to the rank of praetor l and put him in command
of the First Legion.2 Whereupon Pertinax straight-
way rescued Raetia and Noricum from the enemy.3
Because of his conspicuous prowess in this campaign
he was appointed, on the recommendation of Marcus,
to the consulship. Marcus' speech has been preserved ca. 175
in the works of Marius Maximus ; it contains a eulogy
of him and relates, moreover, everything that he did
and suffered. And besides this speech, which it would
take too much space to incorporate in this work,
Marcus praised Pertinax frequently, both in the as-
semblies of soldiers and in the senate, and publicly
expressed regret that he was a senator and therefore
could not be made prefect of the guard. After Cassius'
revolthad been suppressed, Pertinax set out from Syria4 175
to protect the bank of the Danube, and presently he
was appointed to govern both the Moesias and, soon
thereafter, Dacia. And by reason of his success in
these provinces, he won the appointment to Syria.
III. Up to the time of his administration of Syria,
Pertinax preserved his honesty, but after the death
of Marcus he became 'desirous of wealth, and was in
consequence assailed by popular gibes.5 It was
not until after he had governed four consular pro-
vinces and had become a rich man that he entered
the Roman senate- chamber, which, during all his
career as senator, he had never before seen, for
during his term as consul he had been absent from
Rome.6 Immediately after this, he received orders
from Perennis to retire to his father's farm in 182
Liguria,7 where his father had kept a cloth-maker's
6 He seems to have been in Syria during the short term for
which he was appointed consul ; see c. ii. 7 and 10.
7 See note to c. i. 2.
4Liguria exercuerat. sed posteaquam in Liguriam
venit, multis agris coemptis tabernam paternara
manente forma priore infmitis aedificiis circumdedit.
fuitque illic per triennium et mercatus est per suos
5 Occiso sane Perenni Commodus Pertinaci satisfecit
eumque petiit litteris,1 ut ad Britanniam proficiscere-
6 tur. profectusque milites ab omni seditione deter-
ruit, cum illi querncumque imperatorem vellent habere
7et ipsum specialiter Pertinacem. time Pertinax
malevolentiae notam subiit, quod dictus est insimu-
lasse apud Commodum adfectati imperil Antistium
8 Burrum et Arrium Antoninum. et seditiones quidem
contra se ipse 2 compescuit in Britannia,3 verum in-
gens periculum adiit seditione legionis paene occisus,
9 certe inter occisos relictus. quam quidem rem idem
10 Pertinax acerrime vindicavit. denique postea veniam
legationis petiit, dicens sibi ob defensam disciplinam
IV. infestas esse legiones. accepto successore alimen-
torum ei cura mandata est. dein pro consule Africae
2factus est. in quo proconsulatu multas seditiones
perpessus dicitur vaticinationibus carminum 4 quae de
templo Caelestis emergunt. post hoc praefectus urbi
3 factus. in qua praefectura post Fuscianum, hominem
severum, Pertinax mitissimus et humanissimus fuit et
1 litteris Peter ; litteras P. 2 contra <se> ipse Lenze ;
contra ipse P; contra imperatorem Obrecht, Peter. 3 Bri-
tanniam P, Peter. 4 carminum Peter2 ; earum P.
1 See Com., vi. 2 and notes. 2 See Com., vi. 11 and vii. 1.
3 See Hadr., vii. 8, and c. ii. 2. He was now praefectus
alimentorum, charged with the supervision of the alimcnta
for the whole of Italy, whereas previously he had been respon-
sible for one district.
shop. On coming to Liguria, however, he bought
up a great number of farms, and added countless
buildings to his father's shop, which he still kept in
its original form ; and there he stayed for three years
carrying on the business through his slaves.
After Perennis had been put to death, Commodus 185
made amends to Pertinax, and in a letter asked him
to set out for Britain.1 After his arrival there he kept
the soldiers from any revolt, for they wished to set
up some other man as emperor, preferably Pertinax
himself. And now Pertinax acquired an evil character
for enviousness, for he was said to have laid before
Commodus the charge that Antistius Burrus and
Arrius Antoninus were aspiring to the throne.2 And
certainly he did suppress a mutiny against himself in
Britain, but in so doing he came into great danger ;
for in a mutiny of a legion he was almost killed, and
indeed was left among the slain. This mutiny
Pertinax punished very severely. Later on, however,
he petitioned to be excused from his governorship,
saying that the legions were hostile to him because
he had been strict in -h is discipline. IV. After he had
been relieved of this post, he was put in charge of the
grants to the poor.3 Next he was made proconsul
of Africa. During this proconsulship, it is said, he
suppressed many rebellions by the aid of prophetic
verses which issued from the temple of Caelestis.4
Next he was made prefect of the city, and in this office,
as successor to Fuscianus,5 a very stern man, Pertinax
4 The tutelary goddess of Carthage, Tanith, worshipped in
the imperial period under the name of Caelestis Afrorum Dea.
Her cult extended through northern Africa to Spain and was
spread by soldiers over the empire. See also Macr., iii. 1.
5 See Marc., iii. 8.
ipsi Commodoplurimum placuit, quia . . . . illi esset
4iterum cum Pertinax factus est. time Pertinax inter-
ficiendi Commodi conscientiam delatam sibi ab aliis
non fugit.
5 Commodo autem interempto Laetus praefectus
praetorii et Eclectus l cubicularius ad eum venerunt
et2 eum confirmarunt atque in castra duxerunt.
6 illic Pertinax milites adlocutus est, donativum pro-
misit, ingeri sibi imperium a Laeto et Eclecto 3 dixit.
7 fictum est autem quod morbo esset Commodus ex-
stinctus. quia et milites, ne temptarentur, pertimes-
cebant. denique a paucis primum est Pertinax
8 imperator appellatus. factus est autem sexagenario
9 maior imperator pridie kal. Ian. de castris nocte
cum ad senatum venisset et cellam curiae iussisset
aperiri, neque inveniretur aedituus, in Templo Con-
10 cordiae resedit. et cum ad eum Claudius Pompeianus,
gener Marci,4 venisset casumque Commodi 5 lacri-
masset, hortatus Pertinax ut imperium sumeret.
sed ille recusavit, quia iam imperatorem Pertinacem
11 videbat. statim ergo omnes magistratus cum consule
ad curiam venerunt ingressumque Pertinacem nocte
Delectus P. 2ct Salmasius; ut P. 3electo P. 4 ger-
manici P. 5 commcdo P.
JNo successful attempt has been made to fill this lacuna.
2 See Com., xvii. 1.
3 Twelve thousand sesterces, or three thousand denarii ;
see c. xv. 7, and Dio, Ixxiii. 1, 2. According to c. xv. 7, he
paid only half of it, but according to Dio, Ixxiii. 5, 4, he paid
all that he had promised.
4 According to Dio, Ixxiii. 1, 3, the soldiers were not en-
was exceedingly gentle and considerate, and he
proved very pleasing to Commodus himself, for he
was . . ,l when Pertinax was made consul for the
second time. And while in this position, Pertinax
did not avoid complicity in the murder of Commodus,
when a share in this plot was offered him by the other
After Commodus was slain,2 Laetus, the prefect
of the guard, and Eclectus, the chamberlain, came to
Pertinax and reassured him, and then led him to the
camp. There he harangued the soldiers, promised
a donative,3 and said that the imperial power had been
thrust upon him by Laetus and Eclectus. It was
pretended, moreover, that Commodus had died a
natural death, chiefly because the soldiers feared that
their loyalty was merely being tested. Finally, and
at first by only a few, Pertinax was hailed as emperor.4
He was made emperor on the day before the Kalends 31 Dec.,
of January, being then more than sixty years old.5
During the night he came from the camp to the
senate, but, when he ordered the opening of the hall
of the senate-house and the attendant could not be
found, he seated himself in the Temple of Concord.6
And when Claudius Pompeianus, Marcus' son-in-law,
came to him and bemoaned the death of Commodus,
Pertinax urged him to take the throne ; Claudius,
however, seeing that Pertinax was already invested
with the imperial power, refused. Without further
delay, therefore, all the magistrates, in company with
the consul, came to the senate-house, and Pertinax,
who had come in by night, was saluted as emperor.
5 Sixty-six.
6 At the western end of the Forum at the foot of the Capi-
toline Hill. The senate often met there.
V- imperatorem appellaverunt. ipse autem Pertinax
post laudes suas a consul ibus dictas et post vitupe-
rationem Commodi adclamationibus senatus ostensam
egit gratias senatui et praecipue Laeto, praefecto
praetorii, quo auctore et Commodus interemptus et
ipse imperator est factus.
Sed cum Laeto gratias egisset Pertinax, Falco con-
sul dixit : "Qualis imperator es futurus, hinc intel-
legimus, quod Laetum et Marciam,1 ministros
^scelerum Commodi, post te videmus ". cui Pertinax
respondit : " luvenis es consul nee parendi scis
necessitates, paruerunt2 inviti Commodo, sed ubi
habuerunt facultatem, quid semper voluerint osten-
4derunt". eadem die qua Augustus est appellatus,
et Flavia Titiana uxor eius Augusta est appellata,
iis horis quibus ille in Capitolium vota solvebat.
5 primus sane omnium ea die qua Augustus est appel-
6 latus, etiam patris patriae nomen recepit nee non3
simul etiam imperium proconsulare nee non 3 ius
quartae relationis. quod ominis 4 loco fuit Pertinaci.
7 Ad Palatium ergo Pertinax profectus, quod tune
vacuum erat, quia Commodus in Vectilianis occisus
est, petenti signum prima die tribuno dedit "milite-
mus/' exprobrans utique segnitiem temporum superi-
orum. quod quidem etiam ante in omnibus ducatibus
lmarcianum P. 2 parauerunt P. 3non ins. in P
corr. ; om. in P1. 4 omnis P1.
1 See Com., xviii.-xix.
2 Pertinax refused this name for his wife and that of Caesar
for his son; see c. vi. 9 and Dio, Ixxiii. 7, 1-2. Dio suggests
that it was on account of her bad character ; see also c. xiii.
8. However, Titiana is called Augusta in inscriptions and on
3 See Hadr., vi. 4 and note. 4 See note to Marc., vi. 6.
V. Pertinax, on his part, after his own praises had
been recited by the consuls and Commodus had been
execrated in the outcries of the senate,1 returned
thanks to the senate in general, and in particular to
Laetus, the prefect of the guard, through whose in-
strumentality Commodus had been slain and he him-
self declared emperor.
When Pertinax had returned thanks to Laetus,
however, Falco, the consul, said: "We may know
what sort of an emperor you will be from this, that we
see behind you Laetus and Marcia, the instruments
of Commodus' crimes ". To him Pertinax replied :
" You are young, Consul, and do not know the neces-
sity of obedience. They obeyed Commodus, but
against their will, and as soon as they had an oppor-
tunity, they showed what had always been their
desire." On the samd* day that he was entitled
Augustus, at the very hour at which he was paying
his vows on the Capitolium, Flavia Titiana, his wife,
was also given the name of Augusta.2 Of all the
emperors he was the first to receive the title of
Father of his Country on the day when he was named
Augustus.3 And at the same time he received the
proconsular power and the right of making four pro-
posals to the senate 4 — a combination which Pertinax
regarded as an omen.
And so Pertinax repaired to the Palace; which was
vacant at that time, for Commodus had been slain in
the Vectilian Villa.5 And on the first day of his
reign, when the tribune asked for the watchword, he
gave " let us be soldiers," as if reproving the former
reign for its inactivity. As a matter of fact, he had
really used this same watchword before in all his
5 See Com., xvi. 3.
VI. dederat. exprobrationem autem istam milites non
tulerunt statimque de imperatore mutando cogitarunt.
2ea die etiam ad convivium magistratus et proceres
senatus rogavit, quam consuetudinem Commodus
3 praetermiserat. sane iam l postero kalendarum die
cum statuae Commodi deicerentur, gemuerunt mili-
tes, simulquia iterum signum idem dederat imperator.
4timebatur autem militia sub sene imperatore. de-
nique ter-tium nonarum diem votis ipsis milites Tria-
rium MaternuiTi Lascivium, senatorem nobilem, ducere
in castra voluerunt, ut eum rebus Romanis imponerent.
5sed ille nudus fugit atque ad Pertinacem in Palatium
venit et post ex urbe decessit.
6 Timore sane Pertinax coactus omnia quae Commo-
7 dus militibus et veteranis dederat confirmavit. susci-
pere se etiam imperium a senatu dixit, quod iam sponte
8 inierat. quaestionem maiestatis penitus tulit cum
iureiurando, revocavit etiam eos qui deportati fuerant
crimine maiestatis, eorum memoria restituta qui occisi
9 fuerant. filium eius senatus Caesarem appellavit.
sed Pertinax nee uxoris Augustae appellationem re-
10 cepit et de filio dixit : "cum meruerit ". et cum
Commodus adlectionibus innumeris praetorias mis-
cuisset, senatus consultum Pertinax fecit iussitque
1 iam Peter ; cum P.
1 Cf. Com., xx. 4-5.
2 Yet according to c. iv. 11 and Dio, Ixxiii. 1, 4, he was
regularly elected by the senate.
3 According to Dio, Ixxiii. 5, 3, their bodies were disinterred
and then laid in their ancestral tombs.
4 See note to c. v. 4. B See note to c. ii. 6.
commands. VI. But the soldiers would not tolerate a
reproof and straightway began to make plans for chang-
ing the emperor. On this same day also he invited
the magistrates and the chief men of the senate to a
banquet, a practice which Com mod us had discon-
tinued. But, indeed, on the day after the Kalends 2 Jan.,
of January, when the statues of Commodus were
overthrown/ the soldiers groaned aloud, for he gave
this same watchword for the second time, and besides
they dreaded service under an emperor advanced in
years. Finally on the third of the month, just as the
vows were being assumed, the soldiers tried to lead
Triarius Maternus Lascivius, a senator of distinction,
to the camp, in order to invest him with the sove-
reignty of the Roman Empire. He, however, fled
from them quite naked and came to Pertinax in the
Palace and presently departed from the city.
Induced by fear, Pertinax ratified all the concessions
which Commodus had made to the soldiers and
veterans. He declared, also, that he had received
from the senate the sovereignty which, in fact, he had
already assumed on his own responsibility.2 He
abolished trials for treason absolutely and bound
himself thereto by an oath, he recalled those who
had been exiled on the charge of treason, and he re-
established the good, name of those who had been
slain.3 The senate granted his son the name of
Caesar, but Pertinax not only refused to allow the
name Augusta to be conferred on his wife but also,
in the case of his son, said : " Only when he earns it ".4
And since Commodus had obscured the significance
of the praetorian rank 5 by countless appointments
thereto, Pertinax, after securing the passage of a
decree of the senate, issued an order that those who
eos, qui praeturas non gessissent sed adlectione ac-
cepissent, post eos esse qui vere praetores fuissent.
11 sed hinc quoque grande odium sibi raultorum com-
VII. movit. census retractari iussit. delatores convictos 1
graviter puniri iussit et tamen m )llius quam priores
imperatores, unicuique dignitati, si delationis crimen
2incurreret, poenam statuens. legem sane tulit, ut
testamenta priora non prius essent inrita quam alia
perfecta essent, neve ob hoc fiscus aliquando succe-
Sderet. ipseque professus est nullius se aditurum 2
hereditatem, quae aut adulatione alicuius delata esset
aut lite perplexa, ut legitimi heredes et necessarii
privarentur. additque senatus consulto haec verba :
4 " Satius 3 est, patres conscripti, inopem rem publicam
obtinere, quam ad divitiarum cumulum per discrimi-
5 num atque dedecorum vestigia pervenire ". donativa
6et congiaria, quae Commodus promiserat, solvit. an-
nonae consultissime providit. et cum tantam penu-
riam 4 aerarii haberet, ut praeter decies sestertium
non se invenisse fateretur, coactus est ea exigere
quae Commodus indixerat, contra quam professus
7 fuerat. denique aggressus eum Lollianus Gentianus
consularis, quod contra promissum faceret, necessitatis
rationem accepit.
1conuictos Faber, Peter; uinctos P. zadituram P.
3 satius Gruter ; statins P1 ; sanctius P corr. *pecuniam P.
1 In cases where there was no will or no natural heir the
property reverted to the imperial treasury.
2 Of. c. vi. 6.
3 This figure is also given by Dio, Ixxiii. 5, 4 (250,000
4Q. Hedius Rufus Lollianus Gentianus was the son of the
patron of Pertinax' father ; see c. i. 5.
had secured the rank of praetor not by actual service,
but by appointment, should be ranked below those
who had been praetors in reality. But by this act
also he brought on himself the bitter enmity of many
men. VII. He gave orders for the taking of a new
census. He gave orders, too, that men convicted of
lodging false accusations should be punished with
severity, exercising, nevertheless, greater modera-
tion than former emperors, and at the same time
ordaining a separate punishment for each rank in
case any of its members should be convicted of
this offence. He enacted a law, moreover, that
an old will should not become invalid before the new
one was formally completed, fearing that some time
the privy-purse might in this way succeed to an
inheritance.1 He declared that for his own part he
would accept no legacy which came to him either
through flattery or by reason of legal entanglements if
thereby the rightful heirs and the near of kin should
be robbed of their rights, and when the decree of the
senate was passed, he added these words : " It is
better, O Conscript Fathers, to rule a state that is im-
poverished, than to attain to a great mass of wealth by
paths of peril and dishonour ". He paid the donatives
and largesseswhich Commodus had promised,2 and pro-
vided with the greatest care for the grain-supply. And
when the treasury was drained to such a degree that he
was unable to put his hands on more than a million
sesterces,3as he himself admitted, he was forced, in vio-
lation of a previous promise, to exact certain revenues
which Commodus had remitted. And finally, when
Lollianus Gentianus,4 a man of consular rank, brought
him to task for breaking his promise, he excused him-
self on the ground that it was a case of necessity.
8 Auctionem rerum Commodi habuit, ita ut et pueros
et concub'.nas vendi iuberet, exceptis iis qui per vim
9 Palatio videbantur inserti. et de iis quos yendi iussit
multi' postea reducti ad ministerium oblectarunt
senem, qui l quidem per alios principes usque ad
lOsenatorium dignitatem pervenerunt. scurras turpis-
simorum nominum dedecora praeferentes 2 proscripsit
11 ac vendidit. cuius nundinationis pecuniary quae
/III. ingens fuit, militibus donative dedit. a libertis etiam
ea exegit quibus Commodo vendente ditati fuerant.
2auctio sane rerum Commodi in his insignior fuit :
vestis subtegmine serico aureis filis insigni opere,3
tunicas paenulasque,lacernaset chiridotas Dalmatarum
et cirratas militares purpureasque chlamydes Grae-
Scanicas atque castrenses. et cuculli Bardaici et toga
4armaque gladiatoria gemmis auroque composita. et
machaeras Herculaneas et torques gladiatorias vasaque
de luto 4 auro ebore argento citroque composita.
5 atque etiam phallovitrobuli 5 ex materie eadem et
vasa Samnitica calfactandae resinae ac pici devel-
6lendis hominibus ac leviginandis. nee non vehicula
arte fabricae nova perplexis divisisque rotarum orbi-
lqui om. in P. ^perferentes P. 3 insigni opere
Casaubon ; insignior per P. *de luto Editor; eludo P;
eluto Peter1 ; de ludo Krauss, Peter2. 5phallouitrobuli
Egnatius, Peter1 ; phandouitrobuli P, Peter2.
1 See Com., v. 4.
2 Com., x. 8. According to Dio, Ixxiii. 6, 2, it was Laetus
who offered these for sale.
3 See c. iv. 6. He also gave a largess of 100 denarii to
each; see c. xv. 7 ; Dio, Ixxiii. 5, 4 ; and the coins with the
legend Liberalitas Aug(usti), Cohen, iii2, p. 392 f., nos. 23-28.
4 See Com., xiv., 4-7. 5Com., viii. 8.
6 The bardoc2icullus, a heavy coarse cloak with a hood. It
seems to have been named from the Bardaei, a tribe in
He held a sale of Commodus' belongings, even
ordering the sale of all his youths and concubines,
except those who had apparently been brought to
the Palace by force.1 Of those whom he ordered
sold, however, many were soon brought back to his
service and ministered to the pleasures of the old
man, and under other emperors they even attained
to the rank of senator. Certain buffoons, also, who bore
the shame of unmentionable names,2 he put up at
auction and sold. The moneys gained in this traffick-
ing, which were immense, he used for a donative to the
soldiers.3 VIII. He also demanded from Commodus'
freedmen the sums wherewith they had been en-
riched when Commodus held his sales.4 In the
sale of Commodus' goods the following articles were
especially noteworthy : robes of silk foundation with
gold embroidery of remarkable workmanship ; tunics,
mantles and coats ; tunics made with long sleeves in
the manner of the Dalmatians 5 and fringed military
cloaks ; purple cloaks made in the Greek fashion,
and purple cloaks made for service in the camp.
Also Bardaean hooded cloaks,6 and a gladiator's toga
and harness finished in gold and jewels ; also swords,
such as those with which Hercules is represented,
and the necklaces worn by gladiators, and vessels,
some of pottery, some of gold, some of ivory, some of
silver, and some of citrus wood. Also cups in the
shape of the phallus, made of these same materials ;
and Samnite pots for heating the resin and pitch used
for depilating men and making their skins smooth.
And furthermore, carriages, the very latest master-
pieces of the art, made with entwined and carven
Illyricum, but it was also manufactured in Gaul (see Martial,
i. 53, 5).
bus l et exquisitis sedilibus nunc ad solem declinandum
7 nunc ad spiritus opportunitatem per vertiginem ; et
alia iter metientia horasque moiistrantia et cetera
vitiis eius convenientia.
Reddidit praeterea dominis eos qui se ex privatis
9 domibus in aulam contulerant. convivium impera-
torium ex immense ad certum revocavit modum.
lOsumptus etiam omnes Commodi recidit.2 exemplo
autem imperatoris, cum ille parcius se ageret, ex
11 omnium conlimntia vilitas nata est. nam inipera-
torium sumptum pulsis non necessariis ad soliti dimi-
IX. dium detraxit. praemia militantibus posuit. aes
alienum, quod primo imperil tempore contraxerat,
2solvit. aerarium in suum statum restituit. ad opera
publica certum sumptum constituit. rftformandis
viis 3 pecuniam contulit. stipendia plurimis retro
debita exsolvit. obeundis postremo cunctis muneri-
3 bus fiscum parern fecit, alimentaria etiam compendia,
quae novem annorum ex institute Traiani debebantur,
obdurata verecundia sustulit.
4 Avaritiae suspicione privatus non caruit, cum apud 4
Vada Sabatia oppressis faenore possessoribus latius
5suos tenderet 5 fines, denique ex versu Luciliano
6agrarius mergus est appellatus. multi autem eum
lurbibusP. 2 recidit Egnatius ; reddit P. 3uiis
Casaubon ; suis P. 4 aptit P. 6 tenderet Casaubon ;
teneret P.
1 Cf. c. xii. 5.
2 See note to Hadr., vii. 8. Pertinax had himself held
offices in this branch of the government ; see c. ii. 2 and c.
iv. 1.
3 Of. c. iii. 1. 4Cf. c. xiii. 4.
8 The famous satirist of the second century B.C.
wheels and carefully planned seats that could be
turned so as to avoid the sun at one moment, at
another, face the breeze. There were other carriages
that measured the road, and showed the time ; and
still others designed for the indulgence of his vices.
Pertinax restored to their masters, moreover, all
slaves who had come from private homes to the
Palace. He reduced the imperial banquets from
something absolutely unlimited to a fixed standard,1
and, indeed, cut down all expenses from what they
had been under Commodus. And from the example
set by the emperor, who lived rather simply, there
resulted a general economy and a consequent reduc-
tion in the cost of living ; for by eliminating the
un^essentials he reduced the upkeep of the court to
half the usual amount. IX. He established rewards
for the soldiers, paid the debt which he had con-
tracted at the beginning of his reign, and restored
the treasury to its normal condition. He set aside
a fixed sum for public buildings, furnished funds for
repairing the highways, and paid the arrears in the
salaries of very many men. Finally, he made the
privy-purse capable of sustaining all the demands
made upon it, and with rigorous honesty he even
assumed the responsibility for nine years' arrears of
money for the poor 2 which was owed through a
statute of Trajan's.
Before he was made emperor he was not free from
the suspicion of greed,3 for he had extended his own
holdings at Vada Sabatia 4 by foreclosing mortgages ;
indeed, in a line quoted from Lucilius 5 he was called
a land-shark.6 Many men, moreover, have set down
6 Properly a kind of sea-gull , proverbial as a type of voracious-
ness ; see Pliny, Nat. Hist., xi. 202.
etiam in provinciis, quas consularis gessit, sordide se
egisse in litteras rettulere. nam vacationes et lega-
7tiones militares dicitur vendidisse. denique cum
parentum minimum esset patrimonium, et nulla
hereditas obvenisset, subito dives est factus.
8 Omnibus sane possessiones suas reddidit quibus
9 Commodus ademerat, sed non sine pretio. senatui
legitimo semper intermit ac semper aliquid rettulit.
civilem se salutantibus et interpellantibus semper ex-
lOhibuit. eos qui calumniis adpetiti per servos fuerant
damnatis severius J delatoribus liberavit, in crucem
sublatis talibus servis ; aliquos etiam mortuos vindi-
X. Insidias paravit ei Falco consul, qui 2 questus est
2 in senatu volens imp jrare. cui 3 quidem credidit sena-
tus 4 cum 5 sibi quidam servus, quasi Fabiae t setique 6
filius ex Ceionii Commodi familia, Palatinam domum
ridicule 7 vindicasset, cognitusque iussus esset 8 flagellis
3 caesus domino restitui. in cuius vindicta ii qui9
oderant Pertinacem occasionem seditionis invenisse
4 dicuntur. Falconi tamen pepercit et a senatu im-
lseucriu* Walter; scruis P. Peter. 2 Falco consul, qui
questus Editor; Falco conque^tus P; lacuna ind. by Peter.
3 cui Editor; quo P; quoa Egnatius, Peter1; -^quo Peter2.
4senatus ins. by Editor; credidit, P, Peter. 5 cum sugg.
by Peter ; dum P, Peter. 6 so P ; fauiae esset filius Edit,
princeps. Peter1. 7ridiculaP. s esset Baehrens,
Unger, Peter2; est P, Peter1. *quodP.
1 According to Do, Ixxiii. 8, 2, the conspiracy was organized
by Laetns and the guard, which objected to the stern discipline
enforced by Pertinax; Falco was chosen merely as a promis-
ing candidate for the throne.
2 The text is hopelessly corrupt and the name of the pre-
tender's father has been lost ; on Fabia see Marc., xsix. 10;
Ver., x. 3-4.
in writing that in those provinces which he ruled as
proconsul he conducted himself in a grasping manner ;
for he sold, they said, both exemptions from service
and military appointments. And lastly, although his
father's estate was very small, and no legacy was left
him, he suddenly became rich.
As a matter of fact, however, he restored to every-
one the property of which Commodus had despoiled
him, but not without compensation. He always at-
tended the stated meetings of the senate and always
made some proposal. To those who came to greet
him or who accosted him he was always courteous.
He absolved a number of men whose slaves had
assailed them with false charges, and punished
severely those who brought the accusation, crucifying
all such slaves ; and he also rehabilitated the memory
of some who had died.
X. A plot was attempted against him1 by Falco
the consul, who, being eager to rule, made complaint
in the senate. He, in fact, was believed by the
senate, when a certain slave, on the ground that he
was the son of Fabia and . . .'^ of the household of
Ceionius Commodus, laid a baseless claim to the resi-
dence on the Palatine and, on being recognised, was
sentenced to be soundly flogged and returned to his
master. In the punishment of this man those who
hated Pertinax are said to have found an opportunity
for an outbreak. Nevertheless, Pertinax spared
Falco, and furthermore asked the senate to pardon
him.3 In the end Falco lived out his life in security
3 He had been declared a public enemy by the senate, but
Pertinax asked that his life should be spared, declaring that
he wished no senator to be put to death during his reign ;
see Dio, Ixxiii. 8, 5.
5punitatem eius petiit. denique Falco in rebus suis
6securus vixit et herede filio periit. quamvis multi
7 Falconem nescisse dixerint imperium sibi parari. alii
etiam servis, qui rationes interverterant, falsis testi-
moniis adpetitum eum esse dixerunt.
8 Sed Pertinaci factio praeparata est per Laetum
praefectum praetorii et eos quos Pertinacis sancti-
9 raonia offenderat. Laetum enira paenituerat quod
imperatorem fecerat Pertinacem,, idcirco quia eum
velut stultum intimatorem nonnullarum rerum
10 reprehendebat. grave praeterea militibus visum,
quod in causa Falconis multos milites ad unius servi
XI. testimonium occidi praeceperat. trecenti igitur de
castris armati ad imperatorias aedes l cuneo facto
2 milites venere. eadem tamen die immolante Perti-
nace negatur in hostia cor repertum ; et cum id vellet
procurare, caput extorum non deprehendit. et tune
Squidem omnes milites in castris manebant. qui cum
e 2 castris ad obsequium principis convenissent, et
Pertinax eo die processionem, quam 3 ad Athenaeum
paraverat, ut audiret poetam, ob sacrificii praesagium
distulisset, ii qui acl obsequium venerant redire in
4 Castra coeperuiit. sed subito globus ille in Palatium
pervenit neque aut arceri potuit aut imperatori nun-
J aedes Egnatius ; caedes P. *e castris Petschenig ; cas-
tris P ; de castris Peter. 3 quam om. in P.
:The account of the murder of Pertinax, as given in Dio,
Ixxiii. 9-10, agrees in the main with this version.
'^According to Dio, Laetus had them put to death, alleging
that it was by order of Pertinax.
3 Two hundred, according to Dio.
4 An auditorium built by Hadrian, where rhetoricians and
and in possession of his property, and at his death his
son succeeded to the inheritance. Many men, how-
ever, claimed that Falco was unaware that men were
planning to make him emperor, and others said that
slaves who had falsified his accounts assailed him
with trumped-up charges.
However, a conspiracy l was organized against
Pertinax by Laetus, the prefect of the guard, and
sundry others who were displeased by his integrity.
Laetus regretted that he had made Pertinax emperor,
because Pertinax used to rebuke him as a stupid
babbler of various secrets. It seemed to the soldiers,
moreover, a very cruel measure, that in the matter of
Falco he had had many of their comrades put to
death on the testimony of a single slave.2 XI. And
so three hundred soldiers,3 formed into a wedge,
marched under arms from the camp to the imperial
residence. On that day, it was said, no heart had
been found in the victim when Pertinax performed a
sacrifice, and when he tried to avert this evil omen,
he was unable to discover the upper portion of the
liver. And so on that day the great body of the
soldiers remained in the camp. Some, indeed, had
come forth from the camp in order to act as escort
to the emperor, but Pertinax, because of the un-
favourable sacrifice, postponed for that day a pro-
jected visit to the Athenaeum,4 where he had planned
to hear a poet, and thereupon the escort began to re-
turn to the camp. But just at that moment the band
of troops mentioned above arrived at the i alace, and
neither could they be prevented from entering nor
could their entrance be announced to the Emperor.
poets recited their works; see Alex., xxxv. 2; Qord.t iii. 4;
Victor, de Caesaribus, 14.
5 tiari. enimvero tantum odium in Pertinacem omnium
aulicorum fuit, ut ad facinus milites hortarentur
6 supervenerunt Pertinaci, cum ille aulicum famulicium
ordinaret, ingressique porticus Palatii usque ad locum
7qui appellatur Sicilia et lovis cenatio. hoc cognito
Pertinax Laetum praefectum praetorii ad eos misit.
sed ille declinatis militibus per porticus egressus
8 adoperto capite domum se contulit. verum cum ad
interiora prorumperent, Pertinax ad eos processit l
9 eosque longa et gravi oratione placavit. sed cum
Tausius quidam, uiius e Tungris, in iram et in timo-
rem milites loquendo adduxisset, hastam in pectus
10 Pertinacis obiecit. tune ille precatus lovem UJtorem
11 toga caput operuit atque a ceteris confossus est. et
Eclectus 2 quidem confossis duobus cum eodem periit ;
12 reliqui autem cubicularii palatini (nam suos statim, ut
imperator factus est, filiis emancipatis dederat) diffu-
ISgerunt. multi sane dicunt, etiam cubiculum milites
inrupisse atque illic circa lectum fugientem Pertinacem
XII. Fuit autem senex venerabilis, inmissa barba,
reflexo capillo, habitudine corporis pinguiore, ventre
prominulo, statura imperatoria, eloquentia mediocri,
et magis blandus quam bentgnus nee umquam credi-
2tus jsimplex. et cum verbis esset affabilis, re erat
lpraecessit P. 2 Eclectus Peter ; eiectus P.
] Consisting mostly of the libcrti Augusti, or imperial freed-
men. They hated Pertinax because he had compelled them
to disgorge their ill-gotten wealth; see c. viii. 1; xiii. 9;
Dio, Ixxiii. 8, 1.
zi.e. a son and a daughter; see c. xiii. 7 and Dio, Ixxiii. 7,
3. Dio relates that Pertinax, after becoming emperor, trans-
ferred his property to them and bade them take up their
In fact, the palace-attendants l hated Pertinax with so
bitter a hatred that they even urged on the soldiers
to do the deed. The troops arrived just as Pertinax
was inspecting the court-slaves, and, passing through
the portico of the Palace, they advanced as far as the
spot called Sicilia and the Banqueting-Hall ot Jupiter.
As soon as he learned of their approach, Pertinax sent
Laetus, the prefect of the guard, to meet them ; but
he, avoiding the soldiers, passed out through the por-
tico and betook himselt home with his face hidden
from sight. After they had burst into the inner
portion of the Palace, however, Pertinax advanced to
meet them and sought to appease them with a long
and serious speech. In spite of this, one Tausius, a
Tungrian, after haranguing the soldiers into a state
of fury and fear, hurled his spear at Pertinax' breast.
And he, after a prayer to Jupiter the Avenger, veiled
his head with his toga and was stabbed by the rest.
Eclectus also, after stabbing two of his assailants, died
with him, and the other court-chamberlains (his own
chamberlains, as soon as he had been made emperor,
Pertinax had given to his emancipated children 2) fled
away in all directions. Many, it is true, say that
the soldiers even burst into his bedroom, and there,
standing,about his bed, slew him as he tried to flee.
XII. He was a stately old man, with a long beard
and hair brushed back. His figure was somewhat
corpulent, with somewhat prominent abdomen, but
his bearing was regal. He was a man of mediocre
ability in speaking, and suave rather than kindly, nor
was he ever considered ingenuous. Though friendly
residence with their grandfather (see also c. xiii. 4). They
were accordingly regarded as freed from the patria potestas,
and so are described as emancipati.
inliberalis 1 ac prope sordidus, ut dimidiatas lactucas
3 et cardus in privata vita conviviis adponerat. et nisi
quid missum esset edulium, quotquot essent amici,
4 novem libras carnis per tres missus ponebat. si autem
plus aliquid missum esset, etiam in alium diem differ-
5 ebat, cum semper ad convivium multos vocaret. im-
perator etiam, si sine convivis esset, eadem consuetu-
6 dine cenitabat. amicis si quando de prandio suo
mittere voluit, misit ofFulas binas aut omasi2 partem,
aliquando lumbos gallinaceos. phasianurn numquam
7 privato convivio comedit aut 3 alicui misit. cum sine
amicis ceny.ret, adhibebat uxorem suam et Valerianum,
qui cumeodem docuerat, ut4fabulas Htteratas 5 haberet.
8 Sane nullum ex iis quos Commodus rebus gerendis
imposuerat mutavit, exspectans urbis natalem, quod
eum diem rerum principium volebat esse, atque ideo
etiam in balneis eiCommodiani ministri necem parasse
XIII, dicuntur. imperium et omnia imperialia sic horruit,
ut sibi semper ostenderet displicere. denique non
2 alium se, quam fuerat, videri volebat. fuit in curia
honorificentissimus, ita ut senatum faventem adoraret
et quasi praefectus urbi cum omnibus sermonem
1 inliberalis Jordan; inliberabilis P. <2pomasi P.
3 cumeditauit P. 4 ut om. in P. 5litteratus P.
aCf. c. viii. 9-11. So also Dio, Ixxiii. 3, 4.
2 Regarded as great dainties, and used by wise and frugal
emperors only on occasions of especial importance ; see Alex.,
xxxvii. 6 and Tac.t xi. 5. For the converse see HeL, xxxii. 4.
3 Of. c. i. 4.
4 The Parilia, celebrated on the 21st Apnl ; for the rites
that were performed see Ovid, Fasti, iv. 721 f.
5 Of. c. xv. 8.
6 The favourable impression made by Pertinax on the senate
enough in speech, when it came to deeds, he was
ungenerous and almost mean — so mean, in fact, that
before he was made emperor he used to serve at his
banquets lettuce and the edible thistle in half portions.
And unless someone made him a present of food, he
would serve nine pounds of meat in three courses, no
matter how many friends were present ; if anyone
presented him with an additional amount, moreover,
he would put off using it until the next day, and
would then invite a great number of guests. Even
after he had become emperor, if he had no guests he
would dine in the same style.1 And whenever he in
turn wished to send his friends something from his
table, he would send a few scraps or a piece of tripe,
or occasionally the legs of a fowl. But he never ate
pheasants 2 at his own banquets or sent them to others.
And when he dined without guests, he would invite
his wife and Valerianus, who had been a teacher to-
gether with him,3 in order that he might have literary
He removed none of those whom Commodus had
put in charge of affairs, preferring to wait until the
anniversary of the founding of the city,4 which he
wished to make the official beginning of his reign ;
and thus it came about, it is said, that the servants of
Commodus plotted to slay him in his bath. XIII. The
imperial power and all the appurtenances thereof
he abhorred,5 and he always made it quite evident
that they were distasteful to him. In short, he did
not wish to seem other than he really was. In the
senate-house he was most punctilious,6 doing reverence
to the senate when it expressed its good will and con-
is reflected all through the narrative of Dio (himself a senator
at the time), but particularly in Ixxiii. 3, 4.
3 participaret. voluit etiam imperium deponere atque
4 ad privatam vitam redire. filios suos in Palatio nutriri
Tam parcus autem et tarn lucri cupidus fuit, ut
apud Vada Sabatia mercaturas exercuerit imperator
per homines suos, non aliter quam privatus solebat.
5necmultum tamen amatus est ; si quidem omnes qui
libere fabulas conferebant male Pertinacem loque-
bantur, christologum eum appellantes, qui bene
6 loqueretur et male faceret. nam et cives sui, qui ad
eum confluxerant iam imperatorem et nihil de eo
meruerant, sic eum appellabant. munera quoque
lucri libidine libenter accepit.
7 Reliquit filium et filiam superstites et 2 uxorem,
Flavii Sulpiciani filiam, quern praelectum urbi loco
8suo fecerat. circa uxoris pudicitiam minus curiosus
fuit, cum palam citharoedum ilia diligeret. ipse prae-
9 terea Cornificiam infamissime dicitur dilexisse. libertos
aulicos vehementissime compressit, unde grande quo-
que odium contraxit.
XIV. Signa interitus haec fuerunt : ipse ante tri-
duum quam occideretur in piscina sibi visus est videre
2 hominem cum gladio infestantem. et ea die qua occisus
1 See note to c. xi. 12. 2Cf. c. ix. 4.
3 A rendering of the Greek xPr)(Tro^7os^ which, according
to Victor, Epitome, 18, 4, wis applied to Pertinax because he
was blandus magis quam beneficus.
4 See note to c. xi. 12. B Flavia Titiana ; see c. v. 4.
6 See Did. JuL, ii. 4 f.
versing with all the senators as though still prefect of
the city. He even wished to resign the throne and
retire to private life, and was unwilling to have
his children reared in the Palace.1
On the other hand, he was so stingy and eager for
money that even after he became emperor he carried
on a business at Vada Sabatia 2 through agents, just
as he had done as a private citizen. And despite his
efforts, he was not greatly beloved ; certainly, all
who talked freely together spoke ill of Pertinax,
calling him the smooth-tongued,3 that is, a man who
speaks affably and acts meanly. In truth, his
fellow-townsmen, who had flocked to him after his
accession, and had obtained nothing from him, gave
him this name. In his lust for gain, he accepted
presents with eagerness.
He was survived by a son and a daughter,4 and by
his wife,5 the daughter of the Flavius Sulpiciaiius 6
whom he made prefect of the city in his own place.
He was not in the least concerned about his wife's
fidelity, even though she carried on an amour quite
openly with a man who sang to the lyre. He him-
self, it is said, caused great scandal by an amour with
Cornificia.7 The freedmen attached to the court he
kept within bounds with a strong hand, and in this
way also he brought upon himself a bitter hatred.8
XIV. The warnings of his death were these : three
days before he was killed he himself, on looking into
a pool, seemed to behold a man attacking him with
a sword. And on the day he was killed, they say,
the pupils of his eyes, as well as the little pictures
7 Probably the daughter of Marcus ; see note to Com., xvii.
8 See c. xi. 5 and note.
est negabant in oculis eius pupulas cum imaginibus,
3 quas reddunt, spectantibus visas, et cum apud Lares
sacrificaret, carbones vivacissimi exstincti sunt, cum
inflammari soleant. et, ut supra dictum est, cor et
caput in hostiis non est repertum. stellae etiam
iuxta solem per diem clarissimae visae l ante diem a
4 quam obiret. et ipse omen de luliano successore
dedisse dicitur. nam cum ei Didius lulianus fratris
filium obtulisset, cui despondebat filiam suam, adhor-
tatus est iuvenem ad patrui observationem et 3 adie-
cit : " Observa collegam et successorem meum ".
5 nam ante lulianus ei et in consulatu collega fuerat et
in proconsulatu successerat.
6 Milites eum et aulici odio habuerunt, populus mor-
tem eius indignissime tulit, quia videbat omnia per
7 eum antiqua posse restitui. caput eius conto fixum
milites qui eum occiderant per urbem in castra per-
8tulerunt. reliquiae eius recuperate capite in sepul-
9 chro avi uxoris locatae sunt. et lulianus, successor
illius, corpus eius quanto potuit honore funeratus est,
10 cum id in Palatio repperisset. qui numquam eius
ullam mentionem vel apud populum vel apud sena-
tum publice fecit, sed cum ipse quoque a militibus
desertus iam esset, per senatum et populum Pertinax
XV. in deos relates est. sub Severo autem imperatore
cum senatus ingens testimonium habuisset Pertinax,
1 uisae P ; uisae sunt Peter. 3 diem Casaubon ; dies P.
set ins. by Peter ; om. in P.
1 c. xi. 2. 2 Cf. Did. Jul., ii. 3.
8 In Africa ; see c. iv. 1 and Did. Jul., ii. 3.
4 Cf. c. x. 10 and xi. 5.
6 See Sev., vii. 8, and the coins with Divus Pertinax and
Consecratio, Cohen, iii2, p. 390 f., nos. 6-12. The elaborate
which they reflect, were invisible to those who looked
into them. And when he was performing sacrifices
to the Lares the living coals died out, though they
are wont to flame up. Furthermore, as we related
above,1 the heart and upper portion of the liver could
not be found in the victims. And on the day before
he died, stars of great brilliancy were seen near the
sun in the day-time. He was responsible himself, it
is said, for an omen about his successor, Julianus.
For when Didius Julianus presented a nephew of his,
to whom he was betrothing his daughter, the Emperor
exhorted the young man to show deference to his
uncle, and added : " Honour my colleague and
successor." 2 For Julianus had previously been his
colleague in the consulship and had succeeded hinica. 175
in his proconsular command.3
The soldiers and court-retainers regarded him with
hatred,4 but the people felt great indignation at his
death, since it had seemed that all the ancient customs
might be restored through his efforts. His head, fixed
on a pole, was carried through the city to the camp
by the soldiers who killed him. His remains, in-
cluding his head, which was recovered, were laid in
the tomb of his wife's grandfather. And Julianus,
his successor, buried his body with all honour, after
he had found it in the Palace. At no time, however,
did he make any public mention of Pertinax either
before the people or, in the presence of the senate,
but when he, too, was deserted by the soldiers Pertinax
was raised to the rank of the gods by the senate and
the people.5 XV. In the reign of Severus, moreover,
after Pertinax had received the full official approval
funeral-ceremonies are described in detail by Dio, an eye-
witness ; see Ixxiv. 4-5.
funus imaginarium ei et censorium ductum est, et ab
2 ipso Severe funebri laudatione ornatus est. ipse
autem Severus amore boni principis a senatu Perti-
3 nacis nomen accepit. filius Pertinacis patri flamen est
4factus. Marciani sodales, qui divi Marci sacra cura-
bant, Helviani sunt dicti propter Helvium Pertinacera.
5 circenses et imperil natalis additi, qui a Severe postea
sublati sunt, et genitalicii, qui l manent.
6 Natus autem kal. Augustis Vero et Ambibulo 2 con-
sulibus. interiectus est V kal. Apr. Falcone et Claro
consulibus. vixit annis LX meusibus VII diebus
7 XXVI. imperavit mensibus II diebus XXV. congiar-
ium dedit populo denarios centenos. praetorianis pro-
misit duodena milia nummum sed dedit sena. quod
exercitibus promissum est datum non est, quia mors
eum praevenit. horruisse autem ilium imperium epis-
8 tula docet, quae vitae illius a Mario Maximo apposita
est. quam ego inserere 3 ob nimiam longitudinem
1 genitalicii qui Casaubon ; geniti aliqui P. 2 Bibulo P.
3 inserere Puteanus ; inseri P.
note to Sev.t vii. 8. 2See Sev., vii. 9 and note.
3 See note to Marc., xv. 4.
4 They are listed in the Calendar of Philocalus of 354 A.D. ;
see C.I.L., i2, p. 270. On the custom of celebrating an
emperor's birthday by races in the circus see note to Hadr.t
viii. 2.
of the senate, an honorary funeral, of the kind that
would be accorded to a censor, was held for him,1
and Severus himself honoured him with a funeral
eulogy. Severus, furthermore, out of respect for so
good a ruler, accepted from the senate the name
Pertinax.2 Pertinax' son was made his father's priest,
and the Marcian brotherhood,3 who performed the
sacrifices to the Deified Marcus, were called Helviani
in honour of Helvius Pertinax. There were added,
also, circus-games and a celebration to commemorate
the anniversary of his accession, but these were after-
wards abolished by Severus. The birthday-games
decreed for him, however, are still observed.4
He was born on the Kalends of August in the 1 Aug.,
consulship of Verus and Ambibulus, and was killed
on the fifth day before the Kalends of April in the 26 Mar.,
consulship of Falco and Clarus. He lived sixty
years,5 seven months and twenty-six days, and reigned
for two months and twenty-five days. He gave the
people a largess of one hundred denarii apiece,6 and
promised twelve thousand sesterces to each soldier of
the guard, though he gave only six thousand.7 The
sum promised to the armies he did not give for the
reason that death forestalled h m. A letter which
Marius Maximus included in his life of Pertinax shows
that he shrank from taking the imperial power,8 but
this letter, on account of its great length, I have not
thought best to insert.
5 More correctly, sixty-six. 6 See note to c. vii. 11.
7 See note to c. iv. 6. 80(. c. xiii. 1.
I. Didio luliano, qui post Pertinacem imperium
adeptus est, proavus fuit Salvius l lulianus, bis consul,
praefectus urbi et iuris consultus, quod magis eum
2nobilem fecit, mater Clara Aemilia, pater Petronius
Didius Severus, fratres Didius Proculus et Nummius
Albinus, avunculus Salvius lulianus. avus paternus
Insubris Mediolanensis, maternus ex Hadrumetina
3 Educatus est apud Domitiam Lucillam, matrem
4 Marci imperatoris. inter viginti viros lectus est
suffragio matris Marci. quaestor ante annum quam
5legitima aetas sinebat designatus est. aedilitatem
suffragio Marci consecutus est. praetor eiusdem
6 suffragio fuit. post praeturam legioni praefuit in
1 albius P.
1 See Hadr., xviii. 1 and note. It is improbable that Didius
was related to Salvius Julianus, for his family came from
Milan, and since an inscription which connected Salvius with
this city has been shown to be a forgery, there is no reason for
supposing that he was a native of Milan. At any rate,
Salvius, who was born toward the end of the first century,
was not the great-grandfather of Didius, who was born not
later than 137 (see c. ix. 3 and note).
2 See Marc., i. 3.
I. Didius Julianus, who gained possession of the
empire after Pertinax, was the great-grandson of
Salvius Julianus,1 a man who was twice consul, pre-
fect of the city, and an authority in jurisprudence —
which, more than anything else, had made him
famous. His mother was Aemilia Clara, his father
Petronius Didius Severus, his brothers Didius Pro-
culus and Nummius Albinus ; another Salvius Julianus
was his uncle. His father's father was an Insubrian
from Milan, his mother's came from the colony of
He himself was reared at the home of Domitia
Lucilla,2 the mother of the Emperor Marcus, and
through the support of this lady he was elected to
the Board of Twenty.3 He was appointed quaestor
a year before he reached the legal age,4 and through
the support of Marcus he attained to the office of
aedile. Again with the support of Marcus he became
praetor.5 After his praetorship he commanded the
3 According to an inscription found at Rome (C.I.L., vi.
1401 = Dessau, Ins. Sel., 412) he was decemvir litibus iudi-
candis, on which see note to Hadr., ii. 2.
4 See note to Pius, vi. 10.
6 A rescript addressed to him by Marcus is mentioned in
Digesta, xxviii. 1, 20, 9.
7Germania vicensimae secundae Primigeniae. inde
Belgicam sancte ac diu rexit. ibi Chaucis, Germaniae
populis qui Albiin fluvium adcolebant, erumpentibus
Srestitit tumultuariis auxiliis provincialium. ob quae
consulatum meruit testimonio imperatoris. Chattos
9 etiam debellavit. hide Dalmatian! regendam accepit
eamque a confinibus hostibus vindicavit. post Ger-
II. maniam inferiorem rexit. post hoc curam alimen-
torum in Italiam meruit. tune factus est reus per
quendam Severum Clarissimum militem coniurationis
cum Salvio contra Commodum, sed a Commodo, quia
multos iam senatores occiderat et quidem nobiles ac
potentes in causis maiestatis, ne tristius gravaretur,
2 Didius liberatus est accusatore damnato. absolutus
iterum ad regendam provinciam missus est. Bithy-
niam deinde rexit, sed non ea fama qua ceteras.
3 Fuit consul cum Pertinace et in proconsulatu
Africae eidem l successit et semper ab eo collega est
et successor appellatus. maxime eo die cum filiam
suam lulianus despondens adfini suo ad Pertinacem
venisset idque intimasset, dixit :".... que debita
reverentia, quia collega et successor meus est."
4 statim enim mors Pertinacis secuta est. quo inter-
1 idem P.
1The inscription does not mention this command, but re-
cords that he was assistant (le-gatus) to the proconsuls both of
Achaia and Africa.
2 This and the four other provincial governorships are all
enumerated in the inscription.
3 See note to Pert., iv. 1. The mention of this office seems
to be out of the chronological order, for he was consul about
175 (see below), and the alleged conspiracy of P. Salvius
Julianus against Gommodus was not until 182 (see Com., iv.
Twenty-second Legion,1 the Primigenia, in Germany,
and following that he ruled Belgium 2 long and well.
Here, with auxiliaries hastily levied from the provinces,
he held out against the Chauci (a people of Germany
who dwelt on the river Elbe) as they attempted to
burst through the border ; and for these services, on
the recommendation of the emperor, he was deemed
worthy of the consulship. He also gained a crushing
victory over the Chatti. Next he took charge of
Dalmatia and cleared it of the hostile tribes on its
borders. II. Then he governed Lower Germany ; and
after that he was deemed worthy of superintend-
ing the distribution of grants of money to the poor
in Italy.3 In this position he was accused by one
Severus Clarissimus, a soldier, of being an associate of
Salvius 4 in his conspiracy against Commodus. But
Commodus had already put many senators and many
distinguished and powerful men to death on the
charge of treason, and so he was afraid of acting too
harshly and therefore pardoned Didius and executed
his accuser. Thus acquitted, Didius was sent again
to govern a province. Then he governed Bithynia,
but not as creditably as the other provinces.
His consulship he served with Pertinax ; in the Ca. 175
proconsulship of Africa,5 moreover, he succeeded him.
Pertinax always spoke of him as his colleague and
successor ; on that day, in particular, when Julianus,
after betrothing his daughter to a kinsman of his own,
came to Pertinax and informed him of the fact,
Pertinax said : " . . . and due respect, for he is my
colleague and successor ".6 The death of Pertinax
ensued immediately afterwards. After his death,
4 i.e. P. Salvius Julianus.
5 Of. Pert., iv. 1. 6 Of. Pert., adv. 4.
fecto cum Sulpicianus imperator in castris appellari
vellet, et lulianus cum genero ad senatum venisset,
quern indictum acceperat, cumque clausas valvas in-
5 venisset atque illic duos tribunes repperisset, Publium l
Florianum et Vectium 2 Aprum, coeperunt cohortari
tribuni, ut locum arriperet. quibus cum 3 diceret iam
alium imperatorem appellatum, retinentes eum ad
6 praetoria castra duxerunt. sed posteaquam in castra
veiitum est, cum 4 Sulpiciano praefecto urbi, socero
Pertinacis, contionante sibique imperium vindicante
lulianum e muro ingentia pollicentem null us ad-
mitteret, primum lulianus monuit praetorianos, ne
eum facerent imperatorem, qui Pertinacem vindi-
caret ; deinde scripsit in tabulis se Commodi memo-
7riam restituturum. atque ita est admissus et 5 im-
perator appellatus, rogantibus praetorianis ne
Sulpiciano aliquid noceret, quod imperator esse
III. Tune lulianus Flavium Genialem et Tullium
Crispinum suffragio praetorianorum praefectos praetorii
fecit stipatusque est caterva imperatoria per Mauren-
2tium, qui et ante Sulpiciano coniunxerat. sane cum
vicena quina milia militibus promisisset, tricena dedit.
1publicumP. ^uectium P.; Vettium Jordan, Peter.
scum om. in P1. 4 cum om. in P1. 6est admissus et
Peter ; et admissus est P.
1GL Pert., xiii. 7.
2 The scene at the camp is described in greater detail by
Dio (Ixxiii. 11), especially the famous auction of the empire
by the soldiers, in which Sulpicianus and Didius bid against
when Sulpicianus 1 was making plans to be hailed
emperor in the camp, Julianus, together with his
son-in-law, came to the senate, which, he heard,
had been summoned, but found the doors closed.
At the same time he discovered there two tri-
bunes, Publius Florianus and Vectius Aper, who
immediately began urging him to seize the throne ;
and though he pointed out to them that another
man was already proclaimed emperor, they held
him fast and conducted him to the praetorian
camp.2 When they arrived at the camp, however,
Sulpicianus, the prefect of the city and the father-in-
law of Pertinax, was holding an assembly and claiming
the empire himself, and no one would let Julianus
inside, despite the huge promises he made from out-
side the wall. Julianus then first warned the soldiers
not to proclaim anyone emperor who would avenge
Pertinax, and next wrote on placards that he would
restore the good name 3 of Commodus ; so he was ad-
mitted and proclaimed emperor, the soldiers at the
same time requesting that he would not in any way
injure Sulpicianus for aiming at the throne.
III. Immediately thereafter, on the recommenda-
tion of the praetorians themselves, Julianus appointed
Flavius G^nialis and Tullius Crispinus prefects of
the guard, and through the efforts of Maurentius,
who had previously declared for Sulpicianus, he was
attended by the imperial body-guard. Although he
had promised five and twenty thousand sesterces to
each other. Dio's account, however, must be used with
caution, for his whole narrative shows a decided animus
against Didius.
3 i.e. restore it to the public records and monuments ; see
Com., xvii. 6; xx. 5.
3 dein l habita contione militari vespera in senatum
venit totumque se senatui permisit factoque senatus
consulto imperator est appellatus, et tribuniciam
potestatem ius proconsulare in patricias familias re-
41atus emeruit. uxor etiam Manila Scantilla et filia
5 eius Didia Clara Augustae sunt appellatae. inde se
ad Palatiurn recepit, uxore ac filia illuc vocatis
trepidis invitisque 2 transeuntibus, quasi iam imminens
eexitium praesagirent. praefectum urbi Cornelium
Repentinum, generum suum, fecit in locum Sulpici-
7 Erat interea in odio populi Didius lulianus ob hoc,
quod creditum fuerat emendationem temporum Cora-
modi Pertinacis auctoritate reparandam, habebaturque
8ita, quasi luliani consilio esset interemptus. et iam
hi primum qui lulianum odisse coeperant dissemina-
runt prima statim die Pertinacis cena despecta
luxuriosum parasse convivium ostreis et altilibus et
piscibus adornatum. quod falsum fuisse constat.
gnam lulianus tantae parsimoniae fuisse perhibetur,
1 dein Peter ; in P1. 2 inuitisque Peter1 ; inuitis eo P ;
t inuitis eo Peter2.
1 Marcus and Verus had given twenty thousand (Marc. , vii.
9), Pertinax twelve thousand (Pert., xv. 7). According to
Herodian (ii. 7, 1) Didius did not pay what he had promised,
because the money was not available.
2 His appearance before the senate is more fully described
by Dio, who was present ; see Ixxiii. 12. Dio's account is
much less favourable to Didius than the account given here,
which seems to aim at representing him as the choice of the
3 The emperors of the Julio-Claudian house had been patri-
cians, and hence it was considered necessary for the emperor
to have this rank. Accordingly, when a plebeian was elected
each soldier, he gave thirty.1 Then, after holding an
assembly of the soldiers, he came in the evening to
the senate,2 and entrusted himself to it without con-
ditions ; thereupon, by decree of the senate he was
acclaimed emperor and, after being raised to a place
among the patrician families,3 he received the tribu-
nician power and the rights of a proconsul.4 His
wife Manlia Scantilla, moreover, and his daughter,
Didia Clara, were given the name Augusta ; 5 and
thereupon he betook himself to the Palace and
thither summoned his wife and daughter, who came,
though with considerable trepidation and reluctance
as if they already foresaw impending doom.6 Corne-
lius Repentinus, his son-in-law, he made prefect of
the city in place of Sulpicianus.
The people, meanwhile, detested Julianus because
it had been their belief that the abuses of Corn-
modus' regime were to be reformed by the influence
of Pertinax, and he was considered to have been
killed with Julianus' connivance. And now, those
who had begun to hate Julianus were the first,
to spread it abroad that on the very first day of
his reign, to show his contempt for Pertinax' board,
he had served an extravagant banquet embellished
with such dainties as oysters and fatted birds and fish.
This story, it is generally agreed, was false.7 For
according to report, Julianus was so frugal as to make
(as was the case from Vespasian onward, with the sole ex-
ception of Nerva), the senate raised him to the patriciate.
4 See note to Pius, iv. 7.
5 Augusta appears on the coins of both ; see Cohen, iii2, p.
401 f. '
6 According to Herodian (ii. 6, 7) it was the two women
who persuaded Didius to bid for the throne.
7 Dio, however, asserts it as a fact ; see Ixxiii. 13. 1.
ut per triduum porcellum, per triduum leporem
divideret, si quis ei l forte misisset, saepe autem
nulla exsistente religione holeribus leguminibusque
10 contentus sine carne cenaverit. deinde neque cenavit
priusquam sepultus esset Pertinax, et tristissimus
cibum ob ems necem sumpsit et primam noctem
vigiliis continuavit, de tanta necessitate sollicitus.
IV. Ubi vero primum inluxit, senatum et equestrem
ordinem in Palatium venientem admisit atque unum-
quemque, ut erat aetas, vel fratrem 2 vel filium vel
2 parentem adfatus blandissime est. sed populus in
Rostris atque ante curiam ingentibus eum conviciis
lacessebat, sperans deponi ab eo posse imperium quod
3 milites 3 dederant. lapidationem quoque fecere. de-
scendenti cum militibus et senatu in curiam diras
imprecati sunt, rem divinam facienti ne litaret4
4 optarunt. lapides etiam in eum iecerunt, cum luli-
5 anus manu eos semper placare cuperet. ingressus
autem curiam, placide et prudenter verba fecit, egit
gratias, quod esset adscitus, quod et ipse et uxor et
filia eius Augustorum nomen acceperunt. patris
patriae quoque nomen recepit, argenteam statuam
Grespuit. e senatu in Capitolium pergenti populus
obstitit, sed ferro et vulneribus et pollicitationibus
let P. 2 fratrem Peter2; patrem P. 3 mites P1.
4 ne litaret Edit, princeps ; elitaret P.
}0n the other hand, Herodian (ii. 7, 1) emphasizes his
luxury and extravagance.
2 A similar description of what happened in front of the
a suckling pig or a hare last for three days, if anyone
by chance presented him with one ; and often, more-
over, even when there was no religious reason there-
for, he was content to dine on cabbages and beans
without meat.1 Furthermore, he gave no banquet
until after Pertinax was buried, and, because of his
death, took what food he did in a very depressed
state of mind, and passed the first night in continual
wakefulness, disquieted by such a fate.
IV. But when the day dawned, he admitted the
senators and knights who came to the Palace, and
greeted each very cordially, either as brother, or son,
or father, according to his age. The populace, how-
ever, at the Rostra and in front of the senate-house,2
assailed him with violent revilings, hoping that he
might resign the sovereignty which the soldiers had
given him ; and they even launched a shower of
stones. As he came down to the senate-house with
the soldiers and senate, they heaped curses upon him,
and when he performed the sacrifices, wished that he
might not obtain favourable omens ; they even hurled
stones at him, though Julianus, with uplifted hand,
continually sought to calm them. When he entered
the senate-house, he spoke calmly and discreetly, and
returned thanks because he had been chosen, and be-
cause he, his wife, and his daughter, had been given
the titles of Augustus and Augusta. He accepted
also the name of Father of his Country, but refused
a silver statue. Then, as he proceeded from the
senate-house to the Capitol, the populace placed
themselves in his way, but by the sword, by wounds,
and by promises of gold-pieces, the number of which
senate-house and in the Circus is given in Dio, Ixxiii. 13,
aureorum, quos l digitis ostendebat ipse lulianus ut
7 fidem faceret, summotus atque depulsus est. inde
ad circeiise spectaculum itum est. sed occupatis
indifferenter omnium subselliis populus geminavit
convicia in lulianum ; Pescennium Nigrum, qui iam
imperare dicebatur, ad urbis praesidium vocavit.
8 haec omnia lulianus placide tulit totoque imperil sui
tempore mitissimus fuit. populus autem in milites
vehementissime invehebatur, qui ob pecuniam Perti-
nacem occidissent. multa igitur quae Commodus
statuerat, Pertinax tulerat, ad conciliandum favorem
9 populi restituit. de ipso Pertinace neque male neque
bene quicquam egit, quod gravissimum plurimis visum
10 est. constitit autem propter metum militum de
honore Pertinacis taciturn esse.2
V. Et lulianus quidem neque Britannicos exercitus
neque Illyricos timebat, Nigrum vero misso primi-
pilario occidi praeceperat, timens praecipue Syriacos
2 exercitus. ergo Pescennius Niger in Syria, Septimius
Severus in Illyrico 3 cum exercitibus quibus praeside-
3 bant a luliano descivere. sed cum ei nuntiatum esset
Severum descivisse, quern suspectum non habuerat,
perturbatus est et 4 ad senatum venit impetravitque 5
4 ut hostis Severus renuntiaretur ; militibus etiam qui
1 quod P. 2 est P. 3 niger in illyrico s. seuerus in
syria P. 4 et om. in P. 6 impetrauitgue P (Dessau) ;
imperauitque Peter.
1 The populace took the seats that were reserved for senators
aud knights.
2 Of. Peso. Nig., iii. 1.
8 Except to give his body honourable burial ; see o. iii. 10
and Pert., xiv. 9.
4 Under the command of Clodius Albiuus.
5 Of. Pesc. Nig., ii. 4.
he himself, in order to inspire trust, kept show-
ing to them on his fingers, they were dispersed
and beaten back. Thereupon, all went to the games
at the Circus ; but here, after everyone had seized
seats indiscriminately,1 the populace redoubled their
insults against Julianus and called for Pescennius
Niger (who was said to have already declared himself
emperor) to protect the city.2 All this Julianus took
with perfect equanimity ; indeed all through the time
he was on the throne he was exceedingly tolerant.
The populace, however, kept inveighing with the ut-
most violence against the soldiers, who had slain
Pertinax, so they said, for money. And so, in order
to win favour with the people, Julianus restored many
measures which Commodus had enacted and Pertinax
had repealed. Concerning Pertinax himself he took
no steps either good or evil,3 a fact which to very
many seemed a serious matter. It is generally agreed,
however, that it was his fear of the soldiers that
caused him to keep silent about the honours due
V. As a matter of fact, however, Julianus had no fear
of either the British 4 or the Illyriaii army ; but being
chiefly afraid of the Syrian army, he despatched a
centurion of the first rank with ordjrs to murder
Niger.5 Consequently Pescennius Niger in Syria6
and Septimius Severus in Illyricum,7 together with
the armies which they commanded, revolted from
Julianus. But when he received the news of the
revolt of Severus, whom he had not suspected, then
he was greatly troubled and came to the senate and
prevailed upon them to declare Severus a public
enemy. As for the soldiers who had followed Severus,
6 See Pesc. Nig., ii. 1. 7 See Sev., v. 1.
Severum secuti fuerant dies praestitutus, ultra quam,
si cum Severe fuissent, hostium numero haberentur.
5 missi sunt praeterea legati a senatu consulares ad
milites, qui suaderent ut Severus repudiaretur, et is
6 esset imperator quem senatus elegerat. inter ceteros
legatus est Vespronius Candidus, vetus consularis,
olim militibus invisus ob durum et sordidum im-
7 perium. missus est successor Severe Valerius Catul-
linus, quasi posset ei succedi, qui militem iam sibi
8 tenebat. missus praeterea Aquilius centurio, notus
9 caedibus senatoriis, qui Severum occideret. ipse
autem lulianus praetorianos in campum deduci iubet,
muniri turres, sed milites desides et urbana luxuria
dissolutos invitissimos ad exercitium militare produxit,
ita ut vicarios operis, quod unicuique praescribebatur,
mercede conducerent.
VI. Et Severus quidem ad urbem infesto agmine
veniebat, sed Didius lulianus nihil cum exercitu
praetoriano proficiebat, quem cotidie populus et magis
2oderat et ridebat. et lulianus sperans Laetum fau-
torem Severi, cum per eum Commodi manus evasisset
ingratus tanto beneficio iussit eum occidi. iussit
etiam Marciam una l interfici.
1 Marciam una Mommsen ; marci mannum P.
1 He had been governor of Dacia under Corumodus ; see
C.J.I/., iii. 1092.
2 Of. Pesc. Nig., ii. 5. * Of. Sev., v. 8 ; Peso. Nig., ii. 6.
4 A picture of the confusion in Rome is given in Dio, Ixxiii. 16.
'According to Dio (Ixxiii. 16, 5) he executed Laetus,
Marcia and the athlete Narcissus in order in punish those
guilty of the murder of Commodus.
a day was appointed for them after which they
would be considered as public enemies if they were
still with Severus. Besides this, legates of consular
rank were sent by the senate to the soldiers to per-
suade them that they should reject Severus and let
him be emperor whom the senate had chosen. Among
others of the legates was Vespronius Candidas,1 an
old man of consular rank, now for a long time re-
pugnant to the soldiers because of his harsh and
penurious rule. Valerius Catullinus was sent as
Severus' successor,2 as if, in sooth, it were possible to
appoint a successor to a man who already had an
army devoted to himself. And in addition to these
others, the centurion Aquilius, notorious as the
assassin of senators, was sent for the purpose of
murdering Severus.3 But as for Julianus himself, he
gave orders that the praetorians should be led out-
side the city, and that the fortifications should be
manned ; 4 but it was a slothful force that he led out,
and one demoralized by the fleshpots of the city and
intensely averse to active service, so much so, indeed,
that they actually hired substitutes for the duties
severally enjoined upon them.
VI. All the while, Severus was approaching the city
with a hostile army ; but in spite of that, Didius
Julianus accomplished nothing with his praetorian
troops, and the populace hated and laughed at him
more and more every day. And although he had
escaped from Commodus' clutches by the aid of
Laetus, nevertheless, unmindful of this great favour,
Julianus ordered Laetus to be put to death in the
expectation that he would side with Severus.5 He
gave orders likewise that Marcia should be put to
death at the same time.
3 Sed dum haec egit lulianus, Severus classera
Ravennatem occupat, legati senatus, qui luliano
promiserant operam suam, ad Severum transierunt.
4 Tullius Crispinus, praefectus praetorio, contra Severum
missus ut classem produceret, repulsus Romam rediit.
5 haec cum lulianus videret, senatum rogavit ut
virgines Vestales et ceteri sacerdotes cum senatu
obviam exercitui Severi prodirent et praetentis infulis
rogarent, inanem rem l contra barbaros milites parans.
6 haec tamen agenti luliano Plautius 2 Quintillus con-
sularis augur contradixit, adserens non debere imperare
7 eum qui armis adversario non posset resistere. cui
multi senatores consenserunt. quare iratus Didius
milites e castris petiit, qui senatum ad obsequium
Scogerent aut obtruncarent. sed id consilium dis-
plicuit. neque enim decebat, ut, cum senatus hostem
Severura luliani causa iudicasset, eundem lulianum
9 pateretur infestum. quare meliore consilio ad sena-
tum venit petiitque, ut fieret senatus consultum de
participatione imperil, quod statim factum est.
VII. Tune omen quod sibi lulianus, cum imperium
2acciperet, fecerat omnibus venit in mentem. nam
cum consul designatus de eo sententiam dicens ita pro-
1 rem ins. by Peter ; om. in P. 2 Plautius Peter ; phaus-
tius P.
JThe station of the Adriatic fleet; the headquarters of the
fleet that guarded the western coast were at Misenum, on the
Bay of Naples.
2 Of. Sev., v. 6.
3 His troops deserted to Severus ; see c. viii. 4. and Dio,
Ixxiii. 17, 1.
While Julianus was engaged in these activities, how-
ever, Severus seized the fleet stationed at Ravenna ; l
whereupon the envoys of the senate who had promised
their services to Julianus passed over to Severus.2
Tullius Crispinus, the prefect of the guard, who had
been sent to oppose Severus and lead out the fleet,
failed in his attempt 3 and therefore returned to
Rome. When Julianus learned of these events, he
came to the senate with a proposal that the Vestal
Virgins and the priests, along with the senate itself
should go out to meet Severus' troops and entreat
them with fillets held in outstretched hands 4 — a
futile step, surely, to take against soldiers of barbarian
blood. In this proposal, however, Plautius Quintillus,
an augur and man of consular rank,5 opposed him, de-
claring that he who could not withstand an opponent
by force of arms had no right to rule ; in this objection
many senators agreed with him. Infuriated at this,
Didius Julianus called for soldiers from the camp in
order either to force the senators to obedience or to
slaughter them. But this plan found no favour. For
it was scarcely fitting that the senate, after declar-
ing Severus a public enemy for Julianus' sake, should
find an enemy in this same Julianus. And so Julianus
came to the senate with a better plan, and asked it
to pass a decree effecting a division of empire.6 And
this was forthwith done.
VII. At that time an omen, for which Julianus
himself had been responsible when he accepted the
imperial power, came to everyone's mind. For when
the consul-elect, in voting on Julianus, delivered
4 The conventional attitude of suppliants.
5 He was consul in 177. 6Cf. Sev., v. 7.
nuntiasset : " Didium lulianum imperatorem appel-
landurn esse censeo/' lulianus suggessit " Adde et
Severum," quod cognon.entum avi x et proavi sibi
3 lulianus adsciverat. sunt tamen qui dicant nullum
fuisse luliani consilium de obtruncando senatu, cum
tanta in eum senatus consuluisset.2
4 Post senatus consultum statim Didius lulianus
5 unum ex praefectis, Tullium Crispinum, misit. ipse
autem tertium fecit praefectum Veturium Macrinum,
ad quern Severus litteras miserat, ut esset praefectus.
6 sed pacem simulatam esse mandatamque y caedem
Severi Tullio Crispino, praefecto praetorii, et populus
7locutus est et Severus suspicatus. denique hostem
se luliano Severus esse maluit quam participera con-
8 sensu militum. Severus autem statim et ad plurimos
Romam scripsit et occulto misit edicta, quae proposita
9 sunt. fuit praeterea in luliano haec amentia, ut per
magos pleraque faceret, quibus putaret4 vel odium
10 populi deleniri vel militum arma compesci. nam et
quasdam non convenientes Romanis sacris hostias im-
molaverunt et carmina profana incantaverunt, et ea
quae ad speculum dicunt 5 fieri, in quo pueri prae-
ligatis oculis incantato vertice respicere dicuntur,
11 lulianus fecit, tuncque puer vidisse dicitur et adven-
tum Severi et luliani decessionem.
1 habui P. 2 consuluisset P ; contulisset Peter. 3 man-
datamque Ursinus ; tantamque P. 4 putaret Egnatius ;
uitaret P. sducunt P.
1 This name appears in the inscription cited ahove (see note
to c. i. 4) and on some of his coins ; see Cohen iii'-5, p. 398 f.,
nos., 1, 3, 7, etc.
zi.e. to Severus, ofiering him a share of the empire.
3 See note to Hadr., ix. 5.
himself of the following: "I vote that Didius
Julianus be declared emperor," Julianus prompted
"Say also Severus," the name of his grandfather and
great-grandfather, which he had added to his own.1
However, there are some who say that Julianus never
planned to slaughter the senate, because it had passed
so many decrees in his favour.
After the senate had passed this decree, Didius
Julianus forthwith despatched2 one of the prefects,
Tullius Crispinus, and he also created a third prefect 3
in the person of Veturius Macrinus, whom Severus
had already notified by letter that he was to be
prefect. Nevertheless, the people avowed and
Severus suspected that this peace was merely a
strategem and that Tullius Crispinus, the prefect of
the guard, was commissioned to murder Severus.
Finally, in accordance with the general wish of his
soldiers, Severus declared that he would rather be
Julianus' enemy than colleague ; he at once, moreover,
wrote to a great number of men at Rome, and secretly
sent proclamations, which were posted up. Julianus,
furthermore, was mad enough to perform a number of
rites with the aid of magicians, such as were calculated
either to lessen the hate of the people or to restrain the
arms of the soldiers. For the magicians sacrificed cer-
tain victims that are foreign to the Roman ritual 4 and
chanted unholy songs, while Julianus performed rites,
which took place, so we are told, before a mirror, into
which boys are said to gaze, after bandages have been
bound over their eyes and charms muttered over their
heads. And in this performance one lad, it is said, saw
the arrival of Severus and the retirement of Julianus.
4 According to Dio, Ixxiii. 16, 5, he sacrificed a number of
VIII. Et Crispinus quidem, cum occurrissetpraecur-
soribus Severi, lulio Laeto auctore a Severe iiiteremp-
2 tus est. deiecta sunt etiam consulta senatus. lulianus
convocato senatu quaesitisque sententiis, quid facto
3 opus esset, certi nihil comperit a senatu. sed postea
sponte sua gladiatores Capuae iussit armari per Lollia-
num Titianum, et Claudium Fompeianum e Tarraci-
nensi ad participatum evocavit, quod et gener impera-
toris fuisset et diu militibus praefuisset.- sed hoc ille
recusavit, senem se et debilem luminibus respondens.
5 transierant et ex Umbria milites ad Severum. et
praemiserat quidem litteras Severus, quibus iubebat
interfectores Pertinacis servari.
6 Brevi autem desertus est ab omnibus lulianus et
remansit in Palatio cum uno de praef'ectis suis Geniali
yet genero Repentino. actum est denique ut luliano
senatus auctoritate abrogaretur imperium. et abroga-
tum est, appellatusque statim Severus imperator, cum
fingeretur quod veiieno se 1 absumpsisset lulianus.
8 missi tameii a senatu, quorum cura per militem
gregarium in Palatio idem lulianus occisus est fidem
9 Caesaris implorans, hoc est Severi. filiam suam
potitus imperio dato patrimonio emancipaverat.
1 se P ; om. by Peter.
1 See c. vii. 4.
2 He was very old and in poor health. During the reign of
Pertinax he remained at Rome and attended meetings of the
senate, but when Pertinax was killed, he withdrew to his
country estate ; see Dio, Ixxiii. 3.
3 See c. vi. 4 and note.
4 Acting on this order the soldiers of the guard seized the
murderers and informed the consul of the fact ; see Dio, Ixxiii.
17, 3.
5 Of. c. hi. 6.
VIII. And as for Crispinus,1 he met with Severus'
advance-guard and was put to death by Severus on
the advice of Julius Laetus. The decrees of the
senate, moreover, were torn down, and when Julianus
called a meeting of the senate and asked their
opinions as to what should be done, he could get
nothing definite out of them. Presently, however,
on his own responsibility he ordered Lollianus
Titianus to arm the gladiators at Capua, and called
Claudius Pompeianus from his estate at Tarracina2
to share the empire with him, because he had been
an emperor's son-in-law and had long been in com-
mand of troops. Claudius, however, refused on the
ground that he was now old and his eye-sight was
weak. The soldiers in Umbria had meanwhile
deserted to Severus,3 and Severus had sent on letters
in advance in which he ordered the murderers of
Pertinax to be kept under guard.4
In a short time Julianus was deserted by all and
left alone in the Palace with one of his prefects,
Genialis, and with Repentinus, his son-in-law.5
Finally, it was propose'd that the imperial power be
taken away from Julianus by order of the senate.6
This was done, and Severus was forthwith acclaimed
emperor, while it was given out that Julianus had
taken poison. Nevertheless, the senate despatched
a delegation and through their efforts Julianus was
slain in the Palace by a common soldier, while be-
seeching the protection of Caesar, that is to say,
Severus. He had emancipated 7 his daughter when he
got control of the empire and had presented her with
her patrimony, but this, together with the name
6 A description of this meeting is given in Dio, Ixxiii. 17, 4.
See note to Pert., xi. 12.
quod ei cum Augustae nomine statim sublatum est.
10 corpus eius a Severo uxori Manliae Scantillae ac filiae
ad sepulturam est redditum et in proavi monumenta
translatum miliario quinto Via Labicana.
IX. Obiecta sane sunt luliano haec : quod gulosus
fuisset, quod aleator, quod armis gladiatoriis exer-
citus esset, eaque omnia senex fecerit, cum antea
numquam adulescens his esset vitiis iiifamatus. obi-
ecta est etiam superbia, cum ille etiam in imperio
2 fuisset humillimus. fuit autem contra humanissimus
ad convivia, benignissimus ad subcriptiones, modera-
tissimus ad libertatem.
3 Vixit annis quinquaginta sex mensibus quattuor.
imperavit mensibus duobus diebus quinque. repre-
hensum in eo praecipue, quod eos, quos regere
auctoritate sua debuerat, regenclae rei publicae sibi
praesules ipse fecisset.
1 This road ran S.E. from the city, joining the Via Latino,
at Toleria. It took its name from the town of Labici, on the
northern slope of the Alban hills.
2 See c. iii. 9 and note.
8 Sixty years, according to Dio, Ixxiii. 17, 5 ; this figure is
Augusta, was at once taken away from her. His
body was, by order of Sever us, delivered for burial
to his wife, Manlia Scantilla, and to his daughter,
and it was laid in the tomb of his great-grandfather
by the fifth mile-stone on the Labican Way.1
IX. These charges were brought against Julianus :
that he had been a glutton and a gambler ; that he
had exercised with gladiatorial arms ; and that he had
done all these things, moreover, when advanced in
years, and after escaping the stain of these vices in
his youth. The charge of pride was also brought
against him, although he had really been very unassum-
ing as emperor.2 He was, moreover, very affable at
banquets, very courteous in the matter of petitions,
and very reasonable in the matter of granting liberty.
He lived fifty-six years3 and four months. He
ruled two months and five d^iys.4 This particularly
was held to his discredit : that men whom he ought
to have kept under his own governance he appointed
as his officials for governing the state.
usually regarded as more correct than that given in the bio-
graphy; accordingly, he- was born in 133.
4 Sixty-six days, according to Dio, I.e. Accordingly, he
was killed on 1st June, 193.
I. Interfecto Didio luliano Severus Africa oriundus
2 imperium obtinuit. cui civitas Lepti, pater Geta,
maiores equites Roman! ante civitatem omnibus
datam ; mater Fulvia Pia, patrui magni l Aper et
Severus consulares, avus paternus Macer, maternus2
3 Fulvius Pius fuere. ipse natus est Erucio Claro bis et
4 Severo consul ibus, VI idus Apriles. in prima pueritia,
priusquam Latinis Graecisque litteris imbueretur,
quibus eruditissimus fuit, nullum alium inter pueros
ludum nisi ad iudices exercuit, cum3 ipse praelatis
fascibus ac securibus ordine puerorum circumstante 4
5 sederet ac iudicaret. octavo decimo anno publice
declamavit.5 postea studiorum causa Romam venit,
J magni Aper Madvig, Peter"3 ; magnaper P ; Marcus Aper
Peter1. 2 So Casaubon ; maternus Macer patemus P, Peter.
3eumPl. 4 circumstantes P1. ^adclamauit P.
1His full name was P. Septimius Geta, according to an
inscription found at Cirta in Africa; see C.I.L., viii. 19493.
2 Citizenship was granted to all the free inhabitants of the
Empire, except the Dediticii and the Latini Tuniani, by an
edict of Caracalla, Severus' son, in 212.
3 Aper was consul in some year under Pius; Severus ia
perhaps to be identified with the Severus who was consul in
. BY
I. ON the murder of Didius Juliaiius, Severus, a native
of Africa, took possession of the empire. His native
city was Leptis, his father was Geta ; l his ancestors
were Roman knights before citizenship was made
universal.2 Fulvia Pia was his mother, Aper and
Severus, both of consular rank,3 his great-uncles.
His father's father was Macer, his mother's father
Fulvius Pius. He himself was born six days be fore 8 Apr.,
the Ides of April,4 in the first consulship of Severus 146
and the second of Erucius Clarus. While still a child,
even before he had been drilled in the Latin and
Greek literatures (with which he was very well
acquainted), he would engage in no game with the
other children except playing judge, and on such
occasions he would have the rods and axes borne
before him, and, surrounded by the throng of children,
he would take his seat and thus give judgments.
In his eighteenth year he delivered an oration in
public. Soon after, in order to continue his studies,
he came to Rome ; and with the support of his kins-
4 His birthday was the llth April, according to Dio, Ixxvi.
17,4, and this date is confirmed by the Calendar of Philocalus
(see C.I.L., i2, p. 262) and by inscriptions set up on this day ;
see C.I.L., xi. 1322 ; adv. 168 and 169.
latum clavum a divo Marco petiit et accepit, favente
sibi Septimio Severe adfini suo, bis iam consular!.
6 Cum Romam venisset, hospitera nanctus qui
Hadriani vitam imperatoriam eadera hora legeret,
7 quod sibi omen futurae felicitatis arripuit. habuit
et aliud omen imperii : cum rogatus ad cenam im-
peratoriam palliatus venisset, qui togatus venire
debuerat, togam praesidiariam ipsius imperatoris ac-
8 cepit. eadem nocte somniavit lupae se uberibus ut
9 Remum inhaerere vel Romulum. sedit et in sella
imperatoria temere a ministro posita, ignarus quod
10 non liceret. dormienti etiam in stabulo serpens
caput cinxit et sine noxa expergefactis et adclamanti-
bus familiaribus, abiit.1
II. luventam plenam furorum, nonnumquam et cri-
2 minum habuit. adulterii causam dixit absolutusque
est a luliano proconsule, cui et in proconsulatu suc-
cessit et in consulatu collega fuit et in imperio item
3successit. quaesturam diligenter egit omisso tribu-
natu 2 militari. post quaesturam sorte Baeticam ac-
cepit ftque inde Africam petiit, ut mortuo patre rem
4 domesticam componeret. sed dum in Africa est,
1 habuit P. 2 omisso tribunatu Hirschfeld, Golisch,
Peter2; omnis sortibus natu P.
1 See note to Cow., iv. 7. 2 See Hadr., xxii. 2.
8 It ia impossible to know who is meant here. The bio-
grapher is certainly wrong in identifying him with Didius
Julianus, who was proconsul of Africa after Pertinax and
shortly before his own elevation to the throne; see Did. Jul.,
ii. 3.
man Septimius Severus, who had already been con-
sul twice, he sought and secured from the Deified
Marcus the broad stripe.1
Soon after he had come to Rome he fell in with
a stranger who at that very moment was reading the
life of the Emperor Hadrian, and he snatched at this
incident as an omen of future prosperity. He had
still another omen of empire : for once, when he
was invited to an imperial banquet and came wearing
a cloak, when he should have worn his toga,^ he was
lent an official toga of the emperor's own. And that
same night he dreamed that he tugged at the udders
of a wolf, like Remus and Romulus. He sat down,
furthermore, in the emperor s chair, which a servant
had carelessly left accessible, being quite unaware
that this was not allowed. And once, while he was
sleeping in a tavern, a snake coiled about his head,
and when his friends awoke from their sleep and
shouted at it, it departed without doing him any harm.
II. His early manhood was filled with follies and
not free from crime. He was charged with adultery,
but pleaded his own case and was acquitted by the
proconsul Julian us,3 the man who was his immediate
predecessor in the proconsulship, his colleague in the
consulship, and likewise his predecessor on the
throne. Omitting the office of tribune of the soldiers,
he became quaestor and performed his duties with
diligence. At the expiration of his quaestorship he
was allotted the province of Baetica,4 and from here
he crossed over to Africa in order to settle his
4 He was quaestor in Rome and was then allotted to serve as
quaestor (properly proquaestor) of the senatorial province of
Hispania Baetica. Such double quaestorships appear fre-
quently in inscriptions.
pro Baetica Sardinia ei attributa est, quod Baeticara
5 Mauri populabantur. acta igitur quaestura Sardini-
6 ensi legationem proconsulis Africae accepit. in qua
legatione cum eum quidam municipum suorum Lepti-
tanus l praecedentibus fascibus ut antiquum contu-
bernalem ipse plebeius amplexus esset, fustibus eum
sub eiusmodi elogio 2 praeconis cecidit : " Legatum
populi Romani homo plebeius temere amplecti noli ".
Tex quo factum ut in vehiculo etiam legati sederent,
8qui ante pedibus ambulabant. tune in quadam
civitate Africana, cum sollicitus mathematicum con-
suluisset, positaque hora ingentia vidisset astrologus,
dixit ei : " Tuam non alienam pone genituram ".
9 cumque Severus iurasset suam esse, omnia ei dixit
quae postea facta sunt.
III. Tribunatum plebis Marco imperatore decern-
ente promeruit eumque severissime exsertissimeque
Segit. uxorem tune Marciam duxit, de qua tacuit in
historia vitae privatae. cui postea in imperio statuas
Sconlocavit. praetor designatus a Marco est non in
J bracketed by Peter3. 2 eiusmodi elogi) Hirschfeld;
elogio eiusdem P, Peter.
1 See Marc., xxi. 1. The year was about 172, since Severus
was quaestor probably about the normal age of twenty-five;
see note to Pius., vi. 10. The invasion of the Moors seems to
have made it necessary to administer Baetica as an imperial
province, and Sardinia was accordingly temporarily assigned
to the senate as a substitute.
2 Her name was Paccia Marciana, according to an inscrip-
tion from Africa ; see C.I.L., viii. 19494 = Dessau, Ins. SeL,
*i.e. his autobiography, written after the death of Albinus,
domestic affairs, for his father had meanwhile died.
But while he was in Africa, Sardinia was assigned him
in place of Baetica, because the latter was being
ravaged by the Moors.1 He therefore served his
quaestorship in Sardinia, and afterwards was appointed
aide to the proconsul of Africa. While he was in this
office, a certain fellow-townsman of his, a plebeian,
embraced him as an old comrade, though the fasces
were being carried before him ; whereupon he had
the fellow beaten with clubs and then ordered a pro-
clamation to be made by the herald to this effect :
"Let no plebeian embrace without due cause a legate
of the Roman people ". On account of this incident,
legates, who had previously gone on foot, thereafter
rode in carriages. About this time, also, being
worried about the future, he had recourse to an
astrologer in a certain city of Africa. The astrologer,
when he had cast the horoscope, saw high destinies in
store for him, but added : " Tell me your own
nativity and not that of another man". And when
Severus swore an oath that it was really his, the
astrologer revealed ' to him all the things that did
later come to pass.
III. He was promoted to be tribune of the plebs by
order of the Emperor Marcus, and he performed his
duties with austerity and vigour. It was then that
he married Marcia,2 but of her he made no mention
in the history of his life as a private man.3 After-
wards, however, while emperor, he erected statues in
her honour. In the thirty-second year of his life 178
Marcus appointed him praetor, although he was not
apparently with the purpose of accusing his rivals and clear-
ing himself of charges of cruelty; see c. xviii. 6; Cl. Alb.,
vii. 1 ; Dio, Ixxv. 7, 3.
Candida sed in oompetitorum grege anno aetatis
4 xxxii. tune ad Hispaniam missus somniavit primo
sibi dici, ut teraplum Tarraconense Augusti, quod
5 iam labebatur,1 restitueret. dein ex altissimi montis
vertice orbem terrarum Romamque despexit, con-
cinentibusprovinciis lyra voce vel tibia, ludosabsens
Sedidit. legioni mi Scythicae dein praepositus est
7 circa Massiliam. post hoc Athenas petiit studiorum
sacrorumque causa et operum ac vetustatum. ubi
cum iniurias quasdam ab Atheniensibus pertulisset,
inimicus his factus minuendo eorum privilegia iam
8 imperator se ultus est. dein Lugdunensem provin-
9 ciam legatus accepit. cum amissa uxore aliam vellet
ducere, genituras sponsarum requirebat, ipse quoque
matheseos peritissimus, et cum audisset esse in Syria
quandam quae id geniturae haberet ut regi iungere-
tur, eandem uxorem petiit, luliam scilicet, et accepit
interventu amicorum. ex qua statim pater factus
IV. est. a Gallis ob severitatem et hoiiorificentiam et
abstinentiam tantum quantum nemo dilectus est.
1 leuabatur P.
1 A certain number of each board of magistrates were not
chosen by the senate but nominated directly by the emperor.
These appointees were calkd technically candidati Caesar is,
and the phrase in Candida (toga) seems to be only a variation
of this expression.
2 See Hadr., xii. 3 and note.
3 In the time of the empire the conduct of the public games
was one of the most important functions of the praetor.
4 There is some error here, for this legion was never
quartered at Marseilles, and from the middle of the first
century on it was stationed in Syria.
one of the Emperor's candidates but only one of the
ordinary crowd of competitors.1 He was thereupon
sent to Spain, and here he had a dream, first that he
was told to repair the temple of Augustus at Tarraco,2
which at that time was falling into ruin, and then
that from the top of a very high mountain he beheld
Rome and all the world, while the provinces sang
together to the accompaniment of the lyre and
flute. Though absent from the city, he gave games.3
Presently he was put in command of the Fourth
Legion, the Scythica, stationed near Massilia,4 and
after that he proceeded to Athens — partly in order
to continue his studies and perform certain sacred
rites, and partly on account of the public buildings
and ancient monuments there. Here he suffered
certain wrongs at the hands of the Athenians ; and
on that account he became their foe, and afterwards,
as emperor, took vengeance on them by curtailing
their rights. After this he was appointed to the
province of Lugdunensis as legate. He had mean-
while lost his wife, and now, wishing to take another,
he made inquiries about the horoscopes of marriage-
able women, being himself no mean astrologer ; and
when he learned that there was a woman in Syria
whose horoscope predicted that she would wed a king
(I mean Julia,5 of course), he sought her for his wife,
and through the mediation of his friends secured her.
By her, presently, he became a father.6 IV. And
because he was strict, honourable and self-restrained,
he was beloved by the Gauls as was no one else.
5 Julia Domna, the elder daughter of Julius Bassianus,
high-priest of the god Elagabalus at Emesa in Syria.
6 His elder son Bassianus (Caracalla) was born at Lyons on
the 4th April, 186.
Dein Pannonias proconsular! imperio rexit. post
hoc Siciliam proconsularem sorte meruit. suscepitque
3 Romae alterum filium. in Sicilia, quasi de imperio
vel vates vel Chaldaeos consul uisset, reus factus, sed l
a praefectis praetorii, quibus audiendus datus fuerat,
iam Commodo in odio veniente, absolutus est calum-
4niatore in crucera acto. consulatum cum Apuleio
Rufino primum egit, Commodo se inter plurimos
designante. post consulatum anno ferme fuit otio-
sus ; dein Laeto suffragante exercitui Germanico 2
5 praeponitur. proficiscens ad Germanicos exercitus
hortos spatiosos comparavit, cum antea aedes brevis-
simas Romae habuisset et unum fundum in Venetia.
6 et ium c in his hortis cum humi iacens epularetur
cum filiis parca cena, pomaque adposita maior filius,
qui tune quinquennis erat, conlusoribus puerulis manu
largiore divideret, paterque ilium reprehendens dixis-
set, " Parcius divide, non enim regias opes possides/'
quinquennis puer respondit, "Sed possidebo " inquit.
7 in Germaniam profectus ita se in ea legatione egit,
ut famam nobilitatam 4 iam ante cumularet.
1 sed Peter ; et P. 2 Germanico Baehrens, Peter2 ; G&r-
mano P, Peter1. sin Venetia Salmasius; et iam Editor;
inuenit etiam P; in uicinia Peter. *nobilitatem P.
1 This item is out of its proper order. He was not
appointed to Pannonia until after his consulship ; see § 4.
2 Geta, born in 189, the year, as it seems, of Severus'
consulship ; see Get., iii. 1.
3 Under the regime of Oleander ; see Com., vi. 7 f. ; vii. 1.
Next he ruled the Paniionias l with proconsular
powers, and after this he drew in the allotment the
proconsular province of Sicily. At Rome, mean-
while, he was presented with a second son.- While
he was in Sicily he was indicted for consulting
about the imperial dignity with seers and astrologers,
but, because Commodus was now beginning to be
detested,3 he was acquitted by the prefects of the
guard to whom he had been handed over for trial,
while his accuser was crucified. He now served his
first consulship, having Apuleius Rufinus4 for his ? 189
colleague — an office to which Commodus appointed
him from among a large number of aspirants. After
the consulship he spent about a year free from public
duties ; then, on the recommendation of Laetus, he
was put in charge of the army in Germany.5 Just as
he was setting out for Germany, he acquired elabo-
rate gardens, although he had previously kept only
an unpretentious dwelling in the city and a single
farm in Venetia. And now, when he was reclining
on the ground in these gardens, partaking of a frugal
supper with his children, his elder son, who was then
five years old, divided the fruit, when it was served,
with rather a bounteous hand among his young play-
mates. And when his father reproved him, saying :
" Be more sparing ; for you have not the riches of
a king," the five-year-old child replied : " No, but I
shall have ". On coming to Germany, Severus con-
ducted himself in this office in such a manner as to
increase a reputation which was already illustrious.
4 His name is given as Vitellius in Get., iii. 1.
5 An error for Pannonia (cf. § 2), for he was acclaimed
emperor at Carnuntum (see c. v. 1); see al^o Dio, Ixiii. 14, 8
and Herodian, ii. 9, 2.
V. Et hactenus rem militarem privatus egit. dehinc
a Germanicis legionibus, ubi auditum est Commodum
occisum, lulianum autem cum odio cunctorum im-
perare, multis hortantibus repugnans imperator est
2appellatus apud Carnuntum idibus Augustis. qui
etiam sestertia, quot l nemo umquam principum,
3militibus dedit. dein firmatis quas post tergum
relinquebat provinciis Romam iter 2 contendit, ceden-
tibus sibi cunctis, quacumque iter fecit, cum iam
Illyriciani exercitus et Gallicani 3 cogentibus ducibus
4 in eius verba iurassent. excipiebatur enim ab omni-
5 bus quasi ultor Pertinacis. per idem tempus auctore
luliano Septimius Severus a senatu hostis est appel-
latus, legatis ad exercitum senatus verbis missis, qui
iuberent ut ab eo milites senatu praecipiente dis-
6 cederent. et Severus quidem cum audisset senatus
consentientis auctoritate missos legatos, primo per-
timuit, postea id egit corruptis legatis, ut apud
exercitum pro se loquerentur transirentque in eius
7partes. his compertis lulianus senatus consultum4
8 fieri fecit de participando imperio cum Severe, in-
certum vere id an dolo fecerit, cum iam ante misis-
set 5 notos ducum interfectores quosdam, qui Severum
lquot Riihl; quod P, Peter. ziter Peter; item P.
3 gallicanis P. 4 consulatum P1. 6 misisscnt P.
1 Cf. Did. Jul.t iv. 2 f.
2 An error, for Didius Julianus was killed on the 1st June (see
note to Did. Jul., ix. 3), and Severus was then not far from
Rome. The date was probably the Ides of April.
3 i.e. each legionary.
4 Used inexactly to denote the armies of the Danube and
the Rhine. His coins of 193 show the names of fifteen
different legions belonging to these armies (see Cohen iv2,
p. 31 f., nos. 255-278). To these is to be added the Tenth
V. So far did he pursue his military career as a
subject. Now, when it was learned that Commodus
had been slain and that Julianus was holding the
throne amid general hatred,1 at the behest of many,
but against his own will, he was hailed emperor by
the German legions ; this took place at Carnuntum
on the Ides of August.2 A thousand sesterces — a 13 Aug.,
sum which no prince had ever given before — were 193
presented to each soldier.3 And then, after garrison-
ing the provinces which he was leaving in his rear,
he hastened his march on Rome. Wherever his path
lay, all yielded to him, and the legions in Illyricum
and Gaul 4 had already, under compulsion from their
generals, espoused his cause, for he was universally
regarded as the avenger of Pertinax. Meanwhile, at
Julianus' instigation, the senate declared him a public
enemy,5 and legates were sent to his army with a
message from the senate ordering his soldiers in the
name of the senate to desert him.6 And in truth,
when Severus heard that legates had been sent
by unanimous order of the senate, he was at first
terrified ; afterwards, however, he managed to bribe
the legates to address the army in his favour and then
to desert to his side themselves.7 When Julianus
learned of this, he caused the senate to pass a decree
that Severus and he should share the throne.8
Whether this was done in good faith or treacherously
is not clear ; for already, ere this, Julianus had sent
certain fellows, notorious assassins of generals, to
murder Severus,0 and indeed he had sent men
Legion, the Gemina, stationed in Pannonia Superior, of
which, as it happens, no coin has been preserved.
5 Of. Did. Jul., v. 3. 6Cf. Did. JuL, v. 5.
7 Of. Did. Jul, vi. 3. 8 Of. Did. Jul., vi. 9.
9 Of. Did. Jul, v. 8 ; Pesc. Nig., ii. 6.
occiderent, ita ut ad Pescennium Nigrum intern" cien-
dum miserat, qui et ipse imperium contra eum
9 susceperat auctoribus Syriacis exercitibus. verum
Severus evitatis eorum manibus quos ad se interficien-
dum lulianus miserat, missis ad praetorianos litteris
signum vel deserendi vel occidendi luliani dedit
10 statimque auditus est. nam et lulianus occisus est
11 in Palatio, et Severus Romam invitatus. ita, quod
nulli umquam contigit, nutu tantum Severus victor
est factus armatusque Romam contendit.
VI. Occiso luliano cum Severus in castris et tentoriis
quasi per hosticum veniens adhuc maneret, centum
senatores legates ad eum senatus misit ad gratulan-
2dum rogandumque. qui ei occurrerunt Interamnae
armatumque circumstantibus armatis salutarunt, ex-
3 cussi ne quid ferri haberent. et postera die occur-
4 rente omni famulicio aulico, septingenos l vicenos
aureos legatis dedit eosdemque praemisit, facta
potestate si qui vellent remanere ac secum Romam
5 redire. fecit etiam statim praefectum praetorii
Flavium luvenalem, quern etiam lulianus tertium
praefectum sibi adsumpserat.
1 septingenos Hirschfeld ; septuagenos P, Peter.
1CL Did. Jul, v. 1 ; Peso. Nig., ii. 4.
2 Cf. Pesc. Nig. ii. 1. y Cf. Did. Jul., viii. 5 f.
4 Hirschfeld points out that through the use of base metal
the denarius had so depreciated that 25,000 den. (100,000
sesterces) was now equal to only 720 aurei instead of luOO.
Accordingly, the sum that was presented to each of the
to murder Pescennius Niger as well,1 who, at the
instigation of the armies in Syria,2 had also declared
himself emperor in opposition to Julianus. How-
ever, Severus escaped the clutches of the men whom
Julianus had sent to kill him and despatched a letter
to the guard instructing them either to desert
Julianus or to kill him ; and his order was im-
mediately obeyed.3 For not only was Julianus slain
in the Palace, but Severus was invited to Rome.
And so, by the mere nod of his head, Severus became
the victor — a thing that had befallen no man ever
before — and still under arms hastened towards Rome.
VI. After the murder of Julianus Severus still re-
mained encamped and in his tents as though he were
advancing through a hostile territory ; the senate,
therefore, sent a delegation of a hundred senators to
bear him congratulations and sue for pardon. 'And
when these met him at Interamna, they were searched
for concealed weapons and only then suffered to greet
him as he stood armed and in the midst of armed
men. But on the following day, after all the palace
attendants had arrived, he presented each member of
the delegation with seven hundred and twenty pieces
of gold,4 and sent them on ahead, granting to such as
desired, however, the privilege of remaining and re-
turning to Rome with himself. Without further de-
lay, he appointed as prefect of the guard that Flavius
Juvenalis whom Julianus had chosen for his third
legates was the equivalent of 100,000 sesterces reckoned ac-
cording to the later standard. See von Domaszewski in Rhein.
Mus., liv. (1899), p. 312.
6 Probably on the death of Tullius Crispinus ; see Did. Jul.,
viii. 1.
6 Interim Romae ingens trepidatio militum civium-
que, quod armatus contra eos Severus veniret, qui
7 se hostem iudicassent. his accessit quod comperit
PescenniumNigrum a Syriacis legionibus imperatorem
8 appellatum. cuius edicta et litteras ad populum vel
senatum intercepit per eos qui missi fuerant, ne vel
9 propone rentur populo vel legerentur in curia, eodera
tempore etiam de Clodio Albino sibi substituendo
cogitavit, cui Caesareanum decretum auctore Com-
10 modo iam 1 videbatur imperium. sed eos ipsos per-
timescens de 2 quibus recte iudicabat,3 Heraclitum ad
obtinendas Britannias, Plautianum ad occupandos
11 Nigri liberos misit. cum Romam Severus venisset,
praetorianos cum subarmalibus inermes sibi iussit
occurrere. eosdem sic ad tribunal vocavit armatis
undique circumdatis.
VII. Ingressus deinde Romam armatus cum armatis
militibus Capitolium ascendit. inde in 4 Palatium
eodem habitu perrexit, praelatis signis quae praeto-
2rianis ademerat supinis non erectis. tota deinde urbe
1 auctore Commodo iam nomen Oberdick ; nomen om. by
Editor ; aut Commodianum P. 3 so Peter1 ; pertimescende
P ; pertimescendo P corr., Peter2. *iudicabat P, Peter1;
inuidebat Peter2. 4 om. in P.
JCf. Cl. Alb., ii. 1; vi. 4-5; xiii. 4. This is doubtless a
2 Or Bithynia, according to Peso. Nig., v. 2, but the reading
Britannias is probably the correct one. About this time
Severus, in order to attach Albinus to his cause, offered him
the name Caesar (see note to Cl. Alb., i. 2), and Heraclitus
may have been sent for this purpose.
3 Of. Pesc. Nig., v. 2. On C. Fulvius Plautianus see c. liv.
4 He then reproached them for their treachery to Pertinax,
Meanwhile at Rome a mighty panic seized both
soldiers and civilians, for they realized that Severus
was advancing under arms and against those who had
declared him a public enemy. The excitement was
further increased when Severus learned that Pescen-
nius Niger had been hailed emperor by the legions
in Syria. However, the proclamations and letters
that Pescennius sent to the people and senate were,
with the connivance of the messengers who had been
sent with them, intercepted by Severus, for he wished
to prevent their being published among the people or
read in the senate-house. At the same time, too, he
considered abdicating in favour of Clodius Albinus,
to whom, it appeared, the power of a Caesar l had
already been decreed at the instance of Commodus.
But instead, he sent Heraclitus to secure Britain 2
and Plautianus to seize Niger's children,3 in fear of
these men and having formed a correct opinion about
them. And when he arrived at Rome, he ordered the
guard to meet him clad only in their undergarments
and without arms ; then, with armed men posted all
about him, he summoned them, thus apparelled, to the
VI I. Severus, armed himself and attended by armed
men, entered the city and went up to the Capitol ; 5
thence he proceeded, still fully armed, to the Palace,
having the standards, which he had taken from the
praetorians, borne before him not raised erect but trail-
ing on the ground. And then throughout the whole
disarmed and disbanded them, and banished them from the
city ; see -Die, Ixxiv. 1, 1 and Herodian, ii. 13, 4 f. This took
place just outside the walls.
5 A vivid description of his triumphal entry is given in Dio,
Ixxiv. 1, 3-5.
milites in templis, in porticibus, in aedibus Palatinis,
3 quasi in stabulis manserunt, fuitque ingressus Severi
odiosus atque terribilis, cum milites inempta diripe-
4 rent, vastationem urbi minantes. alia die arrnatis
stipatus non solum militibus sed etiam amicis in
senatum venit. in curia reddidit rationem suscepti
imperil causatusque est, quod ad se occidendum
Slulianus notos ducum caedibus misisset. fieri etiam
senatus consultum coegit, ne liceret imperatori in-
Sconsulto senatu occidere senatorem. sed cum in
senatu esset, milites per seditionem dena milia
poposcerunt a senatu, exemplo eorum qui Augustum
Octavianum Romam deduxerant tantumque accepe-
7 rant, et cum eos voluisset comprimere Severus nee
potuisset, tamen mitigates addita liberalitate dimisit.
8 funus deinde censorium Pertinacis imagini duxit
eumque inter divos sacravit, addito flamine et soda-
9 libus Helvianis, qui Marciani fuerant. se quoque
1 Of. c. v. 8 ; Did. Jul., v. 8 ; Peso. Nig., ii. 5.
2 So also Dio, Ixxiv. 2, 1 and Herodian, ii. 14, 3-4. Dio ob-
serves that Severus violated this decree almost at once.
3 See Dio, xlvi. 46.
4 He gave to each one thousand sesterces ; see Dio, ibid.
5 This funeral is described in detail in Dio, Ixxiv. 4-5.
6 A survival of the republican period, when the senate fre-
quently honoured a dead ex-magistrate by decreeing that he
might be buried in his robe of office. Of these robes the
purple toga of the censor was considered the highest, and a
funus censorium was, accordingly, the most honourable type
of public funeral. It was later accorded by vote of the senate
to emperors, e.g. to Augustus (Tacitus, Annals. , xii. 69) and to
Claudius (id., xiii. 2).
7 See note to Marc., xv. 4 ; see also Pert., xv. 3-4.
city, in temples, in porticoes, and in the dwellings on
the Palatine, the soldiers took up their quarters as
though in barracks ; and Severus' entry inspired both
hate and fear, for the soldiers seized goods they did
not pay for and threatened to lay the city waste. On
the next day, accompanied not only by armed soldiers
but also by a body of armed friends, Severus appeared
before the senate, and there, in the senate-house,
gave his reasons for assuming the imperial power,
alleging in defence thereof that men notorious for
assassinating generals had been sent by Julianus to
murder him.1 He secured also the passage of a
senatorial decree to the effect that the emperor should
not be permitted to put any senator to death without
first consulting the senate.2 But while he was still
in the senate-house, his soldiers, with threats of
mutiny, demanded of the senate ten thousand ses-
terces each, citing the precedent of those who had
conducted Augustus Octavian to Rome and received a
similar sum.3 And although Severus himself desired
to repress them, he found himself unable ; eventually,
however, by giving them a bounty he managed to ap-
pease them and then sent them away.4 Thereupon
he held for an effigy of Pertinax 5 a funeral such as is
given a censor,6 elevated him to a place among the
deified emperors and gave him, besides, a flamen
and a Helvian Brotherhood, composed of the priests
who had previously constituted the Marciaii Brother-
hood.7 Moreover, he himself was, at his own com-
mand, given the name Pertinax ; 8 although later he
8 According to Herodian, ii. 10, 1, he assumed this name be-
fore he left Pannonia. It appears in his inscriptions and on
his coins, especially those issued during the first part of his
Pertinacem vocari iussit, quamvis postea id nomen
aboleri voluerit quasi l omen.
VIII. Amicorum dehinc aes alienum2 dissolvit.
filias suas dotatas maritis Probo et Aetio dedit. et
cum Probo genero suo praefecturam urbi obtulisset,
ille recusavit dixitque minus sibi videri praefectum
2 esse quam principis generum. utrumque autem gen-
3 erum statim consulem fecit, utrumque ditavit. alia
die ad senatum venit et amicos luliani incusatos pro-
4scriptioni ac neci dedit. causas plurimas audivit.
accusatos a provincialibus iudices probatis rebus
Sgraviter punivit. rei frumentariae, quam minimam
reppererat, ita consul uit, ut excedens vita septem
annorum canonem populo Romano relinqueret.
6 Ad orientis statum confirmandum profectus est,
7nihil adhuc de Nigro palam dicens. ad Africam
tamen legiones misit, ne per Libyam atque Aegyptum
Niger Africam occuparet ac populo Romano penuria
8 rei frumentariae perurgueret. Domitium Dextrum
in locum Bassi praefectum 3 urbi reliquit atque intra
triginta dies quam Romam venerat est profectus.
9 egress us ab urbe ad Saxa Rubra seditionem ingentem
ob locum castrorum metandorum ab exercitu passus
10 est. occurrit ei et statim Geta frater suus, quern
1 quae P. 2 alienos P. 3 praefectum Mommsen ;
praefecti P.
JCf. Pesc. Nig., v. 4 f.
2 Before setting out he gave largess; see the coins of 193
with the legend Liberalitas Aug(usti) ; Cohen, iv2, p. 32 f.,
nos. 279-287.
3 On the Via Flaminia, about ten miles north of Rome.
4 P. Septimius Geta. His province was probably Dacia, of
which he was governor in 195; see C.I.L., iii. 905.
wished it withdrawn, for fear that it would prove an
VIII. Next he freed his friends from debt. He
then settled dowries on his daughters and gave them
in marriage to Probus and Aetius. As for his son-
in-law Probus, when he offered to make him prefect
of the city, Probus declined, averring that it meant
less to him to be prefect of the city than son-in-law
to the emperor. However, he immediately appointed
each of them consul and made each rich. Soon there-? 193
after he appeared before the senate, and bringing in
accusations against the friends of Julianus, caused
them to be outlawed and put to death. He heard a
vast number of lawsuits, and magistrates who had been
accused by the provincials he punished severely
whenever the accusations against them were proved ;
and finding the grain-supply at a very low ebb, he
managed it so well that on departing this life he left
the Roman people a surplus to the amount of seven
years' tribute.
And now he set out to remedy the situation in the July, 193
East, still making no public mention of Niger. None
the less, however, he sent troops to Africa, for fear
that Niger might advance through Libya and Egypt
and seize this province, and thereby distress the
Roman people with a scarcity of grain.1 Then,
leaving Domitius Dexter as prefect of the city in
place of Bassus, within thirty days of his coming to
Rome he set out again ; 2 and he had proceeded from
the city no farther than Saxa Rubra 3 when he had to
face a great mutiny in his army, which arose on ac-
count of the place selected for pitching camp. Then
his brother Geta4 came at once to meet him, but
merely received orders to rule the province already
provinciam sibi creditam regere praecepit1 aliud
11 sperantem. Nigri liberos ad se adductos in eo habuit
12 honore quo suos. miserat sane legionem, quae
Graeciam Thraciamque praeciperet, ne eas Pescennius
13 occuparet. sed iam Byzantium Niger tenebat. Per-
inthum etiam Niger volens occupare plurimos de
exercitu interfecit atque ideo hostis cum Aemiliaiio
14 est appellatus. cumque Severum ad participatum
15 vocaret, contemptus est. promisit sane Nigro tutum
exsilium, si vellet, Aemiliano autem non ignovit.
16 Aemilianus dehinc victus in Hellesponto a Severi
ducibus Cyzicum primum confugit atque inde in
aliam civitatem, in qua eorum iussu occisus est.
17 fusae sunt item copiae ab iisdem ducibus etiam Nigri.
IX. his auditis ad senatum Severus quasi confectis rebus
litteras misit. dein conflixit cum Nigro eumque apud
Cyzicum interemit caputque eius pilo circumtulit.
2filios Nigri post hoc, quos suorum liberorum cultu
habuerat, in exsilium cum matre misit.
3 Litteras ad senatum de victoria dedit. neque
1 accepit P.
1 See c. vi. 10 and ix. 2.
2 Asellius Aemilianus, the proconsul of Asia and commander
of Niger's army.
3 See Peso. Nig., v. 6-7.
4 This was after the defeat at Perinthus (§ 16) ; see Pesc.
Nig., v. 8.
5 Probably at Perinthus on the Propontis.
"Near Nicaea in Bithynia ; see Dio, Ixxiv. 6, 5 f.
7 This is an error, repeated in Pesc. Nig., v. 8. Niger was
finally defeated near Issus in Cilicia ; see Dio, Ixxiv. 7 and
Herodian, iii. 4, 2 f. The date has recently been determined
in his charge, though Geta had other hopes. Niger's
children, who were brought to him, he treated with
the same care that he showed his own.1 Previous to
this, he had sent a legion to occupy Greece and
Thrace, and thereby prevent Niger from seizing
them. But Niger already held Byzantium, and now
wishing to seize Perinthus too, he slew a great number
of this force and accordingly, together with Aemili-
anus,2 was declared an enemy to the state.3 He
next proposed joint rule with Severus ; this was re-
jected with scorn. As a matter of fact, Severus did
promise him an unmolested exile if he wished it,4
but refused to pardon Aemilianus. Soon there-
after Aemilianus was defeated by Severus' generals
at the Hellespont 5 and fled first to Cyzicus and
from there to another city, and here he was put
to death by order of Severus' generals. Niger's own
forces, moreover, were routed by the same generals.6
IX. On receipt of this news Severus despatched
letters to the senate as if the whole affair were
finished. And not long afterwards he met with
Niger near Cyzicus,7 slew him, and paraded his head
on a pike. Niger's children, whom he had main-
tained in the same state as his own,8 he sent into
exile after this event, together with their mother.
He sent a letter to the senate announcing the
victory,9 but he inflicted no punishment upon any of
as the close of 193. Niger fled but was overtaken by some of
Severus' soldiers between Antioch and the Euphrates and be-
headed ; see Dio, Ixxiv. 8, 3.
8 See c. viii. 11. They were afterwards put to death ; see
c. x. 1 and Peso. Nig., vi. 1-2.
9 He was acclaimed Imperator for the third time ; see the
coins of 194 with the legends Mars Pacator and Paci Augusti,
Cohen, iv2, p. 35, no. 308, and p. 40, no. 359.
quemquam senatorum qui Nigri partium fuerant
4praeter unum supplicio adfecit. Antiochensibus ira-
tior fuit, quod et administrantem se in oriente l
5 riserant et Nigrum etiam victu 2 iuverant. denique
multa his ademit. Neapolitanis etiam Palaestinensi-
bus ius civitatis tulit, quod pro Nigro diu in armis
6 fuerunt. in multos saeve 3 animadvertit, praeter or-
7dinem senatorium, qui Nigrum fuerant secuti. mul-
tas etiam civitates eiusdem partis iniuriis adfecit et
Sdamnis. eos senatores occidit qui cum Nigro mili-
taverant ducum vel tribunorum nomine.
9 Delude circa Arabiam plura gessit, Parthis etiam
in dicionem redactis nee non etiam Adiabenis, qui
lOquidem omnes cum Pescennio senserant. atque ob
hoc reversus triumpho delato appellatus est Arabicus
11 Adiabenicus Parthicus. sed triumphum respuit, ne
videretur de civili triumphare victoria, excusavit et
Parthicum nomen, ne Parthos lacesseret.
X. Redeunti sane Romam post bellum civile Nigri
lorientem P, Peter. *uicturn Peter2 with P. *saetie
Peter; se P.
1 See c. vii. 5. This statement is confirmed by Dio ; see
Ixxiv. 8, 4.
2 Niger's head appears on a coin of Colonia Aelia Capitolina
(Jerusalem) ; see Cohen, in', p. 413, no. 82.
3 Notably Byzantium, which his army captured after a long
siege ; see Dio, Ixxiv. 14, 3.
4 The campaign actually took place in northern Meso-
potamia, in the neighbourhood of Nisibis, which had been
invaded by the surrounding tribes. Most of the fighting
seems to have been done under the command of the legates,
Laetus, Anulinus, and Probus, who crossed the Tigris and in-
vaded Adiabene ; see Dio, Ixxv. 1-3.
5 In the inscriptions and on the coins of this period he is
the senators who had sided with Niger,1 with the
exception of one man. Towards the citizens of
Antioch he was more resentful, because they had
laughed at him in his administration of the East and
also had aided Niger with supplies. Eventually he
deprived them of many privileges. The citizens of
Neapolis in Palestine, because they had long been
in arms on Niger's side,2 he deprived of all their
civic rights, and to many individuals, other than
members of the senatorial order, who had followed
Niger he meted out cruel punishments. Many com-
munities,3 too, which had been on Niger's side, were
punished with fines and degradation ; and such
senators as had seen active service on Niger's side
with the title of general or tribune were put to death.
Next, he engaged in further operations in the
region about Arabia 4 and brought the Parthians back
to allegiance and also the Adiabeni — all of whom
had sided with Pescennius. For this exploit, after
he returned home, he was given a triumph and the
names Arabicus, Adiabenicus, and Parthicus.5 He
refused the triumph, however, lest he seem to
triumph for a victory over Romans ; and he declined
the name Earthicus lest he hurt the Parthians' feel-
X. And then, just as he was returning to Rome
after the civil war caused by Niger, he received news 196
called A rabicus Adiabenicus, or Parthicus Arabicus Parthicus
Adiabenicus; see Dessau, Ins. SeZ.,417 f., and Cohen, iv2, p. 8,
nos. 48-52, and p. 40 f., nos. 363-368. The statement in § 11,
accordingly, is not accurate. However, the cognomen
Parthicus is not used without these qualifying words until
after his campaign of 198 (see c. xvi. 2). These names were
taken in 194, when he was acclaimed Imperatot for the fourth
aliud bellum civile Clodii Albini nuntiatura est, qui
rebellavit in Gallia. quare postea occisi sunt filii
2Nigri1 cum matre. Albinum igitur statim hostem
iudicavit et eos qui ad ilium mollius vel scripserunt
3vel rescripserunt. et cum iret contra Albinum, in
itinere apud Viminacium filium suum maiorem Bas-
sianum adposito Aurelii Antonini nomine Caesarem
appellavit, ut fratrem suum Getam ab spe imperil,
4quam ille conceperat, summoveret. et nomen qui-
dem Antonini idcirco filio adposuit, quod somniaverat
5 Antoiiinum sibi successurum. unde Getam etiam
quidam Antoninum putant dictum, ut et ipse suc-
6 cederet in imperio. aliqui putant idcirco ilium An-
toninum appellatum, quod Severus ipse in Marci
familiam transire voluerit.
7 Et primo quidem ab Albinianis Severi duces victi
sunt. tune sollicitus cum consuleret, a Pannoniacis
auguribus comperit se victorem futurum, adversarium
1 filii Nigri om. in P.
1 See c. vi. 9 ; CL Alb., viii. 4 f.
3 More correctly, Britain, of which he was governor. He
had previously received from Severus the title of Caesar (see
note to CL Alb., i. 2), and he now assumed that of Augustus.
3 See c. ix. 2 and note.
4 On his march from Byzantium through Moesia to Gaul.
As Hirschfeld has pointed out, there is no reason to suppose
that Severus went to Rome at this time ; see Kl. Schriften
(Berlin, 1913), p. 432.
5 From this time on, in inscriptions and on coins he always
bears the name M. Aurelius Antoninus.
6 See note to Ael., i. 2. In this instance, the purpose of
the step was to nullify Albinus' claim to the name and to the
succession (see note to § 1).
7 i.e. Severus' younger son.
of another civil war, caused by Clodius Albinus,1 who
had revolted in Gaul.2 It was because of this revolt
that Niger's children and their mother were later put
to death.3 As for Albinus, Severus at once declared
him a public foe, and likewise those who, in their
letters to him or replies to his letters, had expressed
themselves as favourably inclined to him. As he
was advancing against Albinus, moreover, and had
reached Viminacium 4 on his march, he gave his elder
son Bassianus the name Aurelius Antoninus 5 and the
title of Caesar,6 in order to destroy whatever hopes of
succeeding to the throne his brother Geta had con-
ceived. His reason for giving his son the name An-
toninus was that he had dreamed that an Antoninus
would succeed him. It was because of this dream,
some believe, that Geta7 also was called Antoninus,8
in order that he too might succeed to the throne.
Others, however, think that Bassianus was given the
name Antoninus because Severus himself wished to
pass over into the family of Marcus.9
At first, Severus' generals 10 were worsted by those
of Albinus ; n but when, in his anxiety, he consulted
augurs in Paiinonia, he learned that he would be
8 The statement that Geta was given the name Antoninus
is frequently made in these biographies ; see c. xvi. 4 ; xix. 2 ;
Get., i. If.; v. 3. It is questioned, on the other hand, in
Diad., vi. 9, and as this name does not appear in the inscrip-
tions or on the coins of Geta, the statement is probably in-
9 So also Dio, Ixxv. 7, 4, and Ixxvi. 9. 4. In his inscrip-
tions from this time on he appears as Divi Marci Antonini
Pii Germ. Sarm. filius, etc. He also 'assumed the name
Pius about this time.
10 See also Cl. Alb., ix. 1-4.
11 In particular. Lupus, who was badly defeated by Albinus
about this time ; see Dio, Ixxv. 6, 2.
vero nee in potestatem venturum neque evasurum sed
8 iuxta aquam esse periturum.1 multi statim amici
Albini deserentes venere, multi duces capti sunt, in
XI. quos Severus animadvertit. multis interim varie
gestis in Gallia primo apud Tinurtium contra Albinum
2 felicissime pugnavit Severus. cum quidem ingens
periculum equi casu adiit,2ita ut mortuus ictuplumbeae
crederetur, ita ut alius iam paene imperator ab exer-
3 citu deligeretur. eo tempore lectis actis quae de
Clodio Celsiiio laudando, qui Hadrumetinus et adfinis
Albini erat, facta sunt, iratus senatui Severus, quasi
hoc Albino senatus praestitisset, Commodum inter
divos referendum esse censuit, quasi hoc genere se de
4 senatu posset ulcisci. primusque inter milites divum
Commodum pronuntiavit idque ad senatum scripsit
5 add ita oratione victoriae. senatorum deinde qui in
bello erant interempti cadavera dissipari iussit.
6 deinde Albini corpore adlato paene seminecis caput
abscidi iussit Romamque deferri idque litteris pro-
7 secutus est. victus est Albinus die XI kal. Martias.
1 sed .... periturum rejected by Peter2 as repetition from
Pesc. Nig., ix. 5. 2cadit P.
1 Probably the modern Tournus on the Saone about twenty
miles north of Macon. A description of the engagement is
given in Dio, Ixxv. 6-7. According to his version, Albinus
killed himself after the defeat; but see §§ 6-9 and Cl. Alb.,
ix. 3.
2 i.e. Julius Laetus ; see Herodian, iii. 7, 4; cf. c. xv. 6.
3 His brother, according to Cl. Alb., ix. 6; xii. 9, but this
is probably an error.
4 See Com., xvii. 11.
6 According to Dio, Ixxv. 7, the announcement of Corn-
modus' deification did cause the senate great consternation.
Severus' real purpose, however, was probably to carry out
the victor, and that his opponent would neither fall
into his hands nor yet escape, but would die close by
the water. Many of Albinus' friends soon deserted
and came over to Severus ; and many of his generals
were captured, all of whom Severus punished. XI.
Meanwhile, after many operations had been carried
on in Gaul with varying success, Severus had his
first successful encounter with Albinus at Tinurtium.1
Through the fall of his horse, however, he was at one
time in the utmost peril ; and it was even believed
that he had been slain by a blow with a ball of lead,
and the army almost elected another emperor.2 It
was at this time that Severus, on reading the resolu-
tions passed by the senate in praise of Clodius
Celsinus, who was a native of Hadrumetum and
Albinus' kinsman,3 became highly incensed at the
senate, as though it had recognized Albinus by this
act, and issued a decree that Commodus should be
placed among the deified,4 as though he could take
vengeance on the senate by this sort of thing.5 He
proclaimed the deification of Commodus to the
soldiers first, and then announced it to the senate in
a letter, to which he added a discourse on his own
victory. Next, he gave orders that the bodies of the
senators who had been slain in the battle should be
mutilated. And then, when Albinus' body was
brought before him, he had him beheaded while still
half alive,6 gave orders that his head should be taken
to Rome, and followed up the order with a letter.
Albinus was defeated on the eleventh day before the 19 Feb.,
Kalends of March. 197
further his policy of attaching himself to the house of the
Antonines ; see c. x. 6.
6 See note to § 1.
Reliquum autem cadaver eius ante domum pro-
8 priam exponi ac diu videri l iussit. equum praeterea
ipse residens supra cadaver Albini egit expavescen-
temque admonuit et efFrenatum ut audacter protereret.
9addunt alii quod idem cadaver in Rhodanum abici
praecepit, simul etiam uxoris liberorumque eius.
XII. Interfectis innumeris Albini partium viris, inter
quos multi principes civitatis, multae feminae inlustres
fuerunt, omnium bona publicata sunt aerariumque
auxerunt ; turn et Hispanorum et Gallorum proceres
2 multi occisi sunt. denique militibus tantuni stipen-
3 diorum quantum nemo principum dedit. filiis etiam
suis ex hac proscriptione tantum reliquit quantum
nullus imperatorum, cum magnam partem auri per
Gallias, per Hispanias, per Italiam, imperatoriam 2
4fecisset. tuncque primum privatarum rerum pro-
5 curatio constituta est. multi sane post Albinum fidem
6ei servantes bello a Severo superati sunt. eodem
tempore etiam legio Arabica defecisse ad Albinum
nuntiata est.
7 Ultus igitur graviter Albinianam defectionem inter-
fectis plurimis, genere quoque eius exs-tincto, iratus
8 Romam et populo et senatoribus venit. Commodum
in senatu et contione laudavit, deum appellavit,
infamibus displicuisse dixit, ut appareret eum aper-
1 diu uideri Salmasius ; diuidere P. 2 imperatoriam von
Domaszewski ; imperatcr iam P, Peter.
1 These executions took place in Gaul (Herodian, iii. 8, 2) ;
they are to be distinguished from the later executions at
Rome ; see c. xiii.
The rest of Albiims' body was, by Severus' order,
laid out in front of his own home, and kept there for
a long time exposed to view. Furthermore, Severus
himself rode on horseback over the body, and when
the horse shied, he spoke to it and loosed the reins,
that it might trample boldly. Some add that he
ordered Albinus' body to be cast into the Rhone, and
also the bodies of his wife and children.
XII. Countless persons who had sided with Albinus
were put to death,1 among them numerous leading
men and many distinguished women, and all their
goods were confiscated and went to swell the public
treasury. Many nobles of the Gauls and Spains were
also put to death at this time. Finally, he gave his
soldiers sums of money such as 110 emperor had ever
given before. Yet as a result of these confiscations,
he left his sons a fortune greater than any other
emperor had left to his heirs, for he had made a
large part of the gold in the Gauls, Spains, and
Italy imperial property. At this time the office of
steward for private affairs 2 was first established.
After Albinus' death many who remained loyal to
him were defeated by Severus in battle. At this
same time, moreover, he received word that the
legion in Arabia had gone over to Albinus.3
And so, after having taken harsh vengeance for
Albinus' revolt by putting many men to death and
exterminating Albinus' family, he came to Rome filled
with wrath at the people and senate. He delivered
a eulogy of Commodus before the senate and before
an assembly of the people and declared him a god ;
he averred, moreover, that Commodus had been un-
2 See note to Com., xx. 1.
3 The Third Legion, the Cyrenaica.
gtissime furere. post hoc de sua dementia disseruit,
cum crudel issimus fuerit et senatores infra scriptos
XIII. occiderit. occidit autem sine causae dictione hos
nobiles : Mummium Secundinum, Asellium Claudi-
2anum, Claudium Rufum, Vitalium Victorem, Papium
Faustum, Aelium Celsum, lulium Rufum, Lollium
Professum, Aurunculeium Cornelianum, Antonium 1
Balbum, Postumium Severum, Sergium Lustralem,
3 Fabium Paulinum, Nonium Gracchum, Masticium
Fabianum, Casperium Agrippinum, Ceionium Albinum,
4 Claudium Sulpicianum, Memmium Rufinum, Cas-
perium Aemilianum, Cocceium Verum, Erucium Cla-
5 rum, Aelium2 Stilonem, Clodium Rufinum, Egnatu-
6 leium Honoratum, Petronium luniorem, Pescennios
Festum et Veratianum et Aurelianum et Materianum
et lulianum et Albinum, Cerellios Macrinum et Faust-
7 inianum et lulianum, Herennium Nepotem, Sulpicium
Canum, Valerium C'atullinum, Novium Rufum, Claudi-
8 um Arabianum, Marcium a Aselhonem. horum igitur
tantorum ac tarn inlustrium virorum, nam multi in his
consulares, multi praetorii, omnes certe summi viri
9 fuere, interfector ab Afris ut deus habetur. Cincium
Severum calumniatus est quod se veneno adpetisset,
XIV. atque ita interfecit. Narcissum dein, Commodi
strangulatorern, leonibus obiecit. multos praeterea
1 Antonium Hirschfeld, ace. by Peter,2 Praef., p. xlii. ;
Antoninum P, Peter. 2 Aelium Hirschfeld, ace. by Peter,2
Praef., p. xiii. ; L. P, Peter. * Marc mm Hirschleld, ace.
by Peter^, Praef., p. xlii. ; Marcum P, -Peter.
1 A few telling sentences from the speech are recorded in
Dio, Ixxv. 8. Dio also relates that he praised the severity
and cruelty of Marius and Sulla ; these names were aiterwarda
applied to him ; see Pesc. Nig., vi. 4.
popular only among the degraded.1 Indeed, it was
evident that Severus was openly furious. After this
he spoke about the mercy he had shown, whereas
he was really exceedingly blood-thirsty and executed
the senators enumerated below.2 XIII. He put to
death without even a trial the following noblemen :
Mummius Secundinus, Asellius Claudianus, Claudius
Rufus, Vitalius Victor, Papius Faustus, Aelius Celsus,
Julius Rufus, Lollius Professus, Aurunculeius Cor-
nelianus, Antonius Balbus, Postumius Severus, Sergius
Lustralis, Fabius Paulinus, Nonius Gracchus, Masticius
Fabianus, Casperius Agrippinus, Ceionius Albinus,
Claudius Sulpicianus, Memmius Rufinus, Casperius
Aemilianus, Cocceius Verus, Erucius Clarus, Aelius
Stilo, Clodius Rufinus, Egnatuleius Honoratus, Petro-
nius Junior, the six Pescennii, Festus, Veratianus,
Aurelianus, Materianus, Julianus, and Albinus ; the
three Cerellii, Macrinus, Faustinianus, and Julianus ;
Herennius Nepos, Sulpicius Can us, Valerius Catullinus,
Novius Rufus, Claudius Arabianus, and Marcius Asel-
lio. And yet he who murdered all these distinguished
men, many of whom had been consuls and many
praetors, while all were of high estate, is regarded
by the Africans as a god. He falsely accused Cincius
Severus of attempting his life by poison, and there-
upon put him to death ; next, he cast to the lions
Narcissus, the man who had strangled Commodus.3
XIV. And besides, he put to death many men from
a According to Dio, ibid., he executed twenty-nine and par-
doned thirty five. The following list of forty-one probably
includes some of the partisans of Niger, whom Severus had
previously refrained from putting to death ; see c. ix. 3.
3 Of. Com., xvii. 2. But according to Dio, Narcissus was
put to death by Didius Julianus ; see note to Did. Jul., vi. 2.
obscuri loci homines interemit praeter eos quos vis
proelii absumpsit.
2 Post haec, cum se vellet commendare hominibus,
vehicularium mimus a privatis ad fiscum traduxit.
SCaesarem dein Bassianum Antoninum a senatu ap-
4pellari fecit, decretis imperatoriis insignlbus. ru-
more deinde belli Parthici excitus l patri matri avo et
5 uxori priori per se statuas conlocavit. Plautianum
ex amicissimo cognita eius vita ita odio habuit, ut et
hostem publicum appellaret et depositis statuis eius
per orbem terrae gravi eum insigniret iniuria, iratus
praecipue, quod inter propinqu'orum et adfinium
Severi simulacra suam statuam ille posuisset.
6 Palaestinis poenam remisit quam ob causam Nigri
7 meruerant. postea iterum cum Plautiano in gratiam
rediit et veluti ovans urbem ingressus Capitolium2
petiit, quam vis et ipsum procedenti tempore occiderit.
1 excitus Editor; exciti Petschenig ; extiti P ; extincti
Peter * ; rumor . . . extitit Peter.2 2 cum eo Capitolium
Peter ; cum eo om. in P.
1 See note to Hadr., vii. 5.
2Bassianus had already received the name Caesar (see c.
x. 3) ; it was now confirmed by the senate. He was also at
this time made a member of some of the priestly colleges to
which the emperor belonged (see note to Marc., vi. 3), and he
was apparently recognized officially as his father's successor,
for from now on he bore the title of Imperator Destinatus ;
see Dessau, Ins. Sel., 442, 446, 447.
3 See c. xv. f. 4 See c. iii. 2 and note.
5 C. Fulvius Plautianus, prefect of the guard. For an ac-
count of his great power and his influence over Severus see
Dio, Ixxv. 14-15. He received the ornamenta consuiaria
(see note to Hadr., viii. 7), and was consul in 203.
the more humble walks of life, not to speak of those
whom the fury of battle had consumed.
After this, wishing to ingratiate himself with the
people, he took the postal service 1 out of private
hands and transferred its cost to the privy-purse.
Then he caused the senate to give Bassianus An-
toninus the title of Caesar and grant him the imperial
insignia.2 Next, when called away by the rumour of 201
a Parthian war,3 he set up at his own expense statues
in honour of his father, mother, grandfather and first
wife.4 He had been very friendly with Plautianus ; 5
but, on learning his true character, he conceived such
an aversion to him as even to declare him a public ca. 203-4
enemy, overthrow his statues,6 and make him famous
throughout the entire world for the severity of his
punishment, the chief reason for his anger being that
Plautianus had set up his own statue among the
statues of Severus' kinsmen and connections. He re-
voked the punishment which had been imposed upon
the people of Palestine 7 on Niger's account. Later,
he again entered into friendly relations with Plauti-
anus, and after entering the city in his company like
one who celebrates an ovation,8 he went up to the
Capitol, although in the course of time he killed him.
He bestowed the. toga virilis on his younger son,
6 This incident is described quite differently in Dio, Ixxv.
'16, 2 ; apparently, an order to melt some of the bronze
statues of Plautianus gave rise to the belief that he had been
7 See c. ix. 5.
8 A minor triumph, in which the general rode through the
city instead of driving a chariot. It was celebrated in case
the war had not been formally declared, or the vanquished
was not a recognized hostis, or the victory had been bloodless ;
see Gellius, v. 6, 21.
SGetae minor! filio togam virilem dedit, maiori Plau-
9tiani filiam uxorem iunxit. ii qui hostem publicum
Plautianum dixerant deportati sunt. ita omnium
lOrerum semper quasi naturali lege mutatio est. filios
dein consules designavit. Getam fratrem extulit.
11 profectus dehinc ad bellum Parthicum est, edito
12 gladiatorio munere et congiario populo dato. multos
inter haec causis vel veris vel simulatis occidit,
13 damnabantur autem plerique, cur iocati essent, alii,
cur tacuissent, alii, cur pleraque figurata l dixissent.
ut "ecce imperator vere nominis sui, vere Pertinax,
vere Severus ".
XV. Erat sane in sermone vulgari Parthicum bel-
lum adfectare Septimium Severum, gloriae cupiditate
2non aliqua necessitate deductum. traiecto denique
exercitu a Brundisio continuato itinere venit in
3 Syriam Parthosque summovit. sed postea in Syriam
rediit, ita ut se pararet ac bellum Parthis inferret.
4 inter haec Pescennianas reliquias Plautiano auctore
persequebatur, ita ut nonnullos etiam ex amicis suis
5 quasi vitae suae insidiatores appeteret. multos etiam,
quasi Chaldaeos aut vates de sua salute consuluissent,
1 figurata P ; figurate Peter.
1 Fulvia Plautilla. The marriage took place in 202 ; she
received the title of Augusta, which appears in inscriptions and
on her coins (Cohen, iv2, pp. 243 and 247 f.). When her
father was assassinated in the Palace (see Dio, Ixxvi. 4) in
205, she was banished ; later on she was put to death.
2 Apparently after Geta's death — by a public funeral and
a statue in the Forum ; see Dio, Ixxvi. 2, 4.
3 The Parthians had entered Mesopotamia and were at-
Geta, and he united his elder son in marriage with
Plautianus' daughter.1 Those who had declared
Plautianus a public enemy were now driven into
exile. Thus, as if by a law of nature, do all things
ever shift and change. Soon thereafter he appointed
his sons to the consulship ; also he greatly honoured 205
his brother Geta.2 Then, after giving a gladiatorial
show and bestowing largess upon the people, he set
out for the Parthian war. Many men meanwhile
were put to death, some on true and some on trumped-
up charges. Several were condemned because they
had spoken in jest, others because they had not
spoken at all, others again because they had cried
out many things with double meaning, such as
" Behold an emperor worthy of his name — Perti-
nacious in very truth, in very truth Severe ".
XV. It was commonly rumoured, to be sure, that in
planning a war on the Parthians, Septimius Severus
was influenced rather by a desire for glory than by
any real necessity.3 Finally, he transported his army
from Brundisium, reached Syria without breaking
his voyage, and forced the Parthians to retreat.4
After that, however, he returned to Syria in order to
make preparations to carry on an offensive war against
the Parthians. In the meantime, on the advice of
Plautianus. he hunted down the last survivors of
Pescennius' revolt, and he even went so far as to
bring charges against several of his own friends on
the ground that they were plotting to kilt him. He
put numerous others to death on the charge of having
asked Chaldeans or soothsayers how long he was
tacking Nisibis, the seat of Severus' operations in his former
campaign ; see note to c. ix. 9.
4 i.e. from Nisibis.
interemit, praecipue suspectans l unumquemque
idoneum imperio, cum ipse parvulos adhuc filios
haberet idque dici ab his vel crederet vel audiret,
6 qui sibi augurabantur imperium. denique cum occisi
essent nonnulli, Severus se excusabat et post eorum
mortem negabat fieri iussisse quod factum est. quod
7 de Laeto praecipue Marius Maximus dicit. cum soror
sua Leptitana ad eum venisset vix Latine loquens, ac
de ilia multum imperator erubesceret, dato filio eius
lato clavo atque ipsi multis muneribus redire mulier-
em in patriam praecepit, et quidem cum filio, qui
brevi 2 vita defunctus est.
XVI. Aestate igitur iam exeunte Parthiam ingres-
sus Ctesiphontem pulso rege pervenit et cepit hiemali
prope tempore, quod in illis regionibus melius per
hiemem bella tractantur, cum herbarum 3 radicibus
milites viverent atque inde morbos aegritudinesque
2 contraherent. quare cum obsistentibus Parthis,
fluente quoque per insuetudinem cibi alvo militum,
longius ire non posset, tamen perstitit et oppidum
cepit et regem fugavit et plurimos interemit et
3 Parthicum nomen meruit. ob hoc 4 etiam filium eius
1 suspectans Casaubon, Peter 2 ; suspectos P ; suspectus
Salmasius, Peter1. 2quibus seui P. 3 herbarum Eg-
natius, Peter1; culparumP', f culparum Peter2 ; caeparum
Kellerbauer. *ob hoc Ed. priuceps, Peter1; ob P; ideo
1 His legate in his former campaign and the defender of
Nisibis against the Parthians ; see notes to c. xv. 1-2. He
was put to death during the siege of Hatra, which followed
the capture of Ctesiphon ; see Dio, Ixxv. 10, 3.
2 See note to Com., iv. 7.
destined to live ; and he was especially suspicious of
anyone who seemed qualified for the imperial power,
for his sons were still very young, and he believed
or had heard that this fact was being observed by
those who were seeking omens regarding their own
prospects of the throne. Eventually, however, when
several had been put to death, Severus disclaimed
all responsibility, and after their death denied that
he had given orders to do what had been done.
Marius Maximus says that this was particularly true
in the case of Laetus.1 His sister from Leptis once
came to see him, and, since she could scarcely speak
Latin, made the emperor blush for her hotly. And
so, after giving the broad stripe 2 to her son and many
presents to the woman herself, he sent her home
again, and also her son, who died a short time after-
XVI. When the summer was well-nigh over,
Severus invaded Parfhia, defeated the king, and came 198
to Ctesiphon ; and about the beginning of the winter
season he took the city. For indeed in those regions
it is better to wage war during the winter, although
the soldiers live on the roots of the plants and so
contract various ills and diseases. For this reason
then, although he could make no further progress,
since the Parthian army was blocking the way and
his men were suffering from diarrhoea because of the
unfamiliar food, he nevertheless held his ground,
took the city, put the king to flight, slew a great
multitude, and gained the name Parthicus.3 For
this feat, likewise, the soldiers declared his son,
3 Parthicus Maximus ; this cognomen appears in his in-
scriptions and on his coins from 198 onward. On his pre-
vious cognomina see note to c. ix. 10.
Bassianum Antoninum, qui Caesar appellatus iam
fuerat, annum xin agentem participem imperil
4 dixerunt milites. Getam quoque, minorem filium,
Caesarem dixerunt, eundem Antoninum, ut plerique
5 in litteras tradunt, appellantes. harum appellationum
causa donativum militibus largissimum dedit, con-
cessa omni praeda oppidi Parthici, quod milites
6 quaerebant. inde in Syriam rediit victor, et Parthicum1
deferentibus sibi patribus triumphum idcirco recusavit,
quod consistere in curru adfectus articulari morbo
7 non posset, filio sane concessit, ut triumpharet ; cui
senatus Judaicum triumphum decreverat, idciro quod
et in Syria res bene gestae fuerant a Severo.
Dein cum Antiochiam transisset, data vir.ili toga
filio maiori secum eum consulem designavit, et statim
9 in Syria consulatum inierunt. post hoc dato stipendio
X.VII. cumulatiore militibus Alexandriam petiit. in itinere
Palaestinis plurima iura fundavit. ludaeos fieri sub
gravi poena vetuit. idem etiam de Christianis sanxit.
2deinde Alexandrinis ius buleutarum dedit, qui sine
publico consilio ita ut sub regibus ante vivebant, uno
lparthicus P.
1 He was acclaimed Augustus by the soldiers and received
the tribunician power from Severus. The date was prior to
the 3rd May, 198, since he is called Augustus in an African
inscription of that date ; see C.I.L., viii. 2465 = Dessau, Ins.
Sel. 2485.
2Cf. c. x. 3 andxiv. 3.
3 He is called Nobilissimus Caesar in inscriptions from 198
4 See note to c. x. 5.
6Ctesiphon. The sack of the city is also mentioned in
Dio, Ixxv. 9, 4.
6 But not until after two unsuccessful sieges of Hatra in
Mesopotamia ; see Dio, Ixxv. 10-12.
Bassianus Antoninus, co-emperor ; l he had already
been named Caesar 2 and was now in his thirteenth
year. And to Geta, his younger son, they gave the
name Caesar,3 and called him in addition Antoninus,4
as several men relate in their writings. To celebrate
the bestowal of these names Severus gave the soldiers
an enormous donative, none other, in truth, than
liberty to plunder the Parthian capital,5 a privilege
for which they had been clamouring. He then
returned victorious to Syria.6 But when the senators
offered him a triumph for the Parthian campaign,
he declined it because he was so afflicted with gout
that he was unable to stand upright in his chariot.
Notwithstanding this, he gave permission that his
son should celebrate a triumph ; for the senate had
decreed to him a triumph over Judaea because of
the successes achieved by Severus in Syria.7
Next, when he had reached Antioch, he bestowed
the toga virilis upon his elder son and appointed
him consul as colleague to himself; and without
further delay, while still in Syria, the two entered
upon their consulship". XVII. After this, having 202.
first raised his soldiers' pay, he turned his steps
toward Alexandria, and while on his way thither ,he
conferred numerous rights upon the communities of
Palestine.8 He forbade conversion to Judaism under
heavy penalties and enacted a similar law in regard to
the Christians. He then gave the Alexandrians the
privilege of a local senate, for they were still with-
out any public council, just as they had been under
their own kings,y and were obliged to be content with
7 As Caracalla was only twelve years old it is hardly likely
that he won a victory in person.
8 Cf . c. xiv. 6, 9 The Ptolemaic dynasty.
3 iudice content!, quern l Caesar dedisset. raulta prae-
4 terea his iura mutavit. iucundam sibi peregriiiatioiiem
hanc propter religionem dei Serapidis et propter
rerum antiquarnm cognitionem et propter novitatem
animalium vel locorum 2 fuisse Severus ipse postea
semper ostendit. nam et Memphim et Memnonen
et pyramides et labyrinthum diligenter inspexit.
5 Et quoniam longum est minora persequi, huius
magnifica ilia : quod victo et occiso luliano prae-
torianas cohortes exauctoravit, Pertinacem contra
voluntatem militum in deos rettulit, Salvii 3 luliani
6 decreta iussit aboleri ; quod non obtinuit. denique
cognomentum Pertinacis non tarn ex sua voluntate
7 quam ex 4 morum parsimonia videtur habuisse. nam
et infinita multorum caede crudelior habitus et, cum
quidam ex hostibus eidem se suppliciter obtulisset
atque dixisset 5 illi " quid facturus esses ? " 6, non
1om. in P1, added in P corr. 2 bello eorum P. ssaluti
P. 4 quam ex P ; atque Peter. 5 obtulisset atque dixisset
Peter 2 ; obtulissetque dixis*< t P ; obtulisset dixissetque Peter.1
6 illi quid facturus esses Mommsen ; ille quod facturus esset
P; ille . . . quod facturus esset Peter.
irThe turidicus Alezandriae. Augustus had refused to
allow Alexandria to have a local senate; see Dio, li. 17, 2.
2 The famous "singing Meranon " at Thebes, a colossal
statute of Amenophis III.
3 In the Fayum in Middle Egypt. A description of it ig
given by Herodotus, iii. 118,
4 This section of the biography (xvii. 5 — xix. 4) bears a close
resemblance, often in the actual wording, to Victor, de
Caesaribus, xx., and in some passages it seems to be a mere
abbreviation of Victor's narrative; see Intro., p. xxii.
5 See note to c. vi. 11. GCf. c. vii. 8; Pert., xiv. 10.
7 In both this passage and the corresponding sentence in
Victor (Caes., xx. 1) there seems to be a confusion between
the single governor appointed by Caesar.1 Besides
this, he changed many of their laws. In after years
Severus himself continually avowed that he had
found this journey very enjoyable, because he had
taken part in the worship of the god Serapis, had
learned something of antiquity, and had seen un-
familiar animals and strange places. For he visited
Memphis, Memnon,2 the Pyramids, and the Laby-
rinth,3 and examined them all with great care.
But since it is tedious to mention in detail the
less important matters, only the most noteworthy of
his deeds are here related.4 He discharged the
cohorts of the guard 5 after Julianus was defeated
and slain ; he deified Pertinax against the wishes of
the army ; 6 and he gave orders that the decisions of
Salvius Julianus should be annulled,7 though this he
did not succeed in accomplishing. Lastly, he was
given the surname Pertinax, not so much by his
own wish,8 it seems, as because of his frugal ways.9
In fact, he was considered somewhat cruel, both on
account of his innumerable executions10 and because,
when one of his enemies came before him on a certain
occasion to crave forgiveness and said " What would
you have done?",11 Severus was not softened by so
Salvius Julianus and his Edictum Perpetuum (see note to
Hadr., xviii. 1), on the one hand, and Didius Julianus and his
Ada, on the other. The Acta were doubtless rescinded, but
the Edictum remained in force.
8 But see c. vii. 9 and note. He assumed the name in
order to strengthen his own position.
9 Of. c. xix. 7-8. Pertinax was famous for his frugality ;
see Pert., viii. 9-11; xii. 2-6.
10 See c. xii-xiii.
J1 The story is preserved in complete form in Victor, Caes.,
xx. 11.
emollitus L tarn prudente dicto interfici eum iussit.
8 fuit praeterea delendarum cupidus factionum. prope
XVIII. a nullo congressu digressus 2 nisi victor. Persarum
regem Abgarum subegit. Arabas in dicionem accepit.
2Adiabenos in tributaries coegit. Britanniam, quod
maximum eius imperil decus est, muro per trans-
versam insulam ducto utrimque 3 ad finem Oceani
munivit. unde etiam Britannici nomen accepit.
STripolim, unde oriundus erat, contusis bellicosissimis
gentibus securissimam reddidit, ac populo Romano
diurnum4 oleum gratuitum et fecimdissimum in
aeternum donavit.
4 Idem cum implacabilis delictis fuit, turn ad
erigendos industries quosque iudicii singularis.
Sphilosophiae ac dicendi studiis satis deditus, doctrinae
Gquoque nimis cupidus. latronum ubique hostis.
vitam suam privatam publicamque ipse composuit ad
7 fidem, solum tamen vitium crudelitatis excusans. de
hoc senatus ita iudicavit, ilium aut nasci non debuisse
1 so Peter2 ; est emollitus P, Peter.1 2 inserted by Casau-
bon. 3 utrumque P. 4 diurnum Casaubon ; diuturnam P.
1 The ambiguity of this sentence is due to excessive com-
pression of the original as preserved in Victor, Caes., xx. 13-
14. The transition from the suppression ot conspiracies to
success in foreign wars is entirely omitted.
2 Abgar IX., King of Osroene, who joined Severus on his
Parthian campaign, gave his sons as hostages and assumed
the name Septimius; see Herodian, iii. 9, 2. According to
Herodian, this happened in connection with Severus' second
campaign, in 198, but it has been maintained that the in-
cident should be connected with the first campaign, in 195.
8 Cf . c. ix. 9 and note.
4 This does not refer to the construction of a new wall, but
to the restoration probably of the wall of Hadrian (see Hadr..
xi. 2 ; Pius, v. 4).
sensible a speech, but ordered him to be put to
death. He was determined to crush out conspira-
cies. He seldom departed from a battle except as
victor.1 XVIII. He defeated Abgarus, the king of
the Persians.2 He extended his sway over the Arabs.
He forced the Adiabeni to give tribute.3 He built
a wall4 across the island of Britain from sea to sea,
and thus made the province secure — the crowning
glory of his reign ; in recognition thereof he was
given the name Britannicus.5 He freed Tripolis, 210
the region of his birth, from fear of attack by crushing
sundry warlike tribes. And he bestowed upon the
Roman people, without cost, a most generous daily
allowance of oil in perpetuity.6
He was implacable toward the guilty ; at the same
time he showed singular judgment in advancing the
efficient. He took a fair interest in philosophy and
oratory, and showed a great eagerness for learning
in general. He was relentless everywhere toward
brigands.7 He wrote a trustworthy account of his
own life, both before and after he became emperor,8
in which the only charge that he tried to explain away
was that of cruelty. In regard to this charge, the
senate declared that Severus either should never have
5 Britannicus Maximus; it appears in his inscriptions of
210. The cognomen Britannicus is found on his coins of 211,
bearing the legend Victoriae Britannicae ; see Cohen, iv2, p.
75 f., no. 722 f.
6Cf. c. xxiii. 2; Alex., xxii. 2. Previous to this time oil,
like grain, had been sold by the government at low prices,
but from now on until after the time of Constantino it was
given to the populace.
7 Especially one famous brigand named Bulla Felix, who
with a band of six hundred men terrorized Italy for two years ;
see Dio, Ixxvi. 10.
8 See note to c. iii. 2.
aut mori, quod et nimis crudelis et nimis utilis rei
8 publicae videretur. domi tamen minus cautus, qui
uxorem luliam famosam adulteriis tenuit, ream l etiam
9 coniurationis. idem, cum pedibus aeger bellum
moraretur, idque milites anxie ferrent eiusque filium
Bassianum, qui una erat, Augustum fecissent, tolli se
atque in tribunal ferri iussit, adesse deinde omnes
10 tribunes centuriones duces et cohortes quibus auc-
toribus id acciderat, sisti deinde filium, qui Augusti
nomen acceperat. cumque animadverti in omnes auc-
tores facti praeter filium iuberet rogareturque 2 omni-
bus ante tribunal prostratis, caputmanu contingens ait :
11 "Tandem sentitis caput imperare, non pedes ". huius
dictum est, cum eum ex humili per litterarum et
militiae officia ad imperium plurimis gradibus fortuna
duxisset : " Omnia," inquit, <ffui et nihil expedit."
XIX. Periit Eboraci in Britannia, subactis gentibus
quae Britanniae videbantur infestae, anno imperil
2 xvin, morbo gravissimo exstinctus iam senex. re-
1 ream Salmasius ; earn P. 2 rogareturque Peter l ;
rogareiur quern P ; rogareturque <wenio>w Klein, Petera,
but see use of rogatus in Pesc. Nig., x. 5.
1 There is no suggestion in Dio that she was guilty of either
adultery or conspiracy. Both charges are probably due to the
machinations of Plautianus, who tried to poison Severus'
mind against her ; see Dio, Ixxv. 15, 6 ; Ixxviii. 24, 1. The
statement of an incestuous relationship between her and
Caracalla found in the Historia Augusta (c. xxi. 7 and Carac.,
x. 1-4) and in other writings of a late date (e.g. Victor, Caes.,
xxi.) represents a definite historical tradition composed by a
traducer of Julia.
been born at all or never should have died, because
on the one hand, he had proved too cruel, and on the
other, too useful to the state. For all that, he was
less careful in his home-life, for he retained his wife
Julia even though she was notorious for her adulteries
and also guilty of plotting against him.1 On one
occasion,2 when he so suffered from gout as to delay
a campaign, his soldiers in their dismay conferred on
his son Bassianus, who was with him at the time,
the title of Augustus. Severus, however, had him-
self lifted up and carried to the tribunal, summoned
all the tribunes, centurions, generals, and cohorts
responsible for this occurrence, and after commanding
his son, who had received the name Augustus, to
stand up, gave orders that all the authors of this deed,
save only his son, should be punished. When they
threw themselves before the tribunal and begged for
pardon, Severus touched his head with his hand and
said, " Now at last you know that the head does the
ruling, and not the feet". And even after fortune
had led him step by step through the pursuits of
study and of warfare even to the throne, he used to
say : " Everything have I been, and nothing have I
XIX. In the eighteenth year of his reign, now an
old man and overcome by a most grievous disease,
he died at Eboracum in Britain, after subduing 4 Feb.,
various tribes that seemed a possible menace to the 211
2 The following incident is related in almost exactly the
same words in Victor, Caes., xx. 25-26. It probably occurred
during the war in Britain, where, according to Dio, Ixxvi. 14,
Caracalla made various plots against his father. The title of
Augustus had been conferred on Caracalla some years pre-
viously in Mesopotamia ; see note to c. xvi. 3.
liquit filios duos, Antoninum Bassianum et Getam, cui
et ipsi in honorem Marci Antonini nomen imposuit.
Sinlatus1 sepulchre Marci Antonini, quern ex omnibus
imperatoribus tantum coluit, ut et Commodum in
divos referret et Antonini nomen omnibus deinceps
4 quasi Augusti adscribendum putaret. ipse a senatu
agentibus liberis, qui 2 ei funus amplissimum exhib-
uerant, inter divos est relatus.
5 Opera publica praecipua eius exstant Septizonium
et Thermae Severianae. eiusdemque etiam Sep-
timianae 3 in Transtiberina regione ad portam nominis
sui, quarum forma intercidens statim usum publicum
6 Indicium de eo post mortem magnum omnium
fuit, maxime quod diu nee a filiis eius boni aliquid rei
publicae venit, et postea invadentibus multis rem
publicam res Romana praedonibus direptui fuit.
1 inlcgatus P. 2 liberisque P. 3 Septimianae Zange-
meister ; eius denique etiam ianae P ; eiusdemque etiam ianuae
Peter; aliae Hirschfeld, ace. by Peter2, Praef., p. xlii.
1 Especially the Caledonii and the Maeatae, the former of
whom lived north of the " wall which divides the island into
two parts," the latter south of it ; see Dio, Ixxvi. 12, 1.
2 See note to c. x. 5.
3 i.e. the Tomb of Hadrian (see note to Hadr., xix. 11), in
which Marcus and the other members of the house of the
Antonines were buried.
4 See c. xi. 3.
5 Commemorated on coins with the legends Divo Severo
Pio and Consecratio; see Cohen, iv2, p. 12 f., nos. 80-91.
6 This was a three-storied portico at the south-eastern
corner of the Palatine Hill. Its purpose was to give an orna-
province.1 He left two sons, Antoninus Bassianus
and Geta, also named by him Antoninus 2 in honour
of Marcus. Severus was laid in the tomb of Marcus
Antoninus,3 whom of all the emperors he revered so
greatly that he even deified Commodus 4 and held
that all emperors should thenceforth assume the
name Antoninus as they did that of Augustus. At
the demand of his sons, who gave him a most splendid
funeral, he was added to the deified.5
The principal public works of his now in existence
are the Septizonium 6 and the Baths of Severus.7 He
also built the Septimian Baths in the district across
the Tiber near the gate named after him,8 but the
aqueduct fell down immediately after its completion
and the people were unable to make any use of them.
After his death the opinion that all men held of
him was high indeed ; for, in the long period that
followed, no good came to the state from his sons,
and after them, when many invaders came pouring
in upon the state, the Roman Empire became a thing
for free-booters to plunder.
mental front to the Palace at the place where it faced the
Appian Way ; see c. xxiv. 3.
7 According to an ancient description of Rome dating from
the time of Constantine (the Notitia Regionum), these baths
were in the First Region, the southernmost part of the city.
All trace of them, however, has disappeared, and they may
have been absorbed in the Thermae Antoninianae, i.e., Baths
of Caracalla ; see Carac., ix. 4 f.
8 The Porta Septimiana, where the modern Via della
Lungara passes through the Wall of Aurelian, probably cor-
responds with the site of this gate. The Thermae Septimianae
(if Zangemeister's reading be correct) must have been in this
neighbourhood. The name seems to be preserved in the ex-
pression il Settignano, which was formerly applied to the
southern end of the Via della Lungara.
7 Hie tarn exiguis vestibus usus est ut vix et 1 tunica
eius aliquid purpurae haberet, cum hirta chlamyde
Sumeros velaret.2 cibi parcissimus, leguminis patrii
avid us, vini aliquando cupidus, carnis frequenter
9 ignarus. ipse decorus, ingens, promissa barba, cano
capite et crispo, vultu reverendus, canorus voce, sed
10 Afrum quiddam usque ad senectutem sonans. ac
multum post mortem amatus vel invidia deposita vel
crudelitatis metu.
XX. Legisse me apud Aelium 3 Maurum Phlegontis
Hadriani libertum memini Septimium Severum in-
moderatissime, cum moreretur, laetatum, quod duos
Antoninos pari imperio rei publicae relinqueret,
exemplo Pii, qui Verum et Marcum Antoninos per
2 adoptionem filios rei publicae reliquit, hoc melius
quod ille filios per adoptionem, hie per se genitos
rectores Romanae rei publicae daret ; Antoninum
scilicet Bassiamim quidem ex priore matrimonio
Ssusceperat et Getam de lulia genuerat. sed ilium
multum spes fefellit ; nam unum parricidium, al-
terum sui mores rei publicae inviderunt. sanctumque
4illud nomen in nullo fere diu bene mansit. et re-
putanti mihi, Diocletiane Auguste, neminem prope4
1 uix et Salmasius ; uixit P. 2 ualeret P. 3 Helius
P, Peter. 4 neminem prepe Edit, princeps, Peter1 ; nemi-
facere prope P, Peter2 ; neminem fere [prope] Salmasius.
1 Cf. c. xvii. 6. Dio also comments on the simplicity of
Severus' mode of life ; see Ixxvi. 17.
2 See Hadr., xvi.i.
3 Geta received the title of Augustus in 209 ; see his coins
of 209, Cohen, iv2, p. 266 f., nos. 129-131.
* This statement is made in other rhetorical portions of
the Historia Augusta (Carac., x. 1 ; Geta, vii. 3) and in
His clothing was of the plainest; indeed, even his
tunic had scarcely any purple on it, while he covered
his shoulders with a shaggy cloak. He was very
sparing in his diet,1 was fond of his native beans,
liked wine at times, and often went without meat.
In person he was large and handsome. His beard
was long ; his hair was gray and curly, his face was
such as to inspire respect. His voice was clear, but
retained an African accent even to his old age. After
his death he was much beloved, for then all envy of
his power or fear of his cruelty had vanished.
XX. I can remember reading in Aelius Maurus,
the freedman of that Phlegon 2 who was Hadrian's
freedman, that Septimius Severus rejoiced exceedingly
at the time of his death, because he was leaving two
Antonini to rule the state with equal powers,3 herein
following the example of Pius, who left to the state
Verus and Marcus Antoninus, his two sons by adop-
tion; and that he rejoiced all the more, because,
while Pius had left only adopted sons, he was leaving
sons of his own blood to rule the Roman state,
namely Antoninus Bassianus, whom he had begotten
from his first marriage,4 and Geta, whom Julia had
borne him. In these high hopes, however, he was
grievously deceived ; for the state was denied the
one by murder,5 the other6 by his own character.
And in scarcely any case did that revered name 7 long
or creditably survive. Indeed, when I reflect on the
matter, Diocletian Augustus, it is quite clear to me
historians of the later period (e.g., Victor, Caes., xxi., 3). It
is not only untrue, but it contradicts the statement of Sev.,
iii. 9 and iv. 2.
5 Geta, murdered in 212 ; see note to c. xxi. 7.
6 Bassianus. 7 i.e., Antoninus.
magnorum virorum optimum et utilem filium reliquisse
5 satis claret, denique aut sine liberis veris 1 interieruut
aut tales habuerunt plerique, ut melius fuerit de
XXI. rebus humanis sine posteritate discedere. et ut
ordiamur a Romulo, hie nihil liberorum reliquit, ni-
hil Numa Pompilius, quod utile posset esse rei
publicae. quid Camillus ? num sui similes liberos
habuit ? quid Scipio ? quid Catones qui magni
2 fuerunt ? iam vero quid de Homero, Demosthene,
Vergilio, Crispo, Terentio,2 Plauto ceterisque aliis
loquar ? quid de Caesare ? quid de Tullio, cui soli
3 melius fuerat liberos non habere ? quid de Augusto,
qui nee adoptivum bonum filium habuit, cum illi
eligendi potestas fuisset ex omnibus ? falsus est etiam
ipse Traianus in suo municipe ac nepote deligendo.
4sed ut omittamus adoptivos, ne nobis Antonini Pius
et Marcus, numina rei publicae, occurrant, veniamus
5 ad genitos. quid Marco felicius fuisset, si Commodum
6 non reliquisset heredem ? quid Severo Septimio,
si Bassianum nee genuisset ? qui statim insimulatum
fratrem insidiarum contra se cogitatarum parricidali
7 etiam figmento interemit ; qui novercam suam — et
quid novercam ? matrem quin immo, in cuius sinu
sGetam filium eius occiderat, uxorem duxit ; qui
1 ueris Salmasius ; uiri P. 3 So Peter ; et Terentio P.
1 Scipio Africanus, the younger, who seems to have left
no children.
2 C. Sallustius Crispus, the historian.
3 Cicero's sou had none of his father's ability ; he had,
moreover, a bad reputation for drunkenness.
4 Hadrian. This sentiment represents the tradition hostile
to Hadrian which grew up after his death as a result of the
enmity felt for him by some of the senators.
that practically no great man has left the world a son
of real excellence or value. In short, most of them
either died without issue of their own, or had such
children that it would have been better for humanity
had they departed without offspring. XXI. As for
Romulus, to begin with him, he left no children who
might have proved useful to the state, nor did Numa
Pompilius. What of Camillus? Did he have chil-
dren like himself? What of Scipio? l What of the
Catos, who were so distinguished ? Indeed, for that
matter, what shall I say of Homer, Demosthenes,
Vergil, Crispus,2 Terence, Plautus, and such as they ?
What of Caesar ? What of Tully ? — for whom, par-
ticularly, it had been better had he had no son.3
What of Augustus, who could not get a worthy son
even by adoption, though he had the whole world to
choose from ? Even Trajan was deceived when he
chose for his heir his fellow-townsman and nephew.4
But let us except sons by adoption, lest our thoughts
turn to those two guardian spirits of the state, Pius
and Marcus Antoninus, and let us proceed to sons by
birth. What could have been more fortunate for
Marcus than not to have left Commodus as his heir?
What more fortunate for Septimius Severus than
not to have even begotten Bassianus ? — a man who
speedily charged his brother with contriving plots
against him — a murderous falsehood — and put him to
death ; who took his own stepmother to wife 5 — step-
mother did I say ? — nay rather the mother on whose
bosom he had slain Geta, her son ; 6 who slew, because
5 See note to c. xviii. 8.
6 See Carac., ii. 4, and, for a detailed description of the
murder, Dio, Ixxvii. 2.
Papinianum, iuris asylum et doctrinae legalis l
thesaurum, quod parricidium excusare noluisset, oc-
cidit, et praefectum quidem, ne homini per se et per
9scientiam suam magno deesset et dignitas. denique,
ut alia omittam, ex huius moribus factum puto, ut2
Severus tristior vir ad omnia, immo etiam crudelior
10 plus et dignus deorum altaribus duceretur. qui
quidem divinam 3 Sallustii orationem, qua Micipsa
filios ad pacem hortatur, ingravatus morbo misisse
filio dicitur maiori. idque frustra 4 . . . et hominem
lltantum valitudine. vixit denique in odio populi diu
Antoninus, nomenque illud sanctum diu minus
amatum est, quamvis et vestimenta populo dederit,
unde Caracallus est dictus, et thermas magnificentis-
12simas fecerit. exstat sane Romae Severi porticus
gesta eius exprimens a filio, quantum plurimi decent,
XXII. Signa mortis eius haec fuerunt : ipse som-
niavit quattuor aquilis et gemmato curru praevolante
nescio qua ingenti humana specie ad caelum esse rap-
turn ; cumque raperetur, octoginta et novem numeros
explicuisse, ultra quot annos ne urium quidem annum
2 vixit, nam ad imperium senex venit. cumque positus
1 regalis P. 2 om. in P. 3 diu immo P. 4 frusta
P ; lacuna est. by Casaubon.
1 See Carac., iv. 1 and viii. 3Sallust, Jugurtha, x.
3 See Carac.. ix. 7. 4 See Carac., ix. 4 £.
he refused to absolve him of his brother's murder,1
Papinian, a sanctuary of law and treasure-house of
jurisprudence, who had been raised to the office of
prefect that a man who had become illustrious through
his own efforts and his learning might not lack
official rank. In short, not to mention other things,
I believe that it was because of this man's character
that Severus, a gloomier man in every way, nay even
a crueller one, was considered righteous and worthy
of the worship of a god. Once indeed, it is said,
Severus, when laid low by sickness, sent to his elder
son that divine speech in Sallust in which Micipsa
urges his sons to the ways of peace.2 In vain, how-
ever. . . . For a long time, finally, the people hated
Antoninus, and that venerable name was long less
beloved, even though he gave the people clothing
(whence he got his name Caracallus 3) and built the
most splendid baths.4 There is a colonnade of Severus
at Rome,5 I might mention, depicting his exploits,
which was built by his son, or so most men say.
XXII. The death o,f Severus was foreshadowed by
the following events : he himself dreamed that he was
snatched up to the heavens in a jewelled car drawn by
four eagles, whilst some vast shape, I know not what,
but resembling a man, flew on before. And while he
was being snatched up, he counted out the numbers
eighty and nine,6 and beyond this number of years
he did not live so much as one, for he was an old man
when he came to the throne. And then, after he
"Also mentioned in Carac., ix. 6. Its site is unknown.
6 This same number of the years of his life is given in Pesc.
Nig., v. 1, but it is in direct contradiction with the positive
statement in c. i. 3 that he was born in 146. According to
Dio's computation, he was born in 145 ; see Ixxvi. 17, 4.
esset in circulo ingenti aereo, diu solus et destitutus
stetit, cum vereretur autem, ne praeceps rueret, a
love se vocatum vidit atque inter Antoninos locatum.
3 die circensium cum tres Victoriolae more solito essent
locatae gypseae cum palmis, media, quae ipsius
nomine adscriptum orbem tenebat, vento icta de
podio stans decidit et humi constitit ; at quae Getae
nomine inscripta erat, corruit et omnis conminuta
est ; ilia vero quae Bassiani titulum praeferebat,
4 amissa palma venti turbine vix constitit. post murum
apud Luguvallum visum l in Britannia cum ad proxi-
mam mansionem rediret non solum victor sed etiam
in aeternum pace fundata, volvens 2 animo quid
ominis sibi occurreret, Aethiops quidam e numero
militari, clarae inter scurras famae et celebratorum
semper iocorum, cum corona e cupressu facta eidem
5 occurrit. quern cum ille iratus removeri ab oculis
praecepisset, et coloris eius tactus omine 3 et coronae,
dixisse ille dicitur ioci causa : " Totum fuisti,4 totum
6 vicisti, iam deus esto victor ". et in civitatem veniens
cum rem divinam vellet facere, primum ad Bellonae
templum ductus est errore haruspicis rustici, deinde
JSo Peter2; maurum apud uallum missum P, Peter1.
* nolens P1. 3 hominis P1. 4fuisti P, Peter1 ; fudisti
Hirschfeld, Peter2.
1 The podium was a platform close to the arena, occupied
by members of the imperial family.
2 Now Carlisle. :<Cf. c. xviii. 11.
had been placed in a huge circle in the air, for a long
time he stood alone and desolate, until finally, when
he began to fear that he might fall headlong, he saw
himself summoned by Jupiter and placed among the
Antonines. Again, on the day of the circus-games,
when three plaster figures of Victory were set up in
the customary way, with palms in their hands, the
one in the middle, which held a sphere inscribed
with his name, struck by a gust of wind, fell down
from the balcony l in an upright position and re-
mained on the ground in this posture ; while the one
on which Geta's name was inscribed was dashed down
and completely shattered, and the one which bore
Bassianus' name lost its palm and barely managed
to keep its place, such was the whirling of the
wind. On another occasion, when he was return-
ing to his nearest quarters from an inspection of the
wall at Luguvallum 2 in Britain, at a time when he had
not only proved victorious but had concluded a per-
petual peace, just as he was wondering what omen
would present itself, an Ethiopian soldier, who was
famous among buffoons and always a notable jester,
met him with a garland of cypress-boughs. And when
Severus in a rage ordered that the man be removed
from his sight, troubled as he was by the man's
ominous colour and the ominous nature of the gar-
land, the Ethiopian by way of jest cried, it is said,
" You have been all things,3 you have conquered all
things, now, O conqueror, be a god". And when on
reaching the town he wished to perform a sacrifice,
in the first place, through a misunderstanding on the
part of the rustic soothsayer, he was taken to the
Temple of Bellona, and, in the second place, the
victims provided him were black. And then, when
jhostiae furvae sunt adplicitae. quod cum esset as-
pernatus atque ad Palatium se reciperet, neglegeutia
ministrorum nigrae hostiae et usque ad limen domus
Palatinae imperatorem secutae sunt.
XXIII. Sunt per plurimas civitates opera eius in-
signia, magnum vero illud in vita l eius, quod Romae
omnes aedes publicas, quae vitio temporum labeban-
tur, instauravit nusquam prope suo nomine adscripto,
2 servatis tamen ubique titulis conditorum. moriens
septem annorum canonem, ita ut cotidiana septuaginta
quinque milia modium expendi possent, reliquit ; olei
vero tantum, ut per quinquennium non solum urbis 2
usibus, sed et totius Italiae, quae oleo eget, sufficeret.
3 Ultima verba eius dicuntur haec fuisse : " Turbatam
rem publicam ubique accepi, pacatam etiam Bri-
tannis relinquo, senex et pedibus aeger firmum im-
perium Antoninis meis relinquens, si boni erunt,
4 imbecillum, si mali ". iussit deinde signum tribuno
dari "laboremus," quia Pertinax, quando in imperium
5 adscitus est, signum dederat " militemus ". Fortunam
deinde regiam, quae comitari principes et in cubi-
culis poni solebat, geminare statuerat,ut sacratissimum
6 simulacrum utrique relinqueret filiorum ; sed cum
videret se perurgueri sub hora mortis, iussisse fertur
1 uita Salmasius; ciuitate P. 2 urbis add. by Egnatius,
om. in P.
1t.e., the imperial residence in the provincial town.
2 Cf . c. viii. 5. 3 See c. xviii. 3.
4 See Pert., v. 7. 5See Pius, xii. 5.
he abandoned the sacrifice in disgust and betook
himself to the Palace,1 through some carelessness oil
the part of the attendants the black victims followed
him up to its very doors.
XXIII. In many communities there are public
buildings erected by him which are famous, but par-
ticularly noteworthy among the achievements of his
life was the restoration of all the public sanctuaries
in Rome, which were then falling to ruin through
the passage of time. And seldom did he inscribe
his own name on these restorations or fail to preserve
the names of those who built them. At his death he
left a surplus of grain to the amount of seven years'
tribute,2 or enough to distribute seventy-five thousand
pecks a day, and so much oil,3 indeed, that for five
years there was plenty for the uses, not only of the
city, but also for as much of Italy as was in need
of it.
His last words, it is said, were these : " The state,
when I received it, was harassed on every side ; I
leave it at peace, even in Britain ; old now and
with crippled feet, I bequeath to my two Antonini
an empire which is strong, if they prove good, feeble,
if they prove bad". After this, he issued orders to
give the tribune the watchword "Let us toil," be-
cause Pertinax, when he assumed the imperial power,
had given the word " Let us be soldiers".4 He then
ordered a duplicate made of the royal statue of For-
tune which was customarily carried about with the
emperors and placed in their bedrooms,5 in order that
he might leave this most holy statue to each of his
sons ; but later, when he realized that the hour of
death was upon him, he gave instructions, they say,
that the original should be placed in the bed-chambers
ut alternis diebus apud filios imperatores in cubiculis
7 Fortuna poneretur. quod Bassianus prius contempsit
quam faceret parricidium.
XXIV. Corpus eius a Britannia Romam usque cum
2 magna provincialium reverentia susceptum est ; quam-
vis aliqui urnulam auream tantum fuisse dicant Severi
reliquias continentem eandemque Antoninorum sepul-
chro inlatam, cum Septimius illic ubi vita functus est
esset incensus.
3 Cum Septizonium l faceret, nihil aliud cogitavit,
quam ut ex Africa venientibus suum opus occurreret.
4 nisi absente eo per 2 praefectum urbis medium simu-
lacrum eius esset locatum, aditum Palatinis aedibus,
id est regium atrium, ab ea parte facere voluisse per-
Shibetur. quod etiam post Alexander cum vellet
facere, ab haruspicibus dicitur esse prohibitus, cum
hoc sciscitans non litasset.
1 septisodium P, Peter2. 2 absente opcre P.
JIt was made of porphyry according to Dio, Ixxvi. 15, 4, of
alabaster, according to Herodian, iii. 15, 7.
of each of his sons, the co-emperors, on alternate
days. As for this direction, Bassianus ignored it and
then murdered his brother.
XXIV. His body was borne from Britain to Rome,
and was everywhere received by the provincials with
profound reverence. Some men say, however, that
only a golden urn l containing Severus' ashes was so
conveyed, and that this was laid in the tomb of the
Antonines,2 while Septimius himself was cremated
where he died.
When he built the Septizonium 3 he had no other
thought than that his building should strike the eyes
of those who came to Rome from Africa. It is said
that he wished to make an entrance on this side
of the Palatine mansion — the royal dwelling, that is
— and he would have done so had not the prefect of
the city planted his statue in the centre of it while
he was away. Afterwards Alexander4 wished to
carry out this plan, but he, it is said, was prevented
by the soothsayers, for on making inquiry he ob-
tained unfavourable omens.
2 See c. xix. 3 and note. 3 See c. xix. 5 and note.
4 i.e., Severus Alexander, the emperor.
I. Rarum atque difficile est ut, quos l tyrannos ali-
orum victoria fecerit, bene mittantur in litteras, atque
ideo vix omnia de his plene in monumentis atque an-
2 nalibus habentur. primum enim, quae magna sunt in
eorum honorem ab scriptoribus depravantur, deinde
alia supprimuntur, postremo non magna diligentia in
eorum genere ac vita requiritur, cum satis sit auda-
ciam eorum et bellum, in quj victi fuerint, ac poenam
3 Pescennius ergo Niger, ut alii tradunt, modicis pa-
rentibus, ut alii, nobilibus fuisse dicitur, patre Annio
Fusco, matre Lampridia, avo curatore Aquini, ex quo 2
familia originem ducebat ; quod quidem dubium
4etiam nunc habetur. hie eruditus mediocriter
litteris,3 moribus ferox, divitiis inmodicus, vita parcus,
slibidinis effrenatae ad omne genus cupiditatum. or-
1 quod P. 2 quo Gloss ; qua P, Peter.
3 Litteris Peter from 2 ; om. in P.
1 See note to Marc., xi. 2.
I. It is an unusual task and a difficult one to set
down fairly in writing the lives of men who, through
other men's victories, remained mere pretenders,
and for this reason not all the facts concerning such
men are preserved in our records and histories in full.
For, in the first place, notable events that redound
to their honour are distorted by historians ; other
events, in the second place, are suppressed ; and, in
the third place, no great care is bestowed upon in-
quiries into their ancestry and life, since it seems
sufficient to recount their presumption, the battle in
which they were overcome, and the punishment they
Pescennius Niger, then, was born of humble
parentage, according to some, of noble, according
to others. His father was Annius Fuscus, his mother
Lampridia. His grandfather was the supervisor of
Aquinum,1 the town to which the family sought to
trace its origin, though the fact is even now con-
sidered doubtful. As for Pescennius himself, he was
passably well versed in literature, savage in disposi-
tion, immoderately wealthy, thrifty in his habits,
and unbridled in indulgence in every manner of
dines diu duxit multisque ducatibus pervenit, ut
exercitus Syriacos iussu Commodi regeret, suffragio
maxime athletae qui Commodum strangulavit, ut
omnia tune fiebant.
II. Is postquam comperit occisum Commodum,
lulianum imperatorem appellatum eundemque iussu
Severi et senatus occisum, Albinum etiam in Gallia
sumpsisse nomen et ius l imperatoris, ab exercitibus
Syriacis, quos regebat, appellatus est imperator, ut
quidam dicunt, magis in luliani odium quam in aemula-
2tionem Severi. huic ob detestationem luliani primis
imperii diebus ita Romae fautum est, a senatoribus
dumtaxat, qui et Severum oderant, ut inter lapida-
tiones exsecrationesque omnium illi feliciter optaretur,
"ilium principem superi et ilium Augustum " popu-^
3 Ius adclamaret. lulianum autem oderant populares,
quod Pertinacem milites occidissent et ilium impera-
torem adversa populi voluntate appellassent. denique
4 ingentes ob hoc seditiones fuerunt. ad occidendum
autem Nigrum primipilarem lulianus miserat, stulte
ad eum qui haberet exercitus et 2 se tueri 3 posset ;
proinde quasi qualis libet imperator a primipilario
let ius Salmasius, Lenze ; eius P; eius del. by Peter.
2 om. in P. 3 seueri P.
1 But see c. vi. 6, where the contrary is stated emphatically.
2 As chief centurion ; see note to Avid. Cass., i. 1.
3 The posts are referred to in the letter in c. iv. 4, as mili-
tary tribuneships, and although this letter, like the others in
the Historia Augusta, is fictitious, its statement in this in-
stance is nearer the truth than that of the present sentence.
4 See Com., xvii. 2.
8 As a matter of fact, this happened after Niger's revolt;
see Sev., x. 1 and notes.
passion.1 For a long time he commanded in the
ranks,2 and finally, after holding many generalships,3
he reached the point where Commodus named him
to command the armies in Syria, chiefly on the
recommendation of the athlete who afterward
strangled Commodus ; 4 for so, at that time, were all
appointments made.
II. And now, after he learned that Commodus had
been murdered, that Julianus had been declared
emperor, and then, by order of Severus and the senate,
put to death, and that Albinus, furthermore, had as-
sumed in Gaul -the name and power of emperor,5
Pescennius was hailed imperator by the armies he
commanded in Syria ; — though more out of aversion
to Julianus, some say, than in rivalry of Severus.
Even before this, during the first days of Julianus'
reign, because of the dislike felt for the Emperor,
Pescennius was so favoured at Rome, that even the
senators, who hated Severus also, prayed for his suc-
cess, while with showers of stones and general
execrations 6 the commons shouted " May the gods
preserve him as Emperor, and him as Augustus".
For the mob hated Julianus because the soldiers had
slain Pertinax and declared Julianus emperor con-
trary to their wishes ; and there was violent rioting
on this account. Julianus, for his part, had sent a
senior centurion to assassinate Niger'7 — a piece of
folly, since the attempt was made against one who
led an army and could protect himself, and as though,
forsooth, any sort of emperor could be slain by a re-
tired centurion ! With equal madness he sent out a
6 See Did. JuL, iv. 3 f.
7 Of. Did. Jul., v. 1 ; Sev., v. 8.
5 posset occidi. eadem autem dementia etiam Severn
6 iara principi lulianus successorem miserat. denique
etiam Aquilium centurionem noturn caedibus ducum
miserat, quasi iniperator tantus a centurione posset
7 occidi. par denique insania fuit, quod cum Severe
ex interdicto de imperio egisse fertur, ut iure videre-
tur principatum praevenisse.
III. Et de Pescennio Nigro iudicium populi ex eo
apparuit, quod, cum ludos circenses lulianus Romae
daret, et indiscrete subsellia l Circi Maximi repleta
essent, ingentique iniuria populi - adfectus esset, per
onmes uno cousensu Pescennius Niger ad tutelam
urbis est expetitus, odio, ut diximus, luliari et amore
2 occisi Pertinacis ; cum quidem lulianus dixisse fertur
neque sibi neque Pescennio longum imperium deberi,
sed Severe, qui magis esset odio habendus a senatori-
bus, militibus, provincialibus, popularibus. quod
probavit rei eveutus.
3 Et Pescennius quidem Severo eo tempore quo
Lugdunensem provinciam regebat amicissimus fuit ;
4nam ipse missus erat ad comprehendendos desertores,
5 qui innumeri Gallias tune vexabant. in quo officio
quod se honeste gessit, iucundissimus fuit Severo, ita
ut de eo ad Commodum Septimius referret, adserens
6 necessarium rei publicae virum. et revera in re
1 se subsellia P. 2 populi Kellerbauer ; populus P, Peter.
1 Cf. Did. Jul., v. 7-8 ; Sev., v. 8.
*CLDid.Jid.,iv.7. 3Cf. c. ii. 2.
4 Cf. Set., iii. 8. 5See Com., xvi. 2 and note.
successor for Severus when Severus had already be-
come emperor ; and lastly he sent the centurion
Aquilius,1 notorious as an assassin of generals, as if
such an emperor could be slain by a centurion ! It
was similarly an act of insanity that he. according: to
» J
report, dealt -with Seyerus by issuing a proclamation
forbidding him to seize the imperial power, so that
he might seem to haye established a prior claim to
the empire by process of law !
III. What the people thought of Pescennius Niger
is eyident from the following : when Julianus gaye
circus-games at Rome, the people filled the seats of
the Circus Maximus without distinction of rank, as-
sailed him with much abuse, and then with one accord
called for Pescennius Niger to protect the city- —
partly out of hatred for Julianus. as we haye said.3
and partly out of love for the slain Pertinax. On this
occasion Julianus is reported to haye said that neither
he himself nor Pescennius was destined to rule for
long, but rather Seyerus. though he it was who was
more worthy of hatred from the senator^, the soldiers,
the provincials and the city-mob. And this proyed
to be the case.
Now Pescennius was on yery friendly terms with
* •
Seyerus at the time that the latter was governor of
the province of Lugdunensis.4 For he was sent to
apprehend a body of deserters who were then
ravaging Gaul in great numbers,5 and because he con-
ducted himself in this task with credit, he gained
the esteem of Severus, so much so, in fact, that the
latter wrote to Commodus about him, and averred
that he was a man indispensable to the state. And
he was, indeed, a strict man in all things